BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

IMHO - the sheer volume of threads and the general lack of information about the issues involved by those who are starting the threads leads me to believe that some right-wing militia - type organization has released an "action alert" trying to whip people up into a frenzy about this.

Have you noticed all the Waco and Ruby Ridge references? I don't think that is an accident - I think they were prompted by the action alert. The Turner Diaries crowd is trying to whip the faithful into a frenzy so they'll grab their guns and rush off to this guys ranch to try to ignite the civil war they've been fantasizing about for so long.

They even used the words "Action Alert"

Last Man Standing: Armed Feds Surround Nevada Rancher?s Property

It contains all of the common misinformation that these threads begin with - like the feds are surrounding this guys ranch, etc ...

Good catch...Paulitician and Lovebear dont know shit about the case but were instructed by talking points to get mad.

And just like a trained dog...They did what they were told by the action alert

Easy to spot the sheep. They rant and rave that everyone else doesn't know enough about this issue when all they can do is spout personal insults and the distortions and misinformation from the action alert issued by their masters.

If it weren't so sad, it would be funny.
It is quite apparent you do have a dog in this fight - so in the words of Eric Holder......don't even go there, nodoginfight.

You were the first to panic about two different persons posting similar threads and demanded a merger. As if no news on the television were not enough - two threads are some major threat or something? Why such concern about it? I've seen many similar threads and never demanded a merger before.

First off, there are 3 threads on this topic.

And the story isn't big news because most people see that the rancher has ignored the laws, the feds, and court rulings for 20+ years. Now the feds are moving his cattle.

Those trying to make this about a police state, property rights, or just sensationalizing it are the ones doing a disservice.

All this "They are taking food from starving children!" or "I hope they don't slaughter him and his family since they have surrounded his ranch" are simply showing their ignorance.

It isn't big news because it has been kept OUT OF THE NEWS. Completely! That is the reason it isn't big news. WB. Lets stay with the facts here! As to the claims of the rancher vs claims of govt.. The american people deserve to hear all the facts of the story. Whatever they may be and not off of a homemade youtube video!
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Here we go. Interesting combo. Get rid of the rancher And his cattle Build solar plants in the desert and the BLM makes a fortune and expands their power.

Why do people believe the hype the government gives them? This is bullshit.

A new Nevada pilot project offers one clue: Companies in the Dry Lake solar energy zone will pay fees to restore lands in the nearby Gold Butte Area of Critical Environmental Concern. Mitigation projects are also planned for the Bureau of Land Management's other 18 solar zones.

Interior's efforts have cautious support from industry, which anticipates more streamlined permitting. Some environmental groups are pleased as well – as long as the companies pay a fair price.

The Latest: Nevada charges renewable energy companies for eco mitigation ? High Country News
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» Before Nevada Cattle Rancher Standoff, BLM Killed Hundreds of Endangered Desert Tortoises Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley ever since 1877. All these rights I claim have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and water. I have been here longer. My rights are before the BLM even existed,” Bundy said.

But now, being lying scumbag dimocrap Nazis, they invent an 'environMENTAL' excuse to go after Bundy.

Which simply doesn't wash:

All of this illustrates how the BLM’s dispute with Mr. Bundy has nothing to do with saving or protecting tortoises (most of which were given to the facility by people who owned them as pets, and which the BLM is either killing or releasing into the wild – animals raised in captivity don’t usually fare well in the wild) as they claim, and everything to do with making an example out of Mr. Bundy for having the gall to stand up for his property, bullying him into submission by brute force.

Ever notice how dimocrap scum ALWAYS take the side of government? Just like their ideological predecessors, the Nazis, before them?

It's not a coincidence, people.

Right, wrong or indifferent... It's not a coincidence

He claims his rights predate the BLM. And you think that is legitimate?? Yes, his family grazed cattle all over in the late 1800s. Congrats. My grandfather had hogs that he let loose and then caught in the fall. That practice is no longer legal. Nor is free-grazing legal on those public lands. Just because your family has been here a long time does not mean you can ignore laws passed.

I am not one to want more gov't intrusion into our lives. But this is about one rancher defying the laws and court orders. It is about him wanting to USE the lands without paying taxes on them or even claiming ownership.

If he wanted his cattle he should have moved them off the public land sometime in the previous 16 years.

If I park my car on a public street and I am told I have to move it, if I don't comply they will tow it.

Well, at least we've come to the end of what is fueling the RW posts. Because his ancestors used the public land (or water or air) he should be free to do whatever he pleases with the public land, regardless of the damage he does to it, or the harm his use does to adjacent landowners/permit holders.

In short, the gummit is bad and we demand anarchy.
It is quite apparent you do have a dog in this fight - so in the words of Eric Holder......don't even go there, nodoginfight.

You were the first to panic about two different persons posting similar threads and demanded a merger. As if no news on the television were not enough - two threads are some major threat or something? Why such concern about it? I've seen many similar threads and never demanded a merger before.

First off, there are 3 threads on this topic.

And the story isn't big news because most people see that the rancher has ignored the laws, the feds, and court rulings for 20+ years. Now the feds are moving his cattle.

Those trying to make this about a police state, property rights, or just sensationalizing it are the ones doing a disservice.

All this "They are taking food from starving children!" or "I hope they don't slaughter him and his family since they have surrounded his ranch" are simply showing their ignorance.

It isn't big news because it has been kept OUT OF THE NEWS. Completely! That is the reason it isn't big news. WB. Lets stay with the facts here! As to the claims of the rancher vs claims of govt.. The american people deserve to hear all the facts of the story. Whatever they may be and not off of a homemade youtube video!

There have been several TV news videos posted.

If you do a Google search you will find articles and videos by Fox News, the LA Times, The Washington Post, ABC News, CNN, and more.

I don't think it is a secret.
It's a trade off they are making to put up the solar plants. Big Federal projects underway.

Mojave project tests Interior strategy for stemming habitat losses

Phil Taylor, E&E reporter
Greenwire: Tuesday, January 28, 2014

MESQUITE, Nev. -- The Obama administration has begun a bold conservation experiment in a desert ripped several years ago by wildfires that charred native plants, fragmented critical tortoise habitat and created a foothold for noxious weeds.

The Bureau of Land Management is hoping the solar industry can help mend the ecological wounds.Gold Butte was chosen as a mitigation site for Dry Lake because it harbors similar plant and animal life, including the desert tortoise, and because it is ineligible for special funding available to BLM's National Landscape Conservation System.

In addition, Gold Butte's native creosote-bursage vegetation is expected to persist longer under climate change than other ACECs, and its tortoise habitat is expected to persist even as it shrinks or disappears in the surrounding region.

As acres are developed at Dry Lake, mitigation fees would help pay for restoration of similar acres at Gold Butte.

But establishing a fair mitigation price has proved to be a challenge.

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Mojave project tests Interior strategy for stemming habitat losses -- Tuesday, January 28, 2014 --
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Its time for an end to tax-payer subsidies. An end to welfare ranching.

OR -

If tax payers have to support cattle ranchers, they should give the same support to other businesses.
Look for the big T-Word to be thrown around by Big Brother real soon. Those darn cattle grazer thieves!! They're a threat to our American way of life dammit!

Better get em off to GITMO. ;)

It would certainly be easier than looking for you to actually post facts. You seem woefully incapable of doing that.

The man is stealing food for his cattle off of public lands.

You have insinuated that the gov't is stealing and that the rancher is not. Do you have any facts to go along with that? Or should we just assume you are posting bullshit and trying to look like you know something?

All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.

You keep insinuating that there is more to this story then we are aware of.
Please fill us in.
From what I've been able to find out the BLM has every right to kick the guy and his cattle off the land.
It's a trade off they are making to put up the solar plants. Big Federal projects underway.

Gold Butte was chosen as a mitigation site for Dry Lake because it harbors similar plant and animal life, including the desert tortoise, and because it is ineligible for special funding available to BLM's National Landscape Conservation System.

In addition, Gold Butte's native creosote-bursage vegetation is expected to persist longer under climate change than other ACECs, and its tortoise habitat is expected to persist even as it shrinks or disappears in the surrounding region.

As acres are developed at Dry Lake, mitigation fees would help pay for restoration of similar acres at Gold Butte.

But establishing a fair mitigation price has proved to be a challenge.

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Mojave project tests Interior strategy for stemming habitat losses -- Tuesday, January 28, 2014 --

Hold on now a minute, heah, Pilgrim. The price of steak is too damn high. Can't we just do some fracking and get on with the grilling?
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.
It is quite apparent you do have a dog in this fight - so in the words of Eric Holder......don't even go there, nodoginfight.

You were the first to panic about two different persons posting similar threads and demanded a merger. As if no news on the television were not enough - two threads are some major threat or something? Why such concern about it? I've seen many similar threads and never demanded a merger before.

First off, there are 3 threads on this topic.

And the story isn't big news because most people see that the rancher has ignored the laws, the feds, and court rulings for 20+ years. Now the feds are moving his cattle.

Those trying to make this about a police state, property rights, or just sensationalizing it are the ones doing a disservice.

All this "They are taking food from starving children!" or "I hope they don't slaughter him and his family since they have surrounded his ranch" are simply showing their ignorance.

It isn't big news because it has been kept OUT OF THE NEWS. Completely! That is the reason it isn't big news. WB. Lets stay with the facts here! As to the claims of the rancher vs claims of govt.. The american people deserve to hear all the facts of the story. Whatever they may be and not off of a homemade youtube video!

Oh, and I am all for sticking to the facts.

So far the people who are arguing against me have said:

"Food for starving children is going to turtles"
"The rancher actually owns the land"
"The feds are stealing his cattle"
This is bigger then you think, and soon they will call to have the rancher and protestors shipped off to GITMO"
"They want to kill the family. Or make them disappear in accidents"

How about those for facts, huh? I have stayed with the facts quite nicely, thank you.
That's quite a selective recitation of the facts.

If you have more, feel free to post them.

I listed the facts that have brought us to the point that feds have to provide protection for contractors removing Bundy's cattle from public lands.

Oh, and yeah I know you want the lands to be Bundy's. But current laws concerning property do not see it that way. I have no problem with you changing the laws. But until those laws are changed, I'll stick with the reality of who owns the land in question.

I've listed, along with several others, relevant facts several times over in this thread. You're simply ignoring them.

Ok Kevin, you've posted a lot of your opinions about what you think property law OUGHT to be. But what FACTS have you posted that are in conflict with WinterBorn's ?

I haven't seen one and I've been following your posts.
» Before Nevada Cattle Rancher Standoff, BLM Killed Hundreds of Endangered Desert Tortoises Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

But now, being lying scumbag dimocrap Nazis, they invent an 'environMENTAL' excuse to go after Bundy.

Which simply doesn't wash:

Ever notice how dimocrap scum ALWAYS take the side of government? Just like their ideological predecessors, the Nazis, before them?

It's not a coincidence, people.

Right, wrong or indifferent... It's not a coincidence

He claims his rights predate the BLM. And you think that is legitimate?? Yes, his family grazed cattle all over in the late 1800s. Congrats. My grandfather had hogs that he let loose and then caught in the fall. That practice is no longer legal. Nor is free-grazing legal on those public lands. Just because your family has been here a long time does not mean you can ignore laws passed.

I am not one to want more gov't intrusion into our lives. But this is about one rancher defying the laws and court orders. It is about him wanting to USE the lands without paying taxes on them or even claiming ownership.

If he wanted his cattle he should have moved them off the public land sometime in the previous 16 years.

If I park my car on a public street and I am told I have to move it, if I don't comply they will tow it.

Well, at least we've come to the end of what is fueling the RW posts. Because his ancestors used the public land (or water or air) he should be free to do whatever he pleases with the public land, regardless of the damage he does to it, or the harm his use does to adjacent landowners/permit holders.

In short, the gummit is bad and we demand anarchy.

Yes, apparently if your family has been here long enough, you get to ignore all the rules, regulations, and laws that have been written since you got here.
You really so sure he's not a victim of this Police State?

No. I think you're a victim of lead paint.

That's cool. You have your beliefs and opinions. But maybe read up a bit more on this story. It goes a back a long time. Who's really the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' here? Something to contemplate...If you dare.

I'm very aware of the history. I live an hour away. It's been news here for a long time, unlike the rest of you who just found out about it a few days ago.
It would certainly be easier than looking for you to actually post facts. You seem woefully incapable of doing that.

The man is stealing food for his cattle off of public lands.

You have insinuated that the gov't is stealing and that the rancher is not. Do you have any facts to go along with that? Or should we just assume you are posting bullshit and trying to look like you know something?

All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.

You keep insinuating that there is more to this story then we are aware of.
Please fill us in.
From what I've been able to find out the BLM has every right to kick the guy and his cattle off the land.

It's all about the solar plants and the financial trade off for taking desert land for green energy and giving BLM mega buckolas. Go back and read my posts.

And I've put up links. BTW my links are to conservation sites.
It would certainly be easier than looking for you to actually post facts. You seem woefully incapable of doing that.

The man is stealing food for his cattle off of public lands.

You have insinuated that the gov't is stealing and that the rancher is not. Do you have any facts to go along with that? Or should we just assume you are posting bullshit and trying to look like you know something?

All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.

Horseshit. That is not all you can say. You can actually say what you read that changes anything.

Oh, if you do some research, you might find that the land in question is one of only 2 access points for the people who inhabit the inner earth. And it is needed by the Venusians ad the Martians for trade purposes. The whole "cattle grazing" is just a smoke screen.

There, now I have actually posted more info than you have, Pauli, and with just as much evidence.

Either discuss facts or sit down and let the grownups talk.

Venusians are such shady bastards too. Can't trust them.
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.

Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

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