BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

The Nevada State Constitution effectively killed any rights his ancestors may have had to the land. Where is his deed for the land?

“Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States;

Bull shirt. They ran off all but one of the ranchers to "save the turtles."

The grazing rules for the land went through changes over the years, including some updated grazing rules in 1993 in the Gold Butte land area of Nevada. Among other issues, the 1993 rules were changed to protect the endangered desert tortoise. Other rules included limits to the number of cattle allowed in certain areas[13] to protect the lands from the severe over-grazing and destruction[13] which was caused by less regulation over the years. Bundy claims land managers changed the terms, citing concern for the desert tortoise, reducing Bundy's 158,666-acre Bunkerville allotment by 90% and capping his allotment to 150 animals.[14] Currently there are no grazing permits on the Bunkerville allotment, and any livestock on that land are there illegally

Bundy fought back, the other ranchers were run off. Cut his access by 90% and allotment to 150 animals. 150 animals is more a hobby size, no family could live off that, not on stringy desert cows anyways.

Can't believe you jerks are defending this crap. Oh yeah it's not your family that's being destroyed.
Liar. Name one other person using the land in question, who is paying fees for it. Just one.
I don't have to name anyone using that land to back up my claim that other ranchers pay fees to graze on public land, you are just too much of a mental midget to grasp that.

Again, even more slowly for the forum dolt: other ranchers pay fees to have their cattle graze on public land, this guy does not.

We now await RKMBrown to attempt to disprove something else, yet again.

I pay the toll to drive on the tollway, what the hell does that have to do with cattle grazing in the middle of the desert? Jackass.
Still looking for the part of the constitution that gives the federal government municipal policing powers....

Check the 5th amendment. Its right next to the part that says freeloaders can annex public land for private use without conforming to the rules of the entity in charge of the land.

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually... nothing in there gives the federal government any such power

still waiting
Check this out in another Nevada federal land grab:
Statement of Randy N. Parker for, The US House of Representatives, Committee on Natural Resources, Subcommittee on Water and Power, October 10, 2013:

Judge Jones found:[18]

Congress prescribed grazing rights on federal lands were to be granted based on a rancher’s ownership of water rights established under local law and custom.[18]
Hage has a right of access to put his livestock water rights to beneficial use, therefore the livestock could not be found in trespass.[18] [Within one half mile of water rights][16]
USFS employee Steve Williams was found in contempt of court and guilty of witness intimidation.[17][16][19]
Tonopah BLM manager Tom Seley as found in contempt of court and guilty of witness intimidation.[17][16][19]
Williams and Seley were held personally liable for damages with fines exceeding $33,000.[18]
The Hage’s were found guilty of only two minor trespass violations and were fined $165.88[16]
Regional Forester Harv Forsgren was excluded from testifying at trial during witness credibility hearing for lying to the Court.[18][19]
Chief Judge Robert C. Jones stated at the conclusion of the case:

"I find specifically that beginning in the late ‘70s and ‘80s, first, the Forest Service entered into a conspiracy to intentionally deprive the defendants here of their grazing rights, permit rights, preference rights." [18][19]

These BLM are a real piece of work. Hired crooks and liars. The feds need to be run out of town on a rail.
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The Nevada State Constitution effectively killed any rights his ancestors may have had to the land. Where is his deed for the land?

“Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States;

Bull shirt. They ran off all but one of the ranchers to "save the turtles."

The grazing rules for the land went through changes over the years, including some updated grazing rules in 1993 in the Gold Butte land area of Nevada. Among other issues, the 1993 rules were changed to protect the endangered desert tortoise. Other rules included limits to the number of cattle allowed in certain areas[13] to protect the lands from the severe over-grazing and destruction[13] which was caused by less regulation over the years. Bundy claims land managers changed the terms, citing concern for the desert tortoise, reducing Bundy's 158,666-acre Bunkerville allotment by 90% and capping his allotment to 150 animals.[14] Currently there are no grazing permits on the Bunkerville allotment, and any livestock on that land are there illegally

Bundy fought back, the other ranchers were run off. Cut his access by 90% and allotment to 150 animals. 150 animals is more a hobby size, no family could live off that, not on stringy desert cows anyways.

Can't believe you jerks are defending this crap. Oh yeah it's not your family that's being destroyed.

How is that BS? Its there in black and white. The state constitution kills any claim his family had specifically because it predates his family claim by about 16 years. They never ever owned the land in any shape or form. If you check the 5th Amendment of the constitution the government can take your land for public use as long as they compensate you. Since it was not his land and never was he has no claim whatsoever. Everything else is BS after that. I cant believe you want the rancher to have welfare and he does not need it!!!
Still looking for the part of the constitution that gives the federal government municipal policing powers....

Check the 5th amendment. Its right next to the part that says freeloaders can annex public land for private use without conforming to the rules of the entity in charge of the land.

Fifth Amendment to the United States Constitution - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Actually... nothing in there gives the federal government any such power

still waiting

You must not have read the part about eminent domain did you?
The Nevada State Constitution effectively killed any rights his ancestors may have had to the land. Where is his deed for the land?

Bull shirt. They ran off all but one of the ranchers to "save the turtles."

The grazing rules for the land went through changes over the years, including some updated grazing rules in 1993 in the Gold Butte land area of Nevada. Among other issues, the 1993 rules were changed to protect the endangered desert tortoise. Other rules included limits to the number of cattle allowed in certain areas[13] to protect the lands from the severe over-grazing and destruction[13] which was caused by less regulation over the years. Bundy claims land managers changed the terms, citing concern for the desert tortoise, reducing Bundy's 158,666-acre Bunkerville allotment by 90% and capping his allotment to 150 animals.[14] Currently there are no grazing permits on the Bunkerville allotment, and any livestock on that land are there illegally

Bundy fought back, the other ranchers were run off. Cut his access by 90% and allotment to 150 animals. 150 animals is more a hobby size, no family could live off that, not on stringy desert cows anyways.

Can't believe you jerks are defending this crap. Oh yeah it's not your family that's being destroyed.

How is that BS? Its there in black and white. The state constitution kills any claim his family had specifically because it predates his family claim by about 16 years. They never ever owned the land in any shape or form. If you check the 5th Amendment of the constitution the government can take your land for public use as long as they compensate you. Since it was not his land and never was he has no claim whatsoever. Everything else is BS after that. I cant believe you want the rancher to have welfare and he does not need it!!!
If he follows the law, there won't be any ranchers left on that 750k acres. What part of that fact is escaping you?
I pay the toll to drive on the tollway, what the hell does that have to do with cattle grazing in the middle of the desert? Jackass.
Ahh so other ranchers paying fees to use public land for grazing has nothing to do with this rancher who is supposed to be paying fees but doesn't, all because you paying tolls isn't related either.

Hah hah this is great, keep 'em coming man it is some serious laughs watching you twist yourself into pretzel logic. I'd love to see you trying to tie your shoes in the morning.
Bull shirt. They ran off all but one of the ranchers to "save the turtles."

Bundy fought back, the other ranchers were run off. Cut his access by 90% and allotment to 150 animals. 150 animals is more a hobby size, no family could live off that, not on stringy desert cows anyways.

Can't believe you jerks are defending this crap. Oh yeah it's not your family that's being destroyed.

How is that BS? Its there in black and white. The state constitution kills any claim his family had specifically because it predates his family claim by about 16 years. They never ever owned the land in any shape or form. If you check the 5th Amendment of the constitution the government can take your land for public use as long as they compensate you. Since it was not his land and never was he has no claim whatsoever. Everything else is BS after that. I cant believe you want the rancher to have welfare and he does not need it!!!
If he follows the law, there won't be any ranchers left on that 750k acres. What part of that fact is escaping you?

Why is that a problem that there will be no ranchers left? What do you mean if? I thought people who did not follow laws are criminals? Are you advocating we only follow laws we agree with? What is confusing you about the fact that this guy is a freeloading criminal?
Check the Clark County Assessors web site. Bundy placed most of his property in family trusts which is a way of hiding assets which can't be liened unless the person on that trust is named in any legal action. Good planning on his part.

This is nothing more than a rich One Percenter 'getting over' on taxpayers.

I guess he broke the law with the trust....right? :eusa_whistle:

NO. But if you're trying to hide who you are financially, it's a great way to do it.

Millionaire Bundy needs to pay the American taxpayer for using their land.

But, that wasn't the point you were making. :eusa_eh:
He certainly wasn't trying to hide who he was financially.....A trust is a piss poor way to do that. But, I think you knew that. :eusa_whistle:
I pay the toll to drive on the tollway, what the hell does that have to do with cattle grazing in the middle of the desert? Jackass.
Ahh so other ranchers paying fees to use public land for grazing has nothing to do with this rancher who is supposed to be paying fees but doesn't, all because you paying tolls isn't related either.

Hah hah this is great, keep 'em coming man it is some serious laughs watching you twist yourself into pretzel logic. I'd love to see you trying to tie your shoes in the morning.

When the feds give farmers and ranchers regulations that result in closing down of farms and ranches, and you defend that crap.... you and your scum bag ilk have crossed a pretty big line. The law has become a joke, the law has attacked the people it was tasked to defend, the law has become the enemy of the people, ... it's time to start fighting back ya jack-wagon.
Bull shirt. They ran off all but one of the ranchers to "save the turtles."

Bundy fought back, the other ranchers were run off. Cut his access by 90% and allotment to 150 animals. 150 animals is more a hobby size, no family could live off that, not on stringy desert cows anyways.

Can't believe you jerks are defending this crap. Oh yeah it's not your family that's being destroyed.

How is that BS? Its there in black and white. The state constitution kills any claim his family had specifically because it predates his family claim by about 16 years. They never ever owned the land in any shape or form. If you check the 5th Amendment of the constitution the government can take your land for public use as long as they compensate you. Since it was not his land and never was he has no claim whatsoever. Everything else is BS after that. I cant believe you want the rancher to have welfare and he does not need it!!!
If he follows the law, there won't be any ranchers left on that 750k acres. What part of that fact is escaping you?

There's more to this than meets the eye, and ACE knows it. He/she is just a tool.
I pay the toll to drive on the tollway, what the hell does that have to do with cattle grazing in the middle of the desert? Jackass.
Ahh so other ranchers paying fees to use public land for grazing has nothing to do with this rancher who is supposed to be paying fees but doesn't, all because you paying tolls isn't related either.

Hah hah this is great, keep 'em coming man it is some serious laughs watching you twist yourself into pretzel logic. I'd love to see you trying to tie your shoes in the morning.

When the feds give farmers and ranchers regulations that result in closing down of farms and ranches, and you defend that crap.... you and your scum bag ilk have crossed a pretty big line. The law has become a joke, the law has attacked the people it was tasked to defend, the law has become the enemy of the people, ... it's time to start fighting back ya jack-wagon.

It seems the law and the government is becoming an enemy of the people and more rapidly than I could ever imagine.
I pay the toll to drive on the tollway, what the hell does that have to do with cattle grazing in the middle of the desert? Jackass.
Ahh so other ranchers paying fees to use public land for grazing has nothing to do with this rancher who is supposed to be paying fees but doesn't, all because you paying tolls isn't related either.

Hah hah this is great, keep 'em coming man it is some serious laughs watching you twist yourself into pretzel logic. I'd love to see you trying to tie your shoes in the morning.

When the feds give farmers and ranchers regulations that result in closing down of farms and ranches, and you defend that crap.... you and your scum bag ilk have crossed a pretty big line. The law has become a joke, the law has attacked the people it was tasked to defend, the law has become the enemy of the people, ... it's time to start fighting back ya jack-wagon.

The law must have always been the enemy of the people then. One of the sovereign rights of the government is power over the land. The 5th amendment was actually added to the constitution in order to limit that power called eminent domain.
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Ahh so other ranchers paying fees to use public land for grazing has nothing to do with this rancher who is supposed to be paying fees but doesn't, all because you paying tolls isn't related either.

Hah hah this is great, keep 'em coming man it is some serious laughs watching you twist yourself into pretzel logic. I'd love to see you trying to tie your shoes in the morning.

When the feds give farmers and ranchers regulations that result in closing down of farms and ranches, and you defend that crap.... you and your scum bag ilk have crossed a pretty big line. The law has become a joke, the law has attacked the people it was tasked to defend, the law has become the enemy of the people, ... it's time to start fighting back ya jack-wagon.

The law must have always been the enemy of the people then. One of the inalienable rights of the government is power over the land. The 5th amendment was actually added to the constitution in order to limit that power called eminent domain.

And, in 2005 the Supreme Court broadened the interpretation of eminent domain.....and screwed this great nation and its citizens.

Kelo v. City of New London
When the feds give farmers and ranchers regulations that result in closing down of farms and ranches, and you defend that crap.... you and your scum bag ilk have crossed a pretty big line. The law has become a joke, the law has attacked the people it was tasked to defend, the law has become the enemy of the people, ... it's time to start fighting back ya jack-wagon.

The law must have always been the enemy of the people then. One of the inalienable rights of the government is power over the land. The 5th amendment was actually added to the constitution in order to limit that power called eminent domain.

And, in 2005 the Supreme Court broadened the interpretation of eminent domain.....and screwed this great nation and its citizens.

Kelo v. City of New London
Actually it protects citizens as the government has to compensate at fair market value.....that is if you actually own the land which this rancher does not. i also need to correct inalienable right to sovereign right.
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Ahh so other ranchers paying fees to use public land for grazing has nothing to do with this rancher who is supposed to be paying fees but doesn't, all because you paying tolls isn't related either.

Hah hah this is great, keep 'em coming man it is some serious laughs watching you twist yourself into pretzel logic. I'd love to see you trying to tie your shoes in the morning.

When the feds give farmers and ranchers regulations that result in closing down of farms and ranches, and you defend that crap.... you and your scum bag ilk have crossed a pretty big line. The law has become a joke, the law has attacked the people it was tasked to defend, the law has become the enemy of the people, ... it's time to start fighting back ya jack-wagon.

The law must have always been the enemy of the people then. One of the inalienable rights of the government is power over the land. The 5th amendment was actually added to the constitution in order to limit that power called eminent domain.

The gov. doesn't have rights.

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