BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

The law must have always been the enemy of the people then. One of the inalienable rights of the government is power over the land. The 5th amendment was actually added to the constitution in order to limit that power called eminent domain.

And, in 2005 the Supreme Court broadened the interpretation of eminent domain.....and screwed this great nation and its citizens.

Kelo v. City of New London
Actually it protects citizens as the government has to compensate at fair market value.....that is if you actually own the land which this farmer does not.

That was a terrible spin and a big fail on you, tool.
When the feds give farmers and ranchers regulations that result in closing down of farms and ranches, and you defend that crap.... you and your scum bag ilk have crossed a pretty big line. The law has become a joke, the law has attacked the people it was tasked to defend, the law has become the enemy of the people, ... it's time to start fighting back ya jack-wagon.

The law must have always been the enemy of the people then. One of the inalienable rights of the government is power over the land. The 5th amendment was actually added to the constitution in order to limit that power called eminent domain.

The gov. doesn't have rights.

Read the 5th amendment and you will find that you are categorically wrong.
And, in 2005 the Supreme Court broadened the interpretation of eminent domain.....and screwed this great nation and its citizens.

Kelo v. City of New London
Actually it protects citizens as the government has to compensate at fair market value.....that is if you actually own the land which this farmer does not.

That was a terrible spin and a big fail on you, tool.

You should be able to prove that with facts instead of your opinion.
Actually it protects citizens as the government has to compensate at fair market value.....that is if you actually own the land which this farmer does not.

That was a terrible spin and a big fail on you, tool.

You should be able to prove that with facts instead of your opinion.

You just need to educate yourself with eminent domain before and after the Kelo decision, tool.
I'm not here to be your 6th grade teacher.:eusa_whistle:
That was a terrible spin and a big fail on you, tool.

You should be able to prove that with facts instead of your opinion.

You just need to educate yourself with eminent domain before and after the Kelo decision, tool.
I'm not here to be your 6th grade teacher.:eusa_whistle:

IOW you figured out it wasn't a spin or a fail. I dont need to educate myself on anything. You need to make sure you know what you are talking about and how it applies to the OP. The rancher guy is wrong at every step in the process. He is a free loading criminal.
Actually it protects citizens as the government has to compensate at fair market value.....that is if you actually own the land which this rancher does not. i also need to correct inalienable right to sovereign right.

You are mistaken.

Kelo dealt with invoking eminent domain to transfer private land to other private owners. New London evicted home owners and took their homes so that a private developer could bulldoze the houses they lived in, and put up condos.

Kelo was the great ass-fucking of property rights.
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You should be able to prove that with facts instead of your opinion.

You just need to educate yourself with eminent domain before and after the Kelo decision, tool.
I'm not here to be your 6th grade teacher.:eusa_whistle:

IOW you figured out it wasn't a spin or a fail. I dont need to educate myself on anything. You need to make sure you know what you are talking about and how it applies to the OP. The rancher guy is wrong at every step in the process. He is a free loading criminal.

Your post was a terrible spin, and do I have to remind you that you brought up the 5th amendment and eminent domain in your post?
I still don't think you know the difference between eminent domain now and prior to the Kelo decision. Just sayin'......
There is an important lesson to be learned in all this; what a bunch of "angry white men" can do WHEN THEY BAN TOGETHER.

THAT is what it's going to take.

I'm convinced that these people were ready to be shot down to prove a point. That's what it is going to take.

You can argue about this with the dope heads, Marxists, and Zionist Jews 'til the cows come home and it will NEVER change a thing.

The ONLY thing they will ever understand is a PHYSICAL confrontation.

After years of having "discussions" like these with libs and Hasbarats, I am 100% certain of it.

As "angry white men", we must decide whether our lives are so dear that we are willing to accept Jewish hegemony and all the "multiculturalist" miscegenation, domination, humiliation and mistreatment that goes with it, or else be willing to face death or injury openly resisting it.

I don't say this lightly. I am afraid that death and injury is pretty much what the Jewish Supremacists and their brown minions have in mind for us anyway.

Either those ranchers understood this or they didn't. They WERE threatened with it either way.
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There is an important lesson to be learned in all this; what a bunch of "angry white men" can do WHEN THEY BAN TOGETHER.

THAT is what it's going to take.

I'm convinced that these people were ready to be shot down to prove a point. That's what it is going to take.

You can argue about this with the dope heads, Marxists, and Zionist Jews 'til the cows come home and it will NEVER change a thing.

The ONLY thing they will ever understand is a PHYSICAL confrontation.

After years of having "discussions" like these with libs and Hasbarats, I am 100% certain of it.

As "angry white men", we must decide whether our lives are so dear that we are willing to accept Jewish hegemony and all the "multiculturalist" miscegenation, domination, humiliation and mistreatment that goes with it, or else be willing to face death or injury openly resisting it.

I don't say this lightly. I am afraid that death and injury is pretty much what the Jewish Supremacists and their brown minions have in mind for us anyway.

Either those ranchers understood this or they didn't. They WERE threatened with it either way.

Sig heil!
There is an important lesson to be learned in all this; what a bunch of "angry white men" can do WHEN THEY BAN TOGETHER.

THAT is what it's going to take.

I'm convinced that these people were ready to be shot down to prove a point. That's what it is going to take.

You can argue about this with the dope heads, Marxists, and Zionist Jews 'til the cows come home and it will NEVER change a thing.

The ONLY thing they will ever understand is a PHYSICAL confrontation.

After years of having "discussions" like these with libs and Hasbarats, I am 100% certain of it.

As "angry white men", we must decide whether our lives are so dear that we are willing to accept Jewish hegemony and all the "multiculturalist" miscegenation, domination, humiliation and mistreatment that goes with it, or else be willing to face death or injury openly resisting it.

I don't say this lightly. I am afraid that death and injury is pretty much what the Jewish Supremacists and their brown minions have in mind for us anyway.

Either those ranchers understood this or they didn't. They WERE threatened with it either way.

Typical. Good Americans (ranchers) fighting against bad Americans (paid thugs of the tyrannical government), and the bad Americans send a racist bigoted pig to make the good guys look like racist bigoted pigs.

This issue has nothing to do with race. Go away.
Actually it protects citizens as the government has to compensate at fair market value.....that is if you actually own the land which this rancher does not. i also need to correct inalienable right to sovereign right.

You are mistaken.

Kelo dealt with invoking eminent domain to transfer private land to other private owners. New London evicted home owners and took their homes so that a private developer could bulldoze the houses they lived in, and put up condos.

Kelo was the great ass-fucking of property rights.

No you are wrong. Look up the definition and look at the 5th amendment. Its not that hard of a concept to figure out.

eminent domain
the right of a government or its agent to expropriate private property for public use, with payment of compensation.
You just need to educate yourself with eminent domain before and after the Kelo decision, tool.
I'm not here to be your 6th grade teacher.:eusa_whistle:

IOW you figured out it wasn't a spin or a fail. I dont need to educate myself on anything. You need to make sure you know what you are talking about and how it applies to the OP. The rancher guy is wrong at every step in the process. He is a free loading criminal.

Your post was a terrible spin, and do I have to remind you that you brought up the 5th amendment and eminent domain in your post?
I still don't think you know the difference between eminent domain now and prior to the Kelo decision. Just sayin'......

So far you have not shown me where I am spinning anything. I brought up the 5th amendment to point out even if he owned the land the government can still take it. He doesnt own it. How is that a spin? I told you I dont need to know about the Kelo decision to bring up the fact they could take the land if the rancher owned it.....which he doesnt. Why is Kelo relevant?
IOW you figured out it wasn't a spin or a fail. I dont need to educate myself on anything. You need to make sure you know what you are talking about and how it applies to the OP. The rancher guy is wrong at every step in the process. He is a free loading criminal.

Your post was a terrible spin, and do I have to remind you that you brought up the 5th amendment and eminent domain in your post?
I still don't think you know the difference between eminent domain now and prior to the Kelo decision. Just sayin'......

So far you have not shown me where I am spinning anything. I brought up the 5th amendment to point out even if he owned the land the government can still take it. He doesnt own it. How is that a spin? I told you I dont need to know about the Kelo decision to bring up the fact they could take the land if the rancher owned it.....which he doesnt. Why is Kelo relevant?
You're still spinning, the OP had nothing to do with eminent domain whatsoever. You brought it up for whatever reason. Then you say that the citizens were better off after the Kelo decision, that's where I pointed out that you were spinning, you had no clue on that case. It had to be one of the worst decisions from the court for the American people. True story.
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Your post was a terrible spin, and do I have to remind you that you brought up the 5th amendment and eminent domain in your post?
I still don't think you know the difference between eminent domain now and prior to the Kelo decision. Just sayin'......

So far you have not shown me where I am spinning anything. I brought up the 5th amendment to point out even if he owned the land the government can still take it. He doesnt own it. How is that a spin? I told you I dont need to know about the Kelo decision to bring up the fact they could take the land if the rancher owned it.....which he doesnt. Why is Kelo relevant?
You're still spinning, the OP had nothing to do with eminent domain whatsoever. You brought it up for whatever reason. Then you say that the citizens were better off after the Kelo decision, that's where I pointed out that you were spinning, you had no clue on that case. It had to be one of the worst decisions from the court for the American people. True story.

Maybe you missed my post. I brought up eminent domain to point out if the rancher even owned the land as claimed, the government could take it. How is the Kelo decision pertinent as that was back in 2005? Its 2014 in case you got caught in a time wrinkle and forgot.
There is an important lesson to be learned in all this; what a bunch of "angry white men" can do WHEN THEY BAN TOGETHER.

THAT is what it's going to take.

I'm convinced that these people were ready to be shot down to prove a point. That's what it is going to take.

You can argue about this with the dope heads, Marxists, and Zionist Jews 'til the cows come home and it will NEVER change a thing.

The ONLY thing they will ever understand is a PHYSICAL confrontation.

After years of having "discussions" like these with libs and Hasbarats, I am 100% certain of it.

As "angry white men", we must decide whether our lives are so dear that we are willing to accept Jewish hegemony and all the "multiculturalist" miscegenation, domination, humiliation and mistreatment that goes with it, or else be willing to face death or injury openly resisting it.

I don't say this lightly. I am afraid that death and injury is pretty much what the Jewish Supremacists and their brown minions have in mind for us anyway.

Either those ranchers understood this or they didn't. They WERE threatened with it either way.

Typical. Good Americans (ranchers) fighting against bad Americans (paid thugs of the tyrannical government), and the bad Americans send a racist bigoted pig to make the good guys look like racist bigoted pigs.

This issue has nothing to do with race. Go away.

Don't kid yourself "Duke". You need to dig a little deeper. Then maybe you would realize who it is that's giving the "paid thugs of the tyrannical government" their orders and WHY.

Harry Reid and his son trying to make a mint off the Chinese desire to set up shop in the US is only the tip of the ice berg.

People need to learn to look beyond the next immediate link in the chain.

The Federal Reserve provides a good example of this. Because of the convoluted way in which the Fed and their merry band of Wall Street bandits commit their thefts, the unsuspecting masses can't see the connection between the loss of buying power of their money and the increasing wealth of the elitists who are running the show.

Likewise with the "Tea Party", the Movement for 9/11 Truth and any other grass roots movements to take the country back.
Haven't you noticed how that almost as soon as they gain enough traction to make the national news they begin to lose steam as Zionist infiltrators step in and commandeer the operation?

For the sake of brevity I will make you an offer. If you doubt what I am trying to say or simply don't see it, I will be willing to back up every word I am saying with supporting evidence provided you are willing to maintain an open mind long enough to take the information in without slamming the door shut prematurely.

In the meantime, don't restrict your line of reasoning to looking at one step only in the chain of cause and effect.

Dogs, and cats, and cattle do this. This short sightedness on their part may either be a blessing or a curse. In the case of dogs and cats, they cannot reason well enough to be able to safely cross the road. In the case of cattle, they are blessed with the sweet oblivion of being able to graze in peace without realizing that one day a cattle car will be coming around to take them on the journey to the slaughter house.

Our elitist rulers liken us to both dogs and cattle.

We should at least deprive them the benefit of the joke they are playing on us by not failing to see the connection between one event and a cause which may be several steps removed from it.

The fact that the much more serious problem of "our representatives" being able to sell pieces of America to communist interlopers seems lost upon those who are preoccupied with arguing over "eminent domain" which is just another way of saying that the King and his minions may legally seize your property anytime they get good and damned ready, with or without notification.

The Jewish Supremacists which have spearheaded the Socialist movement in the US fancy themselves to be the smartest "race" in the world.

One way they are able to maintain this illusion is that they have learned that people with short attention spans often get lost when they are forced to take the long way around the barn.
They understand that we "simple folk" are accustomed to looking at only what appears at the surface and only for the brief time in which we are observing it.

All the Chosen have to do in order to pull the wool over the sheeps eyes is to cloak what they do and provide a sufficient time interval between one move and the next so that by the time one is realized, the other is forgotten.

We have allowed the foxes in to guard the hen houses and can't understand why we are loosing so many chickens.

The situation in Nevada is only symptomatic of a larger much more pervasive condition endemic in the US now.

You can't treat a cancer with a band aid. You have to cut it out at it's ROOTS.
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Typical. Good Americans (ranchers) fighting against bad Americans (paid thugs of the tyrannical government), and the bad Americans send a racist bigoted pig to make the good guys look like racist bigoted pigs.

This issue has nothing to do with race. Go away.

By the way, I am not the one who is "making the good guys look like racist bigoted pigs".

Take a look around. Take a good, long, hard look.

While you are at it, please explain to me exactly what you mean by "racist bigoted pig".

You may begin with the word "racist".

Even if you succeed in chasing away all critics of our Zionist Organizational Government, you can be certain that those who are leading it will NOT go away, at least not voluntarily.

So why should I?
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