Breaking: 30 sources state Trump anger over Russia probe led to Comey firing

Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.

Yeah--I am surprised he didn't bomb something.
The week is still young.
Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, and the Hillary camp: Fire Comey!

Trump fires comey and the left wing:

"Why'd you fire comey????"
Apparently you are unaware of the context of time.

Trump was also a Democrat, why do you support him if you don't like Democrats?
what difference does time make? was he competent or not? did your side say that or not? Don't be a person that turns in ones dignity to fall in line with these libturds. aren't you better than that?
Comey was a ball of clay for the lefties
Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.
Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, and the Hillary camp: Fire Comey!

Trump fires comey and the left wing:

"Why'd you fire comey????"
I love the RussianW attempts here. We are very very interesting in why fire him's the timing, my friend.
Don Cheeto got white hot ...

his asst AG might quit

Comey said he was crazy

He screams at media TV shows

and Trump drones continue to eat at his shitpile

typical day of production for Shitforhair :dunno:
Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.
Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, and the Hillary camp: Fire Comey!

Trump fires comey and the left wing:

"Why'd you fire comey????"
I love the RussianW attempts here. We are very very interesting in why fire him's the timing, my friend.
This is gold. When this goes away it's just another loss for the left wing.
So are you for Comey now?

What does she tell you to say?


This has nothing to do with being for or against Comey, you fucking idiot. It's about why Trump fired Comey and when. Grow up, idiot.
who cares, he can. It's what one gets to do when one wins the election. need some crackers for your whine? To be honest, not sure why you're whining. you all wanted Comey fired in November. What happened? And please do not mention Russia anything. We all know that didn't happen. we see the smoke and mirrors.

Gosh it is tiring seeing this over and over again when it wasn't about firing Comey...It was about how it was carried out and who they blamed ...It is so very obvious why he was fired but people are so brainwashed they can not see it..
I certainly don't care why or when. why should you? what difference does it make to you or the country? if he was incompetent, he was incompetent. Bammmm gone. see you later! I'll wait for your response. And again, well within the president's constitutional rights as his boss.
Ok, so you don't care. You are here.......why?
Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.
Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, and the Hillary camp: Fire Comey!

Trump fires comey and the left wing:

"Why'd you fire comey????"
I love the RussianW attempts here. We are very very interesting in why fire him's the timing, my friend.
This is gold. When this goes away it's just another loss for the left wing.



Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.
Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, and the Hillary camp: Fire Comey!

Trump fires comey and the left wing:

"Why'd you fire comey????"
I love the RussianW attempts here. We are very very interesting in why fire him's the timing, my friend.
This is gold. When this goes away it's just another loss for the left wing.



Oh yea I forgot. Trump's getting impeached, we'll change the constitution to allow Hildawg to become President, and the Democrats take Congress.
‘Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) hit President Trump for his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, calling on Congress to "get their heads out of the sand" and use a special prosecutor to investigate Trump.

"[W]e need a real, independent prosecutor who [Trump] can't fire, Sessions can't intimidate and Congress can't muzzle."’

Warren on Comey firing: We need a special prosecutor whom Trump 'can't fire'


Neither the Trump DoJ nor Congressional Republicans can be trusted to do an honest, comprehensive investigation.
I agree. Republicans are total scumbags and liars. I'd trust a crack whore, before I would trust a Republican.

The American people disagree with you. You libwits need to go think about why you lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House, and over 1,000 seats across the nation.

The Kim Jong Un syndrome. The dear leader gets angry because some guy falls asleep at some meeting Un held and he is executed with a 20mm anti-aircraft gun. Drumpf is rolling down the slippery slope like a fat little butterball turkey still in it's plastic-wrap.

Actually, the dems are relegating themselves to wandering in the desert with their seething hate. It's beautiful to watch.

Every day Trump gives the Democrats anew 30 second ad to run against Republicans. By the time this is over Democrats could control everything.

Fake News at its finest: 30 Unnamed Sources say........ :cuckoo:

Why don't you shut up. That is the standard line when you don't like a piece of news. You are fake news.

Please take your own advice.

I am in full control of my faculties unlike you Trump crackpots. Get a new line. Maybe you need to see a doctor about your Trump Derangement Syndrome. It causes people to say stupid things. Quit making fake posts.
Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.
Bernie Sanders, Pelosi, and the Hillary camp: Fire Comey!

Trump fires comey and the left wing:

"Why'd you fire comey????"
I love the RussianW attempts here. We are very very interesting in why fire him's the timing, my friend.
This is gold. When this goes away it's just another loss for the left wing.



Of course it's not going away. Just because there is not one shred of evidence to support the Fake News false snowflake claim, why should that stop them from continuing their BS 'McCarthy-istic', butt-hurt-driven Witch Hunt?

So are you for Comey now?

What does she tell you to say?


This has nothing to do with being for or against Comey, you fucking idiot. It's about why Trump fired Comey and when. Grow up, idiot.
who cares, he can. It's what one gets to do when one wins the election. need some crackers for your whine? To be honest, not sure why you're whining. you all wanted Comey fired in November. What happened? And please do not mention Russia anything. We all know that didn't happen. we see the smoke and mirrors.

You do not get to do what you want because you win. Accountability still holds. Trump has politicized the FBI and we do not want a politicized FBI. I will mention Russia. Even Pence has acknowledged the Russians interfered in our elections as they did in France and the Netherlands. You Trump sycophants are using smoke and mirrors to deny the truth.
‘Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) hit President Trump for his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, calling on Congress to "get their heads out of the sand" and use a special prosecutor to investigate Trump.

"[W]e need a real, independent prosecutor who [Trump] can't fire, Sessions can't intimidate and Congress can't muzzle."’

Warren on Comey firing: We need a special prosecutor whom Trump 'can't fire'


Neither the Trump DoJ nor Congressional Republicans can be trusted to do an honest, comprehensive investigation.
I agree. Republicans are total scumbags and liars. I'd trust a crack whore, before I would trust a Republican.

The American people disagree with you. You libwits need to go think about why you lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House, and over 1,000 seats across the nation.

The Kim Jong Un syndrome. The dear leader gets angry because some guy falls asleep at some meeting Un held and he is executed with a 20mm anti-aircraft gun. Drumpf is rolling down the slippery slope like a fat little butterball turkey still in it's plastic-wrap.

Actually, the dems are relegating themselves to wandering in the desert with their seething hate. It's beautiful to watch.

Every day Trump gives the Democrats anew 30 second ad to run against Republicans. By the time this is over Democrats could control everything.

Fake News at its finest: 30 Unnamed Sources say........ :cuckoo:

Why don't you shut up. That is the standard line when you don't like a piece of news. You are fake news.

Please take your own advice.

I am in full control of my faculties unlike you Trump crackpots. Get a new line. Maybe you need to see a doctor about your Trump Derangement Syndrome. It causes people to say stupid things. Quit making fake posts.

More than likely they'll control even less.
‘Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) hit President Trump for his decision to fire FBI Director James Comey on Tuesday, calling on Congress to "get their heads out of the sand" and use a special prosecutor to investigate Trump.

"[W]e need a real, independent prosecutor who [Trump] can't fire, Sessions can't intimidate and Congress can't muzzle."’

Warren on Comey firing: We need a special prosecutor whom Trump 'can't fire'


Neither the Trump DoJ nor Congressional Republicans can be trusted to do an honest, comprehensive investigation.
I agree. Republicans are total scumbags and liars. I'd trust a crack whore, before I would trust a Republican.

The American people disagree with you. You libwits need to go think about why you lost the House, then the Senate, then the White House, and over 1,000 seats across the nation.

The Kim Jong Un syndrome. The dear leader gets angry because some guy falls asleep at some meeting Un held and he is executed with a 20mm anti-aircraft gun. Drumpf is rolling down the slippery slope like a fat little butterball turkey still in it's plastic-wrap.

Actually, the dems are relegating themselves to wandering in the desert with their seething hate. It's beautiful to watch.

Every day Trump gives the Democrats anew 30 second ad to run against Republicans. By the time this is over Democrats could control everything.

Fake News at its finest: 30 Unnamed Sources say........ :cuckoo:

Why don't you shut up. That is the standard line when you don't like a piece of news. You are fake news.

Please take your own advice.

I am in full control of my faculties unlike you Trump crackpots. Get a new line. Maybe you need to see a doctor about your Trump Derangement Syndrome. It causes people to say stupid things. Quit making fake posts.
over react much?
So are you for Comey now?

What does she tell you to say?


This has nothing to do with being for or against Comey, you fucking idiot. It's about why Trump fired Comey and when. Grow up, idiot.
who cares, he can. It's what one gets to do when one wins the election. need some crackers for your whine? To be honest, not sure why you're whining. you all wanted Comey fired in November. What happened? And please do not mention Russia anything. We all know that didn't happen. we see the smoke and mirrors.

You do not get to do what you want because you win. Accountability still holds. Trump has politicized the FBI and we do not want a politicized FBI. I will mention Russia. Even Pence has acknowledged the Russians interfered in our elections as they did in France and the Netherlands. You Trump sycophants are using smoke and mirrors to deny the truth.
sure we do. what the fk is wrong with you. Just put a SCOTUS in, our pick. It's fking part of winning. control. go look up the definition. See you are still butt ass hurt and whining like a fking baby. wahhhhhhhhhh, tell it to the judge, you know the new guy Gorsuch.
Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.

/---- 30 sources report you're a ButtSoreLoser.
Accounts from more than 30 officials at the White House, Justice Department and on Capitol Hill indicate that the president was angry that James Comey would not support his baseless claim that President Obama had his campaign offices wiretapped. He was frustrated when Comey revealed in Senate testimony the breadth of the counterintelligence investigation into Russia’s effort to sway the 2016 U.S. presidential election. And he fumed that Comey was giving too much attention to the Russia probe and not enough to investigating leaks to journalists.

More: President was said to be frustrated by the FBI director’s focus on Russia and lack of attention to leaks

Rachel Maddow is currently reporting on this breaking story as she interviews a Washington Post reporter.

Some of the sources included emails at from the following accounts BHO, BObam, BHO#1, 44#1!, ImSoCute,
So are you for Comey now?

What does she tell you to say?


This has nothing to do with being for or against Comey, you fucking idiot. It's about why Trump fired Comey and when. Grow up, idiot.
who cares, he can. It's what one gets to do when one wins the election. need some crackers for your whine? To be honest, not sure why you're whining. you all wanted Comey fired in November. What happened? And please do not mention Russia anything. We all know that didn't happen. we see the smoke and mirrors.

You do not get to do what you want because you win. Accountability still holds. Trump has politicized the FBI and we do not want a politicized FBI. I will mention Russia. Even Pence has acknowledged the Russians interfered in our elections as they did in France and the Netherlands. You Trump sycophants are using smoke and mirrors to deny the truth.
sure we do. what the fk is wrong with you. Just put a SCOTUS in, our pick. It's fking part of winning. control. go look up the definition. See you are still butt ass hurt and whining like a fking baby. wahhhhhhhhhh, tell it to the judge, you know the new guy Gorsuch.

No you don't. I supported accountability when Obama was President and I support accountability now. The excuse that the Democrats did it does not fly with me. It sounds like petulant children not adults. That seems to be what we have in Washington today.

It seems we have gone from giving Americans more freedom to control and power. I refuse to abandon my principles for the pursuit of power. That is what dictators do.

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