BREAKING: Barack Obama's shocking ties to Moammar Gadhafi!!!

well in THAT scenario, i would tell my family to not leave the cabin, so that i can hog all the beer for myself.

i had to smuggle beer and wine and money into libya to have some alcohol-induced fun.

Did you see that thing?
I bet there was a casino on it.
Dam.....and here I was picturing some flat bottomed ferry ship with a wood framed canopy with a thatched roof....with people shoulder to shoulder from port to starboard, bow to stern.

you never saw a mediterranean ferry, right?

Even the Staten Island ferries are quite sophisticated. (And I mean the boats.)
This doesn't surprise me at all seeing obama's track record on foreign policy, his past associations. Nope. Not surprised at all. Some day? people will wake up.
Hey brother, did ya' see yesterday, when pressed why it took him so long to come out and make some kind of statement about the situation in Lybia, he said he couldn't work it into his "schedule"..........BULLSHIT!.......Particularly after his schedule was shown.

Can you imagine Ike, JFK, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, REAGAN, Bush1, Clinton, Bush2, or any president besides Carter in the last 50-60 years coming out and using such a lame friggin' excuse for yet another leadership failure?

The man is not a leader in anyway, shape, or form.
big ship....little ship....they were still sitting ducks and not able to leave....and not a jot of help from the President...

maybe to pass the time the Americans could have sung Black month Motown songs along with Obama....this song could have been appropriate....

i heard there were real americans on board of that wooden junk ferry with the original kenyan birth certificate smuggled through the nubian desert straight from mom-fuckn-basa.

that's why obama wanted them killed.

Please, LK!! There are gullible children in the room!
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

All i can say is ........ Due to freedom of speech in this country any one can say anything. Be it the dumbest F%$#ing thing ever or just an observation on you local grocery store. This post is the former.

:eusa_eh:This is true. You also can believe anything you want. The thought police haven't stopped you from doing that.
What I keep seeing is regardless of the evidence some people simply won't face facts about Obama. The primary reason is because they are apathetic about life in general. They haven't seen real hardship in their lives, so they think its funny when someone who does shows real concern.

Anyone who has actually been on the front-lines and faced the enemy will tell you that there are groups in the world that want to kill us. We've seen it first-hand but some Harvard grad in the White House wants to tell us we can reason with these people.

Trust me, we can't.

Obama has discovered in his short tour as President that those who suffer under tyranny are not impressed with his flowery words and his silk suits. All they hear when he speaks is bull shit.

Obama has tried to make friends with folks that are pure evil. Some would say this is admirable. I call it naive. Chamberlain tried negotiating with Hitler and he ended up being a laughingstock....from both sides. Obama is foolish enough to think he can bull shit terrorists. Some of them may shake his hand and smile in his face, but really all they're doing is looking for weakness. They're looking for some punk leader who thinks he knows better. They want people like Obama elected because then they have nothing to fear. Reagan and Bush scared the shit out of them. Now they feel they can get away with anything because Obama has made deals with them and he's afraid of what they may reveal. It's just a hassle he doesn't want to deal with, so he's reluctant to act.

It's obvious who he's in bed with and who he's trying to bring down. With Mubarak it was "Step down NOW!!!" With Qaddafi it's, "Well, the weather isn't right."

I see no consistency and nether does our friends and allies. And if they don't see any you can bet our enemies can't ether.
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big ship....little ship....they were still sitting ducks and not able to leave....and not a jot of help from the President...

maybe to pass the time the Americans could have sung Black month Motown songs along with Obama....this song could have been appropriate....

Wasn't Thursday night Motown night at the White House.

I'm so happy that during all of the killing in the Middle East and the threats to our national security Obama can still find the time to kick back with Stevie Wonder and have a good time.

Pass that joint.
What I keep seeing is regardless of the evidence some people simply won't face facts about Obama. The primary reason is because they are apathetic about life in general. They haven't seen real hardship in their lives, so they think its funny when someone who does shows real concern.

Anyone who has actually been on the front-lines and faced the enemy will tell you that there are groups in the world that want to kill us. We've seen it first-hand but some Harvard grad in the White House wants to tell us we can reason with these people.

Trust me, we can't.

Obama has discovered in his short tour as President that those who suffer under tyranny are not impressed with his flowery words and his silk suits. All they hear when he speaks is bull shit.

Obama has tried to make friends with folks that are pure evil. Some would say this is admirable. I call it naive. Chamberlain tried negotiating with Hitler and he ended up being a laughingstock....from both sides. Obama is foolish enough to think he can bull shit terrorists. Some of them may shake his hand and smile in his face, but really all they're doing is looking for weakness. They're looking for some punk leader who thinks he knows better. They want people like Obama elected because then they have nothing to fear. Reagan and Bush scared the shit out of them. Now they feel they can get away with anything because Obama has made deals with them and he's afraid of what they may reveal. It's just a hassle he doesn't want to deal with, so he's reluctant to act.

It's obvious who he's in bed with and who he's trying to bring down. With Mubarak it was "Step down NOW!!!" With Qaddafi it's, "Well, the weather isn't right."

I see no consistency and nether does our friends and allies. And if they don't see any you can bet our enemies can't ether.

The Mideast region is just beginning a journey toward an entirely new landscape from what has been evident for hundreds of years. The United States can only support the effort for democracy, not dictatorships and not anarchy if it comes to that. We have no business, no business whatsoever, in either trying to TELL those countries how to form new governments, nor do we have a right to begin carpet bombing countries that might become our enemies.

Reagan and Gorbechev ended the Cold War by NEGOTIATING.
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big ship....little ship....they were still sitting ducks and not able to leave....and not a jot of help from the President...

maybe to pass the time the Americans could have sung Black month Motown songs along with Obama....this song could have been appropriate....

Wasn't Thursday night Motown night at the White House.

I'm so happy that during all of the killing in the Middle East and the threats to our national security Obama can still find the time to kick back with Stevie Wonder and have a good time.

Pass that joint.

Life doesn't come to a halt, genius. I feel quite sure that there were highly skilled people manning the Situation Room who would have had the President's ear in nanoseconds which would draw his attention away from Stevie Wonder if the situation became dire.

How idiotic... Realty doesn't always mirror Jack Bauer's high drama on "24" you know.
Despite all the global chaos, at least Obama is gonna fight for gay marriage rights now!!!
What I keep seeing is regardless of the evidence some people simply won't face facts about Obama. The primary reason is because they are apathetic about life in general. They haven't seen real hardship in their lives, so they think its funny when someone who does shows real concern.

Anyone who has actually been on the front-lines and faced the enemy will tell you that there are groups in the world that want to kill us. We've seen it first-hand but some Harvard grad in the White House wants to tell us we can reason with these people.

Trust me, we can't.

Obama has discovered in his short tour as President that those who suffer under tyranny are not impressed with his flowery words and his silk suits. All they hear when he speaks is bull shit.

Obama has tried to make friends with folks that are pure evil. Some would say this is admirable. I call it naive. Chamberlain tried negotiating with Hitler and he ended up being a laughingstock....from both sides. Obama is foolish enough to think he can bull shit terrorists. Some of them may shake his hand and smile in his face, but really all they're doing is looking for weakness. They're looking for some punk leader who thinks he knows better. They want people like Obama elected because then they have nothing to fear. Reagan and Bush scared the shit out of them. Now they feel they can get away with anything because Obama has made deals with them and he's afraid of what they may reveal. It's just a hassle he doesn't want to deal with, so he's reluctant to act.

It's obvious who he's in bed with and who he's trying to bring down. With Mubarak it was "Step down NOW!!!" With Qaddafi it's, "Well, the weather isn't right."

I see no consistency and nether does our friends and allies. And if they don't see any you can bet our enemies can't ether.

The Mideast region is just beginning a journey toward an entirely new landscape from what has been evident for hundreds of years. The United States can only support the effort for democracy, not dictatorships and not anarchy if it comes to that. We have no business, no business whatsoever, in either trying to TELL those countries how to form new governments, nor do we have a right to begin carpet bombing countries that might become our enemies.

Reagan and Gorbechev ended the Cold War by NEGOTIATING.

Gorbachev wasn't a terrorist, and he ended up being the Jimmy Carter of his country.

The difference is Reagan could be trusted. Our enemies cannot.

This journey you speak of has been planned for and anticipated for decades by Islamic radicals. They are the only entity in the Middle East with any direction. That's why they will soon rule over the whole region.

Now if you think the Oil Embargos of the Carter years were bad, wait till the Muslim Brotherhood and like minded groups gains power in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, so-on and so-on. Just the possibility of this happening caused oil to sky-rocket in price. Imagine if it became a reality.
What I keep seeing is regardless of the evidence some people simply won't face facts about Obama. The primary reason is because they are apathetic about life in general. They haven't seen real hardship in their lives, so they think its funny when someone who does shows real concern.

Anyone who has actually been on the front-lines and faced the enemy will tell you that there are groups in the world that want to kill us. We've seen it first-hand but some Harvard grad in the White House wants to tell us we can reason with these people.

Trust me, we can't.

Obama has discovered in his short tour as President that those who suffer under tyranny are not impressed with his flowery words and his silk suits. All they hear when he speaks is bull shit.

Obama has tried to make friends with folks that are pure evil. Some would say this is admirable. I call it naive. Chamberlain tried negotiating with Hitler and he ended up being a laughingstock....from both sides. Obama is foolish enough to think he can bull shit terrorists. Some of them may shake his hand and smile in his face, but really all they're doing is looking for weakness. They're looking for some punk leader who thinks he knows better. They want people like Obama elected because then they have nothing to fear. Reagan and Bush scared the shit out of them. Now they feel they can get away with anything because Obama has made deals with them and he's afraid of what they may reveal. It's just a hassle he doesn't want to deal with, so he's reluctant to act.

It's obvious who he's in bed with and who he's trying to bring down. With Mubarak it was "Step down NOW!!!" With Qaddafi it's, "Well, the weather isn't right."

I see no consistency and nether does our friends and allies. And if they don't see any you can bet our enemies can't ether.

The Mideast region is just beginning a journey toward an entirely new landscape from what has been evident for hundreds of years. The United States can only support the effort for democracy, not dictatorships and not anarchy if it comes to that. We have no business, no business whatsoever, in either trying to TELL those countries how to form new governments, nor do we have a right to begin carpet bombing countries that might become our enemies.

Reagan and Gorbechev ended the Cold War by NEGOTIATING.

Gorbachev wasn't a terrorist, and he ended up being the Jimmy Carter of his country.

The difference is Reagan could be trusted. Our enemies cannot.

This journey you speak of has been planned for and anticipated for decades by Islamic radicals. They are the only entity in the Middle East with any direction. That's why they will soon rule over the whole region.

Now if you think the Oil Embargos of the Carter years were bad, wait till the Muslim Brotherhood and like minded groups gains power in Bahrain, Yemen, Egypt, Tunisia, Iraq, so-on and so-on. Just the possibility of this happening caused oil to sky-rocket in price. Imagine if it became a reality.

You have no proof of any of that. No one knows what will happen. But continue to spread your fear-mongering. It's what cons do best.
Despite all the global chaos, at least Obama is gonna fight for gay marriage rights now!!!

No, he said he would no longer defend the Defense of Marriage Act. Do you people ever get anything right?

But I do wonder why there's only a small uproar. I've always known that those who shout the loudest against homosexual activity are closet gays themselves. Oh wait. That's been proven. How many elected Republicans who once were huge supporters of anti-gay movements were caught bending over after all? I've lost count.
Ah, Buc - the ferry was already secured. The people on it were not in harms way.
Obama has once again proven that he is a great Commander-In-Chief and a true Patriotic American. :cool:

Please note: Sunni-bitch, a certified Obamarrhoidal stooge has been proven, by his own posts, that he is a Muslim Anti-American who masquerades as a "moderate" fucking Muslim.

This phony Sunni-bitch states that: "Obama has once again proven that he is a great Commander-In-Chief and a true Patriotic American."

Could someone please back up the statement that Obama has been more critical of Mubarek than Gaddafi? 'Cause that's not what I've been hearing.

Do you not realize that during the egypt unrest he called out Mubarek by name more than thirty times, and he has yet to call out Ghadafi Duck by name even once.
Could someone please back up the statement that Obama has been more critical of Mubarek than Gaddafi? 'Cause that's not what I've been hearing.

Do you not realize that during the egypt unrest he called out Mubarek by name more than thirty times, and he has yet to call out Ghadafi Duck by name even once.

No, I didn't know that.

But I did hear him condemn the actions of Gaddafi. Gaddafi has got to go, and we should be doing whatever to expedite it.

I also highly doubt that differences between his reactions to Mubarek and Gaddafi are because of the OP.
Could someone please back up the statement that Obama has been more critical of Mubarek than Gaddafi? 'Cause that's not what I've been hearing.

Do you not realize that during the egypt unrest he called out Mubarek by name more than thirty times, and he has yet to call out Ghadafi Duck by name even once.

No, I didn't know that.

But I did hear him condemn the actions of Gaddafi. Gaddafi has got to go, and we should be doing whatever to expedite it.

I also highly doubt that differences between his reactions to Mubarek and Gaddafi are because of the OP.

Who knows. One thing is for sure, after he threw his Motown party Thursday night the doesn't seem to think any emergency is important enough to spoil his fun time. If you want to send a message to us that you're out of touch that's probably the best way.
Do you not realize that during the egypt unrest he called out Mubarek by name more than thirty times, and he has yet to call out Ghadafi Duck by name even once.

No, I didn't know that.

But I did hear him condemn the actions of Gaddafi. Gaddafi has got to go, and we should be doing whatever to expedite it.

I also highly doubt that differences between his reactions to Mubarek and Gaddafi are because of the OP.

Who knows. One thing is for sure, after he threw his Motown party Thursday night the doesn't seem to think any emergency is important enough to spoil his fun time. If you want to send a message to us that you're out of touch that's probably the best way.

I know! He should have gone to his ranch is Crawford instead... oh wait, wrong president...:eusa_angel:
Obama's Mystery Links to Qaddafi Uncovered - Rev. Wright - Fox Nation

Gadhafi's quote: "Now, ruling America is a black man from our continent, an African from Arab descent, from Muslim descent, and this is something we never imagined – that from Reagan we would get to Barakeh Obama."

Fox broke this last night. The connection between Obama, Rev. Wright, Gadhafi and Louis Farrakhan is starting to come out. This is why Obama has been silent on the Libyan tyrant's massacre of his people the past week, bombing civilians, etc. Tim Russert confronted Obama on this back in spring of 2008, and Obama's answer was "I have lots of Jewish friends" (WTF?).

The reason the Navy can't get onshore to rescue fleeing Americans from Libya right now? "The waters are too rough". Our military, that stormed Normandy, including our Coast Guard which rescues people from the water underneath Cat 4/5 hurricanes...........but we can't get some SEALS or Marines or anyone onshore in Libya? Obama is making that call. Not the military.

God help us if this man is re-elected.

Thx for posting this again....i posted it yesterday...

i am convinced now more than ever that Obama is an Islam Nation-supporting anti-Colonialist Marxist...

anti-colonialist is one thing (and a good thing at that).

islam nation supporting marxist?

you're not well.

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