Brain eating amoeba detected in Louisiana water system


Diamond Member
Oct 14, 2016
A potentially deadly amoeba has been detected in a Terrebonne Parish water system, and while officials say tap water is safe to drink, they are urging people to avoid getting it in their noses. The Louisiana Department of Health notified the Schriever Water System and town officials Thursday after confirmed the amoeba’s presence. The amoeba, Naegleria

Brain-eating amoeba detected in Louisiana water system...
G.D. the news won't stop coming today .......................

This is been happening more and more often until a few years ago this was almost never heard of happening . Maybe it's biowarfare LOL............... Try telling that to the Leftards there is such a thing as that.
Naegleria has been around for along time------it is not biowarfare-----the way to
Naegleria has been around for along time------it is not biowarfare-----the way to

I didn't say this CASE OF IT WAS that-----------------it was saying " Could it be" , and there is threat of biowarfare every day of our US LIVES. ...
I also SAID it has occurred in the past few years, but as some are real clueless to the events of the past, IT HAS NOT BEEN HAPPENING AS OFTEN as it is now.
Naegleria has been around for along time------it is not biowarfare-----the way to

Up your education on it and maybe it will compute why I said it! PER GOV> SITE


Biological Threats |

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thanks but no thanks------Naegleria would not be a likely agent It is not EASILY transmitted-----
even if you swim in infected water you are NOT LIKELY to get the bug UP YOUR NOSE.
The best way is to jump into the infected water FEET FIRST- It as a tendency to eat thru
the very thin part of the base of the skull thru which the branches the FIRST CRANIAL NERVE
emerge---ie the Olfactory nerve branches. ---------not a practical weapon-----too few would be
KNOCKED OFF That bug knocks of a very few people each year-----never becomes an
It seemed to be a bigger fear before Global Warming became Climate Change. From Fox News 10 years ago:

Arizona Teen Becomes Sixth Victim This Year of Brain-Eating Amoeba

"This is a heat-loving amoeba. As water temperatures go up, it does better," Beach said. "In future decades, as temperatures rise, we'd expect to see more cases."​

Arizona Teen Becomes Sixth Victim This Year of Brain-Eating Amoeba
Wasn't too long ago an 18 y/o girl died from it after swimming at a water park. I believe it was in Ohio
Brain eating amoeba detected in Louisiana water system

That explains a lot. Please check the water in Texas, Alabama and Mississippi as well.
A potentially deadly amoeba has been detected in a Terrebonne Parish water system, and while officials say tap water is safe to drink, they are urging people to avoid getting it in their noses. The Louisiana Department of Health notified the Schriever Water System and town officials Thursday after confirmed the amoeba’s presence. The amoeba, Naegleria

Brain-eating amoeba detected in Louisiana water system...
G.D. the news won't stop coming today .......................

This is been happening more and more often until a few years ago this was almost never heard of happening . Maybe it's biowarfare LOL............... Try telling that to the Leftards there is such a thing as that.
Don't worry. You're probably immune.
How can they not get the water in their nose if they take a bath or shower?

has anyone suggested that the naegleria protozoan is infecting the WATER SUPPLY? did I miss something? usually that bug exists in ponds-----in stagnant water. Like all little bugs ---it has its
oh gee-----they are saying its in the water supply------I kinda do not believe that
Wasn't too long ago an 18 y/o girl died from it after swimming at a water park. I believe it was in Ohio

that is weird-----do you have any idea what the nature of the swimming area was?
naegleria lives in stagnant water------muddy stuff------not swimming pools with
treated water. The mud puddle of youth ------was just an artificial mud-puddle---
but the water was checked and treated with copious amounts of "god' knows-what'
No naegleria could have lived in the glop

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