BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Look for the big T-Word to be thrown around by Big Brother real soon. Those darn cattle grazer thieves!! They're a threat to our American way of life dammit!

Better get em off to GITMO. ;)

Now you're just losing it man.

Why not just go ahead and admit that you got manipulated into a position by folks who only gave you a small sliver of the story and now you've been brought up to date and you realize you were wrong.

I could respect that.
Look for the big T-Word to be thrown around by Big Brother real soon. Those darn cattle grazer thieves!! They're a threat to our American way of life dammit!

Better get em off to GITMO. ;)

It would certainly be easier than looking for you to actually post facts. You seem woefully incapable of doing that.

The man is stealing food for his cattle off of public lands.

You have insinuated that the gov't is stealing and that the rancher is not. Do you have any facts to go along with that? Or should we just assume you are posting bullshit and trying to look like you know something?
Depends on the facts. And since I don't think any of us have the facts I can't answer your question.

We have enough facts to make a determination.

1) The rancher stopped paying the grazing fee in 1993.
2) In 1998, a federal judge ruled that the rancher had to stop grazing on the public lands and had to remove his cattle.
3) The rancher has not complied and his cattle are still grazing on public lands for free.

That's quite a selective recitation of the facts.

If you have more, feel free to post them.

I listed the facts that have brought us to the point that feds have to provide protection for contractors removing Bundy's cattle from public lands.

Oh, and yeah I know you want the lands to be Bundy's. But current laws concerning property do not see it that way. I have no problem with you changing the laws. But until those laws are changed, I'll stick with the reality of who owns the land in question.
Because grass that regrows without human or monetary intervention is costing us what?

Why does the fucking government have to charge us for every damn thing they can? What's next, oxygen use surcharges?

So far I've said nothing on this issue, instead focusing on the scumbags praising the murder of women and children at Waco.

But, while you're argument has merit, why would Bundy not comply with the law, and fight the issue in court and in the press?

Two federal judges have issued orders, he must comply. That doesn't mean give up, but he must comply while fighting in court. We are a nation of laws. My biggest complaint about the Obamunists is their open contempt for the law.
And yet our founders also knew the value of breaking the law, hence the fact that we're an independent nation.

Our founders also learned from their experiences about the value of creating peaceful and lawful avenues for addressing grievances that were not at their disposal.

That's correct, but, again, they knew those avenues could fail and be co-opted. The trouble is that we all seem to disagree whether that's what's happened.

I don't see disagreement as "trouble." It's American. Heck disagreeing (and loudly) is one of the most American things I can think of.

The only trouble with disagreement - is when you live in a representative democracy and a majority disagrees with you. Sometimes it sucks to be in the minority.

The solution is to convince people that your way is right.

I just don't think grabbing a gun and inviting your neighbors to join you in your range war is gonna win too many people over to the cause.
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Because grass that regrows without human or monetary intervention is costing us what?

Why does the fucking government have to charge us for every damn thing they can? What's next, oxygen use surcharges?

So far I've said nothing on this issue, instead focusing on the scumbags praising the murder of women and children at Waco.

But, while you're argument has merit, why would Bundy not comply with the law, and fight the issue in court and in the press?

Two federal judges have issued orders, he must comply. That doesn't mean give up, but he must comply while fighting in court. We are a nation of laws. My biggest complaint about the Obamunists is their open contempt for the law.

I stated earlier that this should be resolved in court not at gunpoint.
If the man is in contempt throw him in jail. STEALING his family's livelihood & property is not the solution.
Look for the big T-Word to be thrown around by Big Brother real soon. Those darn cattle grazer thieves!! They're a threat to our American way of life dammit!

Better get em off to GITMO. ;)

It would certainly be easier than looking for you to actually post facts. You seem woefully incapable of doing that.

The man is stealing food for his cattle off of public lands.

You have insinuated that the gov't is stealing and that the rancher is not. Do you have any facts to go along with that? Or should we just assume you are posting bullshit and trying to look like you know something?

All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.
Look for the big T-Word to be thrown around by Big Brother real soon. Those darn cattle grazer thieves!! They're a threat to our American way of life dammit!

Better get em off to GITMO. ;)

It would certainly be easier than looking for you to actually post facts. You seem woefully incapable of doing that.

The man is stealing food for his cattle off of public lands.

You have insinuated that the gov't is stealing and that the rancher is not. Do you have any facts to go along with that? Or should we just assume you are posting bullshit and trying to look like you know something?

All i can say is, read up a bit more on this story. It goes back a long long way. Who is the 'Thief' and 'Criminal' in this? Read up a bit more, you may be surprised to find your perception changing on this. Check it out.

Horseshit. That is not all you can say. You can actually say what you read that changes anything.

Oh, if you do some research, you might find that the land in question is one of only 2 access points for the people who inhabit the inner earth. And it is needed by the Venusians ad the Martians for trade purposes. The whole "cattle grazing" is just a smoke screen.

There, now I have actually posted more info than you have, Pauli, and with just as much evidence.

Either discuss facts or sit down and let the grownups talk.
Because grass that regrows without human or monetary intervention is costing us what?

Why does the fucking government have to charge us for every damn thing they can? What's next, oxygen use surcharges?

So far I've said nothing on this issue, instead focusing on the scumbags praising the murder of women and children at Waco.

But, while you're argument has merit, why would Bundy not comply with the law, and fight the issue in court and in the press?

Two federal judges have issued orders, he must comply. That doesn't mean give up, but he must comply while fighting in court. We are a nation of laws. My biggest complaint about the Obamunists is their open contempt for the law.

I stated earlier that this should be resolved in court not at gunpoint.
If the man is in contempt throw him in jail. STEALING his family's livelihood & property is not the solution.

Stealing???? WTH? He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his livelihood and property from the public lands 16 freakin years ago. He has ignored it for 16 years. He has made a living off the cows fed on stolen grass for all that time.

His fine is the cattle he left on public land.
So far I've said nothing on this issue, instead focusing on the scumbags praising the murder of women and children at Waco.

But, while you're argument has merit, why would Bundy not comply with the law, and fight the issue in court and in the press?

Two federal judges have issued orders, he must comply. That doesn't mean give up, but he must comply while fighting in court. We are a nation of laws. My biggest complaint about the Obamunists is their open contempt for the law.

I stated earlier that this should be resolved in court not at gunpoint.
If the man is in contempt throw him in jail. STEALING his family's livelihood & property is not the solution.

Stealing???? WTH? He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his livelihood and property from the public lands 16 freakin years ago. He has ignored it for 16 years. He has made a living off the cows fed on stolen grass for all that time.

His fine is the cattle he left on public land.

I will NEVER be fine with our government taking private property away from its citizens
It amazes me how few people understand the facts in this case, but are all too ready to jump in and pass judgement.

Fact #1 - The feds have NOT surrounded the Bundy ranch. They have surrounded the 600,000 acres of public land that Bundy has been stealing feed from.

Fact #2 - Even Bundy admits that he owes $300,000 in grazing fees.

Fact #3 - A federal judge ruled in 1998 that Bundy must STOP grazing his cattle on the public land.

IMHO - the sheer volume of threads and the general lack of information about the issues involved by those who are starting the threads leads me to believe that some right-wing militia - type organization has released an "action alert" trying to whip people up into a frenzy about this.

Have you noticed all the Waco and Ruby Ridge references? I don't think that is an accident - I think they were prompted by the action alert. The Turner Diaries crowd is trying to whip the faithful into a frenzy so they'll grab their guns and rush off to this guys ranch to try to ignite the civil war they've been fantasizing about for so long.

They even used the words "Action Alert"

Last Man Standing: Armed Feds Surround Nevada Rancher?s Property

It contains all of the common misinformation that these threads begin with - like the feds are surrounding this guys ranch, etc ...

Good catch...Paulitician and Lovebear dont know shit about the case but were instructed by talking points to get mad.

And just like a trained dog...They did what they were told by the action alert
Wait! Here is some of your own medicine.
This story is from...........conservativetribune...and we are suppose to put
credence into their truth telling.
Not even.

BREAKING: 200+ "Militarized" Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada
We’ve seen before at Ruby Ridge and Waco that the feds won’t hesitate to treat peaceful American citizens as hostile and confront them with full armed force. This is happening yet again in Clark County, Nevada.

For over twenty years now, a battle has raged between cattle rancher Cliven Bundy and the Bureau of Land Management. Bundy has been using federal land to allow his cattle to graze, and the BLM has argued that this is “trespassing” because the land is protected and because Bundy has not paid required grazing fees.

Wonder if they will kill him like Clinton killed the people in Waco and Ruby ridge
Didn't you once claim eminent domain for the keystone pipe line

I stated earlier that this should be resolved in court not at gunpoint.
If the man is in contempt throw him in jail. STEALING his family's livelihood & property is not the solution.

Stealing???? WTH? He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his livelihood and property from the public lands 16 freakin years ago. He has ignored it for 16 years. He has made a living off the cows fed on stolen grass for all that time.

His fine is the cattle he left on public land.

I will NEVER be fine with our government taking private property away from its citizens
I've decided to build a house on the edge of the Grand Canyon, in the national Park. The view will be terrific! I suspect that I can get away with it for 16 years, which works for me, at my age....
I stated earlier that this should be resolved in court not at gunpoint.
If the man is in contempt throw him in jail. STEALING his family's livelihood & property is not the solution.

Stealing???? WTH? He was ordered by a federal judge to remove his livelihood and property from the public lands 16 freakin years ago. He has ignored it for 16 years. He has made a living off the cows fed on stolen grass for all that time.

His fine is the cattle he left on public land.

I will NEVER be fine with our government taking private property away from its citizens

What do you call an income tax? What do you call sales tax?
Is your money your private property?
I've decided to build a house on the edge of the Grand Canyon, in the national Park. The view will be terrific! I suspect that I can get away with it for 16 years, which works for me, at my age....

Better yet, make it a hotel. Heck it's free whether you are a commercial enterprise or not.
Maybe connect a brothel and an abortion clinic - why not - it's FREE.
Let's remove the ranchers from the equation for a second, and discuss where the federal government got its claim to the land. I don't think we've adequately explained where their supposed right to this land comes from. We can obviously rule out the idea that the U.S. government homesteaded the land.

Some people have mentioned the Mexican War, which rests on the assumption that the U.S. government owns this land because it violently took this land from the Mexican government and paid them a pittance for it, but this fails any kind of logical test. I'll go back to my computer, if I had simply walked into the store, punched the sales person in the nose, given them a $10 bill and walked out with the computer would I have a right to this computer? Obviously not. So how does force create a legitimate claim in one scenario, but not in another? Furthermore, it's not clear that the Mexican government had any legitimate claim to the land in the first place, because chances are they simply used force to take it as well.

However, if we accept that force is a legitimate means to acquire property, then what exactly is the problem with what's going on with the ranchers now? The Bundys have rounded up a posse and are attempting to take that land by force from the federal government. If we accept that force is legitimate, then the only logical position to take from there is that we have to wait and see which side wins the fight before we can say that they do or do not have a legitimate claim to the land.
We have enough facts to make a determination.

1) The rancher stopped paying the grazing fee in 1993.
2) In 1998, a federal judge ruled that the rancher had to stop grazing on the public lands and had to remove his cattle.
3) The rancher has not complied and his cattle are still grazing on public lands for free.

That's quite a selective recitation of the facts.

If you have more, feel free to post them.

I listed the facts that have brought us to the point that feds have to provide protection for contractors removing Bundy's cattle from public lands.

Oh, and yeah I know you want the lands to be Bundy's. But current laws concerning property do not see it that way. I have no problem with you changing the laws. But until those laws are changed, I'll stick with the reality of who owns the land in question.

I've listed, along with several others, relevant facts several times over in this thread. You're simply ignoring them.

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