Break up 9th District

I am sick of the looney liberal 9th District playing politics with our legal system. 28 of these ham hocks were nominated by looney liberal POTUS. Gay marraige, gay boy Scouts, transgender bathrooms, and now allowing terrorist into our nation. Break them up.
Judges - Seniority List
So you want to play politics with our legal system by breaking it up.

Are you serving irony sandwiches at your Super Bowl party, because you're choking on one now.
No, you're eating a shit sandwich. The point is far too many judges are the ones playing politics.
I am sick of the looney liberal 9th District playing politics with our legal system. 28 of these ham hocks were nominated by looney liberal POTUS. Gay marraige, gay boy Scouts, transgender bathrooms, and now allowing terrorist into our nation. Break them up.
Judges - Seniority List
So you want to play politics with our legal system by breaking it up.

Are you serving irony sandwiches at your Super Bowl party, because you're choking on one now.
No, you're eating a shit sandwich. The point is far too many judges are the ones playing politics.
No. They are dolling out justice that you do not agree with.
I am sick of the looney liberal 9th District playing politics with our legal system. 28 of these ham hocks were nominated by looney liberal POTUS. Gay marraige, gay boy Scouts, transgender bathrooms, and now allowing terrorist into our nation. Break them up.
Judges - Seniority List
So you want to play politics with our legal system by breaking it up.

Are you serving irony sandwiches at your Super Bowl party, because you're choking on one now.
No, you're eating a shit sandwich. The point is far too many judges are the ones playing politics.
No. They are dolling out justice that you do not agree with.
No, they are pulling laws out of their asses. Like your "facts".
Congress can, but won't, eliminate 9th. And the judges are appointed for life.

Appeal the court's finding up the chain.
Gerrymander it out to Idaho somewhere and have conservative jurist take California, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon in order to put a stop to these frivolous cases.
I am sick of the looney liberal 9th District playing politics with our legal system. 28 of these ham hocks were nominated by looney liberal POTUS. Gay marraige, gay boy Scouts, transgender bathrooms, and now allowing terrorist into our nation. Break them up.
Judges - Seniority List
So you want to play politics with our legal system by breaking it up.

Are you serving irony sandwiches at your Super Bowl party, because you're choking on one now.
No, you're eating a shit sandwich. The point is far too many judges are the ones playing politics.
No. They are dolling out justice that you do not agree with.
No, they are pulling laws out of their asses. Like your "facts".
Genuine facts or alternative facts?
Congress can, but won't, eliminate 9th. And the judges are appointed for life.

Appeal the court's finding up the chain.
Gerrymander it out to Idaho somewhere and have conservative jurist take California, Nevada, Washington, and Oregon in order to put a stop to these frivolous cases.
Taking states' powers away from them on key issues that have always been up to them since the founding of the country (lower courts upholding one gay judge overruling the majority mandate on marriage in California's Prop 8) are not "frivolous" cases. This was a unilateral seizure of state power by a tiny cadre of left wing fascists....several sitting on the 9th circus.
I am sick of the looney liberal 9th District playing politics with our legal system. 28 of these ham hocks were nominated by looney liberal POTUS. Gay marraige, gay boy Scouts, transgender bathrooms, and now allowing terrorist into our nation. Break them up.
Judges - Seniority List

Actually, the Ninth Circuit should be split because they have by far the largest case load. It was created decades ago before the population of California blew up.
I do not fear the 9th, its good to have a moon bat appeals court that exposes the left. Plus the SCOTUS gets to smack them around which is entertaining.
I do not fear the 9th, its good to have a moon bat appeals court that exposes the left. Plus the SCOTUS gets to smack them around which is entertaining.
Yes, except that they were allowed to set the precedent for all the cases that followed up to Obergefell: "It's OK to seize power from states if it's for the LGBT cult."

That bumps it up from just an amusing circus into an effective & decisive warhead of the LGBT cult. Time to shake it up and replace some activists.
^^ That's how kids would see it who want a mother but will never have one via the brand new lifelong binding contract (Obergefell).

The 9th ripped away California's power to self govern, thanks to one gay judge who didn't agree with Prop 8. It's not every day a tiny panel of folks get to rip away the power of 10s of millions of people in violation of the US Constitution. There's plenty in the US Constitution about state powers. There is NOTHING in it about "gay rights".

Don't worry. When Ginsburg retires soon, all these errors will be set straight again.
^^ That's how kids would see it who want a mother but will never have one via the brand new lifelong binding contract (Obergefell).

The 9th ripped away California's power to self govern, thanks to one gay judge who didn't agree with Prop 8. It's not every day a tiny panel of folks get to rip away the power of 10s of millions of people in violation of the US Constitution. There's plenty in the US Constitution about state powers. There is NOTHING in it about "gay rights".

Don't worry. When Ginsburg retires soon, all these errors will be set straight again.

Keep crying. Your tears sustain me. :lol:
Yes I was so sad to hear Gorsuch is getting confirmed as the next SCOTUS Justice. When Ginsburg steps down I'll be crushed to hear another moderate/conservative will be taking her place... So very very sad. I'll buy you some Kleenex. :itsok: Don't worry...I'm sure future challenges to Obergefell will find it as constitutionally solid as it's ever been... :lmao:
I am sick of the looney liberal 9th District playing politics with our legal system. 28 of these ham hocks were nominated by looney liberal POTUS. Gay marraige, gay boy Scouts, transgender bathrooms, and now allowing terrorist into our nation. Break them up.
Judges - Seniority List

There isn't going to be anything that breaks them up, they are the 9th district court of appeals. But you may find it interesting that the Federal District Court judge that blocked Trumps ban is actually a Bush Sr. appointee.
James Robart: 5 things to know about judge who blocked travel ban

Here's an interesting article on what to expect next:
All eyes on 9th Circuit Court of Appeals in battle over Trump's ban -

BTW--I guess most of the Christian Syrian refugees that were due to come into this country have been vetted in Canada, so I guess the comrade should consider building a border wall across the Canadian border at this time.
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