BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

It's a trade off they are making to put up the solar plants. Big Federal projects underway.

Gold Butte was chosen as a mitigation site for Dry Lake because it harbors similar plant and animal life, including the desert tortoise, and because it is ineligible for special funding available to BLM's National Landscape Conservation System.

In addition, Gold Butte's native creosote-bursage vegetation is expected to persist longer under climate change than other ACECs, and its tortoise habitat is expected to persist even as it shrinks or disappears in the surrounding region.

As acres are developed at Dry Lake, mitigation fees would help pay for restoration of similar acres at Gold Butte.

But establishing a fair mitigation price has proved to be a challenge.

RENEWABLE ENERGY: Mojave project tests Interior strategy for stemming habitat losses -- Tuesday, January 28, 2014 --

Hold on now a minute, heah, Pilgrim. The price of steak is too damn high. Can't we just do some fracking and get on with the grilling?

I'll take mine medium rare. :D
All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.

Horseshit. That is not all you can say. You can actually say what you read that changes anything.

Oh, if you do some research, you might find that the land in question is one of only 2 access points for the people who inhabit the inner earth. And it is needed by the Venusians ad the Martians for trade purposes. The whole "cattle grazing" is just a smoke screen.

There, now I have actually posted more info than you have, Pauli, and with just as much evidence.

Either discuss facts or sit down and let the grownups talk.

Venusians are such shady bastards too. Can't trust them.

I know, right? The Martians are ok, but you REALLY have to watch those Venusians.
Like the good little Nazi you are, you come to the defense of your Nazi masters every time.

Das Government Uber Alles, huh Fritz?


How can Cattle steal food? Explain that to me, douchebag.

They eat grass. If anything, it helps the grass to be eaten down a little bit.

Then the cattle shit the grass they ate back onto the ground.

How does that qualify as stealing, Nazi?

Now, I haven't kept up on the Open Range Laws in Federal Statutes, but the last I checked, if the government hadn't set the land aside for a specific purpose beneficial to the Public Good, Open Range Laws apply.

What a fucking Nazi you truly are.

But.... You're a dimocrap. Your entire movement is based in Nazi ideology.

You're just too stupid to know it

And there are grazing fees associated with using public lands for feeding privately owned cattle. Since Bundy stopped paying those fees 21 years ago, he doesn't have a leg to stand on.

Another good little Nazi.

Why don't you do some research on this topic instead of immediately jumping to the defense of your Nazi masters?

If there is any info out there that I'm unaware of I'd like to hear it.
Because truthfully I WANT to be on the ranchers side.
So if there is something that would change my mind I definitely want to know about it.
He claims his rights predate the BLM. And you think that is legitimate?? Yes, his family grazed cattle all over in the late 1800s. Congrats. My grandfather had hogs that he let loose and then caught in the fall. That practice is no longer legal. Nor is free-grazing legal on those public lands. Just because your family has been here a long time does not mean you can ignore laws passed.

I am not one to want more gov't intrusion into our lives. But this is about one rancher defying the laws and court orders. It is about him wanting to USE the lands without paying taxes on them or even claiming ownership.

If he wanted his cattle he should have moved them off the public land sometime in the previous 16 years.

If I park my car on a public street and I am told I have to move it, if I don't comply they will tow it.

Well, at least we've come to the end of what is fueling the RW posts. Because his ancestors used the public land (or water or air) he should be free to do whatever he pleases with the public land, regardless of the damage he does to it, or the harm his use does to adjacent landowners/permit holders.

In short, the gummit is bad and we demand anarchy.

Yes, apparently if your family has been here long enough, you get to ignore all the rules, regulations, and laws that have been written since you got here.

the irony is that Utah pioneered the need to regulate private grazing on public land beginning around the late 1920s.
It would certainly be easier than looking for you to actually post facts. You seem woefully incapable of doing that.

The man is stealing food for his cattle off of public lands.

You have insinuated that the gov't is stealing and that the rancher is not. Do you have any facts to go along with that? Or should we just assume you are posting bullshit and trying to look like you know something?

All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.

You keep insinuating that there is more to this story then we are aware of.
Please fill us in.
From what I've been able to find out the BLM has every right to kick the guy and his cattle off the land.

EXACTLY - some posters who are getting ripped to shreds by the facts, keep trying to excuse their poor showing by claiming to know more and that if we only knew what THEY knew .....

and yet they can produce absolutely NOTHING.
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.

Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

They aren't determining the use of the land - they seized his private property (cattle) and are selling it off. The value is multiple $M.

That is THEFT.
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.

Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

They aren't determining the use of the land - they seized his private property (cattle) and are selling it off. The value is multiple $M.

That is THEFT.

He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his cattle from the public lands. For 16 years he has refused to do so. He also refused to pay the grazing fees.

Since we don't know what they will do with the money, perhaps Bundy can sue for the balance, after they deduct for the 21 years of grazing fees and the fines for ignoring a court order for 16 years.

And as for them determining the use of the land, that was in response to someone posting that this all started because the gov't wants to build a solar energy plant.
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.

Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

They aren't determining the use of the land - they seized his private property (cattle) and are selling it off. The value is multiple $M.

That is THEFT.

Same discredited talking points over and over and over and over.

You need to ask your masters to issue a new action alert that has better information and arguments that will survive scrutiny for more than 45 seconds.
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All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.

You keep insinuating that there is more to this story then we are aware of.
Please fill us in.
From what I've been able to find out the BLM has every right to kick the guy and his cattle off the land.

It's all about the solar plants and the financial trade off for taking desert land for green energy and giving BLM mega buckolas. Go back and read my posts.

And I've put up links. BTW my links are to conservation sites.

If this turns out to be true it still doesnt give the guy the right to graze his cattle for free. Had he paid his grazing fees he would have a leg to stand on.
However I'd be pissed about the deception used to remove him from the land so they could build solar energy plants on public land. I for one dont believe they should be able to build a solar plant on public lands,especially if they were using the desert tortoise as an excuse to get rid of him and his cattle.
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.

Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

I just don't want a government to try to show how "green " they are whilst destroying a pristine environment.

They should just say "we have to fuck the environment over to get you energy but our green wayof destroying a pristine environment is the better way".
You keep insinuating that there is more to this story then we are aware of.
Please fill us in.
From what I've been able to find out the BLM has every right to kick the guy and his cattle off the land.

It's all about the solar plants and the financial trade off for taking desert land for green energy and giving BLM mega buckolas. Go back and read my posts.

And I've put up links. BTW my links are to conservation sites.

If this turns out to be true it still doesnt give the guy the right to graze his cattle for free. Had he paid his grazing fees he would have a leg to stand on.
However I'd be pissed about the deception used to remove him from the land so they could build solar energy plants on public land. I for one dont believe they should be able to build a solar plant on public lands,especially if they were using the desert tortoise as an excuse to get rid of him and his cattle.

I don't like that idea either. And I would happily help campaign to change the laws so that cannot happen.
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.

Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

I just don't want a government to try to show how "green " they are whilst destroying a pristine environment.

They should just say "we have to fuck the environment over to get you energy but our green wayof destroying a pristine environment is the better way".

You mean that "pristine" environment that has cow shit all over it?

Maybe the solar folks will pay their fees .......

But I'll believe it when I see the solar crap installed. Sounds like yet another conspiracy theory that is heavy on speculation and intrigue and light on facts and logic.

Besides - a conspiracy theory is not "facts." And the Facts of this case are crystal clear.

He owed grazing fees, he didn't pay them. He DESERVES to get his ass tossed no matter what the feds want to do with the land.

Should have paid his grazing fees - PERIOD.
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You keep insinuating that there is more to this story then we are aware of.
Please fill us in.
From what I've been able to find out the BLM has every right to kick the guy and his cattle off the land.

It's all about the solar plants and the financial trade off for taking desert land for green energy and giving BLM mega buckolas. Go back and read my posts.

And I've put up links. BTW my links are to conservation sites.

If this turns out to be true it still doesnt give the guy the right to graze his cattle for free. Had he paid his grazing fees he would have a leg to stand on.
However I'd be pissed about the deception used to remove him from the land so they could build solar energy plants on public land. I for one dont believe they should be able to build a solar plant on public lands,especially if they were using the desert tortoise as an excuse to get rid of him and his cattle.

It's the lie that pisses me off and that they think that people will just buy into the lie. Sadly too many do.

I've spent the morning on and off just digging around because I had remembered the trade off the feds did to get that giant solar plant built that's frying birds who fly over it.

I just have this thing about bullshit. I hate it. :eusa_angel:
We get back to green energy vs the environment and green energy has big $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ and the government is selling out the desert.

Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

They aren't determining the use of the land - they seized his private property (cattle) and are selling it off. The value is multiple $M.

That is THEFT.

A cow on average will sell for around a thousand bucks. The guy has 900 head.
He owes the BLM $300'000.
I would think the BLM would have to return what ever monies are left after sale of the cattle minus the cost of removing them.
why is it the Feds are suddenly so concerned about some cattle grazing on public lands....especially during a drought when feed is scarce.....but they barely lift a finger against millions of illegals illegally grazing upon our public welfare.....?

it's weird...
It's all about the solar plants and the financial trade off for taking desert land for green energy and giving BLM mega buckolas. Go back and read my posts.

And I've put up links. BTW my links are to conservation sites.

If this turns out to be true it still doesnt give the guy the right to graze his cattle for free. Had he paid his grazing fees he would have a leg to stand on.
However I'd be pissed about the deception used to remove him from the land so they could build solar energy plants on public land. I for one dont believe they should be able to build a solar plant on public lands,especially if they were using the desert tortoise as an excuse to get rid of him and his cattle.

It's the lie that pisses me off and that they think that people will just buy into the lie. Sadly too many do.

I've spent the morning on and off just digging around because I had remembered the trade off the feds did to get that giant solar plant built that's frying birds who fly over it.

I just have this thing about bullshit. I hate it. :eusa_angel:


Now you care about birds?

Where was your care when oil and coal fire plants were killing them by the millions?

Or glass high rises?

Or electrical lines?

Or large ships?

Or Air Planes?


Ok. And since the gov't owns the land in question, which would be a better use for that public land?

And as long as it is public land, the gov't gets to determine the uses for that land.

I just don't want a government to try to show how "green " they are whilst destroying a pristine environment.

They should just say "we have to fuck the environment over to get you energy but our green wayof destroying a pristine environment is the better way".

You mean that "pristine" environment that has cow shit all over it?

Maybe the solar folks will pay their fees .......

But I'll believe it when I see the solar crap installed. Sounds like yet another conspiracy theory that is heavy on speculation and intrigue and light on facts and logic.

Besides - a conspiracy theory is not "facts." And the Facts of this case are crystal clear.

He owed grazing fees, he didn't pay them. He DESERVES to get his ass tossed no matter what the feds want to do with the land.

Should have paid his grazing fees - PERIOD.

Oh fucking bite me :lol:

Cow shit is bad? As compared to coyote shit? Or tortoise shit? Or rabbit shit? Or bird shit?

I've already put up the links to the renewable energy projects that the feds have on the go.

Do you even know about Ivanpah? Any clue?
Thank goodness. When it comes time to square off with crazy murdering cultists - I'm don't think we should rely on choir boys.

Who exactly did the Davidians murder, sploogy? Remember, a federal court ruled that the gun fight between the Davidians and the BAFT was NOT murder. So post a link of this alleged murder.

We wonder how the holocaust happened, but need only look to those like you who cheer as jack booted thugs shoot their neighbors down.
why is it the Feds are suddenly so concerned about some cattle grazing on public lands....especially during a drought when feed is scarce.....but they barely lift a finger against millions of illegals illegally grazing upon our public welfare.....?

it's weird...

I brought that up a while back, with milk and beef shooting through the roof, the timing of this is very suspicious.
The federal government "owns" land because the federal government has simply declared it to be so, and it has backed this claim up with the threat of violence. As we are seeing here. It has done nothing to take legitimate ownership of any land, however.

A bad law is no law at all, and should not be enforced.

That just goes to show you don't understand the principle of ownership. Once somebody has mixed their labor with unowned land, then nobody else can come along and mix their labor and claim ownership.

Care to prove that the Bundy family mixed their sweat with anything on the public lands??

The fact that they've been using that land, along with other ranchers who also have a property right in the land, for generations is proof enough. Care to prove that the federal government mixed their labor with the land?

They do not have a property right above and beyond a permit which is generally good for ten years.

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