BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

No it's not. That's what public land IS. It belongs to the citizens of the country as a whole.

That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.

except for the fact they won and bought it from Mexico during the American/Mexican war you retard. So you are literally spitting on dead soldiers. We werent just given Nevada because we are nice people. We fought for it and won. Naturally the Federal government would own it in some fashion.

Yeah. Just like it says in The Constitution. The EPA has the power to declare war on ranchers so that the Federal Government can Own Land In Some Fashion.
That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.

except for the fact they won and bought it from Mexico during the American/Mexican war you retard. So you are literally spitting on dead soldiers. We werent just given Nevada because we are nice people. We fought for it and won. Naturally the Federal government would own it in some fashion.

Yeah. Just like it says in The Constitution. The EPA has the power to declare war on ranchers so that the Federal Government can Own Land In Some Fashion.

Pretty much.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2.
That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.

except for the fact they won and bought it from Mexico during the American/Mexican war you retard. So you are literally spitting on dead soldiers. We werent just given Nevada because we are nice people. We fought for it and won. Naturally the Federal government would own it in some fashion.

Yeah. Just like it says in The Constitution. The EPA has the power to declare war on ranchers so that the Federal Government can Own Land In Some Fashion.

The EPA has the power to declare war on ranchers so that the Federal Government can Own Land In Some Fashion

clause two

and sell some to the chinese to develop solar plants

and hold other parts as an offset

for the destructive nature of the prior
That sounds really nice, except for the fact that there are over 300M people in the U.S., the vast majority of whom have absolutely zero desire to visit scrub land in NV.

In reality, the fact that the Federal Government "owns" 84% of Nevada just provide yet another vehicle for Big Government Cronyism on the tax payer dime.

except for the fact they won and bought it from Mexico during the American/Mexican war you retard. So you are literally spitting on dead soldiers. We werent just given Nevada because we are nice people. We fought for it and won. Naturally the Federal government would own it in some fashion.

Yeah. Just like it says in The Constitution. The EPA has the power to declare war on ranchers so that the Federal Government can Own Land In Some Fashion.

seriously where you repeatedly punched in the head a lot? I can't figure out how someone like you is this motherfucking stupid.

none of this has any relevance to Bundy. You literally know nothing of the story.
except for the fact they won and bought it from Mexico during the American/Mexican war you retard. So you are literally spitting on dead soldiers. We werent just given Nevada because we are nice people. We fought for it and won. Naturally the Federal government would own it in some fashion.

Yeah. Just like it says in The Constitution. The EPA has the power to declare war on ranchers so that the Federal Government can Own Land In Some Fashion.

Pretty much.

The Congress shall have Power to dispose of and make all needful Rules and Regulations respecting the Territory or other Property belonging to the United States; and nothing in this Constitution shall be so construed as to Prejudice any Claims of the United States, or of any particular State.

Article 4, Section 3, Clause 2.

thats the liberal constitution made by commies.
Harry Reid Bolsters Son?s Interests in Chinese Solar Plant Deal

Look at the DATE on this article.

Thursday, 06 September 2012 10:09
Harry Reid Bolsters Son’s Interests in Chinese Solar Plant Deal

Read the article.

Rory Reid, the eldest son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), is the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada. ENN Energy Group, a clean-energy firm that manufactures a range of renewable-energy products, is seeking to construct its solar panel facility on a 9,000-acre stretch of land on a Clark County desert plot.

Did you find anything mentioned about "saving turtles" therein?
In addition to Reid’s and his son’s questionable affairs with the ENN project, the Nevada senator has had other dubious political dealings within the clean-energy sector. American solar firm Amonix, for example, recently slipped into financial disarray after receiving $6 million in federal tax credits and a $15.6-million grant in 2007 for research and development.

Amazingly, the company is only 16 months old, without any track record of success, yet it received a multi-million-dollar, taxpayer-funded jackpot. Many critics asked why. In a July article, the Las Vegas Review-Journal offered this answer:

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., and Gov. Brian Sandoval were among the political leaders who lauded the company when it announced it would start making solar panels in the Golden Triangle Industrial Park. Reid in particular has pushed for solar energy research and development in Nevada, drawing parallels between the value of Nevada sunshine and Saudi Arabian oil.

Of course, Amonix was not the only Nevada-based green energy project to lurch into financial ruin. Nevada Geothermal, a renewable energy company that secured a $98-million federal loan guarantee, acknowledged in an SEC filing this summer that “material uncertainties exist which cast significant doubt upon the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.”

Similar to his dealings with Amonix, Sen. Reid was largely instrumental in securing government support for Nevada Geothermal. In fact, according to the New York Times, Reid “pressur[ed] the Department of Interior to move more quickly on applications to build clean energy projects on federally owned land and urg[ed] other member of Congress to expand federal tax incentives to help build geothermal plants, benefits that Nevada Geothermal has taken advantage of.”

What about farting cows depleting eating up the grass?

Do you see anything that would suggest that the US government is worried about running up excessive national debt due to binging cows?
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Harry Reid Bolsters Son?s Interests in Chinese Solar Plant Deal

Look at the DATE on this article.

Thursday, 06 September 2012 10:09
Harry Reid Bolsters Son’s Interests in Chinese Solar Plant Deal

Read the article.

Rory Reid, the eldest son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), is the chief representative for a Chinese energy firm planning to build a $5-billion solar plant on public land in Laughlin, Nevada. ENN Energy Group, a clean-energy firm that manufactures a range of renewable-energy products, is seeking to construct its solar panel facility on a 9,000-acre stretch of land on a Clark County desert plot.

Did you find anything mentioned about "saving turtles" therein?
In addition to Reid’s and his son’s questionable affairs with the ENN project, the Nevada senator has had other dubious political dealings within the clean-energy sector. American solar firm Amonix, for example, recently slipped into financial disarray after receiving $6 million in federal tax credits and a $15.6-million grant in 2007 for research and development.

Amazingly, the company is only 16 months old, without any track record of success, yet it received a multi-million-dollar, taxpayer-funded jackpot. Many critics asked why. In a July article, the Las Vegas Review-Journal offered this answer:

Nevada Sen. Harry Reid, U.S. Rep. Shelley Berkley, D-Nev., and Gov. Brian Sandoval were among the political leaders who lauded the company when it announced it would start making solar panels in the Golden Triangle Industrial Park. Reid in particular has pushed for solar energy research and development in Nevada, drawing parallels between the value of Nevada sunshine and Saudi Arabian oil.

Of course, Amonix was not the only Nevada-based green energy project to lurch into financial ruin. Nevada Geothermal, a renewable energy company that secured a $98-million federal loan guarantee, acknowledged in an SEC filing this summer that “material uncertainties exist which cast significant doubt upon the company’s ability to continue as a going concern.”

Similar to his dealings with Amonix, Sen. Reid was largely instrumental in securing government support for Nevada Geothermal. In fact, according to the New York Times, Reid “pressur[ed] the Department of Interior to move more quickly on applications to build clean energy projects on federally owned land and urg[ed] other member of Congress to expand federal tax incentives to help build geothermal plants, benefits that Nevada Geothermal has taken advantage of.”

What about farting cows depleting eating up the grass?

Do you see anything that would suggest that the US government is worried about running up excessive national debt due to binging cows?

Laughlin, NV is 250 miles from where Bundy's cows were grazing (and the ENN project was cancelled last summer, anyway).

Did you think your link actually had anything to do with the situation with Bundy?
LOL, this thread is sad. I'm sorry you liberal cowards didn't get your 2nd Waco or Ruby Ridge. It is April after all.
Let me know when there is a standoff in Arizona. At that point I will address your retarded off topic questions concerning them. Your theories dont mean much to me without some evidence. However, even if true the rancher is still not paying his fees and breaking the law.

I'm not concerned about cows eating grass. I'm concerned with wealthy ranchers free loading.

If you are concerned about land being turned over to foreign companies you better not research how much land they have already purchased for years. Better yet you better start working in the political arena to make it illegal for foreigners to own land in the US.

I possibly could be communist but that has nothing to do with the free loading rancher who enjoys cows farting.

You must have missed the first one. If there is another one which develops in the future I'll try to let you know. Then you and your Bolshevik comrades can show up to help the Federal forces "spread the wealth around".

Nevada ranching family claims victory as government releases cattle | Reuters

(Reuters) - U.S. officials ended a stand-off with hundreds of armed protesters in the Nevada desert on Saturday, calling off the government's roundup of cattle it said were illegally grazing on federal land and giving about 300 animals back to the rancher who owned them.

Reuters, being pretty much a Jew dominated rag failed to mention the Reid connection to China. So here it is again just as a reminder.
The son of Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV), Rory Reid, is the primary representative for ENN Energy Group, a Chinese energy company seeking to build a $5 billion solar panel plant on a 9,000-acre Clark County desert plot in Laughlin, Nevada.

Too bad for you, your communist pals lost this round.

I will agree with you that there are many more places in the US which ARE being sold off to foreign entities.
In fact, there is at least one notable economist I can think of who called the de-industrialization of the US a "leveraged sell out of the US economy".

It's not that I would expect the likes of you people to mourn the loss of US Sovereignty, or property rights anymore than the hack job King Yomamma and the Bush dynasty have done to the Constitution and the Bill of Rights.

I'm just saying that a Zionist oligarchy of elitist plutocrats and Jewish Supremacists ruling the country is not a satisfactory substitution for the heritage that all the "angry white men" are being asked to give up.

If you get so riled about the farting cows eating government grass then I should expect you to be at least a little more concerned about illegal aliens trashing Texas rancher's land and occupying huge portions of Arizona for the flourishing drug business that's destroying America.

People like you are quick to pour out and jump up and down on white cattle ranchers and other "angry white men" when their farting cows eat government grass. Your just as quick to praise King Yomammi when he releases 68,000 illegal Mexicans from jails who were there NOT for breaking immigration laws, but for BREAKING THE LAW period.

I wish you commies would try to get your priorities straight or at least try to show some semblance of fairness in the way you dispense your criticisms.

How much grass do you think those cows ate in terms of dollars and sense when compared to the economic load that millions of illegal Mexicans on YOmammaCare are going to cost?

i didn't miss the first one. i said let me know when another occurs and there is a thread on it. Good thing they called if off. Otherwise they were going to make martyrs of some people who were merely stupid misguided people. The real criminal is going to be handled via the courts.

I already told you I dont care about what cows do. i care about wealthy people fooling you commoners into supporting them as they rip off the system. You dont know how I feel about illegals or the drug trade so you should stop guessing and assuming until you have some intelligence on the issue.

Angry white men don't bother me as they die from bullets just like other men and tend to be stupid and scary anyway. Watching them turn red from anger is funny not frightening. There is nothing "fair" about how these guys got their heritage as you call it. They got it by force. Why would I be fair in my criticism of them?
While we're at it,
here's another little item some of you sleepy heads may have missed:

After federal grant, US battery-maker taken over by Chinese firm | Fox News

After federal grant, US battery-maker taken over by Chinese firm
Published August 09, 2012
The Wall Street Journal

Notice the source of the article. You can't exactly say that this information was obtained from Neo-Nazis or "white supremacists" either.

A company that two years ago was one of the most promising U.S. innovators in the clean-fuel auto industry was rescued from collapse Wednesday. Its buyer: A Chinese auto-parts company.

Wanxiang Group Corp., one of China's biggest parts makers, offered a $450 million lifeline to A123 Systems Inc., a maker of advanced batteries for electric vehicles that received U.S.-government backing. The deal would put the firm's lithium-ion technology and its U.S.-funded manufacturing plant into the hands of a company that has slowly acquired a passel of auto assets across the Midwest.

How understanding do you potheads and Marxists think your new Chinese bosses are going to be your "liberal" causes once they learn enough Engrish to come over here and start ordering you about?

In case that's too much for your doped brain to handle, consider how sympathetic they are to their own Chinese workers who are in the sweat shops of all the US industries that have gone overseas.

Last month, state-owned Cnooc Ltd. offered $15.1 billion for a Canadian energy company, on the same day China Petrochemical Corp. offered to buy a stake in a U.K. oil company. Globally, Chinese firms have disclosed more than 1,400 acquisitions since January of 2008, says researcher Dealogic.

Not to wolly. Hawee Weed son, not woko. NOT Chinese. He wich, not woko.

Hoping to kick-start an electric-vehicle battery industry, the U.S. provided $1.26 billion since 2009 to battery makers including Johnson Controls Inc., LG Chem Ltd., and Dow Kokam, a joint venture of Dow Chemical Co. and South Korea's Kokam Co., to set up nine factories in four U.S. states. Most are producing far fewer batteries than originally expected. Ener1 Inc., another government-grant recipient, sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring and has since emerged.

A123 was awarded $249 million in Department of Energy grants and has used about half so far to pay for some of the costs of building a factory in Livonia, Mich. It was among the earliest entrants in the field, opening its Michigan battery plant in 2010, and outlining plans for a second U.S. facility.

They were careful not to make too big a deal out of the Chinese take over and the tax payer grants they were heirs to.
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While we're at it,
here's another little item some of you sleepy heads may have missed:

After federal grant, US battery-maker taken over by Chinese firm | Fox News

After federal grant, US battery-maker taken over by Chinese firm
Published August 09, 2012
The Wall Street Journal

Notice the source of the article. You can't exactly say that this information was obtained from Neo-Nazis or "white supremacists" either.

A company that two years ago was one of the most promising U.S. innovators in the clean-fuel auto industry was rescued from collapse Wednesday. Its buyer: A Chinese auto-parts company.

Wanxiang Group Corp., one of China's biggest parts makers, offered a $450 million lifeline to A123 Systems Inc., a maker of advanced batteries for electric vehicles that received U.S.-government backing. The deal would put the firm's lithium-ion technology and its U.S.-funded manufacturing plant into the hands of a company that has slowly acquired a passel of auto assets across the Midwest.

How understanding do you potheads and Marxists think your new Chinese bosses are going to be your "liberal" causes once they learn enough Engrish to come over here and start ordering you about?

In case that's too much for your doped brain to handle, consider how sympathetic they are to their own Chinese workers who are in the sweat shops of all the US industries that have gone overseas.

Last month, state-owned Cnooc Ltd. offered $15.1 billion for a Canadian energy company, on the same day China Petrochemical Corp. offered to buy a stake in a U.K. oil company. Globally, Chinese firms have disclosed more than 1,400 acquisitions since January of 2008, says researcher Dealogic.

Not to wolly. Hawee Weed son, not woko. NOT Chinese. He wich, not woko.

Hoping to kick-start an electric-vehicle battery industry, the U.S. provided $1.26 billion since 2009 to battery makers including Johnson Controls Inc., LG Chem Ltd., and Dow Kokam, a joint venture of Dow Chemical Co. and South Korea's Kokam Co., to set up nine factories in four U.S. states. Most are producing far fewer batteries than originally expected. Ener1 Inc., another government-grant recipient, sought Chapter 11 bankruptcy restructuring and has since emerged.

A123 was awarded $249 million in Department of Energy grants and has used about half so far to pay for some of the costs of building a factory in Livonia, Mich. It was among the earliest entrants in the field, opening its Michigan battery plant in 2010, and outlining plans for a second U.S. facility.

They were careful not to make too big a deal out of the Chinese take over and the tax payer grants they were heirs to.

I guessed you missed out on the news about the global market? Why is this a surprise to you? Are you saying US based companies were not able to takeover the company? Was the Chinese company the only company allowed to offer a deal? Give me something instead of claiming some conspiracy. The company screwed up and almost went bankrupt. Did the Chinese make them do that? You forget one important point. This is not China its the US. Unless we start voting in foreigners I'm sure are rights are safe. Better yet you could open your own business and compete but my guess is you cant.
ICF International Awarded Estimated US$3M in Federal Grants for Energy Work in China » ICF Intl

CF International Awarded Estimated US$3M in Federal Grants for Energy Work in China

Fairfax, Virginia, December 16, 2008 -

ICF Incorporated, LLC, a subsidiary of ICF International (NASDAQ:ICFI), announced today that it won two new federal grants to promote green and efficient buildings in China. The agreements were awarded by two different U.S. government agencies, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) and the Department of State (DOS).

Skipping a good deal of the legalese, some of these disclaimers remind me of those usage contracts you are asked to click an agreement to for the use of third party software on the internet.
How many people do you think read the things for actual content before they click yes?

For ICF, particular uncertainties that could adversely or positively affect the Company’s future results include but are not limited to: risks related to the government contracting industry, including the timely approval of government budgets, changes in client spending priorities, and the results of government audits and investigations; risks related to our business, including our dependence on contracts with U.S. Federal Government agencies and departments and the State of Louisiana; continued good relations with these and other customers; success in competitive bidding on recompete and new contracts; performance by ICF and its subcontractors under our contract with the State of Louisiana, Office of Community Development, including but not limited to the risks of failure to achieve certain levels of program activities, termination, or material modification of the contract, and political uncertainties relating to The Road Home program; uncertainties as to whether revenues corresponding to the Company’s contract backlog will actually be received; the future of the energy sector of the global economy; our ability to attract and retain management and staff; strategic actions, including attempts to expand our service offerings and client base, the ability to make acquisitions, and the performance and future integration of acquired businesses; risks associated with operations outside the United States, including but not limited to international, regional, and national economic conditions, including the effects of terrorist activities, war, and currency fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These uncertainties may cause ICF’s actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in the Company’s forward-looking statements. ICF does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements.

But, hey, they're YOUR tax dollars.

What do the commies care what happens to them as long as they get to "spread your wealth around"?

I only wish the Chinese were so compassionate and understanding with the US.
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Isn't it amazing how you and your people went from Selma, Montgomery etc. to a bunch of statist black assholes once some half breed of theirs got in? It amazes me. Once anti-government and now a compliant band of bruthas once your manchurian candidate and commie asshole stole the show. I liked the angry black mobs fighting against real oppression and not this predictable, statist, colusion with a vile, still mostly white, government, and their hired corporate bitch, Obama.
Isn't it amazing how you and your people went from Selma, Montgomery etc. to a bunch of statist black assholes once some half breed of theirs got in? It amazes me. Once anti-government and now a compliant band of bruthas once your manchurian candidate and commie asshole stole the show. I liked the angry black mobs fighting against real oppression and not this predictable, statist, colusion with a vile, still mostly white(and Jewish), government, and their hired corporate bitch, Obama.

Revised it for you.
I guessed you missed out on the news about the global market? Why is this a surprise to you? Are you saying US based companies were not able to takeover the company? Was the Chinese company the only company allowed to offer a deal? Give me something instead of claiming some conspiracy. The company screwed up and almost went bankrupt. Did the Chinese make them do that? You forget one important point. This is not China its the US. Unless we start voting in foreigners I'm sure are rights are safe. Better yet you could open your own business and compete but my guess is you cant.

Have you checked the US trade deficits lately in your "global market" analysis?
Guess who's on the short end of the stick there.

WE are not voting the foreigners in, our "representatives" in the Zionist Organizational Government are.

Your relative unimportance in the grand scheme of things is the only thing that is making you "safe" right now.

If you or I were big enough to interfere with the mob bosses and banksters ability to make a buck, believe me you'd be hearing from them.

In the mean time you just sit tight and keep your mouth shut and let the people who have requisitioned Uncle Sam's trousers do their thing and no one will get hurt.

You've already made it known to everyone just how skeered you are of all those "angry ol' white men". But I doubt if you really believe that they are the ones we really need to be afraid of any more than I do. They're just the ones most likely to roll over and play dead when the Neo-Con talking heads bark.

You just don't like it because for once they didn't.

I tell you what. If you want to sell your property to the Chinese, be my guest. I have nothing against the Chinese. It's the Chinese government that makes me most uneasy anyway, aside from the fact that not all Chinese are perfect little angels either.

But when it comes to our "representatives" wheelin' and dealin' with US Federally owned public lands in order to score big for themselves, then that is another matter.

I don't care how much legalese they cloak their activities in or how nicely they try to dress it up. It amounts to a sell out of the US and the US IS NOT FOR SALE, especially at the hands of the Zionist elitists and their Shabbos Goy accomplices.

You might want to look into the issues which have developed as a result of the National "Defense " Authorization Act, the "Patriot" Act, the Expatriation Act, and a host of other similar pieces of legislation designed to protect us, from ourselves I can only presume. Look up who sponsored them while your at it, and the people who are standing behind them.

I don't suppose these things would bother someone who wanted a totalitarian government either unless it was someone who objected to it being a Zionist one.
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ICF International Awarded Estimated US$3M in Federal Grants for Energy Work in China » ICF Intl

CF International Awarded Estimated US$3M in Federal Grants for Energy Work in China

Fairfax, Virginia, December 16, 2008 -

ICF Incorporated, LLC, a subsidiary of ICF International (NASDAQ:ICFI), announced today that it won two new federal grants to promote green and efficient buildings in China. The agreements were awarded by two different U.S. government agencies, the U.S. Agency for International Development’s (USAID) Regional Development Mission for Asia (RDMA) and the Department of State (DOS).

Skipping a good deal of the legalese, some of these disclaimers remind me of those usage contracts you are asked to click an agreement to for the use of third party software on the internet.
How many people do you think read the things for actual content before they click yes?

For ICF, particular uncertainties that could adversely or positively affect the Company’s future results include but are not limited to: risks related to the government contracting industry, including the timely approval of government budgets, changes in client spending priorities, and the results of government audits and investigations; risks related to our business, including our dependence on contracts with U.S. Federal Government agencies and departments and the State of Louisiana; continued good relations with these and other customers; success in competitive bidding on recompete and new contracts; performance by ICF and its subcontractors under our contract with the State of Louisiana, Office of Community Development, including but not limited to the risks of failure to achieve certain levels of program activities, termination, or material modification of the contract, and political uncertainties relating to The Road Home program; uncertainties as to whether revenues corresponding to the Company’s contract backlog will actually be received; the future of the energy sector of the global economy; our ability to attract and retain management and staff; strategic actions, including attempts to expand our service offerings and client base, the ability to make acquisitions, and the performance and future integration of acquired businesses; risks associated with operations outside the United States, including but not limited to international, regional, and national economic conditions, including the effects of terrorist activities, war, and currency fluctuations; and other risks and uncertainties disclosed in the Company’s filings with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These uncertainties may cause ICF’s actual future results to be materially different than those expressed in the Company’s forward-looking statements. ICF does not undertake to update its forward-looking statements.

But, hey, they're YOUR tax dollars.

What do the commies care what happens to them as long as they get to "spread your wealth around"?

I only wish the Chinese were so compassionate and understanding with the US.

Youre full of useless information. What do you propose to do about it?
I guessed you missed out on the news about the global market? Why is this a surprise to you? Are you saying US based companies were not able to takeover the company? Was the Chinese company the only company allowed to offer a deal? Give me something instead of claiming some conspiracy. The company screwed up and almost went bankrupt. Did the Chinese make them do that? You forget one important point. This is not China its the US. Unless we start voting in foreigners I'm sure are rights are safe. Better yet you could open your own business and compete but my guess is you cant.

Have you checked the US trade deficits lately in your "global market" analysis?
Guess who's on the short end of the stick there.

WE are not voting the foreigners in, our "representatives" in the Zionist Organizational Government are.

Your relative unimportance in the grand scheme of things is the only thing that is making you "safe" right now.

If you or I were big enough to interfere with the mob bosses and banksters ability to make a buck, believe me you'd be hearing from them.

In the mean time you just sit tight and keep your mouth shut and let the people who have requisitioned Uncle Sam's trousers do their thing and no one will get hurt.

You've already made it known to everyone just how skeered you are of all those "angry ol' white men". But I doubt if you really believe that they are the ones we really need to be afraid of any more than I do. They're just the ones most likely to roll over and play dead when the Neo-Con talking heads bark.

You just don't like it because for once they didn't.

I tell you what. If you want to sell your property to the Chinese, be my guest. I have nothing against the Chinese. It's the Chinese government that makes me most uneasy anyway, aside from the fact that not all Chinese are perfect little angels either.

But when it comes to our "representatives" wheelin' and dealin' with US Federally owned public lands in order to score big for themselves, then that is another matter.

I don't care how much legalese they cloak their activities in or how nicely they try to dress it up. It amounts to a sell out of the US and the US IS NOT FOR SALE, especially at the hands of the Zionist elitists and their Shabbos Goy accomplices.

You might want to look into the issues which have developed as a result of the National "Defense " Authorization Act, the "Patriot" Act, the Expatriation Act, and a host of other similar pieces of legislation designed to protect us, from ourselves I can only presume. Look up who sponsored them while your at it, and the people who are standing behind them.

I don't suppose these things would bother someone who wanted a totalitarian government either unless it was someone who objected to it being a Zionist one.

I hear a lot of whining but no solutions. You are just a little wussy. If you think this is what is going down why aren't you stopping it? What is your plan to change this? You think that the feds calling off the dogs is the end of this? You are more naive than I thought. :lol:
Isn't it amazing how you and your people went from Selma, Montgomery etc. to a bunch of statist black assholes once some half breed of theirs got in? It amazes me. Once anti-government and now a compliant band of bruthas once your manchurian candidate and commie asshole stole the show. I liked the angry black mobs fighting against real oppression and not this predictable, statist, colusion with a vile, still mostly white, government, and their hired corporate bitch, Obama.

Whats amazing is how stupid and misinformed you are. Black people are not anti-government. They are anti-racist, anti-bigot, and anti-BS. Dont get confused and think all Black people are compliant. Obama is in office so we know (at least on his watch) nothing is going to go down you fool. A couple of things have come to light with him in office. There are other paths illuminated that you less informed inbreds are not aware of. We still fight corruption but we do it in a smarter, different way.

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