BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)

People are not normally held in prison waiting for trial for trespassing.
This stuff is going to backfire on the Dirty Democrats.
American do not like seeing protesters being treated like political prisoners in totalitarian countries.
But the doj is really only going after people who were violent and/or actually broke into offices or the chambers. So the guys the Trumpistas are whining about should be falling prostate before a Judge and declaring "I wasn't thinking. Honest to GOD, I swear on my grandkinds' lives I'd never do this stupid unpatriotic treasonous bs ever again .... please let me go with a felony and time served"

They'd be getting out if they did
Absolutely. The lady who was trying to sell Nancy Pelosi's laptop to the Russians got out on bail because her lawyer said she was young and impressionable.

Her lawyer, Lori Ulrich, told the court, "It is regrettable that Miss Williams took the president's bait and went inside the Capitol."

She was released because her mother vouched for her, and would be held accountable for her actions.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Martin Carlson ordered Williams be released, with travel restrictions, into her mother's custody.

Those not living with their parents are probably going to stay in jail.

The irony of it.
Absolutely. The lady who was trying to sell Nancy Pelosi's laptop to the Russians got out on bail because her lawyer said she was young and impressionable.

Her lawyer, Lori Ulrich, told the court, "It is regrettable that Miss Williams took the president's bait and went inside the Capitol."

She was released because her mother vouched for her, and would be held accountable for her actions.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Martin Carlson ordered Williams be released, with travel restrictions, into her mother's custody.

Those not living with their parents are probably going to stay in jail.

The irony of it.
They have no justification for holding any of the people who were arrested, period.

The irony is idiots like you bleating about the Constitution when it's plain you don't give a flying fuck about it.
And any of those seen forcibly entering should be prosecuted for trespassing or B&E.
The rest were granted a tour.
That’s why the democrat congress won’t release the rest of the video.
Democrats are insurrectionists as a matter of policy.
Most of the videos are in the hands of the dummies who filmed themselves busting in windows and doors. If any of it exonerates anyone they would be playing it around the clock on Fox.
And entered a restricted federal area. A 10 year felony. As I said. Ten year felonies are serious shit.
That's the maximum penalty, and It's not clear if it fits the definition of "restricted federal area." After all, they do give tours of that exact same area.

10 years for trespassing is absurd. I would love to see a judge try to impose that. There would be mass rioting if any of them attempted it.

The issue here is bail. The government is not allowed to hold people without bail.

All you fucking NAZIs don't give a fuck about that.
They have all been read their rights. If they waive their 5th or 6th amendment rights, that's up to them.
Have they been read their rights? Even if they have, the police may still have denied them the right to have a lawyer present. If they asked for one and were denied, then that case is tossed.
The government will have a tough time making the case that the capitol is a restricted government area. They have a visitor's gallery. How can that be restricted?
They broke into the floor of the house. Which is restricted to members of congress and their top aides.


Re-numbered Rule 60, the floor privileges rule stated: No person shall be admitted to the floor of the Senate while in session, except as follows: The officers of the Senate. Members of the House of Representatives and their Clerk. The President of the United States and his Private Secretary.
People are not normally held in prison waiting for trial for trespassing.
This stuff is going to backfire on the Dirty Democrats.
American do not like seeing protesters being treated like political prisoners in totalitarian countries.
They are if they are likely to do it again, and the punishment is 10 years in federal prison.
They have no justification for holding any of the people who were arrested, period.

The irony is idiots like you bleating about the Constitution when it's plain you don't give a flying fuck about it.
Yeah, like they shouldn't have held Theodore John Kaczynski.

Tell it to the judge.

Look at Indicted Trump ally Thomas Barrack to be released on $250 million bond,

He only committed victimless crimes.
Absolutely. The lady who was trying to sell Nancy Pelosi's laptop to the Russians got out on bail because her lawyer said she was young and impressionable.

Her lawyer, Lori Ulrich, told the court, "It is regrettable that Miss Williams took the president's bait and went inside the Capitol."

She was released because her mother vouched for her, and would be held accountable for her actions.

U.S. Magistrate Judge Martin Carlson ordered Williams be released, with travel restrictions, into her mother's custody.

Those not living with their parents are probably going to stay in jail.

The irony of it.
The lady who tried to sell the laptop was a dem communist-----anarachist---she got out because she wasn't a Trump supporter. Same is going to happen to the FBI's SHAMAN plant...
Trespass into restricted space carries a penalty of up to ten years.

18 U.S. Code § 1752 - Restricted building or grounds | U.S.
knowingly enters or remains in any restricted building or grounds without lawful ... (1) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 10 years, ...

When they get held for 10 years, you might have a point.
Here's the part you left off:

(b)The punishment for a violation of subsection (a) is—
(1)a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than 10 years,

or both, if—
(A) the person, during and in relation to the offense, uses or carries a deadly or dangerous weapon or firearm; or
(B) the offense results in significant bodily injury as defined by section 2118(e)(3);
(2) a fine under this title or imprisonment for not more than one year, or both, in any other case.

So the actually penalty we're talking about is not more than one year, and they have already served six months of that.

The term "restricted area" also doesn't apply:

(1)the term “restricted buildings or grounds” means any posted, cordoned off, or otherwise restricted area—
(A) of the White House or its grounds, or the Vice President’s official residence or its grounds;
(B) of a building or grounds where the President or other person protected by the Secret Service is or will be temporarily visiting; or
(C) of a building or grounds so restricted in conjunction with an event designated as a special event of national significance; and
the term “other person protected by the Secret Service” means any person whom the United States Secret Service is authorized to protect under section 3056 of this title or by Presidential memorandum, when such person has not declined such protection.

So your claims about the sentence they are facing is total bullshit
I couldn't wade through the entire thread.
It DID get a bit repetitive (more on that later).

But I did see a few assertions that seemed, ummm, wrong?
Maybe nutso crazoid?

The good poster 'Doc7505' offers us an OP highlighting a talking-head from NewsMax and some accompanying graphics.
Let's do a drive-by autopsy on some of it:

"Dozens are still held in isolation after 6 months"
With no desire to be nit-picky.....but the pictures are of less than two dozen 'Capitol invaders'.
Out of 587 charged (as of yesterday). Well less than two dozen doesn't seem so bad.

"I'm aware of three BLM/Antifa were arrested on 1/6, near the Capitol with firearms, high capacity magazines, and illegal ammo."
I had not heard that. Would the good poster Doc7505, offers us a credible link that reports on this development?

"Now we are told that there were paid FBI informants and FBI agents involved in the so called 1/6 "Insurrection" or rather was it a false flag operation conducted by Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrats."
"Now we are told"?
Umm, who is 'we'?
And who is doing the telling?
Can the good poster Doc7505 offer the forum some credible sourcing on that assertion of his?


"They went, they were let in"
Well, most folks saw their lyin' eyes tell 'em something other than "let in". However, let's give the poster Weather53 the benefit of the doubt and concede some were "let in". So, poster Weather of the 587 that have been many of them were let in? And you can you inform us on which ones they were? And those who were allegedly "let in".....well, were any of them charged? Which ones?

"the Pelosi plants arrived after all were inside and then the trouble started."
Similar the query above: Who were the "Pelosi plants"? How many were there" How do you know? What sourcing can you provide?


"Touring the Capitol chambers is not insurrection".
How many were just there on a guided tour, poster Markwees? Which ones? Who were their guides.
Or......can one just walk around the Capitol, into the Senate Chambers, into the Speaker's office, or bash down doors......unguided?
7 and more:

And then lastly, and I'll cut this last observation short, with just a brief sampler ...'cause I think I could've pulled more than a dozen such thoughtful Happy Hour contributions from our prolific and articulate poster, L'il Bripat.
Here's a mere handful that follows in his 'after 3 beers' tirade:

you fucking NAZI.
you fucking NAZI douchebag.
insane NAZI like you
you're a total NAZI douchebag

I love this bar.
We've got winners.
We've got _ _ _ _ _ _.
Yeah, like they shouldn't have held Theodore John Kaczynski.

Tell it to the judge.

Look at Indicted Trump ally Thomas Barrack to be released on $250 million bond,

He only committed victimless crimes.
Their lawyers will tell it to the judge, who will be impeached if there's any justice in this world.
They haven't been charged with insurrection, NAZI.

Why would Trump surrender? He hasn't been charged with anything.

Do you morons understand anything about the Bill of Rights?

Do you even care?
About the fate of insurrectionist magaturds? No. Not one fuck given.
That's the maximum penalty, and It's not clear if it fits the definition of "restricted federal area."
Read the law. Anywhere that has the presence of a secret service protectee, is an official restricted government area.

Mike Pence was there, Nancy Pelosi was there.

Anybody there without secret service permission is guilty of a 10 year felony. It's what gives the secret service the muscle to exclude sombody from entry, or to tell somebody to get out.
I didn't claim they have been denied attorneys. I'm claiming they have been denied bail or a quick trial.

Denied bail or just can't raise the money? Quick trial? Every one of them waived that right..on advice of counsel.
People are not normally held in prison waiting for trial for trespassing.

Normally trespassing doesn't include being part of a MOB that descended on Congress during the Joint Session where they were confirming the EC votes for the next President with the express purpose of stopping that vote. It was a thuggish and violent revolt against the transfer of power to the Next President.

I have very little sympathy for Trumpybears' "Suckers and Losers".

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