BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

I hear a lot of whining but no solutions. You are just a little wussy. If you think this is what is going down why aren't you stopping it? What is your plan to change this? You think that the feds calling off the dogs is the end of this? You are more naive than I thought. :lol:

Patience is not one of your virtues is it?

Do you think that all I have to do is sit here and field your comments?

At least the question you ask this time has some merit to it. So I'll try to answer it.

The first thing I would do is try to make as many people aware of the side of the story here that the media refuses to reveal.

Educating the public is one of the most important things any of us can do. Otherwise all they will be exposed to is what the Jew media offers them, which is little more than tripe and Zionist propaganda thinly veiled as entertainment.

Spreading information is important because there is nothing that one person can do alone against a force which controls most of the capital in the US as well as the media.

Unless the majority of the public decide that there must be a change, things will continue on their present course.
Before the public can decide whether anything needs to be done or what should be done, they need to be informed of ALL the facts concerning an issue, not just those portions which the Zionist media chooses to give them.

As you see, I am doing my small part to aid in this effort despite the attempts of Hasbara and other Socialist agents and provocateurs to prevent it.
I've spent a great deal of time and energy in this effort.

There are those in higher places who have the wherewithal to effect change which I do not possess. They are also more knowledgeable and have the skills necessary.
But these people may not be able to do the things they would like to on behalf of the American people given the power structure they face without support from the majority of people.

You have seen that even someone like Ron Paul is limited in his ability to overcome those forces alone. Such a one would stand a far better chance with a mass of screaming supporters standing behind him and daring the powers that be to pull the plug on him as they have in the past on people like Patrick Buchanan or even Ross Perot.

Before that can happen, the people need to be as informed on more than the facts which have been spun by the media or omitted altogether.

They should not fear the specter of political correctness so much or accusations of "racism" so much that they are afraid to speak what they actually think and feel rather than what they must in order to avoid being publicly castigated, ostracized or even physically assaulted.

Before open expression is possible, in the real public and not just on the internet, the message must be delivered that this kind of oppression will no longer be suffered in silence.

There may be many casualties initially of those who dare transgress the Kosher rules of political correctness. But these sacrifices are always necessary before the herd begins to turn.

The numbers of those who would be willing to make such a sacrifice are growing by the day. It is only a matter of time until some of them become so fed up that they no longer fear the wrath of the Kosher crowd and socialist thugs, but are even willing to challenge the preeminence of Black domination in it's most physical and primal sense.

It's only a matter of ascertaining with unquestionable certainty that one is on the morally right side of the fence before I would make such a commitment.

Those ranchers certainly seemed sure enough of themselves. I salute them. It takes quite a bit of nerve to stand in face of the possibility of being shot.

In truly Totalitarian forms of Government such as that which exists in Communist China, there would be no doubt about the actions the government would take in such a case.

However I will refuse to be tempted into being a part of any action which is immoral or unethical. I have no desire to martyr myself for any cause which the Lord does not require me.
Cowardice has nothing to do with those kinds of decisions. I just won't allow myself to be goaded into any rash action by jeers from people such as yourself.

The first course of action is to frankly state ones misgivings to his antagonists. This is not easy to do when the person(s) you are forced to confront is known for their treachery, viciousness, dishonesty, and willingness to strike when you are not looking directly at them.
Fortunately most of these kinds of people seldom attack unless the odds of winning are overwhelmingly in their favor.

I hate to put it so bluntly. But we do not live in a world where everyone always behaves as they should. Crooks, thieves, and liars are seldom amenable to reason. They will do what comes natural to them as long as they are left unchallenged.

Eventually the criminal element will take command of everything unless someone along the way with a modicum of integrity and a lot of back bone acts to stop them. This is what police forces and armies are supposed to be about, not enforcing the will of tyrants and megalomaniacs who seek to enrich themselves.

I cannot help but suspect that there is already an element of organized crime working within our government which cannot be stopped by diplomacy alone.
I am confident that there are plenty of reasonably good people in government, the military, and elsewhere. But they cannot do their job right without the support of the masses to back them up.

It is not "the Good Guys" that everyone fears to speak against . Even children will take advantage of an adult whom they know they can get away with things. It's the bullies that everyone treads lightly around and the skulking dogs who bite when your back is turned that they are most afraid of offending. They know what they are capable of.
If there is no one stronger than they are to challenge them, they will rule the roost as they see fit whether anyone disagrees or not. They do not operate on democratic principles. They live by the law of the jungle.

There was a time not to long ago that I trusted the forces of our government to be on the side of right. I never feared those forces because I believed that those who were entrusted with the power of the law had the highest and noblest intentions, a genuine desire to discharge the duties of their offices as the law prescribed and the best interest of their constituents at heart.

But I haven't forgotten incidents like the Tiananmen Square . And I fear, that left unchecked, the Neo-Con regime will eventually deteriorate into one as malignant as any other in history which has ruled it's people though violence and corruption.

Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

At the same time I do not think that a government can be any less corrupt than the mass of people it is supposed to over-see. If the people themselves choose wickedness, then they deserve the kind of government that goes with such a society. Is that what you want?

Therefore I do not believe that the enemies of the Constitutional Republic of the US are all found within the government itself. It's up to the masses of ordinary people to decide the kind of society they wish to live in, whether it's a godless one or not. A godless people shouldn't expect any better from their government. If they can't constrain themselves then the government they have permitted to rule over them most certainly will.
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Youre full of useless information. What do you propose to do about it?

I've given you articles taken from news organizations like Reuters. If you find the information contained within them as worthless then your complaint is with them, not me for commenting on it.

Thus far all you have done is defend the works of the present administration and the ZOG establishment which props it up, saying "All's well, there is no need to watch what they are doing. The Marxists in control will take care of everything for us".

How much is that worth?
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Youre full of useless information. What do you propose to do about it?

I've given you articles taken from news organizations like Reuters. If you find the information contained within them as worthless then your complaint is with them, not me for commenting on it.

Thus far all you have done is defend the works of the present administration and the ZOG establishment which props it up, saying "All's well, there is no need to watch what they are doing. The Marxists in control will take care of everything for us".

How much is that worth?

You can't coach the un-coachable, holston. Besides, Ace admitted a few pages ago that he was a communist, so you see what you're up against.
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Breaking News: This man is a crazed Cult Leader, Child Molester, and Racist. Big Brother now has the green light to murder him and his family. After all, how could anyone support a crazed Cult Leader, Child Molester, and Racist? ;)
Drama queen much?

They want him to follow their rules regarding max number of cattle to graze on this land he doesn't own, and to pay the grazing fees like everyone else.

Big Brother wants it all. And he'll kill anyone who gets in his way. One day even you loyal Goose Steppers will come to realize that.

How many people has the gov't killed in the standoff so far? While you compile those figures, would you mind telling me how many people were wounded? If you don't have hard and fast numbers, I'll settle for an approximation considering that it must be chaos down there with all the shots that must have been fired by gov't stormtroopers, snipers, etc.

Give him some more time. This isn't over yet. Like i said, Big Brother wants it all. Try standing in his way. See what happens. You Goose Steppers will wake up someday. But unfortunately, it'll probably be too late. The Country will be gone.
Youre full of useless information. What do you propose to do about it?

I've given you articles taken from news organizations like Reuters. If you find the information contained within them as worthless then your complaint is with them, not me for commenting on it.

Thus far all you have done is defend the works of the present administration and the ZOG establishment which props it up, saying "All's well, there is no need to watch what they are doing. The Marxists in control will take care of everything for us".

How much is that worth?

Why are you giving me articles? I asked what were you going to do about it? I have my plan in motion already to make sure my interests are taken care of. Do you? Talking is not going to do anything. You need some action. You are full of hot air as your type typically are.
LOL, this thread is sad. I'm sorry you liberal cowards didn't get your 2nd Waco or Ruby Ridge. It is April after all.


It's YOU and the others on the right who are the ones who long for something akin to a 2nd Waco or a Ruby Ridge if for no other reason than you see it as some kind of a political rallying cry which you can then use as an anti Obama truncheon. You know, like BENGHAZI? And if and when events don't unfold like you hope, you just exaggerate and or distort the facts to your liking in order to present some image of an Obama administration that's somehow out of control and seizing power and taking away citizens' rights and infringing on our freedoms in some fundamental way that's both unique and unprecedented. Alas, the only people who don't see through this tactic are hyper-partisans and ignorant people who are easily manipulated by such tactics.
Sadly, we've gone from "This land is your land, this land is my land", to sleazy Politicians like Harry Reid and Big Brother routinely forcibly stealing the land from the People. When will the People say enough is enough?
routinely forcibly stealing the land from the People.
I know dude, stealing their own land from someone who doesn't own it, has never paid property taxes on it, and who's only claim is his family has been in the area since 16 years after the Nevada constitution already ceded it to the Feds.

I think I'll go set build a house in Puuhonua o Honaunau National Park, after all I've got ancestors who lived in the area so the shit must be mine to do with as I please.
routinely forcibly stealing the land from the People.
I know dude, stealing their own land from someone who doesn't own it, has never paid property taxes on it, and who's only claim is his family has been in the area since 16 years after the Nevada constitution already ceded it to the Feds.

I think I'll go set build a house in Puuhonua o Honaunau National Park, after all I've got ancestors who lived in the area so the shit must be mine to do with as I please.

If you are truly a native Hawaiian, you may very well have that right. This one's just another Big Brother land grab. One day, only the Government and large Corporations will be landowners in this country. I do see that day coming. I mean seriously, what do you really own? With the current Eminent Domain Laws, you and I don't really own anything. What's yours, is Big Brother's. Very sad, but it is what it is. We need change.
Why are you giving me articles? I asked what were you going to do about it? I have my plan in motion already to make sure my interests are taken care of. Do you? Talking is not going to do anything. You need some action. You are full of hot air as your type typically are.

I told you already. You're not listening but hopefully others are.
They should know that the stand off in Nevada wasn't about turtles or cows mooching government grass. It was about a couple of our Zionist politicians selling pieces of the US to the Communist Chinese, the comrades in arms of the Neo-Cons and Jewish Supremacists.

If the government was worried about public land, they wouldn't have surrendered huge tracts of it to the Mexican drug lords already.
Instead they are more concerned about the "rights" of illegal Mexican immigrants. It doesn't matter to them if they trash the property of Texans on their way in. What matters to ZOG is that they all get green cards, drivers licenses, on ObamaCare, and enrolled to vote.

That would seem to be your chief concern as well. Or would that be lesbian rights?

You're talking now aren't you? What do you hope to accomplish by that other than expelling your own green house gasses?

Youskys don't have to do anything. The Jew media and the Zionist Organizational Government is doing it all for you.

Some day you may wake up and decide that surrendering your freedom in exchange for "free" peanuts from the government wasn't worth it.
A libertarian, a NAZI, and a Marxist walk into a bar....

The Nazi says to the libertarian, "Did you hear the one about the Hasbarat who went on line disguised as John Wayne?" and then the Marxist replied, "Yeah, that was me!"

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The aftermath of the BLM's oppression.

Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff | Fox News

Destroying property, and killing live stock.

On a Friday night conference call, BLM officials told reporters that "illegal structures" on Bundy's ranch -- water tanks, water lines and corrals -- had to be removed to "restore" the land to its natural state and prevent the rancher from restarting his illegal cattle operation.

However, the court order used to justify the operation appears only to give the agency the authority to "seize and impound" Bundy's cattle.

"Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks ... desert environment, shoot cattle," Houston said.
The aftermath of the BLM's oppression.

Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff | Fox News

Destroying property, and killing live stock.

On a Friday night conference call, BLM officials told reporters that "illegal structures" on Bundy's ranch -- water tanks, water lines and corrals -- had to be removed to "restore" the land to its natural state and prevent the rancher from restarting his illegal cattle operation.

However, the court order used to justify the operation appears only to give the agency the authority to "seize and impound" Bundy's cattle.

"Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks ... desert environment, shoot cattle," Houston said.

Bundy's ranch? He has title to this land?
The aftermath of the BLM's oppression.

Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff | Fox News

Destroying property, and killing live stock.

On a Friday night conference call, BLM officials told reporters that "illegal structures" on Bundy's ranch -- water tanks, water lines and corrals -- had to be removed to "restore" the land to its natural state and prevent the rancher from restarting his illegal cattle operation.

However, the court order used to justify the operation appears only to give the agency the authority to "seize and impound" Bundy's cattle.

"Nowhere in the court order that I saw does it say that they can destroy infrastructure, destroy corrals, tanks ... desert environment, shoot cattle," Houston said.

Bundy's ranch? He has title to this land?

That is what it says. Bundy does own 160 acres. He also owned the two bulls that the BLM offed to "protect their horses".

How do you "seize and impound" a bull that you shoot in the head? Impounding suggests the possibility of getting something back in a functional condition. In the instance of cattle that would mean living, and in the same health condition as before. Serious question.
wow... So the government spends tens of millions of dollars trying to collect on 1million in grazing fees. The government spends another million dollars to have a cattle rustler steal bundy's cattle and take them to Utah to sell. Yeah that money's gone too. Now the government is saying Bundy will owe them a billion dollars in fines for his 900 head a grazing. Oh just to make sure he can pay up they KILLED HIS PRIZE BULLS, SHOT HOLES IN HIS WATERING TANKS, BUSTED ALL HIS FENCES.

These BLM and the pols in DC defending them need to be keel hulled, tared and feathered, whipped at the town square, run out of town on a rail, then forced to serve a couple decades on a chain gang.
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The aftermath of the BLM's oppression.

Feds accused of leaving trail of wreckage after Nevada ranch standoff | Fox News

Destroying property, and killing live stock.

Bundy's ranch? He has title to this land?

That is what it says. Bundy does own 160 acres. He also owned the two bulls that the BLM offed to "protect their horses".

How do you "seize and impound" a bull that you shoot in the head? Impounding suggests the possibility of getting something back in a functional condition. In the instance of cattle that would mean living, and in the same health condition as before. Serious question.

No it doesn't. The article refers to 'this land' but doesn't say it's Bundy's property. It also later mentions that "...the cattle were still being held Saturday in temporary pens just a few miles from Bundy's ranch." But like I said, there's no reference to this being Bundy's land.

The whole point is that this dispute is based on this being public land. If it's public land, Bundy has no right to build on it without permission, and even if he does build, it's not legally his property unless he has something in writing which gives him legal ownership. If Bundy built some structure on public land it would be akin to you building something on a vacant lot next to your property. Maybe you could get away with it for years if the rightful owner was unaware or didn't care, but unless you had some kind of prior legal agreement, you wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on later if the owner or a new owner decided to tear down the structure.
Why are you giving me articles? I asked what were you going to do about it? I have my plan in motion already to make sure my interests are taken care of. Do you? Talking is not going to do anything. You need some action. You are full of hot air as your type typically are.

I told you already. You're not listening but hopefully others are.
They should know that the stand off in Nevada wasn't about turtles or cows mooching government grass. It was about a couple of our Zionist politicians selling pieces of the US to the Communist Chinese, the comrades in arms of the Neo-Cons and Jewish Supremacists.

If the government was worried about public land, they wouldn't have surrendered huge tracts of it to the Mexican drug lords already.
Instead they are more concerned about the "rights" of illegal Mexican immigrants. It doesn't matter to them if they trash the property of Texans on their way in. What matters to ZOG is that they all get green cards, drivers licenses, on ObamaCare, and enrolled to vote.

That would seem to be your chief concern as well. Or would that be lesbian rights?

You're talking now aren't you? What do you hope to accomplish by that other than expelling your own green house gasses?

Youskys don't have to do anything. The Jew media and the Zionist Organizational Government is doing it all for you.

Some day you may wake up and decide that surrendering your freedom in exchange for "free" peanuts from the government wasn't worth it.

Sorry guy but i was debating the OP regarding the free loader. You wandered off into the conspiracy theory waters. I just called you out for the hot air balloon your type typically turns out to be. Your guess as to what it the issue is about holds no water at all. The facts are the guy was free loading. No matter what cocka mania story you dream up as to the reasons why, he is still a free loader.

Some day when you start back on your meds you will realize you never had the freedom you claim was lost. The government will always be the final authority unless you are the government. I hope I didn't lose you with that revelation.
The dispute is over state land. The Feds went onto Bundy's private property to destroy the water lines, destroy the corrals and shoot the bulls. The Bundy home is on the private property owned by his family for 140 years. Once the feds left what they considered public land and went onto private property to destroy they lost whatever position they had.

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