Breaking: Charles Manson Dead At 83


QUIZ—Who Said This Crazy Thing: The Donald Trump Campaign or the Manson Family?

Hard to tell them apart.

"Once upon a time, a charismatic cult leader captured the hearts and minds of racists and crazy people alike, promising a race war that would save America. Charles Manson also said some wacko things.

Of course, they’re different—one is orange, the other caucasian—and yet very much the same. So can you tell Trump, Manson and their supporters apart? Only one way to find out:

QUIZ—Who Said This Crazy Thing: The Donald Trump Campaign or the Manson Family?
This man had the most evil crazy eyes that I have ever seen.. One less scum in prison.. One less scum fighting parole.

His ability to manipulate young people to murder especially the way they did has bothered me since a young girl..

"He was able to take young people who were impressionable and convince them he had the answer to everything and he turned them into killers," she said. "It was beyond anything we had ever seen before in this country."

The Manson Family, as his followers were called, slaughtered five of its victims on Aug. 9, 1969, at Tate's home: the actress, who was 8½ months pregnant, coffee heiress Abigail Folger, celebrity hairdresser Jay Sebring, Polish movie director Voityck Frykowski and Steven Parent, a friend of the estate's caretaker. Tate's husband, "Rosemary's Baby" director Roman Polanski, was out of the country at the time.

Hippie cult leader Charles Manson dies at 83
Too fucking bad...shame he lived to see 83
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Wonder what his after-death experience was like? You know, the "life review" part? *shudder* The time he spent behind bars is NOTHIN compared to the time he's going to start doing now..

:whip::9: :blowup::dev2:
This man had the most evil crazy eyes that I have ever seen.. One less scum in prison.. One less scum fighting parole.

His ability to manipulate young people to murder especially the way they did has bothered me since a young girl..

"He was able to take young people who were impressionable and convince them he had the answer to everything and he turned them into killers," she said. "It was beyond anything we had ever seen before in this country."

The Manson Family, as his followers were called, slaughtered five of its victims on Aug. 9, 1969, at Tate's home: the actress, who was 8½ months pregnant, coffee heiress Abigail Folger, celebrity hairdresser Jay Sebring, Polish movie director Voityck Frykowski and Steven Parent, a friend of the estate's caretaker. Tate's husband, "Rosemary's Baby" director Roman Polanski, was out of the country at the time.

Hippie cult leader Charles Manson dies at 83
When did you get religion, Sil. A year or two you were not sure about it, probably a hopeful agnostic. That has changed per the above.
Goofy lying 'Rumper cult calls Manson a liberal hippie. He had a Nazi swastika carved into his forehead and supported 'Rump for President. A hardcore right-winger, he was a white supremacist.
Ironic, coming from a member of the party that created the KKK.
When did you get religion, Sil. A year or two you were not sure about it, probably a hopeful agnostic. That has changed per the above.
I have never questioned life after death. I know existence goes on beyond that veil. This isn't about religion.
You think there may be judgment, so yeah it is about some moral adjustment in the universe on your part. I am not quarreling, just startled. I agree with you in general about continuation of the self and a moral balance.
What makes you mouth breathers think Charlie Manson was political, much less Liberal?

What is it with you dolts? You ascribe all things evil to political motives? I guess that's what you get when you fail history class.

Anyway, on topic, so long, Charlie! We won't miss you at all.

My guess would be the things he said, and wrote. You should acquaint yourself with his beliefs.
I see. Charlie was in favor of civil rights, women's rights, Gay rights, environmental protections , school lunch programs, pay equity laws, a vigorous social safety net, a sustainable energy policy, curbs on investment banks, fair and justifiable police tactics, freedom and justice for all citizens, and a pathway to citizenship for hard working immigrants.

Where di Charlie codify his political beliefs? On his forehead? Guess again.
From Rolling Stone Magazine:

According to an item from the Liberation News Service, the Weathermen have made Manson a revolutionary hero on the assumption that he is guilty. Praising him for having offed some "rich honky pigs," they offer us a prize example of bumper sticker mentality:

"Manson Power – The Year Of The Fork!"

The underground press in general has assumed kind of a paranoid-schizo attitude toward Manson, undoubtedly hypersensitive to the relentless gloating of the cops who, after a five-year search, finally found a longhaired devil you could love to hate.

Starting in mid-January, the Los Angeles Free Press banner headlined Manson stories for three weeks in a row: "Manson Can Go Free!" "M.D. On Manson's Sex Life!" "Manson Interview! Exclusive Exclusive!"

The interview, by the way, ran for two more weeks, consisted mainly of attorney/author Michael Hannon talking to himself. Later, the Free Press began a weekly column by Manson written from jail.

About the same time, a rival underground paper, Tuesday's Child, ran Manson's picture across the entire front page with the headline "MAN OF THE YEAR: CHARLES MANSON." In case you missed the point, in their next issue they covered the front page with a cartoon of Manson on the cross. The plaque nailed above his head read simply "HIPPIE."

When the Manson record was released, both papers agreed to run free ads for it, but the chain of Free Press bookstores, owned by Free Press publisher Art Kunkin, refused to sell it, arguing it was an attempt to make profit of tragedy.

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