BREAKING: 200+ “Militarized” Federal Police Surround Peaceful Rancher in Nevada

Look for em to label him an 'Evil Cult Leader', 'Child Molester', 'Racist', or 'Terrorist' next. I said right at the start that Big Brother is vindictive and evil. They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that.
It's not over. Rumors are, Big Brother will be stepping up the harassment of this man and his family. 'Dirty Harry' Reid and his Chinese buddies are livid. They want blood. This man and his family need our prayers. This is far from over.

"We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it's not over." (Harry Reid, South Western Czar of the Socialist Party.)

Reid made his threats after unveiling four brand new battery-electric buses for the RTC fleet. Buses paid for by Federal Grants. That's right Texans are buying Dirty Harry all Electric Buses. But that's ok cause they are using batteries from Altair, a firm that is in Dirty Harry's back pocket and gets lots of federal grants and state grift.
They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that.
Drama queen much?

They want him to follow their rules regarding max number of cattle to graze on this land he doesn't own, and to pay the grazing fees like everyone else.

Everyone else? He's the only one left on 750,000 acres and he's got 900 cows. Are you math challenged?

No one could be as stupid and as gullible as you are pretending to be. Who's paying you to post on this site?
They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that.
Drama queen much?

They want him to follow their rules regarding max number of cattle to graze on this land he doesn't own, and to pay the grazing fees like everyone else.

Big Brother wants it all. And he'll kill anyone who gets in his way. One day even you loyal Goose Steppers will come to realize that.
They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that.
Drama queen much?

They want him to follow their rules regarding max number of cattle to graze on this land he doesn't own, and to pay the grazing fees like everyone else.

Big Brother wants it all. And he'll kill anyone who gets in his way. One day even you loyal Goose Steppers will come to realize that.

The goose steppers are counting on it. They plan to be local czars in the new communist party hierarchy.
Everyone else? He's the only one left on 750,000 acres and he's got 900 cows. Are you math challenged?
So your contention is there are no other ranches paying grazing fees to use BLM land? Let me explain again since you are a simpleton, I'll type more slowly: other ranchers pay fees to use public land for grazing, this guy stopped paying them.

Who's paying you to post on this site?
The goose steppers are counting on it.
Lol yeah and here we begin nonsensically regurgitating from the playbook. Paid posting shills, goose steppers, etc. are you so shallow brained you can't come up with anything original?

Funny as hell man.
Everyone else? He's the only one left on 750,000 acres and he's got 900 cows. Are you math challenged?
So your contention is there are no other ranches paying grazing fees to use BLM land? Let me explain again since you are a simpleton, I'll type more slowly: other ranchers pay fees to use public land for grazing, this guy stopped paying them.

Who's paying you to post on this site?
The goose steppers are counting on it.
Lol yeah and here we begin nonsensically regurgitating from the playbook. Paid posting shills, goose steppers, etc. are you so shallow brained you can't come up with anything original?

Funny as hell man.
Hey retard, 750k acres 1 rancher 900 cows. How stupid are you? Can you do the math or not?
Still looking for the part of the constitution that gives the federal government municipal policing powers....
Look for em to label him an 'Evil Cult Leader', 'Child Molester', 'Racist', or 'Terrorist' next. I said right at the start that Big Brother is vindictive and evil. They want this man destroyed or dead. Make no mistake about that.

They only have to label him a free loader that refuses to pay what everyone else using the lands for grazing pays. Its not his land. End of discussion.
Hey retard, 750k acres 1 rancher 900 cows. How stupid are you? Can you do the math or not?
Again, slowly for you: other ranchers pay fees to use public land for their cattle to graze, this guy stopped paying them.

You have taken that statement and irrationally fixated on the acreage to cattle ratio to disprove it, really amusing to watch.
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Hey retard, 750k acres 1 rancher 900 cows. How stupid are you? Can you do the math or not?
Again, slowly for you: other ranchers pay fees to use public land for their cattle to graze, this guy stopped paying them.

You have taken that statement and irrationally fixated on the acreage to cattle ratio to disprove it, really amusing to watch.

Liar. Name one other person using the land in question, who is paying fees for it. Just one.

Yes or no, oh mentally handicapped one. There is a marked difference between someone in Kansas paying to graze a green pasture for a month to fatten cattle for market, and a family using grazing land that the family has used for centuries in the middle of the desert, where the government has illegally asserted ownership rights in an effort to kick every rancher off the desert to save the turtles and build Chinese solar power plants.

What a dumb ass :eusa_liar: you are.
The Nevada State Constitution effectively killed any rights his ancestors may have had to the land. Where is his deed for the land?

“Third. That the people inhabiting said territory do agree and declare, that they forever disclaim all right and title to the unappropriated public lands lying within said territory, and that the same shall be and remain at the sole and entire disposition of the United States;
I doubt there will be any official harassment. This government is more likely to use a middle of the night gas leak in the Bundy home.
Check out the Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 (pdf) which really killed any rights he may be trying to claim his family had. No wonder he has lost twice in court. There is a mountain of evidence against him and he cant possibly have title to the land or paid property taxes.

So far as consistent with the purposes and provisions of this subchapter, grazing privileges recognized and acknowledged shall be adequately safeguarded, but the creation of a grazing district or the issuance of a permit pursuant to the provisions of this subchapter shall not create any right, title, interest, or estate in or to the lands.
Liar. Name one other person using the land in question, who is paying fees for it. Just one.
I don't have to name anyone using that land to back up my claim that other ranchers pay fees to graze on public land, you are just too much of a mental midget to grasp that.

Again, even more slowly for the forum dolt: other ranchers pay fees to have their cattle graze on public land, this guy does not.

We now await RKMBrown to attempt to disprove something else, yet again.

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