Brandeis withdraws award for female critic of radical Islam

Nothing better than watching progressives play the "who is the most oppressed" at a given time, and knuckling under to the winner.

If she was critical about Christianity, they would be giving her a medal.
Muslims scare liberals, they make liberals pee their pants. So they are the most protected liberal protected status group. A bunch of muslims went around shooting gays in san francisco with bb guns and liberals completely buried the story, to protect their most special protected status group.
She should have known even if the cause is for women's rights, you cannot skew the American liberals protected religion.

On the wall at every liberals house:


and especially

The faggot liberals who run that school gave Tony Kushner and Desmond Tutu that award despite their rantings about jews and israel. Desmund Fruitu compared Israel to nazi germany.

But a woman relayed how she was abused by islam, no that can't be done.

Because that's how faggot liberals roll.
Universities are places where free speech and controversial ideas should is sickening that Brandeis is bowing down to Islam....

Ibrahim Hooper (Doug) is a bastard steaming pile of shit convert to Islam and a CAIR leader who lies through his slimy teeth....typical 'taqiyya' on display....he attacks Ms. Ali's right to express her opinions on Islam.....of course he denies any CAIR's link to Hamas or jihad....he talks out of both sides of his mouth and pulls the 'hate card' yet he himself foments hate against anybody speaking against Islam and dismisses the 1st Amendment in the process...

i saw this last night on the Kelly File....outstanding interview....
here is the first half of her interview....the 2nd half will be tonight...

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Universities are places where free speech and controversial ideas should is sickening that Brandeis is bowing down to Islam....

Ibrahim Hooper (Doug) is a bastard steaming pile of shit convert to Islam and a CAIR leader who lies through his slimy teeth....typical 'taqiyya' on display....he attacks Ms. Ali's right to express her opinions on Islam.....of course he denies any CAIR's link to Hamas or jihad....he talks out of both sides of his mouth and pulls the 'hate card' yet he himself foments hate against anybody speaking against Islam and dismisses the 1st Amendment in the process...

i saw this last night on the Kelly File....outstanding interview....
here is the first half of her interview....the 2nd half will be tonight...

I also watched it last night and intend to see part II tonight.
Universities are places where free speech and controversial ideas should is sickening that Brandeis is bowing down to Islam....

Ibrahim Hooper (Doug) is a bastard steaming pile of shit convert to Islam and a CAIR leader who lies through his slimy teeth....typical 'taqiyya' on display....he attacks Ms. Ali's right to express her opinions on Islam.....of course he denies any CAIR's link to Hamas or jihad....he talks out of both sides of his mouth and pulls the 'hate card' yet he himself foments hate against anybody speaking against Islam and dismisses the 1st Amendment in the process...

i saw this last night on the Kelly File....outstanding interview....
here is the first half of her interview....the 2nd half will be tonight...

Universities have been, for decades now, afraid of open debate.
She has come under criticism for remarks about Islam. In a 2007 interview with Reason magazine, Hirsi Ali was quoted as saying “there is no moderate Islam” and that Islam needed to be defeated.

“Once it’s defeated, it can mutate into something peaceful,” she said. “It’s very difficult to even talk about peace now. They’re not interested in peace.”

Strange, Atheists, say the same and worse but they are embraced.
Universities are places where free speech and controversial ideas should is sickening that Brandeis is bowing down to Islam....

Ibrahim Hooper (Doug) is a bastard steaming pile of shit convert to Islam and a CAIR leader who lies through his slimy teeth....typical 'taqiyya' on display....he attacks Ms. Ali's right to express her opinions on Islam.....of course he denies any CAIR's link to Hamas or jihad....he talks out of both sides of his mouth and pulls the 'hate card' yet he himself foments hate against anybody speaking against Islam and dismisses the 1st Amendment in the process...

i saw this last night on the Kelly File....outstanding interview....
here is the first half of her interview....the 2nd half will be tonight...

Well yeah, but lets be honest, universities today view anything other than what they call "progressive speech" as hate speech. There is little room today on any campus for debate from the right side of the aisle.
The action taken here is pretty typical of today, and no surprise.
Where are the feminists who demand free contraception? Surely Sandra Fluke could find some support for a woman who was forcibly held down while her citrus was removed.
Where are the feminists who demand free contraception? Surely Sandra Fluke could find some support for a woman who was forcibly held down while her citrus was removed.

Feminism is a weapon to destroy western civilization. They couldn't give two damns about woman.
Universities are places where free speech and controversial ideas should is sickening that Brandeis is bowing down to Islam....

Ibrahim Hooper (Doug) is a bastard steaming pile of shit convert to Islam and a CAIR leader who lies through his slimy teeth....typical 'taqiyya' on display....he attacks Ms. Ali's right to express her opinions on Islam.....of course he denies any CAIR's link to Hamas or jihad....he talks out of both sides of his mouth and pulls the 'hate card' yet he himself foments hate against anybody speaking against Islam and dismisses the 1st Amendment in the process...

i saw this last night on the Kelly File....outstanding interview....
here is the first half of her interview....the 2nd half will be tonight...

Well yeah, but lets be honest, universities today view anything other than what they call "progressive speech" as hate speech. There is little room today on any campus for debate from the right side of the aisle.
The action taken here is pretty typical of today, and no surprise.
Clear example here

The Cavalier Daily :: Students respond to hate speech in Amphitheater

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