Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

Like the screetching of the contards that “Biden was selling secrets to China” without any evidence at all? He wasn’t “caught”. The agencies were notified when the documents were found and the documents given to them.

No evidence in Trump’s case, but Biden’s is just unfolding. How about the millions of dollars being funneled to his family from the Communist Party over the years he had UNAUTHORIZED top-secret info stashed all over? Let’s follow the money.
Actually it is. Public documents belong to, well the public, not some private dickhead, which is why, classified or not, Trump took documents that did not belong to him.
He is allowed to take documents home. He is the president.
If he didn't tell anyone that they were declassified, then they were still in essence, classified, meaning that taking them with him to Mar a Lago was mishandling classified information, which is a crime.
You don’t stand. Nothing is a crime when Trump does it. Not extortion, not inciting an insurrection. Not keeping hundreds of classified documents, lying about it, trying to force his lawyers to lie, refusing to return them.

It isn’t a crime. And besides. He retroactively declassified all with a thought.
There is no evidence he declassified it.
There’s no evidence he didn’t. And why are we on Trump? Every day, more and more classified documents on turning up in insecure places all over Biden’s property. And BIDEN is the one whose family has gotten ridiculously rich from payments from America’s #1 foe.

You don’t think the anonymous buyers of Hunter’s finger paintings really paid $500,000 for the paintings, did you?
No evidence in Trump’s case, but Biden’s is just unfolding. How about the millions of dollars being funneled to his family from the Communist Party over the years he had UNAUTHORIZED top-secret info stashed all over? Let’s follow the money.
Interesting double standard you employ. And completely untethered to evidence.
Actually it is. Public documents belong to, well the public, not some private dickhead, which is why, classified or not, Trump took documents that did not belong to him.
You must be more terrified of trump then your childhood boogie man! Your howling is growing more shrill each day! The president can do it, stop lying, howler!
You don’t stand. Nothing is a crime when Trump does it. Not extortion, not inciting an insurrection. Not keeping hundreds of classified documents, lying about it, trying to force his lawyers to lie, refusing to return them.

It isn’t a crime. And besides. He retroactively declassified all with a thought.
The bigger problem is Biden. Stop gaslighting. That’s what you libt always do when your rulers are caught red-handed: look over there….Trump!”
You must be more terrified of trump then your childhood boogie man! You howling is growing more shrill each day! The president can do it, stop lying, howler!
They’re starting to panic. This is looking worse by the day, and the fact that the FBI isn’t swooping in to do a search makes it look even worse.
Hey grammer nazi, the legal system don't work that way. You can't be required to prove a negative, except in certain, very limited circumstances. The burden of proof lies on Trump. Jesus, have you people no education?
Why are you so scared? Pedo Hitler is going down son, you can't stop it.
But he ain't allowed to keep them. I mean really, how hard is this to understand.
He is supposed to be able to keep them. There was a legal battle in the courts taking place, then out of nowhere he gets raided. Also, remember that we were toald that the reason why he was raided so suddenly is because the documents were super duper dangerous. That story sure disappeared.
He is supposed to be able to keep them. There was a legal battle in the courts taking place, then out of nowhere he gets raided. Also, remember that we were toald that the reason why he was raided so suddenly is because the documents were super duper dangerous. That story sure disappeared.
And yet Biden, with new classified documents turning up every day, is NOT getting raided.
There is no evidence he declassified it.
Your question is, prove that he declassified them. My answer is, why? What makes you think its a crime if he doesnt present proof? Follow me for a second... If you are trying to find a crime, it has nothing to do with "mishandling classified documents". You are suggesting that his crime is not reporting declassifying those documents. What is the name of the crime of a president not reporting that he declassified documents? There isnt one. There isnt a "president only" crime in our law books.

Trump is guilty of a clerical error. Its fucking crazy, but its the truth. It shouldnt be this way. Im not defending it.

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