BRAVO! Greg Kelly Airs Photos of All of the Jan. 6 Political Prisoners Still in Gulag without Trial (VIDEO)

They are charged with tresspass into restricted space, destruction of federal property, assault on federal law enforcement.

All crimes that judges concluded, and they themselves admitted to, they would do all over again. And because Trump continues to urge them to continue the fight, they are a danger to the community.

Hence why the courts have ruled as a reason to deny bail.
Very few have been charged with destruction of federal property or assault on federal law enforcement. Most have only been charged with trespass, and they did no damage to anything.

Nothing Trump says is a legitimate reason for holding them one day, NAZI.

Hence, you're a total NAZI douchebag who endorses the police state.
Why are those from January 6th still in jail.

Donald J. Trump.

He continues to urge them to repeat the crime they are being held for. That's why.
Very few have been charged with destruction of federal property or assault on federal law enforcement. Most have only been charged with trespass, and they did no damage to anything.

Not trespass, trespass into restricted areas. Felony, with a 10 year sentence.

That's serious shit.
They are charged with tresspass into restricted space, destruction of federal property, assault on federal law enforcement.

All crimes that judges concluded, and they themselves admitted to, they would do all over again. And because Trump continues to urge them to continue the fight, they are a danger to the community.

Hence why the courts have ruled as a reason to deny bail.
it does amaze me they admit they did it and would do it again. The DOJ has advertised they're open to guys pleading out. But I don' tknow what they can do with people who say they don't see what's wrong with breaking the law to overturn an election. These guys may not get ten years is a very bad fed pen, but I don't see how they get a plea offer.
They did not just walk into a empty building They stormed the capitol. Newsmax is nothing but a propaganda site which spreads fake news. Greg Kelly is ab fascist pig.

The fact is that they stormed the capitol to stop the certification of the election. This was a attack on the country. There were no BLM or Antifa people near the capitol. There is also evidence that right wing agitators were involved in the peaceful Floyd protests. One was arrested for firing a shot into a Minneapolis police station. There were no FBI agents involved in Jan 6. The only false flag are th3e ones you traitorous Trump supporters are trying to spin.
Wrong. Whether it was empty or not is irrelevant. The claim it was "an attack on the country" is pure hyperbole.

You posted nothing that justifies holding them for more than a day.
Insurrection is a serious charge, which requires serious proof beyond a reasonable doubt. That's why people haven't been charged yet. It takes a while to make an insurrection case, since it can't be proved by videos, or photographs of their actions.

It has to be made by proving their "intent" not their actions.
And I believe that is where this whole thing falls apart, because I believe most of those arrested got caught up in the mob mentality and, prior to arriving at the scene, had no intention of even attempting to overthrow the government. I mean, how many of the rioters we saw over the last year and a half or so went to the riot with the intention of burning buildings and assaulting people? My guess is not very many. Let's face it, there's no way in the world anyone is going to try to violently overthrow the US government with a few hundred unarmed people.
Not trespass, trespass into restricted areas. Felony, with a 10 year sentence.

That's serious shit.
If they weren't "restricted," then it wouldn't be trespass, you fucking dumb NAZI asshole. It's normally a misdemeanor with a small fine and no jail time. It would be longer only in the case of classified areas.
Exactly... FAILED many Righties here would have been supportive of a successful insurrection.
"Would have"? Methinks your foil helmet needs some work because the mind reading circuits are malfunctioning.
Anyone with a conscience would be upset by these police state actions, NAZI.
Seriously. What's that constitutional guarantee, the right to a speedy trial? This is anything but, and 6th amendment lawsuits should be coming.
it does amaze me they admit they did it and would do it again. The DOJ has advertised they're open to guys pleading out. But I don' tknow what they can do with people who say they don't see what's wrong with breaking the law to overturn an election. These guys may not get ten years is a very bad fed pen, but I don't see how they get a plea offer.
I doubt anyone said what you claim. A few may have admitted to trespassing, but not 500.
And I believe that is where this whole thing falls apart, because I believe most of those arrested got caught up in the mob mentality and, prior to arriving at the scene, had no intention of even attempting to overthrow the government. I mean, how many of the rioters we saw over the last year and a half or so went to the riot with the intention of burning buildings and assaulting people? My guess is not very many. Let's face it, there's no way in the world anyone is going to try to violently overthrow the US government with a few hundred unarmed people.
But the doj is really only going after people who were violent and/or actually broke into offices or the chambers. So the guys the Trumpistas are whining about should be falling prostate before a Judge and declaring "I wasn't thinking. Honest to GOD, I swear on my grandkinds' lives I'd never do this stupid unpatriotic treasonous bs ever again .... please let me go with a felony and time served"

They'd be getting out if they did
Seriously. What's that constitutional guarantee, the right to a speedy trial? This is anything but, and 6th amendment lawsuits should be coming.

No bail is the same as excessive bail. These assholes are clearly over the line.

Eighth Amendment:
The Eighth Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, prohibits the government from imposing excessive bail on individuals.
There are also certain types of crimes for which the safety of the public dictates, that no bail can be set or that bail be established at a high enough amount that it will be impossible for the person convicted of the crime to pay for it. These offenses include instances in which there a high flight risk, multiple murders, murders so gruesome that the public conscience is shocked, and serial sexual assaults.
But the doj is really only going after people who were violent and/or actually broke into offices or the chambers. So the guys the Trumpistas are whining about should be falling prostate before a Judge and declaring "I wasn't thinking. Honest to GOD, I swear on my grandkinds' lives I'd never do this stupid unpatriotic treasonous bs ever again .... please let me go with a felony and time served"

They'd be getting out if they did
But can they prove these guys went to the capitol with the intent to commit insurrection? That's the point, and I don't see that happening. Sure, you can ask for a plea deal if you are not confident you can get the whole thing dropped. That's up to them to decide, and it's very easy for armchair lawyers to come up with all sorts of "They should" scenarios.

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