Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

Actually not "in" the vet, he had some boxes in the garage that were privy to anyone to open and look at.
I was hoping folks would notice that I posted a joke....considering the fact that "Fuck Joe Biden" thinks a garage where he parks his Corvette is a safe and secure place....even as secure as a Secure Compartmented Information Facility where the Army keeps all of their COMSEC.....and where Trump kept his documents.

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You are correct, but now you are talking about a procedural mistake, which isnt a crime. There are many things presidents are supposed to do that arent a crime if they dont do them. The actual crime we are talking about is "mishandling classified documents". Yes, the president is supposed to tell someone about declassifying documents, but not telling someone doesnt mean that the documents are being "mishandled".

If he didn't tell anyone that they were declassified, then they were still in essence, classified, meaning that taking them with him to Mar a Lago was mishandling classified information, which is a crime.
And the National Archive's are not complying either with the investigation. What does this tell you?

Former US Attorney Andrew McCarthy is arguing Biden has admitted he's guilty

Originally Posted by Corrie22 View Post

"While the White House appears to be trying to deflect blame, former Department of Justice prosecutor Andrew McCarthy argued Thursday that Biden has already admitted guilt. Biden has claimed no knowledge of the violation."

“That’s not a defense to a charge of mishandling classified information,” McCarthy stated. It is tantamount to an admission of guilt.”

“For conviction, federal law requires prosecutors to establish that the defendant was grossly negligent. There is no need to prove that an accused was trying to harm the United States; just that he was trusted with classified information and carelessly flouted the standards for safeguarding it,” McCarthy said."
He’s complying with NARA and DoJ and the special counsel.
Yeah, now that he’s been caught. And remember all the screeching libtards that “Trump was selling secret info to the Russians!” without any evidence of that at all?

Well what about Biden? He was storing secret info in his house and office for years, moving it around nilly-willy, and during that time his family got millions of dollars from the Communist Party?
Yeah, now that he’s been caught. And remember all the screeching libtards that “Trump was selling secret info to the Russians!” without any evidence of that at all?

Well what about Biden? He was storing secret info in his house and office for years, moving it around nilly-willy, and during that time his family got millions of dollars from the Communist Party?
Leftard howler monkeys don't need evidence to accuse someone of a crime.
So why doesn't dementia boy tell everyone to fuck off?
Not for nothing, but TRUMP is the one who said that he could shoot someone in broad daylight on 5th Ave, and he wouldn't lose voters, and that was before he was even elected..................

US Republican frontrunner Donald Trump is so confident in his support base that he said he could stand on New York’s Fifth Avenue “and shoot somebody” and still not lose voters.

Speaking in Iowa, Trump claimed he could withstand any attempt by his political rivals to knock him off his top perch.
Trump had authority
If he didn't tell anyone that they were declassified, then they were still in essence, classified, meaning that taking them with him to Mar a Lago was mishandling classified information, which is a crime.
No, not true. What you are suggesting is that he doesnt have authority without an underling present. Presidents dont report to underlings and underlings dont give presidents authority. The president always has the authority to declassify regardless of who is around. This is why Trump will never be charged for it. It was all theatre from the start.

Ben Shapiro who went to law school explains it better than me, but that is the gist of it.
Trumps documents were declassified. Why would you go after Trump for declassified documents? That isnt a crime.
Actually it is. Public documents belong to, well the public, not some private dickhead, which is why, classified or not, Trump took documents that did not belong to him.
Yeah, now that he’s been caught. And remember all the screeching libtards that “Trump was selling secret info to the Russians!” without any evidence of that at all?

Like the screetching of the contards that “Biden was selling secrets to China” without any evidence at all? He wasn’t “caught”. The agencies were notified when the documents were found and the documents given to them.

Well what about Biden? He was storing secret info in his house and office for years, moving it around nilly-willy, and during that time his family got millions of dollars from the Communist Party?
What about him? This is where I think about your comment “without any evidence at all”.
No, not true. What you are suggesting is that he doesnt have authority without an underling present. Presidents dont report to underlings, therefore that isnt the requirement by law. The president always has the authority to declassify regardless of who is around. This is why Trump will never be charged for it. It was all theatre from the start.
Yup. All for optics. The Dems were once again counting on the “useful idiots” to not understand what was happening but, golly… must be BAD! Look at all that air power! And boats! And dozens of FBI cars!
No, not true. What you are suggesting is that he doesnt have authority without an underling present. Presidents dont report to underlings and underlings dont give presidents authority. The president always has the authority to declassify regardless of who is around. This is why Trump will never be charged for it. It was all theatre from the start.

Ben Shapiro who went to law school explains it better than me, but that is the gist of it.
There is no evidence he declassified it.
What makes you think the indictment is coming now? Nah bro, that comes after he runs and fails to win the presidency. It'll take a couple years to pour over the mountain of evidence and build the case against him anyway, plus there will be televised hearings about it for the next two years. Winning 2024 is gonna be quite the battle for Biden. It already seemed like an impossibility before this, but now... :laugh:
I agree, Biden faces an uphill challenge when it comes to re-election. But there is one person that he can most certainly beat. Please, nominate the orange man. I beg you. Not everyone is as stupid as you, in fact, a majority of people are not as stupid as you.
If he didn't tell anyone that they were declassified, then they were still in essence, classified, meaning that taking them with him to Mar a Lago was mishandling classified information, which is a crime.
Dang this howling is getting shrill! I bet Trump could stand on a street corner and declassify documents!

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