BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)

But the doj is really only going after people who were violent and/or actually broke into offices or the chambers. So the guys the Trumpistas are whining about should be falling prostate before a Judge and declaring "I wasn't thinking. Honest to GOD, I swear on my grandkinds' lives I'd never do this stupid unpatriotic treasonous bs ever again .... please let me go with a felony and time served"

They'd be getting out if they did
They haven't even been given a chance to do that. breaking into someone's office wouldn't bring a charge of 6 months in prison in any courtroom in the country.

You people aren't fooling anyone. You don't give a fuck about the law. You just want to torture these people any way you can. You're a bunch of Stalinist scum.
Seriously. What's that constitutional guarantee, the right to a speedy trial? This is anything but, and 6th amendment lawsuits should be coming.
LOL. The right doesn't even start ticking till one of these "guys" is charged.
These guys haven't been found guilty of anything. They should not be doing time is the point.
Why should they be released? Have they promised not to commit any crime because they disagree with an election? They don't have right to bail unless they don't pose a threat to commit another crime or try running.
But can they prove these guys went to the capitol with the intent to commit insurrection? That's the point, and I don't see that happening. Sure, you can ask for a plea deal if you are not confident you can get the whole thing dropped. That's up to them to decide, and it's very easy for armchair lawyers to come up with all sorts of "They should" scenarios.
They're certainly "free" to demand a trial. But generally speaking, so long as they're even talking about a plea, their speedy trial rights are pretty much tolled.

And the govt only needs to prove they intentionally broke in and trespassed. Their reason for doing so is irrelevant. They're guilty if they are on camera. IF they're on camera striking a cop, they need to be begging.
These guys haven't been found guilty of anything. They should not be doing time is the point.

Yep, the County Jail is full of people who haven't either, all over the country.

I've heard stories of people getting out on their own recognizance. Perhaps those still inside are there for a reason. No money, aka bad lawyers, or they are considered a risk for some reason. If they were "Tourist" like protesters who just walked in, looked around and walked out again, they should be treated with leniency, sure. But those who beat cop and tore through the place searching for lawmakers? They should be scrutinized more to see if more charges are warranted.
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
That isn't the time, asshole.
LOL. The right doesn't even start ticking till one of these "guys" is charged.
They have all been charged, dumbfuck, and you can't hold people without charging them.

The constitutional violations here are so blatant I can't believe Republicans are allowing this outrage to go on.
Yep, the County Jail is full of people who haven't either, all over the country.

I've heard stories of people getting out on their own recognizance. Perhaps those still inside are there for a reason. No money, aka bad lawyers, or they are considered a risk for some reason. If they were "Tourist" like protesters who just walked in, looked around and walked out again, they should be treated with leniency, sure. But those who beat cop and tore through the place searching for lawmakers? They should be scrutinized more to see if more charges are warranted.
They can't hold anyone for longer than 24 hours without charging them.

Why are you so intent on proving that you're a dumbass and a fucking NAZI?
They're certainly "free" to demand a trial. But generally speaking, so long as they're even talking about a plea, their speedy trial rights are pretty much tolled.

And the govt only needs to prove they intentionally broke in and trespassed. Their reason for doing so is irrelevant. They're guilty if they are on camera. IF they're on camera striking a cop, they need to be begging.
More then 95% did nothing more than stroll through the building. What does it mean to say that "their speedy trial rights are tolled?" You always have a right to a speedy trial. Only a fucking NAZI like you would deny it.
That isn't the time, asshole.

They have all been charged, dumbfuck, and you can't hold people without charging them.

The constitutional violations here are so blatant I can't believe Republicans are allowing this outrage to go on.
Surely it will be considered time served when they get sentenced.
Why should they be released? Have they promised not to commit any crime because they disagree with an election? They don't have right to bail unless they don't pose a threat to commit another crime or try running.
They should be released because the Constitution says they have that right, you fucking NAZI.

Do you give a damn about what the Constitution says?
They can't hold anyone for longer than 24 hours without charging them.

Why are you so intent on proving that you're a dumbass and a fucking NAZI?

Pretty sure it's 72 hours but that's a moot point for you Zippy. Not even that Rag Gateway is claiming they are being held without charges.
They would never be sentenced to even a day in jail, NAZI. So how does that work?
You are not the Judge and ignorance of the law is no excuse. Participate in a MAGAMOB Riot, attack the Capitol and you take your chances. Chances are you and your actions are on candid camera. I have little to no sympathy for those persuaded by Trumpyberra's BIGLIE to join the MAGAMOB Riot.
You are not the Judge and ignorance of the law is no excuse. Participate in a MAGAMOB Riot, attack the Capitol and you take your chances. Chances are you and your actions are on candid camera. I have little to no sympathy for those persuaded by Trumpyberra's BIGLIE to join the MAGAMOB Riot.
They aren't claiming ignorance of the law, you fucking NAZI dumbass. You don't lose your constitutional rights because you trespassed on federal property. You are opposed to the Constitution. You're a NAZI piece of shit.

Who do you think you're fooling?

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