BREAKING: ANOTHER Biden Disaster – US Residents Stranded in Sudan after Failed Coup Attempt – “Too Late” for Evacuations

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Here we go again. How many of these Americans will now perish due to the Usurper's abandonment?

Golfing Gator thinks it's funny Americans are trapped in Sudan.
Anericans need to be smart about where they go abroad. There has to be some personal accountability when there is personal choice.

I am not saying abandon them.

I am saying from all I have seen during all my travels around the world Sudan is one of the places I would not choose to live / stay for any extended period of time.

But that's just me.
Here we go again. How many of these Americans will now perish due to the Usurper's abandonment?

Can't say that I have much sympathy for Americans in Sudan. I assume the agency got theirs out if need be.
Here we go again. How many of these Americans will now perish due to the Usurper's abandonment?

Biden tried to overthrow the government of Sudan??????


You should maybe wait until something happens before you blame Biden. Blaming him for something that hasn't even happened, is making you look desperate to shit on Biden. Not a good look wishing for bad things to happen to Americans.
Here we go again. How many of these Americans will now perish due to the Usurper's abandonment?

How many Americans are you hoping are killed?
Here we go again. How many of these Americans will now perish due to the Usurper's abandonment?

Americans Last Joe strikes again!
Here we go again. How many of these Americans will now perish due to the Usurper's abandonment?

Of interest, remember all those Americans and Afghan allies Biden left behind, many who have suffered torture and execution since and the Taliban is still actively looking for any they missed?

De ja vu? Why is it Biden and company so often seem to be unable to do what other countries manage to do?

“. . .It’s possible that infrastructure has been damaged or sabotaged,” said Netblocks director Alp Toker. “This will have a major effect on residents’ ability to stay safe and will impact the evacuation programs that are ongoing.”
After a week of bloody battles that hindered rescues, U.S. special forces swiftly evacuated 70 U.S. Embassy staffers from Khartoum to Ethiopia early Sunday. Although American officials said it was too dangerous for a government-coordinated evacuation of private citizens, other countries scrambled to remove citizens and diplomats. . ."

-Given their more than doubling IRS agents to investigate ordinary Americans,
-their tacit or explicit efforts to hamstring and/or defund the Police,
-a wide open border allowing in millions of illegals for Americans to support and including an unacceptable percentage of thieves, violent criminals, murderers, rapists, terrorists,
-their war on conservatives while ignoring wrong doing or refusing to prosecute leftists,
-their push to empty the jails and prisons,

and now their multiple failures to protect American citizens abroad. . .

Anybody who thinks this administration gives a damn about anybody they can't exploit, use, or manage needs to have his/her head examined.
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Parade that FEAR, ANGER, and PARANOIA of the Right.


The French Evacuate Americans From Sudan. Biden Won’t

America is back!

27 Apr 2023 ~~ By Daniel Greenfield

Afghanistan was not a one-off. Leaving Americans behind enemy lines has become the new normal.
“It is not our standard procedure to evacuate American citizens living abroad,” White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said on Friday.​
Now the media is tentatively pointing out that most other countries, from the UK and France, to India and Italy are evacuating their people. America stands alone in disgracefully refusing to do so. And that’s entirely on Biden.
Despite a number of nations evacuating their citizens, the US government has continued to say that the conditions are not conducive to a civilian evacuation. All US government personnel were evacuated in a military operation this weekend. US officials have said they are in “close communication” with US citizens and “actively facilitating” their departure from Sudan.​
Is this an impeachable offense? If not, maybe it ought to be.
Exhausted and terrified, Americans and other foreign nationals have been struggling to escape the fighting in Sudan, cramming into crowded port terminals, squeezing onto filthy buses and begging strangers for a ride to an airport in a desperate bid to reach safety…​
By contrast, Britain, France and Germany have sent airplanes to Sudan to help evacuate their citizens, and other countries, such as India, have organized convoys to Port Sudan on the Red Sea.​
An American engineer said he had been searching fruitlessly for four days for a ride, after the tires of his car were shot out, in an effort to leave the country with his four U.S. citizen siblings, including two adolescent sisters, and his elderly British mother. Artillery and missile fire have been exploding around them, and the girls were scared, he said.
America is back! Finally, the adults are in charge. And that means abandoning Americans while leaving it to the French to evacuate them.

Once again, Biden shows is incompetence and disregard for Americans. What a worthless traitor he is.
Anyone who believes that the Biden administration is capable of conducting any type of coherent foreign policy is stupid. And this includes those here who have been cheering on Biden's absolute disaster in Afghanistan and Ukraine. There are plenty of tidbits getting through the information blockade that illustrate that this is again a humanitarian travesty that no good will ever come from... They are almost certainly behind the unrest in Sudan as well.
America has never known such incompetent, hateful and traitorous scum of a Democrat president prepared to abandon fellow Americans behind in a war zone.
Surely, had they announced that they were all LGBTQ+~¿*. Biden would have moved heaven and earth to rescue them..

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