BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

No it doesn't. The article refers to 'this land' but doesn't say it's Bundy's property. It also later mentions that "...the cattle were still being held Saturday in temporary pens just a few miles from Bundy's ranch." But like I said, there's no reference to this being Bundy's land.

The whole point is that this dispute is based on this being public land. If it's public land, Bundy has no right to build on it without permission, and even if he does build, it's not legally his property unless he has something in writing which gives him legal ownership. If Bundy built some structure on public land it would be akin to you building something on a vacant lot next to your property. Maybe you could get away with it for years if the rightful owner was unaware or didn't care, but unless you had some kind of prior legal agreement, you wouldn't have a legal leg to stand on later if the owner or a new owner decided to tear down the structure.

It says "Bundy's land". There are also references to Bundy's water infrastructure and cattle pens. Even if it isn't Bundy's land, for the sake of argument, the BLM didn't have permission to destroy it (the infrastructure). Again, they had permission to "seize and impound", not "destroy and kill".

It also references Bundy's cattle that were shot. I see that you didn't acknowledge any of that, wonder why.
The dispute is over state land. The Feds went onto Bundy's private property to destroy the water lines, destroy the corrals and shoot the bulls. The Bundy home is on the private property owned by his family for 140 years. Once the feds left what they considered public land and went onto private property to destroy they lost whatever position they had.

If thats true its only fair and just. He wasted a lot of tax payer dollars fighting this illegally instead of paying for the privilege like the other ranchers do. Now some of that money can circulate back into the economy via his pocket.
The dispute is over state land. The Feds went onto Bundy's private property to destroy the water lines, destroy the corrals and shoot the bulls. The Bundy home is on the private property owned by his family for 140 years. Once the feds left what they considered public land and went onto private property to destroy they lost whatever position they had.

If thats true its only fair and just. He wasted a lot of tax payer dollars fighting this illegally instead of paying for the privilege like the other ranchers do. Now some of that money can circulate back into the economy via his pocket.

Translation.. stick it to the white guy.
The dispute is over state land. The Feds went onto Bundy's private property to destroy the water lines, destroy the corrals and shoot the bulls. The Bundy home is on the private property owned by his family for 140 years. Once the feds left what they considered public land and went onto private property to destroy they lost whatever position they had.

If thats true its only fair and just. He wasted a lot of tax payer dollars fighting this illegally instead of paying for the privilege like the other ranchers do. Now some of that money can circulate back into the economy via his pocket.

Translation.. stick it to the white guy.

What is essentially boils down to for most that are defending the feds actions.

"shake down time"
The dispute is over state land. The Feds went onto Bundy's private property to destroy the water lines, destroy the corrals and shoot the bulls. The Bundy home is on the private property owned by his family for 140 years. Once the feds left what they considered public land and went onto private property to destroy they lost whatever position they had.

If Bundy can prove that any structures destroyed were on his property, then he has a legal case, and I would take his side in such a case. My guess is that's not what happened. My bet is that the structures were on state or federal land, and Bundy had put them up to facilitate his operation since he spent so much time using the land and doing so made everything so much easier as far as his cattle operation was concerned. But it could also be an honest mistake on either side if the property line is not clearly marked or defined.

But from everything I've read, Bundy has a LONG history of thumbing his nose at any legal authority that issues rulings he doesn't like. When you combine that fact with the fact that Bundy has come to have a proprietary feeling about the land, it's not surprising that he acts the way he does. That doesn't mean that he has a legal leg to stand on. My advice to the Bundy family is to drive into town to see a lawyer and take any and all supporting legal documentation with them at that time. While there, make sure the documents are recorded at the County Clerk's office. Barring any legal right that Bundy may have that's otherwise not been reported up to this point, Bundy is a fool if he thinks he can manipulate public opinion to such an extent that it will trump the legal ownership of either the state of Nevada or the Federal Gov't, or any other individual as far as that goes. But he may be one of those nutty people who's willing to cut off his nose to spite his face. I suppose that's another example of the definition of freedom. It's the freedom to be a dope.
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The dispute is over state land. The Feds went onto Bundy's private property to destroy the water lines, destroy the corrals and shoot the bulls. The Bundy home is on the private property owned by his family for 140 years. Once the feds left what they considered public land and went onto private property to destroy they lost whatever position they had.

If thats true its only fair and just. He wasted a lot of tax payer dollars fighting this illegally instead of paying for the privilege like the other ranchers do. Now some of that money can circulate back into the economy via his pocket.

Translation.. stick it to the white guy.

Get another translator. Stick it to the freeloader no matter what color he is.
If thats true its only fair and just. He wasted a lot of tax payer dollars fighting this illegally instead of paying for the privilege like the other ranchers do. Now some of that money can circulate back into the economy via his pocket.

Translation.. stick it to the white guy.

Get another translator. Stick it to the freeloader no matter what color he is.

How about we start with collecting from the Obama clan and leave the guy who's actually producing product alone.
Sorry guy but i was debating the OP regarding the free loader. You wandered off into the conspiracy theory waters. I just called you out for the hot air balloon your type typically turns out to be. Your guess as to what it the issue is about holds no water at all. The facts are the guy was free loading. No matter what cocka mania story you dream up as to the reasons why, he is still a free loader.

Some day when you start back on your meds you will realize you never had the freedom you claim was lost. The government will always be the final authority unless you are the government. I hope I didn't lose you with that revelation.

While you have your panties in wad over the grass mooching cows, here's something else for you to think about:

Illegal Immigration Crisis Fact Sheet
Criminal Crisis
In recent crackdowns on child molesters, authorities discovered that 85 percent of child molesters were foreign nationals; 40% of these are illegal immigrants.
2. 95 percent of all outstanding homicide warrants in Los Angeles (first half of 2004) were for illegals.
3.Each day, approximately 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sex offenders cross the US border.
Economic Crisis
1.Illegal immigrants sent 23 billion dollars to Mexico in 2006 alone.
2.The average family
supported by low-skilled labor draws $22,449 more in benefits annually than
they contribute.
3.In Los Angeles County alone, roughly two million illegal aliens use the emergency room because they cant afford a doctor.

4.A recent survey of patients indicated that 70 percent of the women who gave birth at ParklandHospital in Dallas in the first three months of 2006 were illegal immigrants.
Environmental Crisis
1.Illegals trespassing on private ranches cut and damage fences, endangering livestock and causing financial loss to ranchers. They destroy water sources, etch damaging trails, and leave vast amounts of garbage and human waste in their wake.
2.Wildfires are being set by drug and human smugglers as a diversion to BP agents in some of the counties most pristine national forests, notably Coronado National Forest in Arizona.
3.As the illegal immigrant population grows unchecked, it will increasingly tax environmental resources, and conditions within United States cities will continue to deteriorate.
Medical Crisis
1.Illegals enter our country with absolutely no medical screening for communicable diseases that pose severe public health threats.
2.In the U.S., cases of Leprosy rose drastically, from 900 documented cases in 40 years to 7,000cases in 3 years. Most of these new cases are illegal immigrants.
3.Chagas disease, for which no cure exists, kills 50,000 people annually in Latin America.
Americans are now at risk for this disease from blood transfusions and organ transplants.
4.Tuberculosis, largely eliminated from America in the past, is being imported through illegals inthe form of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.
5.MDR-TB kills 60 percent of its victims. Additionally, MDR-TB is far more difficult to treat,
requiring $250,000 in drugs and 24 months of treatment versus $2,000 in drugs and 6 months forregular Tuberculosis.
6.Each illegal infected with MDR-TB can infect 10 to 30 people.
Terror Crisis
1.The Census Bureau estimates that about 115,000 people from the Middle East are in the UnitedStates illegally.
2.In the last three years , the number of OTMs Other Than Mexican apprehended entering the country illegally rose more than 400 percent.
3.Three of the men responsible for planning attacks on Fort Dix are illegal aliens.
4.Of 900 companies audited since 2003 having links to nationally security, nearly
thirty percentwere employing illegal workers
Translation.. stick it to the white guy.

Get another translator. Stick it to the freeloader no matter what color he is.

How about we start with collecting from the Obama clan and leave the guy who's actually producing product alone.

Collecting what? I dont like beef all that much so I could care less what product he is producing. I just dont want him producing it without paying operating costs like everyone else.
Sorry guy but i was debating the OP regarding the free loader. You wandered off into the conspiracy theory waters. I just called you out for the hot air balloon your type typically turns out to be. Your guess as to what it the issue is about holds no water at all. The facts are the guy was free loading. No matter what cocka mania story you dream up as to the reasons why, he is still a free loader.

Some day when you start back on your meds you will realize you never had the freedom you claim was lost. The government will always be the final authority unless you are the government. I hope I didn't lose you with that revelation.

While you have your panties in wad over the grass mooching cows, here's something else for you to think about:

Illegal Immigration Crisis Fact Sheet
Criminal Crisis
In recent crackdowns on child molesters, authorities discovered that 85 percent of child molesters were foreign nationals; 40% of these are illegal immigrants.
2. 95 percent of all outstanding homicide warrants in Los Angeles (first half of 2004) were for illegals.
3.Each day, approximately 93 sex offenders and 12 serial sex offenders cross the US border.
Economic Crisis
1.Illegal immigrants sent 23 billion dollars to Mexico in 2006 alone.
2.The average family
supported by low-skilled labor draws $22,449 more in benefits annually than
they contribute.
3.In Los Angeles County alone, roughly two million illegal aliens use the emergency room because they cant afford a doctor.

4.A recent survey of patients indicated that 70 percent of the women who gave birth at ParklandHospital in Dallas in the first three months of 2006 were illegal immigrants.
Environmental Crisis
1.Illegals trespassing on private ranches cut and damage fences, endangering livestock and causing financial loss to ranchers. They destroy water sources, etch damaging trails, and leave vast amounts of garbage and human waste in their wake.
2.Wildfires are being set by drug and human smugglers as a diversion to BP agents in some of the counties most pristine national forests, notably Coronado National Forest in Arizona.
3.As the illegal immigrant population grows unchecked, it will increasingly tax environmental resources, and conditions within United States cities will continue to deteriorate.
Medical Crisis
1.Illegals enter our country with absolutely no medical screening for communicable diseases that pose severe public health threats.
2.In the U.S., cases of Leprosy rose drastically, from 900 documented cases in 40 years to 7,000cases in 3 years. Most of these new cases are illegal immigrants.
3.Chagas disease, for which no cure exists, kills 50,000 people annually in Latin America.
Americans are now at risk for this disease from blood transfusions and organ transplants.
4.Tuberculosis, largely eliminated from America in the past, is being imported through illegals inthe form of Multi-Drug Resistant Tuberculosis.
5.MDR-TB kills 60 percent of its victims. Additionally, MDR-TB is far more difficult to treat,
requiring $250,000 in drugs and 24 months of treatment versus $2,000 in drugs and 6 months forregular Tuberculosis.
6.Each illegal infected with MDR-TB can infect 10 to 30 people.
Terror Crisis
1.The Census Bureau estimates that about 115,000 people from the Middle East are in the UnitedStates illegally.
2.In the last three years , the number of OTMs Other Than Mexican apprehended entering the country illegally rose more than 400 percent.
3.Three of the men responsible for planning attacks on Fort Dix are illegal aliens.
4.Of 900 companies audited since 2003 having links to nationally security, nearly
thirty percentwere employing illegal workers

Is this supposed to make me ignore the OP? Sorry it doesn't work. The guy is a freeloader that will be handled in due time.
A cost comparison analysis might help determine which issue is of greatest importance.

Cost of Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Could Be Higher

Cost of Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Could Be Higher

Hmm. Could be.

American taxpayers cannot afford the cost of amnesty.

The cost of illegal immigration and amnesty could amount to $6.3 trillion, which would fall on American taxpayers over the long term, according to a Heritage Foundation analysis. As Heritage showed, the majority of illegal immigrants receiving amnesty would receive far more in taxpayer-funded benefits than they would pay in taxes. Even critics of the Heritage study admit amnesty will cost trillions of dollars. Whether it is $4 trillion, $6 trillion or more, the additional costs to the U.S. taxpayer are still too high.

6.3 TRILLION $ you say?

If the number of illegal immigrants is actually 20 percent greater than the 11.5 million assumed in the Heritage analysis, the long-term fiscal cost of amnesty would increase proportionately, adding perhaps $1.2 trillion to the lifetime fiscal deficit.

Federal roundup of ?trespass cattle? could cost at least $1 million | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Federal roundup of ‘trespass cattle’ could cost at least $1 million

Cannon said Bundy racked up $292,601.50 in trespass and administrative fees through September 2011, and his bill since then is still being added up.

Had the rancher agreed to reduce his herd to 150 cattle on the Bunkerville allotment 20 years ago and kept paying his monthly grazing fees of $1.86 per head, he would have paid the BLM $66,960.

The rancher has been locking horns with the government since 1993, when federal range managers told him he could only keep 150 cattle on the 158,666-acre Bunkerville grazing allotment out of concern for the federally protected desert tortoise.

To protest the change, Bundy stopped paying monthly grazing fees of $1.86 per animal, but kept using the allotment. He said he didn’t see the point in paying the BLM to run him out of business, so he “fired” the agency.

The bureau responded by canceling his grazing permit in 1994, but his livestock kept living off the public land his family has used since 1877.

Bulleted Bundy Story ? A Tale of Stolen Cattle, Safe Tortoises, Lost Liberty, Wasted Sovereignty | Maggie's Notebook
Bundy protested by refusing to pay his grazing fees, while his cattle continued to grazed. Government sources say Bundy owes $1 million for overdue grazing; Bundy believes he owes about $300,000. Fees are charged at $1.35 per “Animal Unit Month,” or the amount of forage (food) the government believes a Bundy cow needs.

Arizona Park Surrendered to Mexican Cartels | Border Issues: Mexico
Arizona Park Surrendered to Mexican Cartels

About 3,500 acres of southern Arizona have been closed off to U.S. citizens due to increased violence at the U.S.-Mexico border, according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.

The refuge had been adversely affected by the increase in drug smugglers, illegal activity and surveillance, which made it dangerous for Americans to visit.

“The situation in this zone has reached a point where continued public use of the area is not prudent,” said refuge manager Mitch Ellis.
U.S. Fish and Wildlife officials have warned visitors in Arizona to beware of heavily armed drug smugglers and human traffickers.
“We need support from the federal government. It’s their job to secure the border and they haven’t done it,” said Babeu. “In fact, President Obama suspended the construction of the fence and it’s just simply outrageous.”

“We need action. It’s shameful that we, as the most powerful nation on Earth, … can’t even secure our own border and protect our own families.”

Let's see. Yomammi administration spends a MILLION dollars hassling US cattle rancher over $300.000 worth grass.

The cows happen to be roaming on land that Senator Harry Reid's son wants to sell to the communist Chinese for $5 MILLION when the land is appraised at $36 MILLION but that doesn't have a damned thing to do with it!

Yommami sends the Chinese BLM to threaten a Nevada rancher while surrendering 3,500 acres of public land in Arizona.

Yommami refuses to enforce Federal immigration laws.

Arizona decides to so Yomammi sues Arizona for trying to do the job that the Feds are supposed to be doing but won't.

As everyone must curtainly now know, the United States Department of Justice is filed a civil action (law suit) asking for an injunction against Arizona S.B. 1070, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.
Olivia Turner, executive director of the ACLU of Alabama, opines that Arizona's new law is nothing more than racial profiling and unconstitutional. Which constitution does she refer to?

The Constitution of the United States protects the rights of legal citizens. It does not extend these rights to citizens of another country who unlawfully and illegally breach our borders.

In fact, the Constitution states that Congress shall provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

In addition to the MILLION paid to Harry Reids Chinese BLM forces who are fighting in behalf of the desert turtles, we can add an estimated 6 or 7 TRILLION dollars of debt due to the influx of illegal Mexicans which Yomammi is determined to allow into the US whether the "racist angry white men" like it or not.

Yomammi sues Arizona for trying to stop the drug lords of Mexico from importing their prostitution rings, MS 13 gang bangers, Montezuma's Revenge, and Flag waving La Raza waging the Reconquista.

So which of these problems requires the most urgent attention in the minds of the Libtards?

You guessed it, flatulent grass mooching cows who have brazenly ROBBED King Yomammi of $300, 000.

It isn't that the Neo-Cons mideastern crusades for greater Israel and the coming Mashianic age costs more. It isn't that the US is 17 TRILLION in debt thanks to the Jew operated IMF, Federal Reserve, and Wal Street banditos.

It's the PRINCIPLE of the thing.

This FREELOADING cattle rancher needs to be rounded up and sent to a FEMA camp for reeducation and forced to pay off his million dollar grass bill.

God's in his heaven and all's right with the world,
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A cost comparison analysis might help determine which issue is of greatest importance.

Cost of Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Could Be Higher

Cost of Illegal Immigration and Amnesty Could Be Higher

Hmm. Could be.

American taxpayers cannot afford the cost of amnesty.

The cost of illegal immigration and amnesty could amount to $6.3 trillion, which would fall on American taxpayers over the long term, according to a Heritage Foundation analysis. As Heritage showed, the majority of illegal immigrants receiving amnesty would receive far more in taxpayer-funded benefits than they would pay in taxes. Even critics of the Heritage study admit amnesty will cost trillions of dollars. Whether it is $4 trillion, $6 trillion or more, the additional costs to the U.S. taxpayer are still too high.

6.3 TRILLION $ you say?

Federal roundup of ?trespass cattle? could cost at least $1 million | Las Vegas Review-Journal

Bulleted Bundy Story ? A Tale of Stolen Cattle, Safe Tortoises, Lost Liberty, Wasted Sovereignty | Maggie's Notebook

Arizona Park Surrendered to Mexican Cartels | Border Issues: Mexico

Let's see. Yomammi administration spends a MILLION dollars hassling US cattle rancher over $300.000 worth grass.

The cows happen to be roaming on land that Senator Harry Reid's son wants to sell to the communist Chinese for $5 MILLION when the land is appraised at $36 MILLION but that doesn't have a damned thing to do with it!

Yommami sends the Chinese BLM to threaten a Nevada rancher while surrendering 3,500 acres of public land in Arizona.

Yommami refuses to enforce Federal immigration laws.

Arizona decides to so Yomammi sues Arizona for trying to do the job that the Feds are supposed to be doing but won't.

As everyone must curtainly now know, the United States Department of Justice is filed a civil action (law suit) asking for an injunction against Arizona S.B. 1070, the Support Our Law Enforcement and Safe Neighborhoods Act.
Olivia Turner, executive director of the ACLU of Alabama, opines that Arizona's new law is nothing more than racial profiling and unconstitutional. Which constitution does she refer to?

The Constitution of the United States protects the rights of legal citizens. It does not extend these rights to citizens of another country who unlawfully and illegally breach our borders.

In fact, the Constitution states that Congress shall provide for the common defense and general welfare of the United States.

In addition to the MILLION paid to Harry Reids Chinese BLM forces who are fighting in behalf of the desert turtles, we can add an estimated 6 or 7 TRILLION dollars of debt due to the influx of illegal Mexicans which Yomammi is determined to allow into the US whether the "racist angry white men" like it or not.

Yomammi sues Arizona for trying to stop the drug lords of Mexico from importing their prostitution rings, MS 13 gang bangers, Montezuma's Revenge, and Flag waving La Raza waging the Reconquista.

So which of these problems requires the most urgent attention in the minds of the Libtards?

You guessed it, flatulent grass mooching cows who have brazenly ROBBED King Yomammi of $300, 000.

It isn't that the Neo-Cons mideastern crusades for greater Israel and the coming Mashianic age costs more. It isn't that the US is 17 TRILLION in debt thanks to the Jew operated IMF, Federal Reserve, and Wal Street banditos.

It's the PRINCIPLE of the thing.

This FREELOADING cattle rancher needs to be rounded up and sent to a FEMA camp for reeducation and forced to pay off his million dollar grass bill.

God's in his heaven and all's right with the world,

On this thread the OP is more significant. If I wanted speak about illegal immigration I would found that thread retard.
On this thread the OP is more significant. If I wanted speak about illegal immigration I would found that thread retard.

Then you do agree that the timing of the BLM assault had more to do with the Reid/China deal than with freeloading cows?

And you agree that it is somewhat incongruous to send armed men acting more on behalf of Reid and his Chinese business associates to threaten a rancher who is standing in the way of a lucrative deal when the Mexican drug cartels are occupying 36,000 acres of public land in Arizona?

Can you not see the inconsistency in the way the laws are being selectively enforced?

Can you not see why some of us would insist that they back off of picking on productive US citizens when they won't raise a hand to enforce the law elsewhere?
... and when they prohibit states from enforcing laws that the multiculturalist Marxists in Washington don't want enforced?
.... and when they make such a big deal about how much grass his cows are consuming when they don't give a second thought about hitting the natural citizens of the US to pay for healthcare and other amenities for illegals who openly declare their allegiance to the country they are fleeing from, and their intent on retaking the land they are entering?

Can you not see why this ordeal might gripe the craw of some Americans who would prefer that the US remain demographically unchanged and that it's representatives should pay more attention to the wishes of those whom they are supposed to represent rather than to foreign entities?

You can't see what any of this has to do with why some of us might object to Yomammi sicking one of his goon squads on a single rancher when the Mexican gangs are introducing kidnapping, drugs, and prostitution into neighboring states?

And you would agree that raising a stink over grazing fees which is more expensive than what was owed in the first place doesn't make good economic sense?

It just puzzles me why you would be so hell bent on extracting such a paltry sum of money from an "old white man" who happens to be producing something when the country is 17 TRILLION in debt and the people are being robbed blind by the countries financial institutions for the sake of empire building and another little crap hole of a country who constantly spies on us, steals from us, and sells us out to potential foes.

It's funny that you should mention the word "retard" because that is exactly the word I had in mind to describe you.

If YOU PEOPLE want "equality" in justice, then you rightly ought to allow the "angry old white men" to break as many laws as you do your King and the 68,000 law breaking Mexicans he recently released from jail.

How about you libtards giving the "angry old white man" a little amnesty?
On this thread the OP is more significant. If I wanted speak about illegal immigration I would found that thread retard.

Then you do agree that the timing of the BLM assault had more to do with the Reid/China deal than with freeloading cows?

And you agree that it is somewhat incongruous to send armed men acting more on behalf of Reid and his Chinese business associates to threaten a rancher who is standing in the way of a lucrative deal when the Mexican drug cartels are occupying 36,000 acres of public land in Arizona?

Can you not see the inconsistency in the way the laws are being selectively enforced?

Can you not see why some of us would insist that they back off of picking on productive US citizens when they won't raise a hand to enforce the law elsewhere?
... and when they prohibit states from enforcing laws that the multiculturalist Marxists in Washington don't want enforced?
.... and when they make such a big deal about how much grass his cows are consuming when they don't give a second thought about hitting the natural citizens of the US to pay for healthcare and other amenities for illegals who openly declare their allegiance to the country they are fleeing from, and their intent on retaking the land they are entering?

Can you not see why this ordeal might gripe the craw of some Americans who would prefer that the US remain demographically unchanged and that it's representatives should pay more attention to the wishes of those whom they are supposed to represent rather than to foreign entities?

You can't see what any of this has to do with why some of us might object to Yomammi sicking one of his goon squads on a single rancher when the Mexican gangs are introducing kidnapping, drugs, and prostitution into neighboring states?

And you would agree that raising a stink over grazing fees which is more expensive than what was owed in the first place doesn't make good economic sense?

It just puzzles me why you would be so hell bent on extracting such a paltry sum of money from an "old white man" who happens to be producing something when the country is 17 TRILLION in debt and the people are being robbed blind by the countries financial institutions for the sake of empire building and another little crap hole of a country who constantly spies on us, steals from us, and sells us out to potential foes.

It's funny that you should mention the word "retard" because that is exactly the word I had in mind to describe you.

If YOU PEOPLE want "equality" in justice, then you rightly ought to allow the "angry old white men" to break as many laws as you do your King and the 68,000 law breaking Mexicans he recently released from jail.

How about you libtards giving the "angry old white man" a little amnesty?

You are seeking agreement where you are not going to find it. The rancher is a freeloader. There is no way around it. What part of that is confusing you?
On this thread the OP is more significant. If I wanted speak about illegal immigration I would found that thread retard.

Then you do agree that the timing of the BLM assault had more to do with the Reid/China deal than with freeloading cows?

And you agree that it is somewhat incongruous to send armed men acting more on behalf of Reid and his Chinese business associates to threaten a rancher who is standing in the way of a lucrative deal when the Mexican drug cartels are occupying 36,000 acres of public land in Arizona?

Can you not see the inconsistency in the way the laws are being selectively enforced?

Can you not see why some of us would insist that they back off of picking on productive US citizens when they won't raise a hand to enforce the law elsewhere?
... and when they prohibit states from enforcing laws that the multiculturalist Marxists in Washington don't want enforced?
.... and when they make such a big deal about how much grass his cows are consuming when they don't give a second thought about hitting the natural citizens of the US to pay for healthcare and other amenities for illegals who openly declare their allegiance to the country they are fleeing from, and their intent on retaking the land they are entering?

Can you not see why this ordeal might gripe the craw of some Americans who would prefer that the US remain demographically unchanged and that it's representatives should pay more attention to the wishes of those whom they are supposed to represent rather than to foreign entities?

You can't see what any of this has to do with why some of us might object to Yomammi sicking one of his goon squads on a single rancher when the Mexican gangs are introducing kidnapping, drugs, and prostitution into neighboring states?

And you would agree that raising a stink over grazing fees which is more expensive than what was owed in the first place doesn't make good economic sense?

It just puzzles me why you would be so hell bent on extracting such a paltry sum of money from an "old white man" who happens to be producing something when the country is 17 TRILLION in debt and the people are being robbed blind by the countries financial institutions for the sake of empire building and another little crap hole of a country who constantly spies on us, steals from us, and sells us out to potential foes.

It's funny that you should mention the word "retard" because that is exactly the word I had in mind to describe you.

If YOU PEOPLE want "equality" in justice, then you rightly ought to allow the "angry old white men" to break as many laws as you do your King and the 68,000 law breaking Mexicans he recently released from jail.

How about you libtards giving the "angry old white man" a little amnesty?

The multimillionaire needs to pay his bills!
On this thread the OP is more significant. If I wanted speak about illegal immigration I would found that thread retard.

Then you do agree that the timing of the BLM assault had more to do with the Reid/China deal than with freeloading cows?

And you agree that it is somewhat incongruous to send armed men acting more on behalf of Reid and his Chinese business associates to threaten a rancher who is standing in the way of a lucrative deal when the Mexican drug cartels are occupying 36,000 acres of public land in Arizona?

Can you not see the inconsistency in the way the laws are being selectively enforced?

Can you not see why some of us would insist that they back off of picking on productive US citizens when they won't raise a hand to enforce the law elsewhere?
... and when they prohibit states from enforcing laws that the multiculturalist Marxists in Washington don't want enforced?
.... and when they make such a big deal about how much grass his cows are consuming when they don't give a second thought about hitting the natural citizens of the US to pay for healthcare and other amenities for illegals who openly declare their allegiance to the country they are fleeing from, and their intent on retaking the land they are entering?

Can you not see why this ordeal might gripe the craw of some Americans who would prefer that the US remain demographically unchanged and that it's representatives should pay more attention to the wishes of those whom they are supposed to represent rather than to foreign entities?

You can't see what any of this has to do with why some of us might object to Yomammi sicking one of his goon squads on a single rancher when the Mexican gangs are introducing kidnapping, drugs, and prostitution into neighboring states?

And you would agree that raising a stink over grazing fees which is more expensive than what was owed in the first place doesn't make good economic sense?

It just puzzles me why you would be so hell bent on extracting such a paltry sum of money from an "old white man" who happens to be producing something when the country is 17 TRILLION in debt and the people are being robbed blind by the countries financial institutions for the sake of empire building and another little crap hole of a country who constantly spies on us, steals from us, and sells us out to potential foes.

It's funny that you should mention the word "retard" because that is exactly the word I had in mind to describe you.

If YOU PEOPLE want "equality" in justice, then you rightly ought to allow the "angry old white men" to break as many laws as you do your King and the 68,000 law breaking Mexicans he recently released from jail.

How about you libtards giving the "angry old white man" a little amnesty?

The multimillionaire needs to pay his bills!

I agree, but this is more than just paying the bills......this is politics at its worst.
Reid wants this guy gone, plain and simple. It's not about the money and it never was.
Bundy must be a Hindu that believes cattle are sacred. Are the other 16,000 ranchers now going to refuse to pay grazing fees? And are cons now going to refuse to pay their taxes? Maybe the poor should refuse to pay for rent and food. If cons think everything is free, then it's free for everyone. Grocery stores should give everything for free. Gas should be free too. And why should we have to pay for license plates, or inspections?
Cons sure do love communism.
Bundy must be a Hindu that believes cattle are sacred. Are the other 16,000 ranchers now going to refuse to pay grazing fees? And are cons now going to refuse to pay their taxes? Maybe the poor should refuse to pay for rent and food. If cons think everything is free, then it's free for everyone. Grocery stores should give everything for free. Gas should be free too. And why should we have to pay for license plates, or inspections?
Cons sure do love communism.

Yeah cause a cow eating a blade of dry grass in the desert is the same as a drunk walking booze out the front door of a liquor store without paying.
Then you do agree that the timing of the BLM assault had more to do with the Reid/China deal than with freeloading cows?

And you agree that it is somewhat incongruous to send armed men acting more on behalf of Reid and his Chinese business associates to threaten a rancher who is standing in the way of a lucrative deal when the Mexican drug cartels are occupying 36,000 acres of public land in Arizona?

Can you not see the inconsistency in the way the laws are being selectively enforced?

Can you not see why some of us would insist that they back off of picking on productive US citizens when they won't raise a hand to enforce the law elsewhere?
... and when they prohibit states from enforcing laws that the multiculturalist Marxists in Washington don't want enforced?
.... and when they make such a big deal about how much grass his cows are consuming when they don't give a second thought about hitting the natural citizens of the US to pay for healthcare and other amenities for illegals who openly declare their allegiance to the country they are fleeing from, and their intent on retaking the land they are entering?

Can you not see why this ordeal might gripe the craw of some Americans who would prefer that the US remain demographically unchanged and that it's representatives should pay more attention to the wishes of those whom they are supposed to represent rather than to foreign entities?

You can't see what any of this has to do with why some of us might object to Yomammi sicking one of his goon squads on a single rancher when the Mexican gangs are introducing kidnapping, drugs, and prostitution into neighboring states?

And you would agree that raising a stink over grazing fees which is more expensive than what was owed in the first place doesn't make good economic sense?

It just puzzles me why you would be so hell bent on extracting such a paltry sum of money from an "old white man" who happens to be producing something when the country is 17 TRILLION in debt and the people are being robbed blind by the countries financial institutions for the sake of empire building and another little crap hole of a country who constantly spies on us, steals from us, and sells us out to potential foes.

It's funny that you should mention the word "retard" because that is exactly the word I had in mind to describe you.

If YOU PEOPLE want "equality" in justice, then you rightly ought to allow the "angry old white men" to break as many laws as you do your King and the 68,000 law breaking Mexicans he recently released from jail.

How about you libtards giving the "angry old white man" a little amnesty?

The multimillionaire needs to pay his bills!

I agree, but this is more than just paying the bills......this is politics at its worst.
Reid wants this guy gone, plain and simple. It's not about the money and it never was.

It's about both. Dirty Harry chose the cash and China over his fellow American. He's a piece of shit. Period, end of story.

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