Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

Biden and his administration are complying with national archive regulations just as they are supposed to. Why do they comply with a joke GOP house investigation I couldn't care less one way or the other.
So because they got caught and are now “complying,” it’s all forgiven that Biden stole classified info from the WH and ahd it stashed in multiple unsecured places for six years - where others had access? And what was he doing with that information the whole time? How did Hunter and Frank get so rich? Why is Hunter paying expenses in his father’s house?
So you don't care if classified information got into the hands of China or Iran?
Thank you. The Dems keep diverting to things like who had more documents, that Biden is turning them over now that he’s been caught, etc., when the real questions are: who had access to the top-secret info, and did Biden or his son help funnel that info to them, and is there any connection between the Biden’s’ inexplicable riches to these stolen documents?
Thank you. The Dems keep diverting to things like who had more documents, that Biden is turning them over now that he’s been caught, etc., when the real questions are: who had access to the top-secret info, and did Biden or his son help funnel that info to them, and is there any connection between the Biden’s’ inexplicable riches to these stolen documents?
Exactly my point. Every American citizen should be deeply concerned about this but Democrats prefer to put party over country.
Exactly my point. Every American citizen should be deeply concerned about this but Democrats prefer to put party over country.
They’re deflecting bigtime. “But he’s complying!,” they're saying. Well, he had those documents for six years. What was he doing with them all this time? Why were they moved around? Why did he have them in the Penn-Biden center, and the CCP donated millions to U of Penn? Any connection? Did Biden take the classified documents when he was VP so that he had in hand the info he needed to keep the bribes coming into his son ($500,000 for a painting a child could do), and why did his son complain that he had to hand over half his “earnings” to his Pop?

Now THESE are questions.
They’re deflecting bigtime. “But he’s complying!,” they're saying. Well, he had those documents for six years. What was he doing with them all this time? Why were they moved around? Why did he have them in the Penn-Biden center, and the CCP donated millions to U of Penn? Any connection? Did Biden take the classified documents when he was VP so that he had in hand the info he needed to keep the bribes coming into his son ($500,000 for a painting a child could do), and why did his son complain that he had to hand over half his “earnings” to his Pop?

Now THESE are questions.
I agree. Instead of trying to make excuses for Biden the Democrats need to seriously be more concerned about the security of our country.
And the National Archive's are not complying either with the investigation. What does this tell you?

How can the White House "fail to comply with the investigation" when the Committee hasn't even been formed yet and hasn't issued any demands for documents?????

You get sucked into the lies every single time!!!!
And yet Biden, with new classified documents turning up every day, is NOT getting raided.
Because, like most Trumpists, you leave out over a years worth of efforts to try and get Trump to voluntarily return them.

Did Biden voluntarily
Trump ordered the FBI to declasdify all FBI Crossfire Hurricane documents at the same time. Several groups filed FOIA Lawsuits against tbe FBI to get cipies of those declassified documents.
The FBI refised to obey the orders....just as the FBI/DOJ obviously refised to acknowledge / affect Trump's declassifying his documents.

The FBI made a motion to have the FOIA requests dropped - it failed. The courts have allowed the law suits to go forward. Tbe courts wpuld not let these suits go forward if there had not been an order to declassify the docs / if the docs had not been declassified by Trump's order. The courts acknowledged Trump's order even if the DOJ & FBI refused to.

As the FBI has refused to decladify / release the documents - non-compliance with legal FOIA requests, my guess is tbe corrupt DOJ / FBI will continue to teleade them, never comply, and get some Obama/Clinton judge to make it all go away.
Interesting. I looked it up and I guess it is in the courts. It appears there is dispute over whether a tweet was a declassification order, what to redact and violating privacy rights.

I’m going to give my opinion(this could be a good topic for a real discussion if that is possible). This puts us, the American people in a real bind.

The president has absolute power to declassify any thing at anytime. Along with that, there is a procedure to do that, to make sure privacy rights aren’t violated, and that it is done across all the existing copies of the documents.

Like most of our rules concerning absolute power, or the powers of each of the branches of the government, it depends heavily on the decency and integrity of the person wielding the power to not abuse it and to keep the interests of our country and its people in mind. There are no laws that govern that aspect or that infringe on it. No guardrails.

I don’t believe anything and everything should be declassified or un redacted. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of stuff that might be classified that shouldn’t be or is simply because it embarrasses someone. That is why there is a procedure involving multiple people in the process and typically in consultation prior to a formal order.

If Trump indeed “declassified” those hundreds of documents found in Maralago, it was done with no regard to the country he is supposed to be serving. For example, one of the documents was said to detail the nuclear capabilities of another country. If that got out it would comprise sources, raise the question of how we knew, if it was an adversary- tell them what we know, if it was ally, reveal their capabilities.

So what happens when absolute power coincides with a rogue president who disregards all those norms and procedures?
Because, like most Trumpists, you leave out over a years worth of efforts to try and get Trump to voluntarily return them.

Did Biden voluntarily

Interesting. I looked it up and I guess it is in the courts. It appears there is dispute over whether a tweet was a declassification order, what to redact and violating privacy rights.

I’m going to give my opinion(this could be a good topic for a real discussion if that is possible). This puts us, the American people in a real bind.

The president has absolute power to declassify any thing at anytime. Along with that, there is a procedure to do that, to make sure privacy rights aren’t violated, and that it is done across all the existing copies of the documents.

Like most of our rules concerning absolute power, or the powers of each of the branches of the government, it depends heavily on the decency and integrity of the person wielding the power to not abuse it and to keep the interests of our country and its people in mind. There are no laws that govern that aspect or that infringe on it. No guardrails.

I don’t believe anything and everything should be declassified or un redacted. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of stuff that might be classified that shouldn’t be or is simply because it embarrasses someone. That is why there is a procedure involving multiple people in the process and typically in consultation prior to a formal order.

If Trump indeed “declassified” those hundreds of documents found in Maralago, it was done with no regard to the country he is supposed to be serving. For example, one of the documents was said to detail the nuclear capabilities of another country. If that got out it would comprise sources, raise the question of how we knew, if it was an adversary- tell them what we know, if it was ally, reveal their capabilities.

So what happens when absolute power coincides with a rogue president who disregards all those norms and procedures?
I’ll skip to the part where you addressed my point:

So, you are focused on the fact that Trump was moving too slowly in the negotiations to return some documents. Why are we discussing that when Biden had, unbeknownst to us all, documents he stole left willy-nilly all over the place, and for SIX years, and completely unsecured where his crackhead son had full access, and is now only returning the documents he was caught having? (They’re still turning upmore by the day - why didn‘t he return THOSE the first day the others were found?)

What you and other libs are doing is transparent, and won’t work this time. You continue to focus on Trump, whose actions are much less concerning, than Biden, who may still have more stolen documents in his house that his money-funneling son can access In return for millions of dollars from China.
I’ll skip to the part where you addressed my point:

So, you are focused on the fact that Trump was moving too slowly in the negotiations to return some documents. Why are we discussing that when Biden had, unbeknownst to us all, documents he stole left willy-nilly all over the place, and for SIX years, and completed unsecured where his crackhead son had full access, and is now only returning the documents he was caught having? (They’re still turning upmore by the day - why didn‘t he return THOSE the first day the others were found?)

What you and other libs are doing is transparent, and won’t work this time. You continue to focus on Trump, whose actions are much less concerning, than Biden, who may still have more stolen documents in his house that his money-funneling can access.
No. It isn’t moving “too slowly”. It obstructing, lying, pressuring lawyers to lie and keeping Top Secret Documents he stole unsecured scattered all over the place in a resort full of international visitors and infiltrated by a Chinese spy. Or do you “cons” pass over that?
No. It isn’t moving “too slowly”. It obstructing, lying, pressuring lawyers to lie and keeping Top Secret Documents he stole unsecured scattered all over the place in a resort full of international visitors and infiltrated by a Chinese spy. Or do you “cons” pass over that?
OMFG. Look at what Biden has done! But since you can’t defend his stealing top-secret documents, leaving them unsecured, moved around for six years, STILL hiding them (he’s only “cooperating” with the documents others have caught him with), with a crackhead son having full access, who is the same son selling $500,000 finger-paintings to anonymous donors, it’s back to…..”but Trump….”

Ain‘t working on me, and it ain’t going to work on Americans who care more about America than defending a senile crook. Princess.
That’s rich coming from you.
There are none so blind as those who cannot see.

Gd only knows why Biden stole those documents, had them not onky in his garage where Crackhead had full access, but also in his office at Penn-Biden, when Penn was getting millions from the Chinese Communist Party.

We are going to fight the America-destroyers and Communist sympathizers like you until our last breath.
Because, like most Trumpists, you leave out over a years worth of efforts to try and get Trump to voluntarily return them.

Did Biden voluntarily

Interesting. I looked it up and I guess it is in the courts. It appears there is dispute over whether a tweet was a declassification order, what to redact and violating privacy rights.

I’m going to give my opinion(this could be a good topic for a real discussion if that is possible). This puts us, the American people in a real bind.

The president has absolute power to declassify any thing at anytime. Along with that, there is a procedure to do that, to make sure privacy rights aren’t violated, and that it is done across all the existing copies of the documents.

Like most of our rules concerning absolute power, or the powers of each of the branches of the government, it depends heavily on the decency and integrity of the person wielding the power to not abuse it and to keep the interests of our country and its people in mind. There are no laws that govern that aspect or that infringe on it. No guardrails.

I don’t believe anything and everything should be declassified or un redacted. That doesn’t mean there isn’t a lot of stuff that might be classified that shouldn’t be or is simply because it embarrasses someone. That is why there is a procedure involving multiple people in the process and typically in consultation prior to a formal order.

If Trump indeed “declassified” those hundreds of documents found in Maralago, it was done with no regard to the country he is supposed to be serving. For example, one of the documents was said to detail the nuclear capabilities of another country. If that got out it would comprise sources, raise the question of how we knew, if it was an adversary- tell them what we know, if it was ally, reveal their capabilities.

So what happens when absolute power coincides with a rogue president who disregards all those norms and procedures?
Trump kept the documents that he was in a dispute with the National Archives over in a locked room that had been OK'd by the FBI. Joe Biden kept his in an office that his crack addict son with all the connections to the CCP had keys to and in the garage of his home in a box! Yet you think Trump was a danger? That's amusing...really!
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Trump kept the documents that he was in a dispute with the National Archives over in a locked room that had been OK'd by the FBI. Joe Biden kept his in an office that his crack addict son with all the connections to the CCP had keys and in the garage of his home in a box! Yet you think Trump was a danger? That's amusing...really!

Got any links to back up your claim that Trump kept his documents in a space approved by the FBI? Because everything I've seen on this subject said that the WERE NOT kept in a secure area approved by the FBI, which is one of the reasons they were confiscated.

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