Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

No, hell, I might vote for his damn ass if he gets the nomination. Because make no doubt, by the time he leaves office, probably because he dies from a damn heart attack, the fat shit who loves McDonalds and eats his steak well-done with ketchup. The Republican Party will be DEAD.
The same guy who thinks excercise is bad for people because it wears the body out. John Kelly found out quick that he was dealing with a moron who had to be treated like a toddler when explaining things.

Trump to Kelly - "Who won world War one"?
A vice president cannot take classified documents anywhere. Then store it in his garage which his son claims to own. You loons has been telling us that Hunter doesn't work for the government. So a private citizen can have classified documents now, or how you want to spin this?
I wonder: Hunter sold some of the documents for a bag of crack and two 14 year olds.
Show me that law.
Declassified by what, Trump's thoughts? Well guess what, Biden's documents were declassified too.
Yes, literally with his thoughts. The reason why they can do that is because there is no written procedure for which a president declassifies documents. Its a dumb as fuck situation they set up. I assume its that way because it makes it super simple for every president. What president would get rid of such a great perk? :laugh:
Your 'blog' doesn't back you up.

and the 'crime' was just discovered within the last year, leaving 4 more years of that supposed 5 year limitation to go.
Yes, literally with his thoughts. The reason why they can do that is because there is no written procedure for which a president declassifies documents. Its a dumb as fuck situation they set up. I assume its that way because it makes it super simple for every president. What president would get rid of such a great perk? :laugh:

You're half right. You are correct in saying that there is no written procedure for a president to declassify something. If they decide it should be declassified, they can simply say "I declassify this" for whatever reason they want.


None of those documents exist all by themselves. There are copies that are held by other departments/agencies, and those people need to know that the document/information has been declassified. So, once a president declassifies something, their staff (not the president, that's one of the reasons they have a staff) takes the document/information, prepares memos that are sent out to all agencies/departments that also hold that information and let them know it's been declassified so that everyone is on the same page. If it actually had been declassified, there would be a paper trail stating as much.
Your 'blog' doesn't back you up.

and the 'crime' was just discovered within the last year, leaving 4 more years of that supposed 5 year limitation to go.
You amateurs really crack me up. That whole, "just discovered" thing is what the statue of limitations is all about. Rather it is bank robbery or mishandling of classified documents, the SOL is about the period between when the crime occurs and when charges are filed.
You're half right. You are correct in saying that there is no written procedure for a president to declassify something. If they decide it should be declassified, they can simply say "I declassify this" for whatever reason they want.


None of those documents exist all by themselves. There are copies that are held by other departments/agencies, and those people need to know that the document/information has been declassified. So, once a president declassifies something, their staff (not the president, that's one of the reasons they have a staff) takes the document/information, prepares memos that are sent out to all agencies/departments that also hold that information and let them know it's been declassified so that everyone is on the same page. If it actually had been declassified, there would be a paper trail stating as much.
You are correct, but now you are talking about a procedural mistake, which isnt a crime. There are many things presidents are supposed to do that arent a crime if they dont do them. The actual crime we are talking about is "mishandling classified documents". Yes, the president is supposed to tell someone about declassifying documents, but not telling someone doesnt mean that the documents are being "mishandled".
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