Breaking: Black Panthers Headed Back To Poll Stations to Monitor Them

I am free to describe it at my whim.

Of course you are. It's a 1st amendment thing. You just haven't proven any case on the merits.

DOJ refused to honor lawful FOIA requests

Assuming facts not in evidence again. The Freedom of information act is legally binding. If the request passes muster in a court, the DOJ is obliged to follow the court order. You have evidence of such a court order?

I didn't think so.

If wingnuts didnt make stuff up, they'd have nothing to say

RATL is one of the most inventive liars. He rarely refers to anything that actually happened
I don't expect anything like this where I live. If it does happen, however, I will call the local authorities for an escort into the building.
Sunshine, if you felt intimidated at the polls, you'd call a cop, right? Any reasonable person, especially a white person who would be confident that the police would actually help him/her would, right?

So, why do you suppose that no actual voters complained about these two gentlemen?
Sunshine, if you felt intimidated at the polls, you'd call a cop, right? Any reasonable person, especially a white person who would be confident that the police would actually help him/her would, right?

So, why do you suppose that no actual voters complained about these two gentlemen?

A reasonable white person wouldn't be intimidated or need to call the police, they'd tell em to go fuck themselves and dare em to get in their way.
Sunshine, if you felt intimidated at the polls, you'd call a cop, right? Any reasonable person, especially a white person who would be confident that the police would actually help him/her would, right?

So, why do you suppose that no actual voters complained about these two gentlemen?

A reasonable white person wouldn't be intimidated or need to call the police, they'd tell em to go fuck themselves and dare em to get in their way.

You mean a "non-cowardly white person". Wingnuts need no apply
A reasonable white person wouldn't be intimidated

Wow, imagine that. Then all the talk of voter intimidation would be bullshit, yes?
There sure are a lot of people bending over backwards to excuse Democrat voter intimidation.

That wouldn't bother me so much, I mean I expect that from wingnuts, left or right. Their 'guys' can do no wrong. However, when the Department of Justice does the same, I'm upset.

And that's why I keep saying this DoJ is more loyal to the leftist agenda than to the law or to America.

Disgusting and frightening. I hope the Republicans start investigating when they take over Congress.
There sure are a lot of people bending over backwards to excuse Democrat voter intimidation.

That wouldn't bother me so much, I mean I expect that from wingnuts, left or right. Their 'guys' can do no wrong. However, when the Department of Justice does the same, I'm upset.

And that's why I keep saying this DoJ is more loyal to the leftist agenda than to the law or to America.

Disgusting and frightening. I hope the Republicans start investigating when they take over Congress.

It's the one area that investigation and findings are necessary.
That wouldn't bother me so much, I mean I expect that from wingnuts, left or right. Their 'guys' can do no wrong. However, when the Department of Justice does the same, I'm upset.

And that's why I keep saying this DoJ is more loyal to the leftist agenda than to the law or to America.

Disgusting and frightening. I hope the Republicans start investigating when they take over Congress.

It's the one area that investigation and findings are necessary.
Indeed. But Obamatons will refuse to admit anything's wrong.

Right, Synth?
Two guys playing dress-up? Are you kidding me?

What are you babbling about?

Oh, yeah, never mind -- you never know what you're talking about.
Well, Dave, if you are frightened over 'black panthers', maybe you should pick up some of these to make it easier for you to hide, real quick-like.
Black Panthers don't frighten me. Leftists who sell out the nation for political power do, especially when they're running the nation.

Of course, it doesn't bother you. You're more loyal to the Democratic Party than you are America. You're not bright enough to see that, though. You're just not very bright at all.

Now, predictably, you will respond with some version of "No, YOU!!"
There sure are a lot of people bending over backwards to excuse Democrat voter intimidation.

That wouldn't bother me so much, I mean I expect that from wingnuts, left or right. Their 'guys' can do no wrong. However, when the Department of Justice does the same, I'm upset.

And that's why I keep saying this DoJ is more loyal to the leftist agenda than to the law or to America.

Disgusting and frightening. I hope the Republicans start investigating when they take over Congress.

Yeah, really a bummer. Perhaps they can start investigating Gonzalves first.
Black Panthers don't frighten me.

Maybe that's why there were no complaints. He-ish righties like big bad Dave weren't afraid. So, if nobody was actually intimidated by these two, there must be another reason that FOX played this thing up so much.

Why do you suppose they did that big bad Dave?
Black Panthers don't frighten me.

Maybe that's why there were no complaints. He-ish righties like big bad Dave weren't afraid. So, if nobody was actually intimidated by these two, there must be another reason that FOX played this thing up so much.

Why do you suppose they did that big bad Dave?

If no one was intimidated, why was King Samir Shabazz removed from the polling place by Philadelphia police? Why did Bartle Bull state in a sworn affidavit:

"In my opinion, the men created an intimidating presence at the entrance to a poll," he declared. "In all my experience in politics, in civil rights litigation and in my efforts in the 1960s to secure the right to vote in Mississippi ... I have never encountered or heard of another instance in the United States where armed and uniformed men blocked the entrance to a polling location."

Mr. Bull said the "clear purpose" of what the Panthers were doing was to "intimidate voters with whom they did not agree." He also said he overheard one of the men tell a white poll watcher: "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker."

He called their conduct an "outrageous affront to American democracy and the rights of voters to participate in an election without fear." He said it was a "racially motivated effort to limit both poll watchers aiding voters, as well as voters with whom the men did not agree."​

If there was no case, why did the court issue a default judgement against the NBP members?

Why did DoJ drop the case it had already won?

Why are you ignoring these facts and questions?
why was King Samir Shabazz removed from the polling place by Philadelphia police?

Reportedly, a cop was driving by, saw the night stick and there was a statute regarding weapons within 100' of a polling place. If he were intimidating people in the eyes of the officer, i have to assume an arrest would have been made, wouldn't you?

Why did Bartle Bull state

I'm an educated man but I can't speak to the state of mind of Mr. Bull. It has been pointed out however that he's kind of a partisan hack. In any case, Mr. Bull was not a voter. No actual voter made any complaint of voter intimidation.

why did the court issue a default judgement against the NBP members?

Because it's SOP when the defendent doesn't show up.

Why did DoJ drop the case it had already won?

Because the case was a loser on the merits and the new administration decided to stop using the voting rights section for witchhunts seeking black on white crimes, something that has nothing to do with the actual voting rights act.

Why are you ignoring these facts and questions?

I've answered them many times big bad Dave. Why are you ignoring mine? here are two questions for you big bad dave...

1. Why do you suppose no actual voter complained about these two?
2. Why do you suppose FOX, given that there were no complaints, made such a big deal out of this case?
why was King Samir Shabazz removed from the polling place by Philadelphia police?

Reportedly, a cop was driving by, saw the night stick and there was a statute regarding weapons within 100' of a polling place. If he were intimidating people in the eyes of the officer, i have to assume an arrest would have been made, wouldn't you?

Why did Bartle Bull state

I'm an educated man but I can't speak to the state of mind of Mr. Bull. It has been pointed out however that he's kind of a partisan hack. In any case, Mr. Bull was not a voter. No actual voter made any complaint of voter intimidation.

why did the court issue a default judgement against the NBP members?

Because it's SOP when the defendent doesn't show up.

Why did DoJ drop the case it had already won?

Because the case was a loser on the merits and the new administration decided to stop using the voting rights section for witchhunts seeking black on white crimes, something that has nothing to do with the actual voting rights act.

Why are you ignoring these facts and questions?

I've answered them many times big bad Dave. Why are you ignoring mine? here are two questions for you big bad dave...

1. Why do you suppose no actual voter complained about these two?
2. Why do you suppose FOX, given that there were no complaints, made such a big deal out of this case?
Y'know, you'd save time by just typing:

"Democrats can do no wrong."

And Bull a partisan? :rofl:
Here we go again. The Black Panthers are going back to monitor polls to make sure voter fraud doesn't take place. We know the real truth don't we why they are going back to them? Obama should stand up and be a leader and tell them to stand down after the controversy they caused during the election of 08. Will Obama do it?

Michelle Malkin New Black Panther thugs head back to polls; Democrat panelist blocks Civil Rights Commish report

Before the Philly New Black Panther Party radicals showed up at a voting booth in 2008 with billy clubs and racial epithets at the ready, my old nemesis Malik Shabazz — the NBPP thug-in-chief — put out a nationwide warning. Remember?

“We will be at the polls in the cities and counties in many states to ensure that the enemy does not sabotage the black vote, which was won through the blood of the martyrs of our people.”

Well, NBPP official Quannell X in Texas says his militant minions will return…to monitor citizen election watchdogs.

Is it the president's job to tell citizens where they can and cannot congregate? Or is it Obama's responsibility because they share the the same skin color?:eusa_whistle:

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