BREAKING: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents


If Trump is a client Americans will reject him.

Democrats will protect the democrats on the list.

People like pelosi know who the pedos are and democrats won't ask her.
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No, I know Clinton is a sex addict. But I see no evidence that he is a pedo. He was definitely screwing ghislaine, but kids?

I don't think so.
he said he likes them young...when i think dem or lib, i think child molester...pedophile
On June 30, 2008, after Epstein pleaded guilty to a state charge of procuring for prostitution a girl below age 18 he was sentenced to eighteen months in prison.

All of those left-wing celebrities knew that Epstein was a pedo, but they associated with him anyway.
Democrats have zero integrity.
And Trump gave a cabinet post to Alex Acosta, the U.S. Atty. who gave Epstein a slap on the wrist.

Forgot about that one, right Ace?
I didn't watch the war in Viet Nam on TV because --

I was in it. As an Infantryman. I later helped write a book on the War, a handbook to be sure, but it is till referenced at West Point.

And Republicans didn't start the Viet Nam War, dimocrrap FILTH did. Period. 2/3 of the KIA's in that useless War happened under dimocrap scum presidents.

Not to be too hard on JFK. He was just following through on the Truman Doctrine. He thought he was doing the right thing. It was the scum-sucking piece of human SHIT, LBJ, that used the War to further his personal agendas.

Nixon ended the War by defeating the NVA. The VC were basically gone by then. The NVA used the age-old, tried and true communist trick of getting the locals to rise-up (The '68 Tet Offensive) and get wiped out (they did. BIGLY) so the Northern communists could take over. They did.

But Nixon kicked their fucking asses for them. And dimocrap FILTH couldn't have that, now could they?

Still not sure what Nixon did wrong but he stupidly resigned instead of fighting it out with the TRUE ENEMY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE.......... dimocrap FILTH. I shit you not, they are the enemy of America. And anything and everything else good and decent in this world.

dimocraps are the sleaziest filth to ever exist on this, or any other, Planet.

In any case, we now have a Man that is aware of what FILTH dimocraps are. And it scares the shit out of you, doesn't it?

Yes, it does.

eat a dick
Nice screed. Now double your meds.
Kicked him out of the club never went to pedo island you sub human.

His name is on the flight logs 7 times.

Trump admitted to walking into the Miss Teen USA pageant dress room while the 16 year olds were changing, which he could do because he "owned the pageant".

Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women and said he got away with it because he's a star. More than 20 women have confirmed that yes, Trump sexually assaulted them. A couple of them even sued him for slandering their names and E. Jean Carroll was awarded millions in damages.

He's said he'd like be dating Ivanka if he wasn't her father.

When Trump confesses to all of these assaults, and other crimes, why do you pretend he's not a low down sleaze bag?
On your mantle:
Lol, I guess Epstein is on yours? Maybe that pic of Clinton? Anyway I would gladly see any person on that list go to jail. If Trump did support him, go to jail. You willing to have all the democrats go as well?

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