BREAKING: Add another Republican to the Senate

When I looked at the numbers that was my conclusion as well.
I wonder if she has quieted her rhetoric at all.
She should. If Cassidy gets a portion of the votes the other Republican on` the ballot got, he will win. If he gets most of them he wins by a landslide.

And more celebration in January when Louisiana makes 54!!!:2up: And the Dums excuses will still be lighting up the message board!!!:fu::funnyface::fu:

Landrieu should consider making plans to clean out her office.

I read today that the Republicans have promised Landrieu's Republican opponent a slot on the energy committee when they take over the majority in January. One of Landrieu's biggest talking point is convincing the voters in Louisiana that they would lose a voice she has on that committee.

I think she is toast in the December runoff.
Another Dim bites the dust.

Republican Dan Sullivan wins Senate race in Alaska

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Republican Dan Sullivan won Alaska's U.S. Senate race, defeating first-term incumbent Democrat Mark Begich.

Sullivan led Begich by about 8,100 votes on Election Night last week and held a comparable edge after election workers had counted about 20,000 absentee, early-voted and questioned ballots late Tuesday. Thousands more ballots remained to be counted, but the results indicated that Begich could not overcome Sullivan's lead.

The Alaska seat was initially considered key to the Republicans' hopes of taking control of the U.S. Senate, but that goal was accomplished before the Alaska race was decided.
Sullivan, in a statement, said he was humbled and sounded a note of inclusion. While it was a hard-fought race, moving forward "I want to emphasize that my door will always be open to all Alaskans," he said.
"While we have challenges to address, the opportunities in Alaska and our country are limitless," Sullivan said. "Today, we are going to begin the process of turning our country around and building a brighter future for our children."
Begich was not conceding. His campaign manager, Susanne Fleek-Green, said in a statement that Begich believes every vote deserves to be counted and will follow the Division of Elections as it continues toward a final count.

MORE: Republican Dan Sullivan wins Senate race in Alaska - Yahoo News

Demopublican Dan Sullivan wins Senate race in Alaska


You call him that only because he won't vote to turn our country into haiti. You're a fool to want to destroy America and no better than Obama. I hate you losertrians!!!
The republicans now need to pass a budget that makes sense and will rebuild America. This is what a sane party would do.

Use common sense,
Make good policy
and of course put people back to work!

Obama fucked up as he didn't make good policy that expanded the jobs market and instead put everyone on welfare!
And here it is right here, lol !!

Landrieu is so transparent !

Bills to approve Keystone pipeline could be headed to U.S. Senate, House

Democrat Mary Landrieu, chair of the Senate Energy Committee, said she would propose debate later on Wednesday and a vote on Thursday on a bill floated in May to approve the project, which would deliver heavy Canadian oil sands crude to the U.S. Gulf Coast.

Landrieu of Louisiana, who faces a runoff election in December against Representative Bill Cassidy to retain her seat, said on the Senate floor she was "confident" she has the votes to pass a bill on TransCanada Corp's $8 billion project.

Bills to approve Keystone pipeline could be headed to U.S. Senate House - Yahoo News
Another Dim bites the dust.

Republican Dan Sullivan wins Senate race in Alaska

JUNEAU, Alaska (AP) — Republican Dan Sullivan won Alaska's U.S. Senate race, defeating first-term incumbent Democrat Mark Begich.

Sullivan led Begich by about 8,100 votes on Election Night last week and held a comparable edge after election workers had counted about 20,000 absentee, early-voted and questioned ballots late Tuesday. Thousands more ballots remained to be counted, but the results indicated that Begich could not overcome Sullivan's lead.

The Alaska seat was initially considered key to the Republicans' hopes of taking control of the U.S. Senate, but that goal was accomplished before the Alaska race was decided.
Sullivan, in a statement, said he was humbled and sounded a note of inclusion. While it was a hard-fought race, moving forward "I want to emphasize that my door will always be open to all Alaskans," he said.
"While we have challenges to address, the opportunities in Alaska and our country are limitless," Sullivan said. "Today, we are going to begin the process of turning our country around and building a brighter future for our children."
Begich was not conceding. His campaign manager, Susanne Fleek-Green, said in a statement that Begich believes every vote deserves to be counted and will follow the Division of Elections as it continues toward a final count.

MORE: Republican Dan Sullivan wins Senate race in Alaska - Yahoo News

Demopublican Dan Sullivan wins Senate race in Alaska


You call him that only because he won't vote to turn our country into haiti. You're a fool to want to destroy America and no better than Obama. I hate you losertrians!!!

Hi. Libertarian here. I invite you to reconsider that moniker, my friend.
So suddenly Keystone is going to get voted on ? Why hasn't Reid allowed this sooner ?
Keystone has always been a political football as there is zero evidence supporting its failure to pass. They lose nothing by bringing it to vote now as the republicans will assure it lands on Obama's desk to veto or pass.

The sad part is all the excuses that have been laid to excuse the political pandering that this has gone through.
So suddenly Keystone is going to get voted on ? Why hasn't Reid allowed this sooner ?

Reid is Obama's pocket veto. He didn't allow it so Obama didn't have to veto it when the vast majority of the voting public wanted it. It would have passed the Senate a couple of years ago. Now that both Harry Reid and Obama are lame ducks, Obama can veto it and keep the environazis in his party happy.
So suddenly Keystone is going to get voted on ? Why hasn't Reid allowed this sooner ?

Reid is Obama's pocket veto. He didn't allow it so Obama didn't have to veto it when the vast majority of the voting public wanted it. It would have passed the Senate a couple of years ago. Now that both Harry Reid and Obama are lame ducks, Obama can veto it and keep the environazis in his party happy.
Hopefully once the new GOP controlled Congress is seated they will send one Keystone bill after another to Obama's desk. Make him have to either eventually give in, or veto them and go against public opinion. If nothing else he'll be even less popular with Americans.
So suddenly Keystone is going to get voted on ? Why hasn't Reid allowed this sooner ?

Reid is Obama's pocket veto. He didn't allow it so Obama didn't have to veto it when the vast majority of the voting public wanted it. It would have passed the Senate a couple of years ago. Now that both Harry Reid and Obama are lame ducks, Obama can veto it and keep the environazis in his party happy.
I doubt he will veto it. It simply does not make sense for him to. He has already alienated most of his base and pissed them off. Keystone was easy7 to ignore with Reid letting it collect dust allowing him to avoid taking a stance at all. Now that he will actually have to veto it though I just don't see a good reason to do so.
So suddenly Keystone is going to get voted on ? Why hasn't Reid allowed this sooner ?

Reid is Obama's pocket veto. He didn't allow it so Obama didn't have to veto it when the vast majority of the voting public wanted it. It would have passed the Senate a couple of years ago. Now that both Harry Reid and Obama are lame ducks, Obama can veto it and keep the environazis in his party happy.
I doubt he will veto it. It simply does not make sense for him to. He has already alienated most of his base and pissed them off. Keystone was easy7 to ignore with Reid letting it collect dust allowing him to avoid taking a stance at all. Now that he will actually have to veto it though I just don't see a good reason to do so.

It will be interesting to see whether Obama vetoes it or not. I had to LOL when several Republicans have said, and I paraphrase, they find it rather hypocritical that Harry Reid would not allow a vote to save thousands of jobs on Keystone but will allow a vote to save one job, namely Mary Landreau.

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