Breaking: Biden Fails To Comply With House Oversight Committee Investigation Into Top-Secret Docs After Promising "Highest Standards In Transparency"

A vice president cannot take classified documents anywhere.

NO ONE can take TS/SCI documents out of a govt SCIF unless the documents have been declassified, which a VP does not have the authority to do.

Then store it in his garage which his son claims to own.

TS/SCI documents / info can ONLY be stored in a govt-approved/certified SCIF.

So a private citizen can have classified documents now, or how you want to spin this?

There is NO WAY for ANYONE to LEGALLY SPIN / LIE / MISLEAD / JUSTFIFY / TALK / GET Joe Biden out of this situation!
There’s no evidence he didn’t.

You don’t prove a negative. Nice try.

And why are we on Trump?

The OP includes Trump, or did you notice?

Every day, more and more classified documents on turning up in insecure places all over Biden’s property. And BIDEN is the one whose family has gotten ridiculously rich from payments from America’s #1 foe.
More and more….I think we are up to 20.

You’re just spewing garbage ahead of any investigation. It’s bad when classified material is improperly handled or stored in insecure locations. That merits a serious look and possible legal consequences. No arguement there. Which is why I totally don’t get it when folks claim a President magically and retroactively “declassified” everything with a thought and all those hundreds of classified documents, including Top Secret, stored in insecure places…suddenly became ok to you.

You do realize that the Trump family was also enriched by China, during his presidency? (5.4 million dollars of it during his presidency) through a Trump Tower lease?

You don’t think the anonymous buyers of Hunter’s finger paintings really paid $500,000 for the paintings, did you?
Actually it is quite possible, not for art value but for potential collectible value down the line if they auction it off. Stuff associated with presidents can do that. But I don’t know and neither do you.
You don’t prove a negative. Nice try.

The OP includes Trump, or did you notice?

More and more….I think we are up to 20.

You’re just spewing garbage ahead of any investigation. It’s bad when classified material is improperly handled or stored in insecure locations. That merits a serious look and possible legal consequences. No arguement there. Which is why I totally don’t get it when folks claim a President magically and retroactively “declassified” everything with a thought and all those hundreds of classified documents, including Top Secret, stored in insecure places…suddenly became ok to you.

You do realize that the Trump family was also enriched by China, during his presidency? (5.4 million dollars of it during his presidency) through a Trump Tower lease?

Actually it is quite possible, not for art value but for potential collectible value down the line if they auction it off. Stuff associated with presidents can do that. But I don’t know and neither do you.
You’re making me nauseous. It’s sickening that we have voters so brainwashed.
From your source,

"For conviction, federal law requires prosecutors to establish that the defendant was grossly negligent. There is no need to prove that an accused was trying to harm the United States; just that he was trusted with classified information and carelessly flouted the standards for safeguarding it,”

Like I said, prosecute them both, but since Biden is the sitting president the fat ass orange man gets to go first.
being in the garage is gross negligence so lock him up,,
And yet Biden, with new classified documents turning up every day, is NOT getting raided.
FBI is too busy on a "real" case.

fbi leaves mar a lago.jpg
You do realize that the Trump family was also enriched by China, during his presidency? (5.4 million dollars of it during his presidency) through a Trump Tower lease?

Through a legitimate business deal (unless you have evidence to prove otherwise).

The Biden Crime Syndicate has enriched themselves pedfling influence and otherwise, as alreafy proven.

Tbe Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center, where Biden left TS/SCI in a closet / on a window sill for 5 years is going rationally / credibly impossible to legally explain away:

- Illegally possessed TS/SCI

- Illegally transported TS/SCI docs

- Illegally stored TS/SCI documents - for 5 years...not only NOT in a SCIF but in a Chinese built/funded building

- No controlled / secured access

- No Chain of Custody, meaning no clue who.had access in this Chinese building to the highest classification of documents / info we have...for 5 years


Your question is, prove that he declassified them. My answer is, why? What makes you think its a crime if he doesnt present proof?
What makes you think he declassified them with out any sort of evidence?

Follow me for a second... If you are trying to find a crime, it has nothing to do with "mishandling classified documents". You are suggesting that his crime is not reporting declassifying those documents. What is the name of the crime of a president not reporting that he declassified documents? There isnt one. There isnt a "president only" crime in our law books.
That is a very circuitous post. I’m also not assigning a crime, that is up to others. What is known is several hundred classified documents, including Top Secret, were in being kept in Mara Lago, in unsecure locations. By law they belonged to NARA, not Trump.

There is a very detailed process for declassifying material, and Trump clearly didn’t follow if he had in reality declassified it. (some of that stuff would never have been declassified unless you were determined to undermine our country and that would be treason).

Trump is guilty of a clerical error. Its fucking crazy, but its the truth. It shouldnt be this way. Im not defending it.
Let me make sure I understand this. Are you saying that Trump supposedly “declassified” hundreds of classified documents, including Top Secret, revealing nuclear secrets, the identities of assets, and other highly confidential information that could cause harm to our country…and there is no record of it because it was a “clerical error”? That doesn’t make it look any better.
NO ONE can take TS/SCI documents out of a govt SCIF unless the documents have been declassified, which a VP does not have the authority to do.

TS/SCI documents / info can ONLY be stored in a govt-approved/certified SCIF.

There is NO WAY for ANYONE to LEGALLY SPIN / LIE / MISLEAD / JUSTFIFY / TALK / GET Joe Biden out of this situation!
Or Donald Trump.
Through a legitimate business deal (unless you have evidence to prove otherwise).

The Biden Crime Syndicate has enriched themselves pedfling influence and otherwise, as alreafy proven.

Tbe Penn-Biden-ChiCom Center, where Biden left TS/SCI in a closet / on a window sill for 5 years is going rationally / credibly impossible to legally explain away:

- Illegally possessed TS/SCI

- Illegally transported TS/SCI docs

- Illegally stored TS/SCI documents - for 5 years...not only NOT in a SCIF but in a Chinese built/funded building

- No controlled / secured access

- No Chain of Custody, meaning no clue who.had access in this Chinese building to the highest classification of documents / info we have...for 5 years


And then you woke up from your fever dream.
No, not true. What you are suggesting is that he doesnt have authority without an underling present. Presidents dont report to underlings and underlings dont give presidents authority. The president always has the authority to declassify regardless of who is around. This is why Trump will never be charged for it. It was all theatre from the start.

Ben Shapiro who went to law school explains it better than me, but that is the gist of it.

No, I'm not suggesting that he has to have an underling to be able to declassify something. I already stated that a president can declassify anything they want, simply because they want to. But I also told you that those documents don't exist all by themselves. The information/copies of the documents are held at other places, and those places ALSO need to know that the information has been declassified. It can't be unclassified in Trump's possession, yet classified in other places, that's not how classification works. And yes, once he declassifies something, his underlings let everyone else who has that information know that it has been declassified, and that is where the evidence that something was declassified comes from. There was nothing to state it was declassified.
He is supposed to be able to keep them. There was a legal battle in the courts taking place, then out of nowhere he gets raided. Also, remember that we were toald that the reason why he was raided so suddenly is because the documents were super duper dangerous. That story sure disappeared.
No. He wasn’t ”supposed to be able to keep them”. You leave some important details, like how NARA had been trying for over a year to get them back, how Trump lied multiple times about not having any more, about how he tried to get his lawyer to sign a statement to that affect…oh and ignoring a subpoena. It certainly was not “ought of nowhere”.
What makes you think he declassified them with out any sort of evidence?

Trump ordered the FBI to declasdify all FBI Crossfire Hurricane documents at the same time. Several groups filed FOIA Lawsuits against tbe FBI to get cipies of those declassified documents.

The FBI refised to obey the orders....just as the FBI/DOJ obviously refised to acknowledge / affect Trump's declassifying his documents.

The FBI made a motion to have the FOIA requests dropped - it failed. The courts have allowed the law suits to go forward. Tbe courts wpuld not let these suits go forward if there had not been an order to declassify the docs / if the docs had not been declassified by Trump's order. The courts acknowledged Trump's order even if the DOJ & FBI refused to.

As the FBI has refused to decladify / release the documents - non-compliance with legal FOIA requests, my guess is tbe corrupt DOJ / FBI will continue to teleade them, never comply, and get some Obama/Clinton judge to make it all go away.
There’s no evidence he didn’t. And why are we on Trump? Every day, more and more classified documents on turning up in insecure places all over Biden’s property. And BIDEN is the one whose family has gotten ridiculously rich from payments from America’s #1 foe.

You don’t think the anonymous buyers of Hunter’s finger paintings really paid $500,000 for the paintings, did you?

You apparently have never been around classified material, nor do you know how it works. YES, the president can declassify anything they want, for whatever reason they want (just because I want to is a valid reason btw), but that information is also at other places and those places need to know that it has been declassified. The same information cannot be declassified in Trump's possession, yet be classified elsewhere. ALL places holding that information need to know what the classification is, is it still classified, has the classification been downgraded, or is it unclassified? If he had truly declassified that information, the other places who also held it would have to be notified. How hard is that for you to understand?
You do realize that the Trump family was also enriched by China, during his presidency? (5.4 million dollars of it during his presidency) through a Trump Tower lease?

It wasn't just the tower. Trump had a lot of his merchandise (clothing, ties, etc.) made in China. So did his daughter.
No. He wasn’t ”supposed to be able to keep them”. You leave some important details, like how NARA had been trying for over a year to get them back, how Trump lied multiple times about not having any more, about how he tried to get his lawyer to sign a statement to that affect…oh and ignoring a subpoena. It certainly was not “ought of nowhere”.
Are you aware that Obama spent 10s of millions in court (and he won) to keep his documents? Aware you aware that Bush signed an executive order to keep his? Everybody has these documents. It wasnt an issue until Trump.
Are you aware that Obama spent 10s of millions in court (and he won) to keep his documents? Aware you aware that Bush signed an executive order to keep his? Everybody has these documents. It wasnt an issue until Trump.

Everyone named there were Presidents. Biden was a VP.

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