BREAKING: Bill Clinton to be Named as “Doe 36” in Epstein Court Documents

The suspense is killing me.

What's the over/under on the number of flights Bubba and Diaper Don had on the Pedo-Jet?
Who cares. The only flights that matter are to his ranch, or Lolita Island.

THOSE matter.

Regular flights are irrelevant.
His name is on the flight logs 7 times.

Trump admitted to walking into the Miss Teen USA pageant dress room while the 16 year olds were changing, which he could do because he "owned the pageant".

Trump bragged about sexually assaulting women and said he got away with it because he's a star. More than 20 women have confirmed that yes, Trump sexually assaulted them. A couple of them even sued him for slandering their names and E. Jean Carroll was awarded millions in damages.

He's said he'd like be dating Ivanka if he wasn't her father.

When Trump confesses to all of these assaults, and other crimes, why do you pretend he's not a low down sleaze bag?
Uh oh! The perv is officially busted. I expect suicides for the first month of January.


Your blob was Doe #1
I know the opposite. Epslimes victims ALL say that Trump is the ONLY person to have helped them in their lawsuits.

Not one of your demofascists lifted a finger to help.

Only Trump.

Suck on that, pissant.

Right, is that why dozens of women have tried to sue him for sexual assault? Eat some cock, boy.
What I find funny is that Dershowitz has been named and Hannity is already scrambling to do damage control
Count me out.

Dershowitz is Jewish and scum but I have no proof he is a Zionist (as in wanting to push Palestinians out of the West Bank)

Ah, pretty clear. There's a reason Dersh, a long-time "Democrat", became a Trump defender. Zionists had a home in the Democratic party for years because they were afraid of what the Republicans had become with the influx of ex-Southern Democrats. But question the Israeli massacres of Palestinians and comparisons to South African apartheid and Zionists can't handle it.

Doubtful. I have seen no evidence that Bill is a pedo. I do believe he was screwing ghislaine maxwell. She is much more his type.

But prince andrew....he has some 'splainin to do...
The rumor has it that Bill Clinton was truly and deeply in love with Maxwell but she was having none of it.

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