BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that.
Drama queen much?

They want him to follow their rules regarding max number of cattle to graze on this land he doesn't own, and to pay the grazing fees like everyone else.

Big Brother wants it all. And he'll kill anyone who gets in his way. One day even you loyal Goose Steppers will come to realize that.

How many people has the gov't killed in the standoff so far? While you compile those figures, would you mind telling me how many people were wounded? If you don't have hard and fast numbers, I'll settle for an approximation considering that it must be chaos down there with all the shots that must have been fired by gov't stormtroopers, snipers, etc.
No you are wrong. Look up the definition and look at the 5th amendment. Its not that hard of a concept to figure out.

What is it I'm wrong about.

eminent domain
the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.

Kelo corrupted this by expropriating private property for PRIVATE use.
Who else ever had title to the land? Someone has to own it and according to the Nevada State Constitution the government does.

This is the Kings land, commoners will be punished for trespassing upon it.

IF it were the peoples land, then the people would have access.

They do have access. Are you sure youre aware of what you are talking about? People camp and do other recreational activities on the land. This douchebag doesn't want to pay the fees he should for grazing.
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No you are wrong. Look up the definition and look at the 5th amendment. Its not that hard of a concept to figure out.

What is it I'm wrong about.

eminent domain
the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.

Kelo corrupted this by expropriating private property for PRIVATE use.

You are wrong about pretty much everything you have typed so far.

What is your fascination with Kelo and how does it apply to this issue? See my other posts speaking about eminent domain and how it applies in the case the rancher actually owned the land.....which he doesn't. He is a freeloader, liar, and he has duped all the fools supporting him. This isnt the little man against the government. This is a wealthy rancher who is feeding his cattle for free instead of paying grazing fees like the other ranchers.
Just another way of saying eminent domain.

Either way, the notion that this is "public" or "the peoples" land is an absurd farce.

No it's not. That's what public land IS. It belongs to the citizens of the country as a whole.

That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.
Who else ever had title to the land? Someone has to own it and according to the Nevada State Constitution the government does.

This is the Kings land, commoners will be punished for trespassing upon it.

IF it were the peoples land, then the people would have access.

They do have access. Are you sure you aware of what you are talking about? People camp and do other recreational activities on the land. This douchebag doesn't want to pay the fees he should for grazing.

There are places in Arizona I believe which are designated public lands which the public has been warned to stay off of because the Mexican drug cartels have the area pretty much sewed up and it's dangerous to go in there.

Where does the Bureau of Land Management stand on that issue?

The illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican boarders have been trashing ranchers land way down Texas way for years and years and the government doesn't seem too upset over that.

As I pointed out earlier, this wasn't about "grazing fees" or saving turtles. It was about a business deal that Harry Reid and his son cut with the Chinese to build factories and establish Chinese colonies on US territory.
They weren't even going to get the full value of the land at that.
Since you know that the Reids wouldn't be satisfied with so many beads and gee gaws like the Indians, you can safely assume that they stood to get some hefty kick backs.

Why are you so concerned about cows eating the grass when the grass will grow back.

Turning over US lands to foreign entities, especially Communist ones would be a much more difficult action to reverse.

What are you anyway, a communist?

Or do farting cows bother you more than a communist take over?
They do have access.

So, that's what the signs declaring "Trespassers Will be Shot on order of the Federal Government" mean?

Good to know, I took it differently.

Are you sure you aware of what you are talking about? People camp and do other recreational activities on the land. This douchebag doesn't want to pay the fees he should for grazing.


You are so full of shit.

Small sections of national parks allow camping and recreation. 90% of even Yellowstone is off limits to the public. On 99.9% of federal land you'll go to jail or be shot if you are caught on it. About half of federal land in Nevada is irradiated from your beloved rulers setting off nuclear bombs.

Seriously dude, are you drunk today?
You are wrong about pretty much everything you have typed so far.

Meister thinks you're trying to spin; but that's not it, is it? You are abjectly ignorant - you simply have no clue what you're yammering about.

{ Term:


Location: City of New London Town Hall
Facts of the Case

New London, a city in Connecticut, used its eminent domain authority to seize private property to sell to private developers. The city said developing the land would create jobs and increase tax revenues. Kelo Susette and others whose property was seized sued New London in state court. The property owners argued the city violated the Fifth Amendment's takings clause, which guaranteed the government will not take private property for public use without just compensation. Specifically the property owners argued taking private property to sell to private developers was not public use. The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled for New London}

Kelo v. City of New London | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

You not knowing what the case is about is ignorance.

Ignorance is forgivable, and easily rectified with a bit of knowledge.

What is your fascination with Kelo and how does it apply to this issue? See my other posts speaking about eminent domain and how it applies in the case the rancher actually owned the land.....which he doesn't. He is a freeloader, liar, and he has duped all the fools supporting him. This isnt the little man against the government. This is a wealthy rancher who is feeding his cattle for free instead of paying grazing fees like the other ranchers.

On the other hand, you speaking out on a subject you are ignorant of, is stupidity.

Stupidity is not forgivable.
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This is the Kings land, commoners will be punished for trespassing upon it.

IF it were the peoples land, then the people would have access.

They do have access. Are you sure you aware of what you are talking about? People camp and do other recreational activities on the land. This douchebag doesn't want to pay the fees he should for grazing.

There are places in Arizona I believe which are designated public lands which the public has been warned to stay off of because the Mexican drug cartels have the area pretty much sewed up and it's dangerous to go in there.

Where does the Bureau of Land Management stand on that issue?

The illegal immigrants crossing the Mexican boarders have been trashing ranchers land way down Texas way for years and years and the government doesn't seem too upset over that.

As I pointed out earlier, this wasn't about "grazing fees" or saving turtles. It was about a business deal that Harry Reid and his son cut with the Chinese to build factories and establish Chinese colonies on US territory.
They weren't even going to get the full value of the land at that.
Since you know that the Reids wouldn't be satisfied with so many beads and gee gaws like the Indians, you can safely assume that they stood to get some hefty kick backs.

Why are you so concerned about cows eating the grass when the grass will grow back.

Turning over US lands to foreign entities, especially Communist ones would be a much more difficult action to reverse.

What are you anyway, a communist?

Or do farting cows bother you more than a communist take over?

Let me know when there is a standoff in Arizona. At that point I will address your retarded off topic questions concerning them. Your theories dont mean much to me without some evidence. However, even if true the rancher is still not paying his fees and breaking the law.

I'm not concerned about cows eating grass. I'm concerned with wealthy ranchers free loading.

If you are concerned about land being turned over to foreign companies you better not research how much land they have already purchased for years. Better yet you better start working in the political arena to make it illegal for foreigners to own land in the US.

I possibly could be communist but that has nothing to do with the free loading rancher who enjoys cows farting.
They do have access.

So, that's what the signs declaring "Trespassers Will be Shot on order of the Federal Government" mean?

Good to know, I took it differently.

Are you sure you aware of what you are talking about? People camp and do other recreational activities on the land. This douchebag doesn't want to pay the fees he should for grazing.


You are so full of shit.

Small sections of national parks allow camping and recreation. 90% of even Yellowstone is off limits to the public. On 99.9% of federal land you'll go to jail or be shot if you are caught on it. About half of federal land in Nevada is irradiated from your beloved rulers setting off nuclear bombs.

Seriously dude, are you drunk today?

Evidently you don't understand the meaning of trespasser. To give you a fundamental understanding imagine that you own property and your family walks onto your land. No problem right? Now imagine a stranger that you did not give permission to doing the same thing. That guy is a trespasser. If you dont have permission you are a trespasser.

We are not talking about Yellowstone. Get back to the point which is the freeloading rancher getting richer at taxpayer expense and having the audacity to think he is has a right to do what he is doing. If for some reason he wins his fight you wont see a dime in return. How stupid are you for supporting welfare when it is not needed?
Either way, the notion that this is "public" or "the peoples" land is an absurd farce.

No it's not. That's what public land IS. It belongs to the citizens of the country as a whole.

That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are
over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.

Are you obtuse?

The land, as well as what's on it and in it (timber, grass, surface water, underground aquifer water, ore, oil, natural gas, etc) is a natural resource which is owned by the citizens of the country and managed by the federal gov't. That's why our taxes pay for the management of these resources, and licensing the exploitation of those resources when it comes to grazing fees and mining royalties as well as fees for entering national parks. This management of our (the citizens') resources results in payments to the BLM and/or the treasury to defray the cost of managing the land, building and maintaining roads, etc.
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You are wrong about pretty much everything you have typed so far.

Meister thinks you're trying to spin; but that's not it, is it? You are abjectly ignorant - you simply have no clue what you're yammering about.

{ Term:


Location: City of New London Town Hall
Facts of the Case

New London, a city in Connecticut, used its eminent domain authority to seize private property to sell to private developers. The city said developing the land would create jobs and increase tax revenues. Kelo Susette and others whose property was seized sued New London in state court. The property owners argued the city violated the Fifth Amendment's takings clause, which guaranteed the government will not take private property for public use without just compensation. Specifically the property owners argued taking private property to sell to private developers was not public use. The Connecticut Supreme Court ruled for New London}

Kelo v. City of New London | The Oyez Project at IIT Chicago-Kent College of Law

You not knowing what the case is about is ignorance.

Ignorance is forgivable, and easily rectified with a bit of knowledge.

What is your fascination with Kelo and how does it apply to this issue? See my other posts speaking about eminent domain and how it applies in the case the rancher actually owned the land.....which he doesn't. He is a freeloader, liar, and he has duped all the fools supporting him. This isnt the little man against the government. This is a wealthy rancher who is feeding his cattle for free instead of paying grazing fees like the other ranchers.

On the other hand, you speaking out on a subject you are ignorant of, is stupidity.

Stupidity is not forgivable.

Yeah I knew about that. What does that have to do with whats going on in Nevada? Be specific.
No it's not. That's what public land IS. It belongs to the citizens of the country as a whole.

That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are
over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.

Are you obtuse?

The land, as well as what's on it and in it (timber, grass, surface water, underground aquifer water, ore, oil, natural gas, etc) is a natural resource which is owned by the citizens of the country and managed by the federal gov't. That's why our taxes pay for the management of these resources, and licensing the exploitation of those resources when it comes to grazing fees and mining royalties as well as fees for entering national parks results in payments to the BLM and/or the treasury to defray the cost of managing the land, building and maintaining roads, etc.

You will find that when people dont have a leg to stand on any excuse will do to get totally off the point. Its pretty cut and dried. The guy never owned the land. He stopped paying his fees to graze. He lost in court. Twice. He is a free loader.
Either way, the notion that this is "public" or "the peoples" land is an absurd farce.

No it's not. That's what public land IS. It belongs to the citizens of the country as a whole.

That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.

except for the fact they won and bought it from Mexico during the American/Mexican war you retard. So you are literally spitting on dead soldiers. We werent just given Nevada because we are nice people. We fought for it and won. Naturally the Federal government would own it in some fashion.
Let me know when there is a standoff in Arizona. At that point I will address your retarded off topic questions concerning them. Your theories dont mean much to me without some evidence. However, even if true the rancher is still not paying his fees and breaking the law.

I'm not concerned about cows eating grass. I'm concerned with wealthy ranchers free loading.

If you are concerned about land being turned over to foreign companies you better not research how much land they have already purchased for years. Better yet you better start working in the political arena to make it illegal for foreigners to own land in the US.

I possibly could be communist but that has nothing to do with the free loading rancher who enjoys cows farting.

You must have missed the first one. If there is another one which develops in the future I'll try to let you know. Then you and your Bolshevik comrades can show up to help the Federal forces "spread the wealth around".

Nevada ranching family claims victory as government releases cattle | Reuters

(Reuters) - U.S. officials ended a stand-off with hundreds of armed protesters in the Nevada desert on Saturday, calling off the government's roundup of cattle it said were illegally grazing on federal land and giving about 300 animals back to the rancher who owned them.

Reuters, being pretty much a Jew dominated rag failed to mention the Reid connection to China. So here it is again just as a reminder.
The son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Rory Reid, is the primary representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese energy company seeking to build a $5 billion solar panel plant on a 9,000-acre Clark County desert plot in Laughlin, Nevada.

Too bad for you, your communist pals lost this round.

I will agree with you that there are many more places in the US which ARE being sold off to foreign entities.
In fact, there is at least one notable economist I can think of who called the de-industrialization of the US a "leveraged sell out of the US economy".

It's not that I would expect the likes of you people to mourn the loss of US Sovereignty, or property rights anymore than the hack job King Yomamma and the Bush dynasty have done to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'm just saying that a Zionist oligarchy of elitist plutocrats and Jewish Supremacists ruling the country is not a satisfactory substitution for the heritage that all the "angry white men" are being asked to give up.

If you get so riled about the farting cows eating government grass then I should expect you to be at least a little more concerned about illegal aliens trashing Texas rancher's land and occupying huge portions of Arizona for the flourishing drug business that's destroying America.

People like you are quick to pour out and jump up and down on white cattle ranchers and other "angry white men" when their farting cows eat government grass. You're just as quick to praise King Yomammi when he releases 68,000 illegal Mexicans from jails who were there NOT for breaking immigration laws, but for BREAKING THE LAW period.

I wish you commies would try to get your priorities straight or at least try to show some semblance of fairness in the way you dispense your criticisms.

How much grass do you think those cows ate in terms of dollars and cents when compared to the economic load that millions of illegal Mexicans on YOmammaCare are going to cost?
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