Breaking: AG Jeff Sessions Asks All Remaining 46 U.S. Attorney's From Last Adminstration To Resign

The rules of private employment don't apply to federal political appointees. Not resigning is not an option for USAs - they SERVE AT THE PLEASURE OF THE PRESIDENT. By law. Period.

Well, that clears up a lot... you basically have no choice in anything when taking that kind of job. No wonder the government doesn't always seem to get the best of the best in their fields of work...they work for private companies instead.
I would strongly disagree with you on that statement; USA is a very prestigious position within the legal profession - being named to such a position is usually a feather in the cap of the very fine attorneys who get the nod. The credential of serving as a USA usually translates to excellent salary potential at biglaw firms as partner or of counsel following resignation at the request of the President - unless the former USA is of age to seek retirement from practice altogether.

What you suggest is nonsensical when it comes to the whole world of political appointees. Everyone takes the jobs knowing they'll be unemployed when their boss becomes unemployed - but that doesn't mean it's not worth it to serve as a cabinet secretary or ambassador or USA, etc.

No, if you look at your top private attorneys, most didn't work for the government. Those that do work for the government do so because they have political aspirations, not to keep on practicing law.

This isn't just true about attorneys, look at other professions as well, like computer programmers and hackers. If you do find good ones working for the government, it is for a private company that are working for the government as a contractor.
Again, you misunderstand the nature of prosecutors. I was one, and I know prosecutors from all over this country, including a couple of USAs and many AUSAs. For the most part, they don't WANT to be private/corporate attorneys - they live & breathe the criminal justice system. It's not something that can be compared to the Fortune 500 world and it is absolutely inaccurate to assert that those folks aren't some of the best in their profession.

I'm not trying to talk down to you about this, but you didn't find guys like F. Lee Bailey, Bob Kardashian, and Alan Dershowitz. Sure Dershowitz served as a clerk for some U.S. judges, but he wasn't a lawyer doing it. These are just a couple old big names. There are many others like them. Of course it really depends on if you want to be a defense lawyer or a prosecutor. But as I said, many lawyers that do work for the government have political aspirations...
When I was really young I read F. Lee Bailey's book The Defense Never Rests and I was impressed. I didn't have aspirations to go to law school from that age, but definitely it made an impression. I was also very impressed by Vincent Bugliosi's Helter Skelter which I read around the same age - 13, 14. I've been a true crime enthusiast since forever.

For the record, I was a defense attorney before and after my years as a prosecutor - and I'm very quick to criticize the prosecutorial brethren, as many are political hacks who will let an innocent man rot in jail if it serves their political interests.

But the point I wanted to make in response to your post is that F. Lee Bailey is a disgraced and disbarred attorney, I know very few attorneys who respect Alan Dershowitz anymore as he's become a sell-out media hack, and Robert Kardashian was not a lawyer of any note - he only practiced 10 years and I'm not sure it was even criminal law, he then went into business for 20 years and only reactivated his law license for O.J. Simpson's defense because they were very close friends and O.J. trusted him, so Kardashian acted as an advisor to the legal team to help them manage the giant ego that is O.J.

My point being that notoriety among the lay public for handling a few famous cases and getting in the news does not in any way equate to being a lion of the legal profession.
The purge has begun. This is much needed in order to make America great again.


As usual, you're too stoooopid to understand why this is dangerous. Many presidents replace staff with their on choices but only ignorant and very frightened little puss is like drumpf leave the US without protection.

Nor is it possible to improve much if anything with the slimy criminals he's filling his own swamp with.

Not an honest or qualified one in the bunch. Luckily for you, they are already raising your taxes and slashing their own - just like you wanted.

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You don't think this move is needed?

Blackmailing right in from of us..

What did they do wrong Steve?..nothing
Didn't Clinton fire like 93 attoneys, for no reason? Did he blackmail also?

Well if Clinton threaten to fire them while under investigation or resent problems like Session has, I would say yes..
dude, clinton was president, I don't think sessions is. I'm just saying, you lying? I'm still waiting.

Well I showed you the lies that will bring him down .... if you refuse to see it well then ..too bad
No you didn't
Anything to distract away from Sessions busting himself in a lie...
You don't think this move is needed?

Blackmailing right in from of us..

What did they do wrong Steve?..nothing
Again for the ohh so slow and amazingly stupid, the Attorneys serve a t the pleasure of the President. Every incoming new President fires all the old ones and appoints his own. Or were you upset in 2009 when Obama fired them all and replaced them with his people?
Macaulay has no idea what is a "bolshevik" or a "fascist" for that matter.

The pres has the right to ask for their resignations, they have the right to refuse him, and he can then fire them.

Their faithful subordinates will make Trump and Sessions pay dearly.
So where the "faithful" subordinates of all the Attorneys fired by Obama supposed to make him pay too? Or was that different?
I just hope Trump/Sessions didn't fire them all to get rid of all the state attorney generals handling civil lawsuits against Trump or fraud cases against him...
I just hope Trump/Sessions didn't fire them all to get rid of all the state attorney generals handling civil lawsuits against Trump or fraud cases against him...
Being amazingly stupid I see. State Attorney Generals are not part of the Department of Justice and do not serve the DOJ or the President.
The purge has begun. This is much needed in order to make America great again.


When you're like Sessions sitting in a boiling pot of hot grease and pull this stunt--it's only going to go downhill from here.

This administration is frankly the dumbest one that's ever been. The last thing they needed to do is "fire" up the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and the MEDIA, bringing even more suspicion upon themselves.
Trump administration dismisses 46 US attorneys -

Jeff Sessions
1. Lying under oath to congress about his contacts with the Russian ambassador.
2. Lying on the application form about having no contacts with Russians and then signing it.
3. Refusing to go back into congress, (under oath) to answer questions about 1 & 2.

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice


This administration is like a comedy T.V Reality show, with a paranoid mini-Dictator as the star.

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The purge has begun. This is much needed in order to make America great again.


When you're like Sessions sitting in a boiling pot of hot grease and pull this stunt--it's only going to go downhill from here.

This administration is frankly the dumbest one that's ever been. The last thing they needed to do is "fire" up the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and the MEDIA, bringing even more suspicion upon themselves.
Trump administration dismisses 46 US attorneys -

Jeff Sessions
1. Lying under oath to congress about his contacts with the Russian ambassador.
2. Lying on the application form about having no contacts with Russians and then signing it.
3. Refusing to go back into congress, (under oath) to answer questions about 1 & 2.

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice


This administration is like a comedy T.V Reality show, with a paranoid mini-Dictator as the star.

Irrelevant post!
The purge has begun. This is much needed in order to make America great again.


When you're like Sessions sitting in a boiling pot of hot grease and pull this stunt--it's only going to go downhill from here.

This administration is frankly the dumbest one that's ever been. The last thing they needed to do is "fire" up the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and the MEDIA, bringing even more suspicion upon themselves.
Trump administration dismisses 46 US attorneys -

Jeff Sessions
1. Lying under oath to congress about his contacts with the Russian ambassador.
2. Lying on the application form about having no contacts with Russians and then signing it.
3. Refusing to go back into congress, (under oath) to answer questions about 1 & 2.

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice


This administration is like a comedy T.V Reality show, with a paranoid mini-Dictator as the star.

Irrelevant post!

Ha.Ha. yeah right. Ever since Trump has been in office, (less than 2 months) it's been one investigation after another, one lie after another, and now he's filled the DOJ with "friendly's & fired who he thinks won't favor him on these investigations."

It wouldn't surprise me in the least that Sessions squashes this Russian Investigation. We know he squashed the investigation into Flynn after he was caught lying to the FBI which is a FELONY, and stated there will be no charges against him. They'll probably also squash the DOJ's investigation into FBI Director James Comey, who also interferred into this election.

Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
FBI: No Charges Against Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn - Breitbart

DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Flynn who was just outed for being a PAID foreign Lobbyist for TURKEY yesterday, who more than likely lied to the FBI about this also.
Flynn lobbied for Turkish-linked firm after election, documents show

It just never stops.

But Trump won't be able to squash Barack Obama. Who ordered this Russian investigation to be completed BEFORE he left office, and then "preserved intelligence" according to several sources. He saw this one coming and they are doing exactly what he anticipated they would do.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates


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The purge has begun. This is much needed in order to make America great again.


When you're like Sessions sitting in a boiling pot of hot grease and pull this stunt--it's only going to go downhill from here.

This administration is frankly the dumbest one that's ever been. The last thing they needed to do is "fire" up the DOJ, the FBI, the CIA, the Department of Homeland Security and the MEDIA, bringing even more suspicion upon themselves.
Trump administration dismisses 46 US attorneys -

Jeff Sessions
1. Lying under oath to congress about his contacts with the Russian ambassador.
2. Lying on the application form about having no contacts with Russians and then signing it.
3. Refusing to go back into congress, (under oath) to answer questions about 1 & 2.

"When he was asked in his confirmation hearing what he would do if there was evidence anyone associated with Donald Trump’s presidential campaign had communicated with the Russians, Sessions replied that he wasn’t aware of any such “activities,” and added, “I did not have communications with the Russians.” A questionnaire he filled out for the committee also asked whether he had had contact with the Russians, to which Sessions, according to the Post, wrote, “No.”
Jeff Sessions spoke twice with Russian envoy during presidential campaign: Department of Justice


This administration is like a comedy T.V Reality show, with a paranoid mini-Dictator as the star.

Irrelevant post!

Ha.Ha. yeah right. Ever since Trump has been in office it's been one investigation after another, one lie after another, and now he's filled the DOJ with "friendly's & fired who he thinks won't favor him on these investigations."

It wouldn't surprise me in the least that Sessions squashes this Russian Investigation. We know he squashed the investigation into Flynn after he was caught lying to the FBI which is a FELONY, and stated there will be no charges against him.

Flynn reportedly lied to FBI about sanctions talk with Russian envoy
FBI: No Charges Against Former National Security Adviser Michael Flynn - Breitbart

Flynn who was just outed for being a PAID foreign Lobbyist for TURKEY yesterday.
Flynn lobbied for Turkish-linked firm after election, documents show

It just never stops.

But Trump won't be able to squash Barack Obama. Who ordered this Russian investigation to be completed BEFORE he left office, and then "preserved intelligence" according to several sources. He saw this one coming and they are doing exactly what he anticipated they would do.

"The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates


Dems have been fellating Russia for 100 years.
Suddenly they discover Russia is a bad guy.

Was Obama lying or just a moron during the 2012 campaign?
Well, that clears up a lot... you basically have no choice in anything when taking that kind of job. No wonder the government doesn't always seem to get the best of the best in their fields of work...they work for private companies instead.
I would strongly disagree with you on that statement; USA is a very prestigious position within the legal profession - being named to such a position is usually a feather in the cap of the very fine attorneys who get the nod. The credential of serving as a USA usually translates to excellent salary potential at biglaw firms as partner or of counsel following resignation at the request of the President - unless the former USA is of age to seek retirement from practice altogether.

What you suggest is nonsensical when it comes to the whole world of political appointees. Everyone takes the jobs knowing they'll be unemployed when their boss becomes unemployed - but that doesn't mean it's not worth it to serve as a cabinet secretary or ambassador or USA, etc.

No, if you look at your top private attorneys, most didn't work for the government. Those that do work for the government do so because they have political aspirations, not to keep on practicing law.

This isn't just true about attorneys, look at other professions as well, like computer programmers and hackers. If you do find good ones working for the government, it is for a private company that are working for the government as a contractor.
Again, you misunderstand the nature of prosecutors. I was one, and I know prosecutors from all over this country, including a couple of USAs and many AUSAs. For the most part, they don't WANT to be private/corporate attorneys - they live & breathe the criminal justice system. It's not something that can be compared to the Fortune 500 world and it is absolutely inaccurate to assert that those folks aren't some of the best in their profession.

I'm not trying to talk down to you about this, but you didn't find guys like F. Lee Bailey, Bob Kardashian, and Alan Dershowitz. Sure Dershowitz served as a clerk for some U.S. judges, but he wasn't a lawyer doing it. These are just a couple old big names. There are many others like them. Of course it really depends on if you want to be a defense lawyer or a prosecutor. But as I said, many lawyers that do work for the government have political aspirations...
When I was really young I read F. Lee Bailey's book The Defense Never Rests and I was impressed. I didn't have aspirations to go to law school from that age, but definitely it made an impression. I was also very impressed by Vincent Bugliosi's Helter Skelter which I read around the same age - 13, 14. I've been a true crime enthusiast since forever.

For the record, I was a defense attorney before and after my years as a prosecutor - and I'm very quick to criticize the prosecutorial brethren, as many are political hacks who will let an innocent man rot in jail if it serves their political interests.

But the point I wanted to make in response to your post is that F. Lee Bailey is a disgraced and disbarred attorney, I know very few attorneys who respect Alan Dershowitz anymore as he's become a sell-out media hack, and Robert Kardashian was not a lawyer of any note - he only practiced 10 years and I'm not sure it was even criminal law, he then went into business for 20 years and only reactivated his law license for O.J. Simpson's defense because they were very close friends and O.J. trusted him, so Kardashian acted as an advisor to the legal team to help them manage the giant ego that is O.J.

My point being that notoriety among the lay public for handling a few famous cases and getting in the news does not in any way equate to being a lion of the legal profession.
Just look at the McMartin Preschool case to confirm what you said.
Sessions has a lot of nerve asking anyone for a resignation.

That's his job, moron.

Don't you see the irony. The AG who just lied to congress, had to recuse himself because of it, and who in better times the president would have asked for Sessions resignation. Is purging the people below him.
He didn't lie to Congress. He also didn't need to recuse himself, but he did it in an attempt to appease douche bag politicians. Any new administration who doesn't purge the moles and dead enders from the previous administration is a fool. You're whining because Sessions and Trump aren't suckers.

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