BP Oil crisis - Complexity


Aug 20, 2010
Why does something as simple as an oil leak turn into a full blown out crisis? Part of the reason is that British Petroleum (BP) denied world wide help until BP realized that the oil leak was much greater than they had anticipated. Even though we have access to the technology to prevent global epidemics like famine and starvation, they still occur despite our best efforts. What might start off as a simple problem can quickly escalate into a natural disaster if the appropriate response doesn’t happen immediately.
Not really. If 30 different methods had been implemented immediately when the crisis just started, it wouldn't have turned into a full blown out problem.

If BP had reacted quick enough, maybe things would have turned out differently.

It's just an example of complexity. Let me emphasize this with the next post.
It’s easier to work towards your own interests than working together as a group to solve a problem. It's even harder to unite other countries with different global agendas towards a common goal.

There's a lot of thought provoking video clips regarding complexity and how global problems become almost impossible to solve on a Facebook community page
The Watchman's Rattle | Facebook

Why do we have a tendency to fight one another when we know sharing results in the most optimum outcome for everyone? Why does our biology cause us to hurt the ones we love, hoard resources and compete with one another?

Heres the link to the video
Videos Posted by The Watchman's Rattle: Rebecca Costa - Instincts as Obstacles | Facebook

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