Bravo Israel

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The next Iranian revolution will bid farewell to their dictators, Mullahs & Ayatollahs.
Updated status:

Klos-C Carried 40 Rockets, 181 Mortar Shells

Also on Iranian arms ship: 400,000 bullets for Kalashnikov assault rifles.

By Gil Ronen
First Publish: 3/9/2014, 7:46 PM

The IDF Spokesman said Sunday that operation “Full Exposure,” for intercepting Iranian arms ship Klos C, has ended.

The containers aboard the ship, which was intercepted by IDF naval commandos off the coast of Sudan, have all been offloaded and their contents thoroughly examined.

Forces from the Navy, the Combat Engineering Corps and the Munitions Corps took part in offloading and inspecting the containers, following the ship's arrival in Eilat yesterday.

The list of weapons that the ship carried is as follows:

Forty M-302 rockets, with a range of 90 to 160 km.

181 mortar shells, 122 mm caliber.

About 400,000 bullets, 7.62 caliber.

Bullets of the 7.62 mm caliber are usually used in Kalashnikov-type assault rifles.

"These weapons are advanced arms that would have endangered millions of Israeli citizens,” said the IDF Spokesman. “The IDF will continue its mission, to prevent the smuggling of weapons intended for various terror organiations under Iranian sponsorship and funding, throughout the Middle East.”

Klos-C Carried 40 Rockets, 181 Mortar Shells - Defense/Security - News - Israel National News
Looks like Israel will soon be paying Iran a little visit. Wouldn't the Star Of David look beautiful flying all over Tehran?

BBC News - Israel halts 'weapons shipment from Iran'

Thanks for telling us the truth about Israel's intentions. They don't care about security, they just want to conquer the Middle East. As you desire.

Seems to me, especially when you look at a map and see the huge amount of Arab acreage, that the Arabs are bothered by the Jews governing one little piece of land in the Middle East. Strange how in Muslim countries in other areas that don't have any Jews living in their countries or very few Jews, the Muslims are also clamoring against the Jews and Israel. I guess there are those who missed it when the Syrian extremist rebels said that Syria is the stepping stone for the world-wide Caliphate.
Looks like Israel will soon be paying Iran a little visit. Wouldn't the Star Of David look beautiful flying all over Tehran?

BBC News - Israel halts 'weapons shipment from Iran'

Thanks for telling us the truth about Israel's intentions. They don't care about security, they just want to conquer the Middle East. As you desire.

Please explain how Israel is trying to conquer the ME . I promise I will try not to laugh at the response LOL
Looks like Israel will soon be paying Iran a little visit. Wouldn't the Star Of David look beautiful flying all over Tehran?

BBC News - Israel halts 'weapons shipment from Iran'

Thanks for telling us the truth about Israel's intentions. They don't care about security, they just want to conquer the Middle East. As you desire.

If that was their intentions then they could open up a big can of worms by firing all those Iranian weapons at other M.E. nations. Then sit back and watch the tribes go to war and wipe each other out. Then do the same again to another two M.E. nations. But I have heard that they will be delivering them to hamas and its cronies, on the end of a tail of fire..............
Looks like Israel will soon be paying Iran a little visit. Wouldn't the Star Of David look beautiful flying all over Tehran?

BBC News - Israel halts 'weapons shipment from Iran'

Thanks for telling us the truth about Israel's intentions. They don't care about security, they just want to conquer the Middle East. As you desire.

Please explain how Israel is trying to conquer the ME . I promise I will try not to laugh at the response LOL

I will though, and send the child the dry cleaning bill..........LOL
Let us hope Israel keeps all those weapons sent by Iran to Hezbollah.
Let us hope Israel keeps all those weapons sent by Iran to Hezbollah.

I think Israel should do the moral thing and return the weapons to the exact location where they came from, of course by dropping it from a plane.
Wait a sec, the dumbass neocon zionists here assume the zionist regime is not lying even after such things as the holocaust inflicted on the USS Liberty?
Wait a sec, the dumbass neocon zionists here assume the zionist regime is not lying even after such things as the holocaust inflicted on the USS Liberty?

What holocaust would that be then, or is this the new ISLAMONAZI BLOOD LIBEL
Wait a sec, the dumbass neocon zionists here assume the zionist regime is not lying even after such things as the holocaust inflicted on the USS Liberty?

By mentioning that long-ago friendly-fire incident, you've just lost all credibility.
Wait a sec, the dumbass neocon zionists here assume the zionist regime is not lying even after such things as the holocaust inflicted on the USS Liberty?
Your reputation precedes you, Snoutley. USS Liberty is ancient history.
Wait a sec, the dumbass neocon zionists here assume the zionist regime is not lying even after such things as the holocaust inflicted on the USS Liberty?

Your posts are so ridiculous that Im also certain your not an anti Zionist, but a pro Israeli whos trying to tarnish the reputation of anti Zionists by posting the extreme drivel that you do.
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