BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Stealing???? WTH? He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his livelihood and property from the public lands 16 freakin years ago. He has ignored it for 16 years. He has made a living off the cows fed on stolen grass for all that time.

His fine is the cattle he left on public land.

I will NEVER be fine with our government taking private property away from its citizens

What do you call an income tax? What do you call sales tax?
Is your money your private property?

Yes it is and they steal it every chance they get.
I stated earlier that this should be resolved in court not at gunpoint.
If the man is in contempt throw him in jail. STEALING his family's livelihood & property is not the solution.

Stealing???? WTH? He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his livelihood and property from the public lands 16 freakin years ago. He has ignored it for 16 years. He has made a living off the cows fed on stolen grass for all that time.

His fine is the cattle he left on public land.

I will NEVER be fine with our government taking private property away from its citizens

Please show where his family ever OWNED the land in question?
Well, color me curious, but I do know (or think I do) that the BLM issues some grazing permits for "private land." But I thought these grazing lands were lands that came with a title that sort of grandfathered in the BLM having management responsibilities.

From what I see, this rancher at best had forefathers who grazed land on public lands before the Talyor Grazing Act came about to begin regulating grazing on public land. If that's the case, I don't see how the guy has a complaint. I mean ranchers are mad that the BLM protects endangered animals, and on the other extreme they're mad that the BLM lets oil companies on the same land cattle are grazing on. He may not like the turtle, but his real redress is to get Orin Hatch to raise a stink. I suspect the BLM would tell Mike Lee to take a running leap in the great salt lake .... with an anvil.
That's quite a selective recitation of the facts.

If you have more, feel free to post them.

I listed the facts that have brought us to the point that feds have to provide protection for contractors removing Bundy's cattle from public lands.

Oh, and yeah I know you want the lands to be Bundy's. But current laws concerning property do not see it that way. I have no problem with you changing the laws. But until those laws are changed, I'll stick with the reality of who owns the land in question.

I've listed, along with several others, relevant facts several times over in this thread. You're simply ignoring them.

All I have seen you argue is ownership of the land. That is not actually in question under the current property laws.
IMHO - the sheer volume of threads and the general lack of information about the issues involved by those who are starting the threads leads me to believe that some right-wing militia - type organization has released an "action alert" trying to whip people up into a frenzy about this.

Have you noticed all the Waco and Ruby Ridge references? I don't think that is an accident - I think they were prompted by the action alert. The Turner Diaries crowd is trying to whip the faithful into a frenzy so they'll grab their guns and rush off to this guys ranch to try to ignite the civil war they've been fantasizing about for so long.

They even used the words "Action Alert"

Last Man Standing: Armed Feds Surround Nevada Rancher?s Property

It contains all of the common misinformation that these threads begin with - like the feds are surrounding this guys ranch, etc ...

Good catch...Paulitician and Lovebear dont know shit about the case but were instructed by talking points to get mad.

And just like a trained dog...They did what they were told by the action alert

Like the good little Nazi you are, you come to the defense of your Nazi masters every time.

Das Government Uber Alles, huh Fritz?


How can Cattle steal food? Explain that to me, douchebag.

They eat grass. If anything, it helps the grass to be eaten down a little bit.

Then the cattle shit the grass they ate back onto the ground.

How does that qualify as stealing, Nazi?

Now, I haven't kept up on the Open Range Laws in Federal Statutes, but the last I checked, if the government hadn't set the land aside for a specific purpose beneficial to the Public Good, Open Range Laws apply.

What a fucking Nazi you truly are.

But.... You're a dimocrap. Your entire movement is based in Nazi ideology.

You're just too stupid to know it
Here, this should give our resident Nazi dimocraps a boner....

[ame=]Federal Agents Taser Protesters at Bundy Ranch Protest - YouTube[/ame]
They even used the words "Action Alert"

Last Man Standing: Armed Feds Surround Nevada Rancher?s Property

It contains all of the common misinformation that these threads begin with - like the feds are surrounding this guys ranch, etc ...

Good catch...Paulitician and Lovebear dont know shit about the case but were instructed by talking points to get mad.

And just like a trained dog...They did what they were told by the action alert

Like the good little Nazi you are, you come to the defense of your Nazi masters every time.

Das Government Uber Alles, huh Fritz?


How can Cattle steal food? Explain that to me, douchebag.

They eat grass. If anything, it helps the grass to be eaten down a little bit.

Then the cattle shit the grass they ate back onto the ground.

How does that qualify as stealing, Nazi?

Now, I haven't kept up on the Open Range Laws in Federal Statutes, but the last I checked, if the government hadn't set the land aside for a specific purpose beneficial to the Public Good, Open Range Laws apply.

What a fucking Nazi you truly are.

But.... You're a dimocrap. Your entire movement is based in Nazi ideology.

You're just too stupid to know it

And there are grazing fees associated with using public lands for feeding privately owned cattle. Since Bundy stopped paying those fees 21 years ago, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.
Stealing???? WTH? He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his livelihood and property from the public lands 16 freakin years ago. He has ignored it for 16 years. He has made a living off the cows fed on stolen grass for all that time.

His fine is the cattle he left on public land.

I will NEVER be fine with our government taking private property away from its citizens

Please show where his family ever OWNED the land in question?

They are stealing his cattle. And I know you'll call it something else so don't even bother
Good catch...Paulitician and Lovebear dont know shit about the case but were instructed by talking points to get mad.

And just like a trained dog...They did what they were told by the action alert

Like the good little Nazi you are, you come to the defense of your Nazi masters every time.

Das Government Uber Alles, huh Fritz?


How can Cattle steal food? Explain that to me, douchebag.

They eat grass. If anything, it helps the grass to be eaten down a little bit.

Then the cattle shit the grass they ate back onto the ground.

How does that qualify as stealing, Nazi?

Now, I haven't kept up on the Open Range Laws in Federal Statutes, but the last I checked, if the government hadn't set the land aside for a specific purpose beneficial to the Public Good, Open Range Laws apply.

What a fucking Nazi you truly are.

But.... You're a dimocrap. Your entire movement is based in Nazi ideology.

You're just too stupid to know it

And there are grazing fees associated with using public lands for feeding privately owned cattle. Since Bundy stopped paying those fees 21 years ago, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Here, this should give our resident Nazi dimocraps a boner....

Federal Agents Taser Protesters at Bundy Ranch Protest - YouTube

No, no boner here. But the rancher grazed his cattle without paying the required fees for 21 years. And he was ordered by a federal judge to remove his cattle from the public lands almost 16 years ago.

He refused to remove his cattle from lands that were not owned by him. So the feds will remove the cattle. The protestors do not have the right to stop that removal of cattle from public lands.
Good catch...Paulitician and Lovebear dont know shit about the case but were instructed by talking points to get mad.

And just like a trained dog...They did what they were told by the action alert

Like the good little Nazi you are, you come to the defense of your Nazi masters every time.

Das Government Uber Alles, huh Fritz?


How can Cattle steal food? Explain that to me, douchebag.

They eat grass. If anything, it helps the grass to be eaten down a little bit.

Then the cattle shit the grass they ate back onto the ground.

How does that qualify as stealing, Nazi?

Now, I haven't kept up on the Open Range Laws in Federal Statutes, but the last I checked, if the government hadn't set the land aside for a specific purpose beneficial to the Public Good, Open Range Laws apply.

What a fucking Nazi you truly are.

But.... You're a dimocrap. Your entire movement is based in Nazi ideology.

You're just too stupid to know it

And there are grazing fees associated with using public lands for feeding privately owned cattle. Since Bundy stopped paying those fees 21 years ago, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Another good little Nazi.

Why don't you do some research on this topic instead of immediately jumping to the defense of your Nazi masters?
I will NEVER be fine with our government taking private property away from its citizens

Please show where his family ever OWNED the land in question?

They are stealing his cattle. And I know you'll call it something else so don't even bother

He was told by a federal judge to remove his cattle from the public lands. And he was told this 16 years ago. He refused to comply, so the feds are removing the cattle for him.

It is not theft. He had 16 years to move the cattle and he elected NOT to do so.
Like the good little Nazi you are, you come to the defense of your Nazi masters every time.

Das Government Uber Alles, huh Fritz?


How can Cattle steal food? Explain that to me, douchebag.

They eat grass. If anything, it helps the grass to be eaten down a little bit.

Then the cattle shit the grass they ate back onto the ground.

How does that qualify as stealing, Nazi?

Now, I haven't kept up on the Open Range Laws in Federal Statutes, but the last I checked, if the government hadn't set the land aside for a specific purpose beneficial to the Public Good, Open Range Laws apply.

What a fucking Nazi you truly are.

But.... You're a dimocrap. Your entire movement is based in Nazi ideology.

You're just too stupid to know it

And there are grazing fees associated with using public lands for feeding privately owned cattle. Since Bundy stopped paying those fees 21 years ago, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Another good little Nazi.

Why don't you do some research on this topic instead of immediately jumping to the defense of your Nazi masters?

Oh great, another wannabe anarchist claiming to know more facts and that I would be sympathetic to the rancher if I knew them too.

Tel us these facts. Skip the insinuations and give us facts. Or be like Pauli and just pretend there are facts.

It is not disputed that the land in question is public land. Even the rancher agrees it is.

It is not disputed that the man hasn't paid the grazing fees in 21 years.

It is not disputed that a federal judge ruled that the rancher had to stop grazing his cattle on public lands.

It is not disputed that the judge ruled that he had to remove his cattle from public lands.

It is not disputed that the man refused to stop grazing on public lands and that he defied the judge by keeping his 900 head of cattle on public lands.

So what facts change the situation???
Edge suddenly left this thread and cannot return, if urgent please hit zero to speak with an operator
This is not about the desert tortoise. It's not about the cattle or the back money owed. I'm working on it. It's solar plant developments from what I'm zooming in on right now.
» Before Nevada Cattle Rancher Standoff, BLM Killed Hundreds of Endangered Desert Tortoises Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley ever since 1877. All these rights I claim have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and water. I have been here longer. My rights are before the BLM even existed,” Bundy said.

But now, being lying scumbag dimocrap Nazis, they invent an 'environMENTAL' excuse to go after Bundy.

Which simply doesn't wash:

All of this illustrates how the BLM’s dispute with Mr. Bundy has nothing to do with saving or protecting tortoises (most of which were given to the facility by people who owned them as pets, and which the BLM is either killing or releasing into the wild – animals raised in captivity don’t usually fare well in the wild) as they claim, and everything to do with making an example out of Mr. Bundy for having the gall to stand up for his property, bullying him into submission by brute force.

Ever notice how dimocrap scum ALWAYS take the side of government? Just like their ideological predecessors, the Nazis, before them?

It's not a coincidence, people.

Right, wrong or indifferent... It's not a coincidence
» Before Nevada Cattle Rancher Standoff, BLM Killed Hundreds of Endangered Desert Tortoises Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

“My forefathers have been up and down the Virgin Valley ever since 1877. All these rights I claim have been created through pre-emptive rights and beneficial use of the forage and water. I have been here longer. My rights are before the BLM even existed,” Bundy said.

But now, being lying scumbag dimocrap Nazis, they invent an 'environMENTAL' excuse to go after Bundy.

Which simply doesn't wash:

All of this illustrates how the BLM’s dispute with Mr. Bundy has nothing to do with saving or protecting tortoises (most of which were given to the facility by people who owned them as pets, and which the BLM is either killing or releasing into the wild – animals raised in captivity don’t usually fare well in the wild) as they claim, and everything to do with making an example out of Mr. Bundy for having the gall to stand up for his property, bullying him into submission by brute force.

Ever notice how dimocrap scum ALWAYS take the side of government? Just like their ideological predecessors, the Nazis, before them?

It's not a coincidence, people.

Right, wrong or indifferent... It's not a coincidence

He claims his rights predate the BLM. And you think that is legitimate?? Yes, his family grazed cattle all over in the late 1800s. Congrats. My grandfather had hogs that he let loose and then caught in the fall. That practice is no longer legal. Nor is free-grazing legal on those public lands. Just because your family has been here a long time does not mean you can ignore laws passed.

I am not one to want more gov't intrusion into our lives. But this is about one rancher defying the laws and court orders. It is about him wanting to USE the lands without paying taxes on them or even claiming ownership.

If he wanted his cattle he should have moved them off the public land sometime in the previous 16 years.

If I park my car on a public street and I am told I have to move it, if I don't comply they will tow it.

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