Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

He is trying to pass Breibart as a source, You just have to laugh at these clowns.
Hey, dumbass, did you see who Breitbart sourced in the article? It's the Biden white house.

And the article never states that Biden has failed to comply, the complaint is that the National Archives has failed to comply. Reading comprehension not your strong suit I see.
These people are brain-dead, this is normal bullshit, lies and distortions , one month to date and I haven't seen one thread or comment from a right-winger that isn't a straight out lie or a total distortion, My daily challenge if anyone has seen one comment from this hate group that is totally the truth put it up, so we can look it up . Maybe a source would be nice also , Breibart by the way isn't a source.
Lol, lying howler never stops spewing. Are you Chinese?
They’re getting desperate. This doesn’t look good for Biden.

Did you see that Hunter was living at the house, with full access to the garage with the top-secret docs?

Trump, Trump, Trump!

You can’t help yourself, can you? While you are desperately spinning to try to make Trump look bad, YOUR boy stole classified info six years ago when he was VP, moved them from place to place, had some in boxes in his garage, and more and more are turning up by the day.
Don't make your lie so obvious , you take away the fun of looking through the comment to find it. Doesn't get any more blatant than this shit.
They’re getting desperate. This doesn’t look good for Biden.

Did you see that Hunter was living at the house, with full access to the garage with the top-secret docs?

This one is better you have to look at the source to find the lie.
Hey, dumbass, did you see who Breitbart sourced in the article? It's the Biden white house.

Ok you dumb fuck, show us where this thread title is in your White house source TITLE"

Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"" screw you , all you scum are the same.​

Thanks for trying to move this thread back on topic, was is about Biden. The Libs are deflecting big-time to try to move the focus off Biden’s illegal actions, and any payments from foreign adversaries connected to it.
Obviously to any neutral observer, Biden almost undoubtedly had nothing to do with it, wasn't hiding anything....
With all due respect, Winston? President Potato Head kept top secret materials in boxes out in his freaking GARAGE! That's pretty much the definition of "grossly negligent"! That's moronic!
a simple mistake... byden was in Europe for the last five days of the administration while his stuff was being packed up comment 20 pages is just a mistake. The difference is he self reported he had them and gave them back, while trump lied and lied for a year. I'll bet anything there was no nothing nowhere lol
Obviously to any neutral observer, Biden almost undoubtedly had nothing to do with it, wasn't hiding anything....

a simple mistake... byden was in Europe for the last five days of the administration while his stuff was being packed up comment 20 pages is just a mistake. The difference is he self reported he had them and gave them back, while trump lied and lied for a year. I'll bet anything there was no nothing nowhere lol
Lying howler monkey says what?
Now, my question is, if Trump knew enough to do that for some of the Crossfire Hurricane documents, why in the hell wasn't he able to do that for the documents held at Mar a Lago? He knew how to do it, yet he didn't. No, the documents at Mar a Lago were never declassified, otherwise there would have been a memo like the one in the link.

How hard would it be for a corrupt Congress, DOJ, FbI, etc... to make that memorandum go away, not file it, lose it....?
Ok you dumb fuck, show us where this thread title is in your White house source TITLE"

Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"" screw you , all you scum are the same.​

Obviously to any neutral observer, Biden almost undoubtedly had nothing to do with it, wasn't hiding anything....

a simple mistake... byden was in Europe for the last five days of the administration while his stuff was being packed up comment 20 pages is just a mistake. The difference is he self reported he had them and gave them back, while trump lied and lied for a year. I'll bet anything there was no nothing nowhere lol
Doesn't matter. The Usurper is responsible.

How hard would it be for a corrupt Congress, DOJ, FbI, etc... to make that memorandum go away, not file it, lose it....?

Pretty hard actually, as it is sent to EVERYONE who has access to that particular information.
That it's Breitbart and it's not a trustworthy source?
Breitbart is far MORE trustworthy (and thorough) than CNN is.

Russia Russia Russia - for two whole years!

And then it was Covid Covid Covid - for two more years.

CNN lies its ass off every single fucking day.
So Biden is above the law?
I don't think so. But surely he knows a lot about legal loopholes. Yeah, he's such a legal eagle from Syracuse! lol. :)

What part about you can't indict a sitting president do you not understand?

NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW! Those are your words, dumbass.

Now you get to die on that hill.
Obviously to any neutral observer, Biden almost undoubtedly had nothing to do with it, wasn't hiding anything....

a simple mistake... byden was in Europe for the last five days of the administration while his stuff was being packed up comment 20 pages is just a mistake. The difference is he self reported he had them and gave them back, while trump lied and lied for a year. I'll bet anything there was no nothing nowhere lol
Trump had his locked up. The FBI visited and had no problem with where they were stored except they asked for a second lock on the door which was complied with. President Potato Head had his top secret stuff in a box in his garage. Yet he had the nerve to criticize Trump for how he handled the classified materials. That's Joe Biden though...dumb as a stump and prone to fucking things up!
Biden and his administration are complying with national archive regulations just as they are supposed to. Why do they comply with a joke GOP house investigation I couldn't care less one way or the other.
So you don't care if classified information got into the hands of China or Iran?

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