Brave 10-year-old Girl Reports Man In Women’s Restroom

a transgender is not some peeping tom.
Problem with males sneaking in to a bathroom is a separate issue.
Transgender women are women, just born with the wrong package. These are women who live as women and have gone through therapy and begun hormones, even before surgery.
Keeping transgender from the bathroom is not going to keep stupid men from trying to get a peek or worse.

Transgender women are not a threat.

No one cares if a transgender man using the boys room, only if a transgender women uses the girls room?
a transgender is not some peeping tom.
Problem with males sneaking in to a bathroom is a separate issue.
Transgender women are women, just born with the wrong package. These are women who live as women and have gone through therapy and begun hormones, even before surgery.
Keeping transgender from the bathroom is not going to keep stupid men from trying to get a peek or worse.

Transgender women are not a threat.

No one cares if a transgender man using the boys room, only if a transgender women uses the girls room?

No, it's the same issue.

If a male with a cock is allowed in a woman's restroom you must allow ALL males with cocks in.

There is no middle ground. It is how we determine illegal discrimination.

You can't use the excuse that the legal concept of simalarily situated with one group and not the other.

Christ, you're arguing against your own best interest and can't grasp that.

I told you guys that the law doesnt stop anyone from reporting a dude in the womens room. Plus this has nothing to do with Trans....unless you referring to the Transfat with a beard that this guy resembles.

This is a pervert peeping in on people. The OP may be surprised but this has happened since before transgender was even a word.
But thanks to the transgender asshats, he now has free access to his victims.
To me, there isn't a better person to replace Bruce Jenner as the bravest person than this child who is a natural female. :) :) :)

God bless you and the girl always!!!

Opponents of new laws such as North Carolina’s HB2, which ban transgendered males and females from entering any bathroom other than the bathroom which corresponds with their birth gender, may be ignoring incidents which already occur when men enter women’s bathrooms.

Such crimes are already causing problems for women and girls, the police, as well as the court systems which must try and convict anyone charged with indecencies against females in public restrooms.

SICK: 10-Yr-Old Uses Woman's Bathroom, She Has No Idea Who Was Hiding In Another Stall

Another we told you so moment that is going under reported by the mainstream media.

That has nothing to do with transgender anything. And has been illegal for decades. Making the NC law worse than useless.
Which men are allowed?


The ones you allow in. Just think about what standard you hold and go with that. Stop with the stupid act

And if I make a mistake, and the standard I think I uphold is wrong, can a true transgender sue me for discrimination?


See? If thats what youre worried about more than protecting your own then you're a lame. I'm protecting my family first while you think about the possible legal ramifications.

So you go to jail for a hate crime. The guy committed no crime. So, therefore any retaliation by you is ignorant and bigoted, he sues you, you go to jail and he continues on.

Protecting my family isnt a hate crime, and I can do so without committing a crime of any kind. You're being silly seeing the worst of the worst case scenarios in everything.

No, I see a litigious society where the scales are tipped in this case. 99% of the time I see the best in the world.

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and women using the girls bathroom have been arrested for looking too manly
— 48 min ago

North Carolina anti-LGBT law stirs protest
Thousands of people have taken to the streets to protest against a new bill that restricts gay rights, and bathroom access for transgender people in public buildings. An equal number of anti-LGBT supporters gathered in North Carolina’s capital city Raleigh to take part in the rally. Over 50 protestors were arrested when they refused […] The post North…
— 49 min ago

HB2: Why aren't we keeping other imaginary threats out of bathrooms
What are we doing to keep yetis out of public restrooms

I told you guys that the law doesnt stop anyone from reporting a dude in the womens room. Plus this has nothing to do with Trans....unless you referring to the Transfat with a beard that this guy resembles.

This is a pervert peeping in on people. The OP may be surprised but this has happened since before transgender was even a word.
The difference is, now the perv has a right to be in that bathroom. He got that right because once the trans was allowed in, so was he.

Well, of course thats not true but I can see you're not interested in what things really are. He is not trans.

Wrong. He simply has to "identify" as a trans, or to be more "comfortable" in using a womans room.

Who are you to make the determination of what a person feels?


He can Identify anything. Hell he can say he's a dentist but that doesnt mean you have to open your mouth dummy. If you see this guy and let him give you some crap about Identifing as a woman and you go for it, you're stupid and obviously will let anyone tell you anything and you're unable to think on your own.

My brain would see the difference between what he says and his appearance to make a judgement on truth vs lies. I see now that you just go with what people tell you. I'm the queen on England.:2up:
What if he was wearing a dress and lipstick?
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While I pretty much have no dog in the fight on this whole bathroom stupidity because I don't use public bathrooms, I have to say I'm started to get insulted. Since when was a disgusting public bathroom a "safe zone" for women or children? Seriously, that's our lady spot now? Thanks...

Now, if we're going to allow transgender "co-ex" bath-rooming, and you're concerned about your wife or daughters safety then either

a) Tell them to wait until they get home - I do it all the damn time and it's not hard at all.

b) Go to a 'single occupant' toilet facility and use that instead - they have those in smaller restaurants and stores, and a lot of gas stations (pretty much anywhere you have to get a key)

c) Get off your concerned lazy ass and go with your wife/daughter to the potty. You can either stand by the door and listen for anything concerning, or go in and just claim /you/ are transgender if anyone questions you on it.

Problem solved.
a pregnant person needs to use the bathroom, which should they use?

A woman being arrested for looking too male?

where does it end?
Opponents of new laws such as North Carolina’s HB2, which ban transgendered males and females from entering any bathroom other than the bathroom which corresponds with their birth gender, may be ignoring incidents which already occur when men enter women’s bathrooms.

Such crimes are already causing problems for women and girls, the police, as well as the court systems which must try and convict anyone charged with indecencies against females in public restrooms.

SICK: 10-Yr-Old Uses Woman's Bathroom, She Has No Idea Who Was Hiding In Another Stall

Another we told you so moment that is going under reported by the mainstream media.
This fails as a red herring fallacy.

As already correctly noted: this has nothing to do with transgender Americans.
.3% of people are transgender.

They are not the problem.

The OP article is evidence of that.

You're still arguing that point??? Do you not get it?? By making laws to accommodate 3% of the population you're putting 100% of women at risk in the restroom. Would you rather have a man who identifies as a female, but still has his package between his legs feel uncomfortable in the men's room, or a 10 year old girl be frightened in the women's room because some 6 foot man whips his package out and starts peeing (doesn't even matter if he's a predator or not)?

First, learn to read. Its not 3%. Its .3%. Big difference.

Second, does anyone really believe that molesters will suddenly start wearing disguises?

Its straight men who molest and rape. Straight men are still not allowed in bathrooms.
You are spreading lies.

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