BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

I love how people cite how he lost his case in a federal court, with rules consistently changed by a federal agency, upheld by a federal judge, none of whom are elected, and they act like that is it game over.

He did loose in Federal Court.

First it was water rights, then is was about a tortoise, and as time goes by more and more info is coming out about the minerals, and natural gas in the area. Any excuse to kick the guy off the land. Not to mention we have an attorney general, and executive branch that openly admit to selective law enforcement. Why this guy, why now, and why the 200 man army?

It has always been about the millionaire not wanting to pay grazing fees.

Bundy is a fundamental Mormon. Think Ruby Ridge. I would have had tanks. Why do you think Sheriff Doug went up there escorted by SWAT?, and Sheriff Doug IS a Mormon. He knows.

I'll tell you what, since Bundy was on "public land" owned by "the people" (right?). I hereby give him my permission to use it for cattle grazing.

Except you don't have that right. It's 'all the people', and you aren't 'all'.

If you think the above statement is BS, I may agree, but in my opinion it holds just as much weight as the BLM's "our word is policy" BS. That isn't even bringing up the 1st amendment zones, or the heavily armed thugs that they have access too.

I love how people cite how he lost his case in a federal court, with rules consistently changed by a federal agency, upheld by a federal judge, none of whom are elected, and they act like that is it game over.
Unless he successfully wins in court, yes the game is over. That is how the laws in our country work.

If you think the above statement is BS, I may agree, but in my opinion it holds just as much weight as the BLM's "our word is policy" BS.
Yeah heaven forbid the agency responsible for administering public land has any say in policy regarding public land. Crazy ain't it.
His family had ranched cattle on that land since the 1870s. Nevada has an open range law. The bigger issue is 'why on earth should the Feds own over 80% of the land in Nevada?'.

But let's assume for a moment that the Rancher should have owed $1M in fines. The proper process is to put a lien on his property. Instead, the Feds tried to pull off some black ops maneuver to seize the cattle. Where was the proper due process?

Check the Clark County Assessors web site. Bundy placed most of his property in family trusts which is a way of hiding assets which can't be liened unless the person on that trust is named in any legal action. Good planning on his part.

This is nothing more than a rich One Percenter 'getting over' on taxpayers.

I guess he broke the law with the trust....right? :eusa_whistle:

NO. But if you're trying to hide who you are financially, it's a great way to do it.

Millionaire Bundy needs to pay the American taxpayer for using their land.
Boy if this was Occupy Wall Street, they would be all for the government kicking them off the land.

The fact is that he used federal land, didn't pay the grazing fees, lost and then bitched and cried about it. The rules apply to everyone, if you are a rancher using federal land, you must pay grazing fees. You don't get to say "Well I don't want to." Tough shit, that's the law.
I'm waiting for another neighbor rancher to move his cattle on the same land. Then, we can all enjoy the same range wars that occurred in Lincoln County, New Mexico, where Billy the kid killed all those people.

Ah, for the good ol' days....!
Boy if this was Occupy Wall Street, they would be all for the government kicking them off the land.

The fact is that he used federal land, didn't pay the grazing fees, lost and then bitched and cried about it. The rules apply to everyone, if you are a rancher using federal land, you must pay grazing fees. You don't get to say "Well I don't want to." Tough shit, that's the law.

Occupy and this rancher are no different. The rancher was actually peacefully protesting the government, then they came in with the snipers and guns to take his cattle over a supposed debt of 1.1 million dollars.

Occupy OTOH, got special permits through courts and unprecedented camping rights through to destroy public land. Occupy cost taxpayers tens of millions in almost every state for damages. They destroyed parks in Portland, and elsewhere in the US, pissing and shitting on public land. The clean up effort was expensive and ridiculous for taxpayers.

When finally told to leave Zucotti park, they refused and left belongings on PUBLIC LAND. Guess what? they have sued and won money for those belongings left on public land-awarded over 300,000 thousand, and more suits are taking place. Seems precedent setting, people can leave their things on public land without paying a cent and expect to have them not harmed... don't you agree?
Why didn't the rancher just pay the fines all these years? He had been warned for 20 years.

At first I was on the rancher's side, but like all bullshit right-wing stories, the more you learn about it the more you realize there's more to the story.

The rancher seemed to happily let his cattle graze on public land. What's he going to do next, let his cattle graze on Mount Rushmore? Let his cattle graze on the Washington mall?

Doesn't he have his own land where they can roam and graze?

I don't get the right-wing hypocrisy. If the cattle were grazing on his neighbors land, they'd say "Shoot the cattle! Respect my property!". But since it's public land, they think it's okay for the cattle to be there, because that means they get to pick a stupid little fight with the government.

How fucking childish is that?
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why didn't the rancher just pay the fines all these years? He had been warned for 20 years.

At first i was on the rancher's side, but like all bullshit right-wing stories, the more you learn about it the more you realize there's more to the story.

The rancher seemed to happily let his cattle graze on public land. What's he going to do next, let his cattle graze on mount rushmore? Let his cattle graze on the washington mall?

Doesn't he have his own land where they can roam and graze?

I don't get the right-wing hypocrisy. If the cattle were grazing on his neighbors land, they'd say "shoot the cattle! Respect my property!". But since it's public land, they think it's okay for the cattle to be there, because that means they get to pick a stupid little fight with the government.

How fucking childish is that?

gordon kaul! Mcveigh! Militias! American kristallnacht any second now!
CaféAuLait;8936147 said:
Boy if this was Occupy Wall Street, they would be all for the government kicking them off the land.

The fact is that he used federal land, didn't pay the grazing fees, lost and then bitched and cried about it. The rules apply to everyone, if you are a rancher using federal land, you must pay grazing fees. You don't get to say "Well I don't want to." Tough shit, that's the law.

Occupy and this rancher are no different. The rancher was actually peacefully protesting the government, then they came in with the snipers and guns to take his cattle over a supposed debt of 1.1 million dollars.

Occupy OTOH, got special permits through courts and unprecedented camping rights through to destroy public land. Occupy cost taxpayers tens of millions in almost every state for damages. They destroyed parks in Portland, and elsewhere in the US, pissing and shitting on public land. The clean up effort was expensive and ridiculous for taxpayers.

When finally told to leave Zucotti park, they refused and left belongings on PUBLIC LAND. Guess what? they have sued and won money for those belongings left on public land-awarded over 300,000 thousand, and more suits are taking place. Seems precedent setting, people can leave their things on public land without paying a cent and expect to have them not harmed... don't you agree?

Occupy was to protest bad rich people, Bundy is bad rich people.
No, Bundy isn't bad rich people. He's a moocher.

All the other ranchers pay grazing fees. A cousin of mine is a rancher, and he pays grazing fees. He plays by the rules and doesn't freeload off others.

Bundy is getting something for nothing. He's a moocher and Republicans defend him because they're the biggest moochers in America.

This story exposes the right-wing hypocrisy about mooching and freeloading, and that's what this is really about, no matter how badly you morons want to wage war against your own country.
CaféAuLait;8936147 said:
Boy if this was Occupy Wall Street, they would be all for the government kicking them off the land.

The fact is that he used federal land, didn't pay the grazing fees, lost and then bitched and cried about it. The rules apply to everyone, if you are a rancher using federal land, you must pay grazing fees. You don't get to say "Well I don't want to." Tough shit, that's the law.

Occupy and this rancher are no different. The rancher was actually peacefully protesting the government, then they came in with the snipers and guns to take his cattle over a supposed debt of 1.1 million dollars.

Occupy OTOH, got special permits through courts and unprecedented camping rights through to destroy public land. Occupy cost taxpayers tens of millions in almost every state for damages. They destroyed parks in Portland, and elsewhere in the US, pissing and shitting on public land. The clean up effort was expensive and ridiculous for taxpayers.

When finally told to leave Zucotti park, they refused and left belongings on PUBLIC LAND. Guess what? they have sued and won money for those belongings left on public land-awarded over 300,000 thousand, and more suits are taking place. Seems precedent setting, people can leave their things on public land without paying a cent and expect to have them not harmed... don't you agree?

Occupy was to protest bad rich people, Bundy is bad rich people.

What did occupy advocate, raising taxes on people making 250k or 1 million dollars? Making us pay for their student loans for women's studies and basket weaving majors? The reason they failed is they didn't advocate anything truly revolutionary, like ending the fed, cancelling the debt(like in Iceland), nationalizing assets of hedge funds and investment banks, ending fractional reserve banking, among other things. All they were was a control valve for the status quo. Low level democrat party fag activists is what they were, and they served their limited purpose.

Bundy advocates something truly revolutionary, something truly inspiring, and that is why he succeeded in rallying people to stand in defiance of ZOG.
CaféAuLait;8936147 said:
Occupy and this rancher are no different. The rancher was actually peacefully protesting the government, then they came in with the snipers and guns to take his cattle over a supposed debt of 1.1 million dollars.

Occupy OTOH, got special permits through courts and unprecedented camping rights through to destroy public land. Occupy cost taxpayers tens of millions in almost every state for damages. They destroyed parks in Portland, and elsewhere in the US, pissing and shitting on public land. The clean up effort was expensive and ridiculous for taxpayers.

When finally told to leave Zucotti park, they refused and left belongings on PUBLIC LAND. Guess what? they have sued and won money for those belongings left on public land-awarded over 300,000 thousand, and more suits are taking place. Seems precedent setting, people can leave their things on public land without paying a cent and expect to have them not harmed... don't you agree?

Occupy was to protest bad rich people, Bundy is bad rich people.

What did occupy advocate, raising taxes on people making 250k or 1 million dollars? Making us pay for their student loans for women's studies and basket weaving majors? The reason they failed is they didn't advocate anything truly revolutionary, like ending the fed, cancelling the debt(like in Iceland), nationalizing assets of hedge funds and investment banks, ending fractional reserve banking, among other things. All they were was a control valve for the status quo. Low level democrat party fag activists is what they were, and they served their limited purpose.

Bundy advocates something truly revolutionary, something truly inspiring, and that is why he succeeded in rallying people to stand in defiance of ZOG.

'Bundy advocates something truly revolutionary'

Ripping off the American taxpayer is 'revolutionary'? WalMart has been doing it for years.
Occupy was to protest bad rich people, Bundy is bad rich people.

What did occupy advocate, raising taxes on people making 250k or 1 million dollars? Making us pay for their student loans for women's studies and basket weaving majors? The reason they failed is they didn't advocate anything truly revolutionary, like ending the fed, cancelling the debt(like in Iceland), nationalizing assets of hedge funds and investment banks, ending fractional reserve banking, among other things. All they were was a control valve for the status quo. Low level democrat party fag activists is what they were, and they served their limited purpose.

Bundy advocates something truly revolutionary, something truly inspiring, and that is why he succeeded in rallying people to stand in defiance of ZOG.

'Bundy advocates something truly revolutionary'

Ripping off the American taxpayer is 'revolutionary'? WalMart has been doing it for years.

LOL you are worried about the 1.1 million Bundy supposedly owes?

Don't give hoot about the of millions and millions Occupy cost taxpayers by destroying PUBLIC lands, eh? How about all the money they are winning in lawsuits for their items removed from public land after being told to leave?

Occupy protests cost U.S. cities at least $13M

'Occupy' costs U.S. cities at least $13M ?

200,000 PLUS awarded for items occupy ordered to remove from public land

New York, Occupy Wall Street Settle Books Lawsuit for $232k - Decided

So, who is ripping off the American Taxpayer? hummmm
Occupy was to protest bad rich people, Bundy is bad rich people.

What did occupy advocate, raising taxes on people making 250k or 1 million dollars? Making us pay for their student loans for women's studies and basket weaving majors? The reason they failed is they didn't advocate anything truly revolutionary, like ending the fed, cancelling the debt(like in Iceland), nationalizing assets of hedge funds and investment banks, ending fractional reserve banking, among other things. All they were was a control valve for the status quo. Low level democrat party fag activists is what they were, and they served their limited purpose.

Bundy advocates something truly revolutionary, something truly inspiring, and that is why he succeeded in rallying people to stand in defiance of ZOG.

'Bundy advocates something truly revolutionary'

Ripping off the American taxpayer is 'revolutionary'? WalMart has been doing it for years.

Ripping off the American taxpayer? He is standing up for the American taxpayer. The notion that the federal government can claim control of land by fiat and demand taxes is unconstitutional and an attack on the taxpayer. Were not livestock that can be milked for taxes for their massive debt, bullshit wars, bullshit bank bailouts, services for illegals, and salaries for overpaid bureaucrat scum.

Fuck off with your nonsense. Like you even care about Wal Mart, you support a president that has expanded free trade, which supports Wal Mart which you supposedly despise.

No one with half a brain buys the con that either party, but especially the democrats in your case, stands for the working class.
Ripping off the American taxpayer? He is standing up for the American taxpayer. The notion that the federal government can claim control of land by fiat and demand taxes is unconstitutional and an attack on the taxpayer.
What on earth are you talking about, this has nothing to do with taxes.

Ranchers who use public land for grazing must pay a fee to do so, this is quite common in large Western states. He used to pay the grazing fees, but when the organization in charge of administering the land wanted to limit how many heads of cattle he could have he decided to stop paying the fees.

The US owns that land. When Nevada became a state in 1864 (which predates this guys' ridiculous claim to family being on this land) the citizens agreed to this as part of the conditions of becoming and enjoying the benefits of their territory becoming a US state.

From the Nevada constitution at THE CONSTITUTION OF THE STATE OF NEVADA
"Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States"

That is federal land, it has nothing to do with taxes, and you are supporting a wealthy freeloader.
I'm waiting for another neighbor rancher to move his cattle on the same land. Then, we can all enjoy the same range wars that occurred in Lincoln County, New Mexico, where Billy the kid killed all those people.

Ah, for the good ol' days....!
Yup, just let another rancher with a lot more cattle than him decide to move them onto this public land to graze, see how long this rich moocher stands by the "free land to use" ethos.
It's not over. Rumors are, Big Brother will be stepping up the harassment of this man and his family. 'Dirty Harry' Reid and his Chinese buddies are livid. They want blood. This man and his family need our prayers. This is far from over.
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