Breaking: Another Hostage Situation in France

Just horrible!

The religion of peace strikes again?


Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

What let me get this right..... Tea party members are terrorists, Catholics are terrorists, but Muslims that are terrorists are not terrorists? I got that right?

No and you know it.

Don't try to blame tee potty and/or catholics.

Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

Not all Muslims are terrorists.

True, not ALL of them.
Just horrible!

The religion of peace strikes again?


Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.


When was the last time a terrorist was not a muslim?
Non-Muslims Carried Out More than 90% of All Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Soil

Posted on May 1, 2013 by WashingtonsBlog

Terrorism Is a Real Threat … But the Threat to the U.S. from Muslim Terrorists Has Been Exaggerated

An FBI report shows that only a small percentage of terrorist attacks carried out on U.S. soil between 1980 and 2005 were perpetrated by Muslims.

Princeton University’s Loon Watch compiled the following chart from the FBI’s data (as explained below, this chart is over-simplified … and somewhat inaccurate):


Edited to add this from the link --

(The chart is misleading in several ways. For example, it labels “Extreme Left Wing Groups” and “Communists”, but not “Extreme Right Wing Groups” or “Fascists”. It should have either discarded all partisan labels, or included labels for both ends of the spectrum. In addition, “Latinos” is misleading, as Loonwatch is actually referring to Puerto Rican separatist groups, Cuban exile groups and the like. However, as shown below, many of the basic concepts are correct.)
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Wow! these is happening right now as we speak! can we confirm it?

1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. If we say that even 38,000 of them are involved in radical Islam, (and the attack in Paris was conducted by 4 individuals) then the extremists constitute 0.0024% of the Muslim population. Do the math.
I have a difficult time believing that there are only 38k Muslims in the world that are involved in radical Islam.

There are more than that in Al Queda and ISIS.
Just horrible!

The religion of peace strikes again?


Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

What let me get this right..... Tea party members are terrorists, Catholics are terrorists, but Muslims that are terrorists are not terrorists? I got that right?

No and you know it.

Don't try to blame tee potty and/or catholics.

Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Yet you clearly claimed there were NO Muslim terrorists.

Learn to read. I wrote

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Just horrible!

The religion of peace strikes again?


Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are

I'm sure they appreciate you're giving them cover though

"Muslim terrorists are"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I wrote.

Well, actually, what I wrote is that Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

But thanks anyway.
Yeah, so you corrected yourself. You want a cookie?
Third hostage crisis in France as thief locks down jewellers Gatton Star
Fortunately, according to this it is not related. Still, those there must have been terrified it was. Hope it ends peacefully.

A spokesperson for the Montpellier police said the attacker has locked himself inside the shop, which has been surrounded.

Local newspaper Midi Libre reported that the city centre has been sealed off around a jeweller's shop on La Rue du l'Argenterie.

Negotiators were in discussions with the gunmen and no shots have so far been fired, Midi Libre reported.

Officials have said that there is no link whatsoever with terrorism or events in Paris but panic reportedly spread through the city centre, where passers-by and shoppers were evacuated from nearby streets and street lights were turned off, leaving it in the glow of emergency vehicles' lights.
Rethinking Islam with Sultan Shahin How many Muslims are Radical Islamists
38,000? Much, much more than that-
How much fervor: Gallup polled over 50,000 Muslims across 10 countries and found that, if one defines radicals as those who deemed the 9/11 attacks "completely justified," their number constitutes about 7 percent of the total population. But if one includes Muslims who considered the attacks "largely justified," their ranks jump to 13.5 percent. Adding those who deemed the attacks "somewhat justified" boosts the number of radicals to 36.6 percent. Which figure should one adopt?

Let's go with around 12%, of 1.6 billion. Comes to 192 Million. Almost 2/3rds of the entire US population...
Wow! these is happening right now as we speak! can we confirm it?

1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. If we say that even 38,000 of them are involved in radical Islam, (and the attack in Paris was conducted by 4 individuals) then the extremists constitute 0.0024% of the Muslim population. Do the math.
Last edited:

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

What let me get this right..... Tea party members are terrorists, Catholics are terrorists, but Muslims that are terrorists are not terrorists? I got that right?

No and you know it.

Don't try to blame tee potty and/or catholics.

Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Yet you clearly claimed there were NO Muslim terrorists.

Learn to read. I wrote

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Just horrible!

The religion of peace strikes again?


Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are

I'm sure they appreciate you're giving them cover though

"Muslim terrorists are"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I wrote.

Well, actually, what I wrote is that Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

But thanks anyway.
Yeah, so you corrected yourself. You want a cookie?

My first post was pretty clear.

I can't imagine how anyone could misread that.
Apparently the woman is on the run. I wouldn't think one single woman will last long on her own.. Hopefully, they'll catch her soon too.
Tea Party and the Right

10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men

Most of the terrorist activity in the U.S. in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

By Alex Henderson / AlterNet

July 24, 2013



From Fox News to the Weekly Standard, neoconservatives have tried to paint terrorism as a largely or exclusively Islamic phenomenon. Their message of Islamophobia has been repeated many times since the George W. Bush era: Islam is inherently violent, Christianity is inherently peaceful, and there is no such thing as a Christian terrorist or a white male terrorist. But the facts don’t bear that out. Far-right white male radicals and extreme Christianists are every bit as capable of acts of terrorism as radical Islamists, and to pretend that such terrorists don’t exist does the public a huge disservice. Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev and the late Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev (the Chechen brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013) are both considered white and appear to have been motivated in part by radical Islam. And many terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who were neither Muslims nor dark-skinned.

When white males of the far right carry out violent attacks, neocons and Republicans typically describe them as lone-wolf extremists rather than people who are part of terrorist networks or well-organized terrorist movements. Yet many of the terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who had long histories of networking with other terrorists. In fact, most of the terrorist activity occurring in the United States in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from a combination of radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

Below are 10 of the worst examples of non-Islamic terrorism that have occurred in the United States in the last 30 years.

At the link.


(Not safe for RWs)
You are such a fool, Luddly.
Tea Party and the Right

10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men

Most of the terrorist activity in the U.S. in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

By Alex Henderson / AlterNet

July 24, 2013



From Fox News to the Weekly Standard, neoconservatives have tried to paint terrorism as a largely or exclusively Islamic phenomenon. Their message of Islamophobia has been repeated many times since the George W. Bush era: Islam is inherently violent, Christianity is inherently peaceful, and there is no such thing as a Christian terrorist or a white male terrorist. But the facts don’t bear that out. Far-right white male radicals and extreme Christianists are every bit as capable of acts of terrorism as radical Islamists, and to pretend that such terrorists don’t exist does the public a huge disservice. Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev and the late Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev (the Chechen brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013) are both considered white and appear to have been motivated in part by radical Islam. And many terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who were neither Muslims nor dark-skinned.

When white males of the far right carry out violent attacks, neocons and Republicans typically describe them as lone-wolf extremists rather than people who are part of terrorist networks or well-organized terrorist movements. Yet many of the terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who had long histories of networking with other terrorists. In fact, most of the terrorist activity occurring in the United States in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from a combination of radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

Below are 10 of the worst examples of non-Islamic terrorism that have occurred in the United States in the last 30 years.

At the link.


(Not safe for RWs)
Wow! these is happening right now as we speak! can we confirm it?

1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. If we say that even 38,000 of them are involved in radical Islam, (and the attack in Paris was conducted by 4 individuals) then the extremists constitute 0.0024% of the Muslim population. Do the math.

Apparently some believe .0024% of the Muslim population means ALL Muslims.
Seeing as how ISIS has at least 100,000 fighters and at least that many supporters not in arms, your off by a bit. Further Palestine has more then 38000 fighters under Hamas and Fatah. And what about Hezbollah? And then we have Libya and Nigeria Somalia Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Getting the picture yet?
Tea Party and the Right

10 of the Worst Terror Attacks by Extreme Christians and Far-Right White Men

Most of the terrorist activity in the U.S. in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

By Alex Henderson / AlterNet

July 24, 2013



From Fox News to the Weekly Standard, neoconservatives have tried to paint terrorism as a largely or exclusively Islamic phenomenon. Their message of Islamophobia has been repeated many times since the George W. Bush era: Islam is inherently violent, Christianity is inherently peaceful, and there is no such thing as a Christian terrorist or a white male terrorist. But the facts don’t bear that out. Far-right white male radicals and extreme Christianists are every bit as capable of acts of terrorism as radical Islamists, and to pretend that such terrorists don’t exist does the public a huge disservice. Dzhokhar Anzorovich Tsarnaev and the late Tamerlan Anzorovich Tsarnaev (the Chechen brothers suspected in the Boston Marathon bombing of April 15, 2013) are both considered white and appear to have been motivated in part by radical Islam. And many terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who were neither Muslims nor dark-skinned.

When white males of the far right carry out violent attacks, neocons and Republicans typically describe them as lone-wolf extremists rather than people who are part of terrorist networks or well-organized terrorist movements. Yet many of the terrorist attacks in the United States have been carried out by people who had long histories of networking with other terrorists. In fact, most of the terrorist activity occurring in the United States in recent years has not come from Muslims, but from a combination of radical Christianists, white supremacists and far-right militia groups.

Below are 10 of the worst examples of non-Islamic terrorism that have occurred in the United States in the last 30 years.

At the link.


(Not safe for RWs)
LOL, I stopped reading after they considered the Tsarnaevs "right wing white" terrorists. What a joke. This is satire right?
What let me get this right..... Tea party members are terrorists, Catholics are terrorists, but Muslims that are terrorists are not terrorists? I got that right?

No and you know it.

Don't try to blame tee potty and/or catholics.

Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Yet you clearly claimed there were NO Muslim terrorists.

Learn to read. I wrote

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Just horrible!

The religion of peace strikes again?


Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are

I'm sure they appreciate you're giving them cover though

"Muslim terrorists are"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I wrote.

Well, actually, what I wrote is that Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

But thanks anyway.
Yeah, so you corrected yourself. You want a cookie?

My first post was pretty clear.

I can't imagine how anyone could misread that.
Ya you STATED as you have quoted, that MUSLIMS are not terrorists.
Rethinking Islam with Sultan Shahin How many Muslims are Radical Islamists
I figure at around 12%, that comes to around 192 Million.

Wow! these is happening right now as we speak! can we confirm it?

1,600,000,000 Muslims in the world. If we say that even 38,000 of them are involved in radical Islam, (and the attack in Paris was conducted by 4 individuals) then the extremists constitute 0.0024% of the Muslim population. Do the math.

Apparently some believe .0024% of the Muslim population means ALL Muslims.
Seeing as how ISIS has at least 100,000 fighters and at least that many supporters not in arms, your off by a bit. Further Palestine has more then 38000 fighters under Hamas and Fatah. And what about Hezbollah? And then we have Libya and Nigeria Somalia Sudan, Yemen, Afghanistan and Pakistan. Getting the picture yet?
No and you know it.

Don't try to blame tee potty and/or catholics.

Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

Not all Muslims are terrorists.
Yet you clearly claimed there were NO Muslim terrorists.

Learn to read. I wrote

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.


Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are

I'm sure they appreciate you're giving them cover though

"Muslim terrorists are"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I wrote.

Well, actually, what I wrote is that Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

But thanks anyway.
Yeah, so you corrected yourself. You want a cookie?

My first post was pretty clear.

I can't imagine how anyone could misread that.
Ya you STATED as you have quoted, that MUSLIMS are not terrorists.

Okay, how about this:

Baptists are not terrorists.
Tee potties are not terrorists.
Journalists, doctors, veterinarians are not terrorists.

TERRORISTS are terrorists and they come in all colors, religions, beliefs, creeds and sexes.

Is that simple enough for you?

Some people are so set on blaming ALL of a religion for the crimes of a few, they actually want all of that religion killed.

How about we go after the criminals for their crimes instead of their religion, beliefs or, for crying out loud, the color of their frikken hair.
Yet you clearly claimed there were NO Muslim terrorists.

Learn to read. I wrote

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are

I'm sure they appreciate you're giving them cover though

"Muslim terrorists are"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I wrote.

Well, actually, what I wrote is that Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

But thanks anyway.
Yeah, so you corrected yourself. You want a cookie?

My first post was pretty clear.

I can't imagine how anyone could misread that.
Ya you STATED as you have quoted, that MUSLIMS are not terrorists.

Okay, how about this:

Baptists are not terrorists.
Tee potties are not terrorists.
Journalists, doctors, veterinarians are not terrorists.

TERRORISTS are terrorists and they come in all colors, religions, beliefs, creeds and sexes.

Is that simple enough for you?

Some people are so set on blaming ALL of a religion for the crimes of a few, they actually want all of that religion killed.

How about we go after the criminals for their crimes instead of their religion, beliefs or, for crying out loud, the color of their frikken hair.
Please, keep doubling down on the rhetoric and suggesting this violence has nothing to do with Islam and the failure of multiculturalism. Your shrill hysterics and denial reality just further discredit the Left and drive people towards the Right. Your emotional breakdown is pretty hilarious to witness to be honest. You are just doubling down on stupid in the face of obvious reality.

So, thanks again.
Yet you clearly claimed there were NO Muslim terrorists.

Learn to read. I wrote

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are

I'm sure they appreciate you're giving them cover though

"Muslim terrorists are"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I wrote.

Well, actually, what I wrote is that Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

But thanks anyway.
Yeah, so you corrected yourself. You want a cookie?

My first post was pretty clear.

I can't imagine how anyone could misread that.
Ya you STATED as you have quoted, that MUSLIMS are not terrorists.

Okay, how about this:

Baptists are not terrorists.
Tee potties are not terrorists.
Journalists, doctors, veterinarians are not terrorists.

TERRORISTS are terrorists and they come in all colors, religions, beliefs, creeds and sexes.

Is that simple enough for you?

Some people are so set on blaming ALL of a religion for the crimes of a few, they actually want all of that religion killed.

How about we go after the criminals for their crimes instead of their religion, beliefs or, for crying out loud, the color of their frikken hair.
Does that apply to firearms owners too? Leave the ones that are 99.999999 percent of the owners and legal obeying the law alone? Or is that different? Remind me the next time you claim the entire Tea Party are racist or terrorists about this post? Or the next time you claim all Republicans are racist? Or all right wingers are racists and terrorists? Or are those different?
That's right, let's go after the approximate 192 miliion Islamic extremists individually.
Yet you clearly claimed there were NO Muslim terrorists.

Learn to read. I wrote

Muslims are not terrorists.

Terrorists are terrorists.

Muslim terrorists are

I'm sure they appreciate you're giving them cover though

"Muslim terrorists are"

Yes, that's EXACTLY what I wrote.

Well, actually, what I wrote is that Muslim terrorists are terrorists.

But thanks anyway.
Yeah, so you corrected yourself. You want a cookie?

My first post was pretty clear.

I can't imagine how anyone could misread that.
Ya you STATED as you have quoted, that MUSLIMS are not terrorists.

Okay, how about this:

Baptists are not terrorists.
Tee potties are not terrorists.
Journalists, doctors, veterinarians are not terrorists.

TERRORISTS are terrorists and they come in all colors, religions, beliefs, creeds and sexes.

Is that simple enough for you?

Some people are so set on blaming ALL of a religion for the crimes of a few, they actually want all of that religion killed.

How about we go after the criminals for their crimes instead of their religion, beliefs or, for crying out loud, the color of their frikken hair.

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