Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

Trump ordered the FBI to declasdify all FBI Crossfire Hurricane documents at the same time. Several groups filed FOIA Lawsuits against tbe FBI to get cipies of those declassified documents.

The FBI refised to obey the orders....just as the FBI/DOJ obviously refised to acknowledge / affect Trump's declassifying his documents.

The FBI made a motion to have the FOIA requests dropped - it failed. The courts have allowed the law suits to go forward. Tbe courts wpuld not let these suits go forward if there had not been an order to declassify the docs / if the docs had not been declassified by Trump's order. The courts acknowledged Trump's order even if the DOJ & FBI refused to.

As the FBI has refused to decladify / release the documents - non-compliance with legal FOIA requests, my guess is tbe corrupt DOJ / FBI will continue to teleade them, never comply, and get some Obama/Clinton judge to make it all go away.

Actually, there WAS a memorandum to declassify those documents, and some of them were released. You can read the declassification order here at the link......................

Now, my question is, if Trump knew enough to do that for some of the Crossfire Hurricane documents, why in the hell wasn't he able to do that for the documents held at Mar a Lago? He knew how to do it, yet he didn't. No, the documents at Mar a Lago were never declassified, otherwise there would have been a memo like the one in the link.
You apparently have never been around classified material, nor do you know how it works. YES, the president can declassify anything they want, for whatever reason they want (just because I want to is a valid reason btw), but that information is also at other places and those places need to know that it has been declassified. The same information cannot be declassified in Trump's possession, yet be classified elsewhere. ALL places holding that information need to know what the classification is, is it still classified, has the classification been downgraded, or is it unclassified? If he had truly declassified that information, the other places who also held it would have to be notified. How hard is that for you to understand?
You libs are all doing the same thing! You are back to telling us what Trump did wrong, so that we then explain that he did not do anything wrong….thereby taking the focus entirely off Biden, who is having unauthorized top-secret documents he’s had for six years show up, more and more, day by day, during the time his family was getting million-dollar payments from the nation’s #1 foe.

The topic is Biden.
Oh for the love of God, treason was Trump's actions after the election. You people have some serious damn issues.

Winston, Winston, Winston...

You leftard fool...

This has nothing to do with Trump.


Zero, zip, squat.
Actually, there WAS a memorandum to declassify those documents, and some of them were released. You can read the declassification order here at the link......................

Now, my question is, if Trump knew enough to do that for some of the Crossfire Hurricane documents, why in the hell wasn't he able to do that for the documents held at Mar a Lago? He knew how to do it, yet he didn't. No, the documents at Mar a Lago were never declassified, otherwise there would have been a memo like the one in the link.
You don't know what he did liar, all you know is how to howl at the moon and spew crap!
Actually, there WAS a memorandum to declassify those documents, and some of them were released. You can read the declassification order here at the link......................

Now, my question is, if Trump knew enough to do that for some of the Crossfire Hurricane documents, why in the hell wasn't he able to do that for the documents held at Mar a Lago? He knew how to do it, yet he didn't. No, the documents at Mar a Lago were never declassified, otherwise there would have been a memo like the one in the link.
What is the name of the crime when a president doesnt report that he declassified something? It aint "mishandling classified documents". There is no such crime that applies only to the President, in a situation where he doesnt report declassifying a document.

You are talking about a clerical error.
You libs are all doing the same thing! You are back to telling us what Trump did wrong, so that we then explain that he did not do anything wrong….thereby taking the focus entirely off Biden, who is having unauthorized top-secret documents he’s had for six years show up, more and more, day by day, during the time his family was getting million-dollar payments from the nation’s #1 foe.

The topic is Biden.

Sorry.............but Trump DID do something wrong. He was able to have some of the documents from Crossfire Hurricane declassified (see post 145 which has a link to the memo), yet he was unable to do that for the documents held at Mar a Lago. Why? He obviously knew the procedure to have the documents declassified since he did it before, yet didn't do it for the documents at Mar a Lago, meaning that those documents were never declassified. And no, you can't issue a "blanket declassification", that's not how classified material works.
What is the name of the crime when a president doesnt report that he declassified something? It aint "mishandling classified documents". There is no such crime that applies only to the President, in a situation where he doesnt report declassifying a document.

You are talking about a clerical error.

If he took the documents that were classified without declassifying them first, then they were still classified, and that is where the mishandling of classified information comes from.
If he took the documents that were classified without declassifying them first, then they were still classified, and that is where the mishandling of classified information comes from.
A president can declassify at will. Maybe he forgot to tell someone. Maybe he lied and never declassified them at will. Can you prove that he didnt think they were declassified? If not, there is no crime.
A president can declassify at will. Maybe he forgot to tell someone. Maybe he lied and never declassified them at will. Can you prove that he didnt think they were declassified? If not, there is no crime.

You're right, a president can declassify anything they want to (or in your words "at will"). BUT, they still need to let everyone else holding the information know that it has been declassified. It can't be declassified in Trump's possession, yet classified in other places, that's not how classified material works. And, if nobody else knows that the information was declassified (via the memo sent out by his staff) then they are required to treat it as classified. Classified information is not Schrodenger's cat, it can't exist in 2 states at once (alive/dead, classified/declassified), it has to be one or the other.
If he took the documents that were classified without declassifying them first, then they were still classified, and that is where the mishandling of classified information comes from.
What you say about Biden illegally taking classified documents and store them illegally?
If he took the documents that were classified without declassifying them first, then they were still classified, and that is where the mishandling of classified information comes from.
The current news is on Biden, who illegally removed Gd-knows-how many classified documents, had them stashed in multiple locations in unsecured places - both home and office - and more is coming out daily.

Combine that with all the payouts from the CCP, and his rapid rise to multimillionaire status - particular that of his crackhead son - and all this talk about Trump’s documents, which as president he can take, and which were in a SCIF, and which the FBI knew about, and whose home was guarded by the SS is an attempt to deflect from Biden’s predicament.

It won’t work.
You're right, a president can declassify anything they want to (or in your words "at will"). BUT, they still need to let everyone else holding the information know that it has been declassified. It can't be declassified in Trump's possession, yet classified in other places, that's not how classified material works. And, if nobody else knows that the information was declassified (via the memo sent out by his staff) then they are required to treat it as classified. Classified information is not Schrodenger's cat, it can't exist in 2 states at once (alive/dead, classified/declassified), it has to be one or the other.
Obama did the same, should we investigate?
What you say about Biden illegally taking classified documents and store them illegally?
Thanks for trying to move this thread back on topic, was is about Biden. The Libs are deflecting big-time to try to move the focus off Biden’s illegal actions, and any payments from foreign adversaries connected to it.
The National Archives is trying to coverup for Biden after heavily criticizing President Trump.
Biden and his administration are complying with national archive regulations just as they are supposed to. Why do they comply with a joke GOP house investigation I couldn't care less one way or the other.
The current news is on Biden, who illegally removed Gd-knows-how many classified documents, had them stashed in multiple locations in unsecured places - both home and office - and more is coming out daily.

Combine that with all the payouts from the CCP, and his rapid rise to multimillionaire status - particular that of his crackhead son - and all this talk about Trump’s documents, which as president he can take, and which were in a SCIF, and which the FBI knew about, and whose home was guarded by the SS is an attempt to deflect from Biden’s predicament.

It won’t work.

Yes, as president, he has access to any and all information he wants. No, the documents at Mar a Lago weren't held by him while he was president, they were held after he became a private citizen and they WEREN'T in a SCIF. And, no, when he left office, the SCIF was no longer required because he was no longer president and no longer existed at his estate. SCIF's don't exist at former presidential residences. The only reason they exist (as a temporary one btw) at a president's home is because as president, they need one. But, their term is limited, which is why the SCIF at their house is only temporary. Permanent SCIF's only exist in certain places and are very well guarded. Like I said, it's readily apparent even to the most casual observer that you've never handled or been around classified material. Me? Had to deal with it on a regular basis for over 20 years in the Navy.

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