Breaking: 59% Want To See Hillary's Medical Records

If she releases her health records, would they be truthful? Since she is a pathological liar, it seems unlikely and we know the MSM won't bother to confirm accuracy. They will proclaim her health as horse...or pig if you prefer, but that would be so un-PC to our Muslim friends.
trump is the one whose health you should be worrying about, seeing as how he gets his head sprayed every couple of days with agent orange. Poor guy is probably dying from the shit right now --- cancer of the brain. Which would explain all of the fucked up shit that pours out of his mouth --- from his obviously diseased brain --- on a daily basis.

Kind of ironic when you think about it. Here is a guy who is going to die shortly from way too many applications of agent orange, yet he never stepped foot in Vietnam because of 5 deferments.
Oh can't really be this partisan? Or can you?

All candidates for POTUS should be subject to a complete non-partisan physical and all details of it be released to the public...but I know I am dreaming. Physicals are only for the little people, the elites get a pass thanks to our stupid corrupt government.

Trump looks rather healthy to me, while Cankles looks sick.
Trump looks healthy? :lol:

He is way over weight, and his red face looks like he has high blood pressure...a walking heart attack.

p.s. women live longer than men in the USA. :D
Your beloved Cankles can't manage to ascend a few stairs...but oh well the MFing Trump is one sick MFer.

Trump flies all over the nation doing speeches nearly every night. Hillary not so much.

Hey Candycane when is she going to do a press conference? Rhetorical question...I know you don't care if she EVER does a press conference.
Haven't her emails being released kept you busy enough?? :D
I guess it was just a gentlemen's agreement and a matter of honor that a president would not run for more than two terms but democrats have no honor and an agreement is just a piece of paper. To add insult to injury the democrat party with their usual minions in the liberal media managed to keep the fact that FDR was a comatose virtual dead man from the American public when he ran for his 4th term. FDR died a little over a months from taking office and Americans had to draft an Amendment to the Constitution to term limit presidents when democrats refused to operate on a gentlemen's agreement. Democrats have no concept of duty or honor and it's no secret that they made a lot of Ike's heart attack and Bush's V.P. Chaney's medical condition but sexual pervert Bill Clinton was able to keep his medical records secret with the cooperation of the liberal media and it's likely that Hillary's fragile mental and physical condition will never be revealed if the liberal media has any say in the matter.
She is ill.....
god, some people! i purposely spell words wrong here and they crap themselves accusing me of being a retard! haven't many of us taken notice that i speel werds rong on porpose time to time?
It's 3am And We've Got Nukes Headed Our Way But Hillary Goes Into Seizure Arming The Launch Codes

It Begins: Trump Attacks Hillary Over Her Questionable Health

Three threads on the same subject?

The president doesn't arm the codes...
95% want to see whats inside her pants

No- that is just your personal sex fantasy.

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