Breaking: A Must See Drug Induced Hillary On Campaign Plane Gives Statement On NYC Explosions

Saw that interview on one of my big plasma TVs. The audio has all kinds of old style camera clicking sounds (digital cameras should be silent) to imply it was a news conference. Crooked Hillary looked off the charts low energy and totally unfit for any job that involves the well being of others.
Great catch on the camera clicking sounds.
WTF? She looks fine. Yes, getting tired after another long day is ACTUALLY STILL OK for humans.

Just because she is not grimacing and getting all hopped up on her own hyperbole the way Trump is most of the time doesn't mean she's ill or on depressants.

Another IDIOT and Socialist LOVER having NOTHING worthwhile to post...BUT must PROTECT that sick, criminal bitch, no matter what...Do you people get paid for making yourselves look demented, or are you truly demented?

Excellent argument, I didn't think of that.

Why argue with an idiot...I have other idiots that I can do that with, that are more entertaining!

Hillary almost faints during conference about NY explosion.

Hillary and the left say it's irresponsible to think it was a bomb that destroyed that dumpster, despite reports saying it was done deliberately, but they are quick to claim it wasn't terrorism before an investigation is complete? A pressure cooker was found in the area. But, suggesting that it's what it looks like will get you called names by the left. Maybe it was exploding garbage. Never mind that this wasn't the only exploding garbage today since there was a similar incident in NJ and I heard about another in a different state.

Of course, the left rushes to defend Muslims, just in case. They are always proactive in protecting Islam and I wish they'd apply that wait and see attitude when police shoot thugs. Not a damn one of them comes out and pleads with BLM to wait for investigations to be completed and they act as if the rioters are justified in destroying their neighborhoods and attacking whites. Even with perfectly justified shootings, the left sympathizes with the ones committing violence in the streets.

Maybe some other group is coordinating these little explosions or maybe it was just coincidence. Considering the new norm for our country, it's no wonder people immediately thought it was an attack. We are getting used to this shit and we are getting used to seeing Muslims doing it, but we're supposed to shut up about that.

Hillary looks drained, pale and like she's fighting to stay awake and speak. They'll blame the pneumonia again. That excuse can't possibly last much longer since it's been over a week since she was diagnosed and treated for 'non-contagious' condition. She just can't get her self together in a short time anymore and that does not bode well for someone who wants a demanding position of authority.
It does not look good... is that how you want to see your President in a crisis?

What if its 3:00 AM and the President has to answer the phone?

Its not just the optics - Hillary looks like someone who is not fit to be President.



That's pretty low energy...isn't it...
WTF? She looks fine. Yes, getting tired after another long day is ACTUALLY STILL OK for humans.

Just because she is not grimacing and getting all hopped up on her own hyperbole the way Trump is most of the time doesn't mean she's ill or on depressants.

Another IDIOT and Socialist LOVER having NOTHING worthwhile to post...BUT must PROTECT that sick, criminal bitch, no matter what...Do you people get paid for making yourselves look demented, or are you truly demented?

I watched the tape. Calm, measured, reasonable. Very Presidential. Reading the comments in this thread, I thought that she was medicated and barely coherent.

Pathetic. The lot of you. And again, wishing ill on people will all come back on you.
Her supporters are zombies as well... "I need brains"... Wait I mean deplorable.
WTF? She looks fine. Yes, getting tired after another long day is ACTUALLY STILL OK for humans.

Just because she is not grimacing and getting all hopped up on her own hyperbole the way Trump is most of the time doesn't mean she's ill or on depressants.

Another IDIOT and Socialist LOVER having NOTHING worthwhile to post...BUT must PROTECT that sick, criminal bitch, no matter what...Do you people get paid for making yourselves look demented, or are you truly demented?

I watched the tape. Calm, measured, reasonable. Very Presidential. Reading the comments in this thread, I thought that she was medicated and barely coherent.

Pathetic. The lot of you. And again, wishing ill on people will all come back on you.

You really got "very presidential" out of that?

Wow... just wow. And her seizure episode was completely normal behavior as well, wasn't it?

Well, thankfully she is a hero for dodging all that Bosnian Sniper Fire in any case.
It does not look good... is that how you want to see your President in a crisis?

What if its 3:00 AM and the President has to answer the phone?

Its not just the optics - Hillary looks like someone who is not fit to be President.



Better get a president that never gets ill then. I suggest a robot, though they can break down. Oh no, what do we do, can we not find anything or anyone that is infallible?
It does not look good... is that how you want to see your President in a crisis?

What if its 3:00 AM and the President has to answer the phone?

Its not just the optics - Hillary looks like someone who is not fit to be President.



Better get a president that never gets ill then. I suggest a robot, though they can break down. Oh no, what do we do, can we not find anything or anyone that is infallible?

Maybe it's enough to get someone who doesn't hug as many children as possible while having a contagious disease which has potential for complications - and while hiding the fact from them.
I just saw an interview with her. She was completely out of it. She mumbled something about supporting first responders when she was asked about whether the attacks yesterday were acts of terrorism.
WTF? She looks fine. Yes, getting tired after another long day is ACTUALLY STILL OK for humans.

Just because she is not grimacing and getting all hopped up on her own hyperbole the way Trump is most of the time doesn't mean she's ill or on depressants.

Another IDIOT and Socialist LOVER having NOTHING worthwhile to post...BUT must PROTECT that sick, criminal bitch, no matter what...Do you people get paid for making yourselves look demented, or are you truly demented?

I watched the tape. Calm, measured, reasonable. Very Presidential. Reading the comments in this thread, I thought that she was medicated and barely coherent.

Pathetic. The lot of you. And again, wishing ill on people will all come back on you.

If this was an upstanding, decent, law abiding citizen, with a long history of honesty and integrity... then I would agree with you.

This is Hillary. She's one of the most corrupt, scandal plagued, evil criminals in the last 50 years of American political history.

Nixon was a boy scout compared to Hillary.

Anything that happens to Hillary can be filed under the banner of "justice served".
It does not look good... is that how you want to see your President in a crisis?

What if its 3:00 AM and the President has to answer the phone?

Its not just the optics - Hillary looks like someone who is not fit to be President.



Wow....too health issue videos in a week.....does anyone really think that once this new one gets out that she isn't done....?

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