BREAKING: At least 10 feared dead from mass shooting in Dayton, OH

Narcissist murders just become more common with the destruction of WASP culture in favor of school systems and media worshiping mindless self-indulgence and youth raised to believe their self-esteem must be catered to and human life is worthless if they're not pandered to.

They are incredibly fragile, absolutely. For lots and lots of lots of reasons.

No one wants to focus on that, of course, because that's the difficult problem. The guns. Just the tools, let's obsess over that.
And our stochastic terrorist.
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Another one? In less than a day? I just can't even.

Gunfire on Saturday night in Dayton, Ohio, has resulted in multiple fatalities, according to local media reports.

The death toll could be at least 10, the Dayton Daily News reported, citing unidentified sources. An unspecified number of “walking wounded” were also spotted in the area, according to the report.

At least 10 may be dead in Dayton, Ohio, gunfire: reports
Our Stochastic terrorist Trump has finally taken his cultist base over the edge. Trump is the single largest threat to the United States. We are at war with the radical extremist Right.
I feel sorry for Donny. He is the true victim in all this. He is having to T and P several times a day when he could be playing golf.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.
Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?
No amount of frivolous gun control laws would stop these shootings, you can stop crazy.

Firearms have nothing to do with it.
White supremacy is a bad look. REALLY bad this weekend dude, REALLY REALLY bad.

I have no idea the motivations of the shooters is these hyped events, but browns and blacks assault white "supremists" daily. Would there be a surprise of some white kids had "White rage" similar to "Black rage" which is the concept that blacks cannot handle civilized society and feel they must assault and kill Whitey? Quite possible and very understandable. Way more understandable than "Black rage."

Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?

I actually go to various ghettos occasionally so shootings are the same no matter what. And do not imply Einstein was smart. He was a plagiarist idiot.
So says one of the board's admitted racists....

Another one? In less than a day? I just can't even.

Gunfire on Saturday night in Dayton, Ohio, has resulted in multiple fatalities, according to local media reports.

The death toll could be at least 10, the Dayton Daily News reported, citing unidentified sources. An unspecified number of “walking wounded” were also spotted in the area, according to the report.

At least 10 may be dead in Dayton, Ohio, gunfire: reports
Our Stochastic terrorist Trump has finally taken his cultist base over the edge. Trump is the single largest threat to the United States. We are at war with the radical extremist Right.
I feel sorry for Donny. He is the true victim in all this. He is having to T and P several times a day when he could be playing golf.
Yeah..of's just a tweet and on to the next tee. No camera time..and God press conference!
I was making a clear statement about how the left will make it a "Gun Control" issue. Just as they have already done about the Walmart shooting in El Paso, TX Saturday.
No, you were making a clear strawman fallacy.

No one on ‘the left’ seeks to ‘abolish’ the Second Amendment – that’s a lie.

And you’re a liar, as is the case with most on the right.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.
Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?

There it is, everyone.

Hey, minorities, here is how much the average Leftists cares about you. Shootings "in the ghetto aren't a threat to me" so who cares? Little black babies die...who cares?

But mass shootings, now we're talking, see.

Leftists, everyone. I used to be a liberal, more than 20 years ago. When I saw the real heart of Leftism, that all the "compassion" was one big fake, I ran as far and fast as I could. One of the best decisions I ever made. I never looked back.

You should too. Run. Fast and far. All their compassion is fake.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.
Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?

Yes, we're aware most of you racist deviants from the Burbs are terrified of black and brown people and wouldn't be caught near any significant numbers of them in real life, despite all your drivel about 'Diversity N Stuff'; tell us something new once in a while.
WTF are you babbling idiotically about? The topic here is mass murder.

Which you only care about because it impacts YOU.

The blacks in the ghetto can die. We know, August, we know
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...

Another one? In less than a day? I just can't even.

Gunfire on Saturday night in Dayton, Ohio, has resulted in multiple fatalities, according to local media reports.

The death toll could be at least 10, the Dayton Daily News reported, citing unidentified sources. An unspecified number of “walking wounded” were also spotted in the area, according to the report.

At least 10 may be dead in Dayton, Ohio, gunfire: reports
You can you don’t say anything when 1000 plus blacks are shot every weekend across America in towns run by democrats
All violence is a problem...and since you have absolutely no use for any of those Chicago or elsewhere..other than to trot them out every 36 hours now is it? to Justify..Hell..I don't even know what? That Mass shootings are OK..because people in Chicago get shot? What a despicable human being you are showing yourself to be.
Man this is awful. I used to go to Ned Peppers and the Oregon District all the time. These events get so much attention and you end up with copy cat killers.

The reviews of the place say it’s a dump and smells like piss. No wonder you liked it.
We are dealing with a stochastic terrorist with Trump, and all you give a shit about are your second amendment Rights. This is about the war Trump started with those who oppose him, and do not look like him. And now his base is in terrorist mode because of it. Stop with the childish second amendment bull shit.
Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?

There it is, everyone.

Hey, minorities, here is how much the average Leftists cares about you. Shootings "in the ghetto aren't a threat to me" so who cares? Little black babies die...who cares?

But mass shootings, now we're talking, see.

Leftists, everyone. I used to be a liberal, more than 20 years ago. When I saw the real heart of Leftism, that all the "compassion" was one big fake, I ran as far and fast as I could. One of the best decisions I ever made. I never looked back.

You should too. Run. Fast and far. All their compassion is fake.
Shootings in the ghetto aren`t a threat to me but random mass murders in a public place are. Do you see the difference Einstein?

Yes, we're aware most of you racist deviants from the Burbs are terrified of black and brown people and wouldn't be caught near any significant numbers of them in real life, despite all your drivel about 'Diversity N Stuff'; tell us something new once in a while.
WTF are you babbling idiotically about? The topic here is mass murder.

Which you only care about because it impacts YOU.

The blacks in the ghetto can die. We know, August, we know
You were whining about strawmen just a little while ago but some cracker wants to talk about ghetto shootings instead of today`s news and you`re alright with that. Shootings at schools, churches, movie theaters, etc. are a threat to everybody. Why are you having a hard time understanding that? I shouldn`t have to talk to you as if you were an 8 year old.
Progressivism is the reason for these shootings, crazy progressives in progressive controlled urban America result in shootings like these...
Wow! Incredibly stupid. You're not even trying to make sense not..just trotting any old shit. Just keep screaming "Progressives" at the top of your lungs...because-well..because that's all you have..and apparently..that's all you feel you need to do.
This is crazy, almost as much shooting death as a typical weekend in Chicago.

Shhhhh....we can’t talk about that. The violence epidemic in the black community cannot be acknowledged, much less dealt with. The narrative here is that whites are evil, so anytime a white man shoots someone, it must make national headlines.
Man this is awful. I used to go to Ned Peppers and the Oregon District all the time. These events get so much attention and you end up with copy cat killers.

The reviews of the place say it’s a dump and smells like piss. No wonder you liked it.
What's that got to do with anything?

It could be a disgruntled customer, based on the amount of negative reviews the place has.

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