BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

You are seeking agreement where you are not going to find it. The rancher is a freeloader. There is no way around it. What part of that is confusing you?

I didn't expect you to agree. I just wanted to use the occasion to once again point out the way our ZOG government is operating right now. This is a far greater problem than freeloading cows.

You eat hamburgers and drink milk don't you? Then there is the shoe leather they provide. The drug dealers from Mexico aren't peddling anything but more destruction. What's more they are importing the same kind of violence that many of the regular Mexicans are running away from.

But Yomamma and his Marxist and opportunistic Shabbos Goy cronies aren't interested in that.
They don't care too much about the 36,000 acres of public land in Arizona that the Drug Cartels have hijacked for the Reconquista.

And they don't want the state of Arizona and Texas to stop illegal Mexicans from pouring in. Do you know why?
It's because the Zionist Jews want to Balkanize the US. It makes it easier for the Jewish Union to seize power with a fragmented population and a centralized government. Their banksters and bureaucrats have stolen the money they need to buy off a sufficient number of stooges. It's just a matter of bullying the states to surrender any autonomy they have left, Federalize the State Guards, and confiscate all the weapons from people like Bundy and the deal will be sealed.

Viewed in this light I don't care if Bundy's cows eat all the grass in Nevada and never pay a dime. YomommaCare for illegals is going to cost enough.

People need to look at the broader picture rather than focusing so much on minutia and the irrelevant topics that the Jew media distracts them with. While they are blabbing about some Hollywood trollop showing her rear end, the Neo-Cons and other Zionists are busy conducting their ongoing coup of the US government.

The bigger issue in the Bundy affair has to do with the way that our "representatives" are using their positions to enrich themselves while their Zionist colleagues are consolidating their power.

The fact that the IRS has selected conservative minded people to scrutinize ought to tell you something.
Do you think the way they've tried to manhandle Bundy is totally unrelated to the favoritism that the ZIO establishment shows to statists and the deference which are Jew dominated Supreme court pays to "liberal issues"?

I know you came here only to beat up on "angry old white men" who won't pay "their fair share", especially the "rich ones". It doesn't seem to bother you too much that Reid and son were trying to get rich off of US public lands or that the way in which they were doing so would give the Communist Chinese an even larger land base in the US to add to that which they have already acquired. That's in addition to the massive debt "OUR" Congress has allowed the Chinese to hold over our heads.

You're looking at the Bundy issue with tunnel vision like a host of other hopheads who think that the answer to all the world's problems is to confiscate all the wealth and distribute it evenly across the globe. In other words, you approve of our Governments relentless assaults on white middle class and Christian America because you are a Communist yourself.

I knew which point you preferred to argue and why when I came here. I didn't intend to try and persuade the dopeheads and perverts of anything. I know it can't be done.
But I can add my voice to the growing numbers of those middle class white Americans and "angry old white men" who are tired of ZOG ramming their Marxist Zionist agenda down their throats and their ongoing campaign to reduce the US to the status of a third world country just so a tiny fraction of the world can usher in their glorious Mashianic Age.

There is a broader picture that needs looking at which can only be seen by taking a bird's eye view of the entire landscape.
To do so one can not allow his vision to be restricted only to what is immediately placed before him either in time or space.
In other words the pattern only appears when you take this episode in juxtaposition to a thousand others like it ranging back over decades.
You can't stare at a blade of grass and see the motion of it's growth.
And you can't see a forest if you only look at one tree at a time.

Politicians depend on the myopic vision and short term memories of voters. Likewise the "long march" of Socialism in order to cover the tracks of it's troops who have been steadily PROGRESSING over DECADES rather than days.

The Bundy conflict is only symptomatic of a much more pervasive and pernicious problem.
Watching interracial couples bump and grind on TV is only a small part of it.

Christian's, Jews and Catholics Are Terrorist - A Warning From Law Enforcement Re; Homeland Security - Tea Party Command Center
US Christians, Catholics, Jews, and Mormons were listed as terrorist in a US Army presentation LAST THURSDAY & a Colorado Undersheriff is warning us about Homeland Security.

“The Defense Department came under fire Thursday for a U.S. Army Reserve presentation that classified Catholics and Evangelical Protestants as “extremist” religious groups alongside al Qaeda and the Ku Klux Klan.” Source: The Washington Times

The very fact that a “presenter/Army educator” would be so emboldened in today’s environment to present a Power Point that listed you and I as terrorist should be a nail in the coffin to those who were on the fence about my claims that Christians under the Obama Administration are being targeted.

We are being labeled extremist by numerous government agencies.

Christian’s made the list with The Muslim Brotherhood as well as Hamas and the KKK.

This is all part of an indoctrination that is happening right before our eyes under a Commander in Chief who created an environment that encourages this type of behavior.

If you wish to state that Christian’s are not being targeted, than explain this;

Floyd Lee Corkins II said he used the Southern Poverty Law Center’s "hate map" to locate the offices of the Family Research Council before his attack on the organization.

This Liberal group considers any person or group that believes in God and reiterates what the Bible teaches on homosexuality is part of a “Hate Group”. So, they created a map, locating you, so wing nuts can kill you.

Ron Trowbridge, undersheriff with the Prowers County, Colo., Sheriff’s Office, said he attended training and was so offended he sent a written warning to us all;

“Christians who believe the Bible is the literal word of God and others who do not agree with the changes taking place in America could find themselves under scrutiny by law enforcement authorities and Homeland Security…”

Would you guess that this list would include or exclude people like Bundy?

What about the COMMUNIST Chinese who will be setting up shop once they acquire US lands?
Could THEY be potential terrorists?
Or what about the thousands of illegals crossing our boarders unhindered every day, could any of them be?
Never mind the fact that they are TRESPASSING on PRIVATE property and trashing it in the process.
Bundy's TRESPASSING cows was one of the big issues with you wasn't it?

Or were you more upset about the taxes?

Rangel Didn't Pay Taxes on Dominican Villa - Chief of tax-writing panel fails to report $75,000 in income
Rep. Charles Rangel, chairman of the tax-code-writing Ways and Means Committee, failed to report more than $75,000 in rental income from a Dominican villa he purchased in 1988, the New York Times reports.

» Don?t Wanna Pay Taxes? Run For Congress! Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

So let’s see: Charlie Rangel doesn’t have to pay his taxes, and new Treasury Secretary (and head of the IRS) Timothy Geithner doesn’t have to pay his taxes. So why should Tom “Puff” Daschle have to pay his taxes?

Wow, I mean if these fine, upstanding men support Daschle, who are we to argue? /snark. Well, in fairness, Daschle stated that he was “deeply embarrassed” about “the error,” so there’s no problem. Confirm away!

First of all, he is only deeply embarrassed because he got caught. Second of all, not paying your taxes – until you are asked to be part of a POTUS Cabinet – is not an error. It is criminally negligent.

Should we be worried that President Obama has nominated two tax cheats for Cabinet positions?

Not the libbers. They're more worried about farting grass mooching cows that belong to "angry old white men".

None of these topics I have mentioned should be put in a vacuum. If they appear "all over the map, that's because they ARE, the US AND Global map!
That's why it is urgent that they all be interpreted each one in the light of the others.
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To some on the left in here, it seems that Rosa should just shut up and keep sitting in the back of the bus.
To some on the left in here, it seems that Rosa should just shut up and keep sitting in the back of the bus.

Ayup... Guy's a cowboy.. democrats hate cowboys almost as much as they hated blacks in the 60s, this of course before they decided they needed to buy the black vote to win elections.
Filthy Dirty Harry....

Bundy has no legal case.....but he sure has a moral one....standing up against tyranny....

Robert Lawrence didn't have a case until Lawrence v. Texas. The Griswalds were breaking the law until Griswald v. Connecticut. Rosa Parks didn't even have a legal leg to stand on. The law was against her.

The law is wrong. It needs to be changed. The BLM has taken too much land under the guise of ridiculous laws.

Why did this go on for 20 years? Because for the past 20 years, Harry Reid wasn't making a land deal with the Chinese.
It was good to see Dirty Harry Reid's Henchmen get their asses kicked. But it's likely only a temporary ass-kicking. I'm afraid they'll be back. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. Hopefully, the People will continue coming to this man's defense. If the People stand together, they can win. People from all over the Country need to head to Nevada and stand with this man and his family. There is strength in numbers. We all have to stick together during these dark times.
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It was good to see Dirty Harry Reid's Henchmen get their asses kicked. But it's likely only a temporary ass-kicking. I'm afraid they'll be back. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. Hopefully, the People will continue coming to this man's defense. If the People stand together, they can win. People from all over the Country need to head to Nevada and stand with this man and his family. There is strength in numbers. We all have to stick together during these dark times.

Big brother has unlimited resources. Hard to fight that. 60 rancher gave up... ranchers are not the type to just up and quit normally. But I suppose when your country is the one fighting you just don't have much choice, you can go rebel and be seen as a criminal or you can back down and find something else to do for a living. Course you'll probably find government coming to destroy that job next.
It was good to see Dirty Harry Reid's Henchmen get their asses kicked. But it's likely only a temporary ass-kicking. I'm afraid they'll be back. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. Hopefully, the People will continue coming to this man's defense. If the People stand together, they can win. People from all over the Country need to head to Nevada and stand with this man and his family. There is strength in numbers. We all have to stick together during these dark times.

Big brother has unlimited resources. Hard to fight that. 60 rancher gave up... ranchers are not the type to just up and quit normally. But I suppose when your country is the one fighting you just don't have much choice, you can go rebel and be seen as a criminal or you can back down and find something else to do for a living. Course you'll probably find government coming to destroy that job next.

Well, i try to be optimistic. If the People stick together, they can win. But i do hear what you're saying. All those who have helped this man, have been photographed and will now be classified as 'Terrorists.' I fear for their lives as well. But we still have to stick together. There is strength in numbers.
It was good to see Dirty Harry Reid's Henchmen get their asses kicked. But it's likely only a temporary ass-kicking. I'm afraid they'll be back. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. Hopefully, the People will continue coming to this man's defense. If the People stand together, they can win. People from all over the Country need to head to Nevada and stand with this man and his family. There is strength in numbers. We all have to stick together during these dark times.

Marxists have been in the US and working steadily for almost a century.
Like Zebra, they will never change their stripes.
The cost of freedom is eternal vigilance.

They on the other hand simply bide their time, like a spider patiently awaiting it's next meal.
And when the prey stumbles into the web, the spider gingerly dances around any defensive jaws or stingers which may be present, allowing the struggling victim to entangle itself until, first one foot and then the other can be secured.

In the case of the US, the propaganda campaign has been slow but inexorable.
It's comparable to the liberties which TV and movies have taken towards open licentiousness.
They begin with a little at first. At the first sign of protest they may retract slightly, but only enough to avoid detection. As soon as any clamor dies down, they resume the insertion.
Once the crack has been widened even ever so slightly, enough time is allowed to acclimate the client to her new position. Then the forward motion resumes.

Inch by inch, day by day, the process of approach, invade, and consolidate continues.

I remember reading an article about the advance of Fireants from South America. It still amazes me how these tiny creatures which can scarcely be distinguished from piss ants, could travel such a long distance so quickly merely by the process of building first one network of tunnels and then another. One day you wake up and they are a constant problem which requires you to dump loads of toxic pesticides on your yard everyday just to keep them off of you and out of your house.

It's only when one reviews a large enough segment of our past history that the "progress" of PROGRESSIVISM is seen. The motion and direction in which it is tending is then observable as if being viewed through time lapsed photography.

This is why I can't simply be asked to look at nothing but Bundy's delinquent grazing fee bill and ignore the snipers and machine gunners who were sent to collect payment.
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It was good to see Dirty Harry Reid's Henchmen get their asses kicked. But it's likely only a temporary ass-kicking. I'm afraid they'll be back. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. Hopefully, the People will continue coming to this man's defense. If the People stand together, they can win. People from all over the Country need to head to Nevada and stand with this man and his family. There is strength in numbers. We all have to stick together during these dark times.

Big brother has unlimited resources. Hard to fight that. 60 rancher gave up... ranchers are not the type to just up and quit normally. But I suppose when your country is the one fighting you just don't have much choice, you can go rebel and be seen as a criminal or you can back down and find something else to do for a living. Course you'll probably find government coming to destroy that job next.

Well, i try to be optimistic. If the People stick together, they can win. But i do hear what you're saying. All those who have helped this man, have been photographed and will now be classified as 'Terrorists.' I fear for their lives as well. But we still have to stick together. There is strength in numbers.

Or... we could just stop working above the table and let the moocher class eat grass.
Whenever our Government can own more that 25 to 50% of a States land that becomes a Civil Rights violation of the States Citizens.
I don't understand why some on the left in here can not see this.
Our Federal Government owns most of the western united states and that is a violation to the U.S. Constitution.

It was good to see Dirty Harry Reid's Henchmen get their asses kicked. But it's likely only a temporary ass-kicking. I'm afraid they'll be back. Big Brother doesn't like to lose. Hopefully, the People will continue coming to this man's defense. If the People stand together, they can win. People from all over the Country need to head to Nevada and stand with this man and his family. There is strength in numbers. We all have to stick together during these dark times.

Big brother has unlimited resources. Hard to fight that. 60 rancher gave up... ranchers are not the type to just up and quit normally. But I suppose when your country is the one fighting you just don't have much choice, you can go rebel and be seen as a criminal or you can back down and find something else to do for a living. Course you'll probably find government coming to destroy that job next.

Well, i try to be optimistic. If the People stick together, they can win. But i do hear what you're saying. All those who have helped this man, have been photographed and will now be classified as 'Terrorists.' I fear for their lives as well. But we still have to stick together. There is strength in numbers.

I hope the people continue this fight and goes to Texas & Oklahoma to fight what the BLM is doing there also about the Red River.
Oklahoma Texas: Battle at the Red River ? How BLM Gives and Takes Away | Opinion - Conservative
I bet you that it also has something to do with another Politician getting rich over this deal too.

This one is about oil not tortoises
Texas landowners want the state to survey the 440-mile river and define its bank as the state border. Texas officials say they will pay for the survey - at an estimated cost of $5 million - only if the federal government gives the state oil leasing rights to part of the riverbed.
Corruption is in both parties, we all need to get them voted out.
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I don't believe the Court Order allowed for this. The BLM will be held accountable.

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege

Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Photo evidence suggests BLM federal agents shot cattle dead during actions targeting Cliven Bundy, a clear violation of a court order which could see the federal agency and those it hired to carry out the operation face criminal charges.

I don't believe the Court Order allowed for this. The BLM will be held accountable.

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege

Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Photo evidence suggests BLM federal agents shot cattle dead during actions targeting Cliven Bundy, a clear violation of a court order which could see the federal agency and those it hired to carry out the operation face criminal charges.


If Bush was the president when this happened the libs would be calling for his impeachment about now.
I don't believe the Court Order allowed for this. The BLM will be held accountable.

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege

Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Photo evidence suggests BLM federal agents shot cattle dead during actions targeting Cliven Bundy, a clear violation of a court order which could see the federal agency and those it hired to carry out the operation face criminal charges.


If Bush was the president when this happened the libs would be calling for his impeachment about now.

Why? Did the POTUS shoot the cows or give the order to shoot the cows? How do you know the free loading rancher is not playing you guys even more by shooting some of his cows?
I don't believe the Court Order allowed for this. The BLM will be held accountable.

Report: BLM Feds Slaughtered Cattle During Bundy Siege

Federal agency could face charges for abuse of animals

Photo evidence suggests BLM federal agents shot cattle dead during actions targeting Cliven Bundy, a clear violation of a court order which could see the federal agency and those it hired to carry out the operation face criminal charges.


If Bush was the president when this happened the libs would be calling for his impeachment about now.

Why? Did the POTUS shoot the cows or give the order to shoot the cows? How do you know the free loading rancher is not playing you guys even more by shooting some of his cows?
I'd like to give a shout out to this Obama water carrier for providing a perfect example of my point.
If Bush was the president when this happened the libs would be calling for his impeachment about now.

Why? Did the POTUS shoot the cows or give the order to shoot the cows? How do you know the free loading rancher is not playing you guys even more by shooting some of his cows?
I'd like to give a shout out to this Obama water carrier for providing a perfect example of my point.

Pretty good ploy for avoiding the questions I posed. :lol:
Big Brother wants it all. Sadly, i see a day when only Government and large Corporations own the land. Think it's so far-fetched? You should think again.
Everywhere you turn, Government is there harassing and stealing. What a sad Country we've become. When will the People say enough is enough?
Everywhere you turn, Government is there harassing and stealing. What a sad Country we've become. When will the People say enough is enough?

When they learn to stop catering to the 2 party system. When they stop thinking politics is a team sport and they are the fans.

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