Breaking: AG Jeff Sessions Asks All Remaining 46 U.S. Attorney's From Last Adminstration To Resign

He was asked about his capacity as a campaign member. So yes, really.

NOPE. Al Franken asked what Sessions would do as Attorney General.

Read the transcript.
He was asked about his capacity as a campaign member. So yes, really.

NOPE. Al Franken asked what Sessions would do as Attorney General.

Read the transcript.
I read the one when he asked the question libs are foaming over about. Try again.

Al franken asked what Sesions would do as attorney general.

Franken: "...if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?"
That's been discussed here for weeks now. No sale.
At least half a dozen meetings, dozens of phone calls. NSA transcripts of their conversations.

No proof indeed.
Post them.

If you want the NSA transcripts get an umbra security clearance, and ask the NSA for them. Otherwise they will not be posted until they're declassified by the NSA.
LOL, you can't post it because you can't get to it but you know the smears are true. You are special...
Is the forest the place you go to avoid my question? LOL!

What's surprising about Obama telling the russians he would have more flexibility if he wasn't facing re-election? Many presidents put off controversial actions until their second term.

Now expand on your point about Obama in 2012. I'll give you a chance.

Many presidents put off controversial actions until their second term.

Obama was going to suck up more to Putin. Why do you think that's controversial?

Now expand on your point about Obama in 2012.

So that 1980s comment showed he was lying or stupid? I'll give you a chance to answer.
I know you think, you know what you're talking about, but i have a relative who was a US attorney, and they are usually kept on until a replacement is confirmed, and second there is no such thing as a deputy us attorney.

deputy: a person whose immediate superior is a senior figure within an organization and who is empowered to act as a substitute for this superior.

If tradition is followed, Joel Levin, who has served as Fardon's first assistant for the past several years, would be named acting U.S. attorney while the candidate search is conducted.

Each US attorney oversees hundreds of assistant US attorneys. There is no DEPUTY. Even your post PROVES that.
LOL, you can't post it because you can't get to it but you know the smears are true. You are special...

Let me play that game. I say that the DOD thinks Trump is mentally unstable, and won't give Trump the nuclear launch codes. If you think that's false, post Trumps launch codes. See, you can't do it. Trump must be crazy.
I know you think, you know what you're talking about, but i have a relative who was a US attorney, and they are usually kept on until a replacement is confirmed, and second there is no such thing as a deputy us attorney.

deputy: a person whose immediate superior is a senior figure within an organization and who is empowered to act as a substitute for this superior.

If tradition is followed, Joel Levin, who has served as Fardon's first assistant for the past several years, would be named acting U.S. attorney while the candidate search is conducted.

Each US attorney oversees hundreds of assistant US attorneys. There is no DEPUTY. Even your post PROVES that.

Their deputies will carry on, like they always do.

Deputies = assistants, underlings.
The US attorney isn't the only person in that office responsible for doing the job.

He didn't lie to Congress. He also didn't need to recuse himself,

Want to buy a river in egypt? Your form of de-nile needs company.
Sorry, but what Sessions said couldn't be considered a lie even by the most partisan douche bags. He simply interpreted Franken's question differently than the way the partisan douche bags want to interpret it after the fact.
LOL, you can't post it because you can't get to it but you know the smears are true. You are special...

Let me play that game. I say that the DOD thinks Trump is mentally unstable, and won't give Trump the nuclear launch codes. If you think that's false, post Trumps launch codes. See, you can't do it. Trump must be crazy.
That was your game, not mine. You make accusations, you back them up. Otherwise it's nonsense.
Sessions has a lot of nerve asking anyone for a resignation.

That's his job, moron.

Don't you see the irony. The AG who just lied to congress, had to recuse himself because of it, and who in better times the president would have asked for Sessions resignation. Is purging the people below him.
He recused himself from the investigation, not the office. There was no lie, you're just a hack.

There's nothing to investigate, anyway. The result will be a lot of nothing.
LOL, you can't post it because you can't get to it but you know the smears are true. You are special...

Let me play that game. I say that the DOD thinks Trump is mentally unstable, and won't give Trump the nuclear launch codes. If you think that's false, post Trumps launch codes. See, you can't do it. Trump must be crazy.
ROFL! The DOD has no such authority. Only a profound moron could believe it would even entertain such an action.
Their deputies will carry on, like they always do.

Deputies = assistants, underlings.
The US attorney isn't the only person in that office responsible for doing the job.


There are no deputy US attorneys. And since 1986 the attorney general can choose anybody to be interim US attorney. They don't have to be an assistant US attorney.
usually the AG's working on big cases, get to bring those court cases to an end, before being replaced...

Their deputies will carry on, like they always do.

I know you think, you know what you're talking about, but i have a relative who was a US attorney, and they are usually kept on until a replacement is confirmed, and second there is no such thing as a deputy us attorney.

We know the recent history of U.S. attorney's. Clinton fired them all on his first day in office. Your relative is obviously an idiot.
Sorry, but what Sessions said couldn't be considered a lie even by the most partisan douche bags. He simply interpreted Franken's question differently than the way the partisan douche bags want to interpret it after the fact.

Franken asked what Sessions would do as Attorney General, if he was given evidence of contacts between Trump associates and the Russians.

If Sessions didn't understand the question, he could have asked Franken to repeat it. Instead he LIED saying he did not have communications with the Russians, which hasa been documented to be false by two meetings he had with the Russian ambassador during the campaign.
Their deputies will carry on, like they always do.

Deputies = assistants, underlings.
The US attorney isn't the only person in that office responsible for doing the job.


There are no deputy US attorneys. And since 1986 the attorney general can choose anybody to be interim US attorney. They don't have to be an assistant US attorney.

There are no deputy US attorneys.

Did I say a deputy US attorney will carry on?
Sessions has a lot of nerve asking anyone for a resignation.

That's his job, moron.

It's his job to LIE under oath to CONGRESS. It's his job to fill out an application form for pre confirmation hearing and LIE again and sign it. It's his job to get confirmed THEN refuse to go back into congress to answer questiions about his FUCKING lies.

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice

Jeff Sessions JOB right now is to protect Comrade Trump and his croni's, including himself, is what his job is all about.

And you thought Hillary Clinton was crooked--Sweet baby Jesus. If she would have done 1/10 of the shit that has gone on in the last 2 months that you're letting Trump get away with you Reich wingers would be calling for a PUBLIC HANGING right now.

You're no PATRIOTS of this country, you're nothing but a bunch of fucking partisan hacks.

There was no "application form" with such questions on it. There was simply a list of questions that the Congressional douche bags demand that he answer.

Again, Sessions interpreted the question to mean "in his function as a campaign adviser." He didn't lie.
ROFL! The DOD has no such authority. Only a profound moron could believe it would even entertain such an action.

Actually they do. If the Sec Def thinks the President ordered a nuclear launch irresponsibly, he can refuse to confirm the launch, thereby aborting the president order.

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