Breaking! Clapper Does An About Face--"It's Possible Trump's Voice Was Picked Up In Manafort Wiretap

In March Clapper stated he would specifically have known if a FISA warrant was issued against any Trump campaign officials. Last night Clapper stated he held no knowledge of the FISA warrant. Clapper is walking through a legal minefield.

He would know if US Intelligence officials sought a FISA warrant. The FBI is a law enforcement agency and has nothing to do with Clapper.
The question that should be asked is if "you would be aware of a FISA warrant sought by the FBI".
This is very funny. If they wire tap Managort and he talked to trump via phone conversation most likely it pick up Trump---- But that doesn't mean the wire tapped was directed at Trump.
If I wire tapped your son and he talked to you most like you it will pickup the conversation between you and your son. That doesn't mean I wiretapped you directly.
That is just common sense correct?
Trump was wiretapped by proxy through Manafort being wiretapped.

Um aint that how a wire tap works? If he did not want to be on a wire tap recording stop hiring people who are eite tapped.
This is very funny. If they wire tap Managort and he talked to trump via phone conversation most likely it pick up Trump---- But that doesn't mean the wire tapped was directed at Trump.
If I wire tapped your son and he talked to you most like you it will pickup the conversation between you and your son. That doesn't mean I wiretapped you directly.
That is just common sense correct?
Trump was wiretapped by proxy through Manafort being wiretapped.

Um aint that how a wire tap works? If he did not want to be on a wire tap recording stop hiring people who are eite tapped.
Speak proper English. What nationality are you?

In March Clapper stated he would specifically have known if a FISA warrant was issued against any Trump campaign officials. Last night Clapper stated he held no knowledge of the FISA warrant. Clapper is walking through a legal minefield.

He would know if US Intelligence officials sought a FISA warrant. The FBI is a law enforcement agency and has nothing to do with Clapper.
The question that should be asked is if "you would be aware of a FISA warrant sought by the FBI".
then why'd he say that? now you're covering for Clapper? wow you'll take a grenade for anyone I see.

In March Clapper stated he would specifically have known if a FISA warrant was issued against any Trump campaign officials. Last night Clapper stated he held no knowledge of the FISA warrant. Clapper is walking through a legal minefield.

He would know if US Intelligence officials sought a FISA warrant. The FBI is a law enforcement agency and has nothing to do with Clapper.
The question that should be asked is if "you would be aware of a FISA warrant sought by the FBI".
then why'd he say that? now you're covering for Clapper? wow you'll take a grenade for anyone I see.
As you can see, BUSYBEE01 is an advocate for criminals, just like he is for illegal wetbacks.
This is very funny. If they wire tap Managort and he talked to trump via phone conversation most likely it pick up Trump---- But that doesn't mean the wire tapped was directed at Trump.
If I wire tapped your son and he talked to you most like you it will pickup the conversation between you and your son. That doesn't mean I wiretapped you directly.
That is just common sense correct?

I have the transcript of your post here....

This is very funny. If they wire tap Managort and he talked to trump via phone conversation most likely it pick up Trump---- But that doesn't mean the wire tapped was directed at Trump.
If I wire tapped your son and he talked to you most like you it will pickup the conversation between you and your son. That doesn't mean I wiretapped you directly.
That is just common sense correct?
Common sense??? You accuse republicans of having any ??? All f-ed up brain dead sheep
Yeah but they just accidently on purpose picked up Trump's voice on a wiretap, you know (wink wink) :eusa_whistle:

How many times do I have to post this? :dunno:
Manafort was the subject of the FISA order, not Trump. If the conversation did not cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
Below is the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
The guy is busted. Everything is backfiring on them as they're now having to eat crow. God blessed this nation with President Trump and now God Is blessing this nation by exposing the evil lies of the Deep State.

CNN Twitter

Former Spy Chief James Clapper on CNN: 'It's Possible' President Trump's Voice Recorded in Paul Manafort Wiretap (VIDEO)

BUSTED: Obama’s DNI Chief James Clapper Swore Trump Campaign Was Not Wiretapped
Trump never said Trump's voice wasn't picked up in a Manafort wiretap. and your source is The Gateway Pundit.
Yes, The Gateway Pundit, credentialed members of the White House Press Pool.
So? You actually point that out as though covering a pathological liar like Trump buys them any credibility.
Well, they are better than Bull-sh**ico-)
This is very funny. If they wire tap Managort and he talked to trump via phone conversation most likely it pick up Trump---- But that doesn't mean the wire tapped was directed at Trump.
If I wire tapped your son and he talked to you most like you it will pickup the conversation between you and your son. That doesn't mean I wiretapped you directly.
That is just common sense correct?
No one has ever accused pseudocons of having common sense.

It hasn't even occurred to them to be worried about what Trump might have said to Manafort.

"Tell Vlad those hookers piss like champions!"

In March Clapper stated he would specifically have known if a FISA warrant was issued against any Trump campaign officials. Last night Clapper stated he held no knowledge of the FISA warrant. Clapper is walking through a legal minefield.

He would know if US Intelligence officials sought a FISA warrant. The FBI is a law enforcement agency and has nothing to do with Clapper.
The question that should be asked is if "you would be aware of a FISA warrant sought by the FBI".
then why'd he say that? now you're covering for Clapper? wow you'll take a grenade for anyone I see.

In March Clapper stated he would specifically have known if a FISA warrant was issued against any Trump campaign officials. Last night Clapper stated he held no knowledge of the FISA warrant. Clapper is walking through a legal minefield.

He would know if US Intelligence officials sought a FISA warrant. The FBI is a law enforcement agency and has nothing to do with Clapper.
The question that should be asked is if "you would be aware of a FISA warrant sought by the FBI".
then why'd he say that? now you're covering for Clapper? wow you'll take a grenade for anyone I see.
As you can see, BUSYBEE01 is an advocate for criminals, just like he is for illegal wetbacks.

This is very funny. If they wire tap Managort and he talked to trump via phone conversation most likely it pick up Trump---- But that doesn't mean the wire tapped was directed at Trump.
If I wire tapped your son and he talked to you most like you it will pickup the conversation between you and your son. That doesn't mean I wiretapped you directly.
That is just common sense correct?

I have the transcript of your post here....

This is very funny. If they wire tap Managort and he talked to trump via phone conversation most likely it pick up Trump---- But that doesn't mean the wire tapped was directed at Trump.
If I wire tapped your son and he talked to you most like you it will pickup the conversation between you and your son. That doesn't mean I wiretapped you directly.
That is just common sense correct?
Common sense??? You accuse republicans of having any ??? All f-ed up brain dead sheep

Yeah but they just accidently on purpose picked up Trump's voice on a wiretap, you know (wink wink) :eusa_whistle:

How many times do I have to post this? :dunno:
Manafort was the subject of the FISA order, not Trump. If the conversation did not cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
Below is the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information

Let me tell ya, they got the libs, and every paid lefty poster (and UNPAID, but who would look like a fool for free!) knows it. These lefties have their panties in a knot, knowing that everything they accuse Republicans of, their folks are going to get nailed for.

The only question is---->will the Trump DOJ (meaning Sessions and friends) do something with the info.

Sometimes, it is better to TIME the revelations for best possible results. Could that time be 2 or 3 months BEFORE the midterms? If it is going to happen, I would say it will be next year for sure. Why? Because with that happening, we can wash a bunch more libs right out of hair, lol. It will also suppress the Dem vote substantially, because while there isn't a ton of reasonable liberals left, the ones that are will be so embarrassed about being misled, they will hide.

It is called POLITICS, and the left has been the very best at character assassination for years through they are going to get it back, and at a very inopportune time, if I must say so myself-)
Yeah but they just accidently on purpose picked up Trump's voice on a wiretap, you know (wink wink) :eusa_whistle:

How many times do I have to post this? :dunno:
Manafort was the subject of the FISA order, not Trump. If the conversation did not cover the reason for the FISA approval, the conversation would be erased. It's the law.
Below is the law.
"Information acquired from an electronic surveillance conducted pursuant to this subchapter concerning any United States person may be used and disclosed by Federal officers and employees without the consent of the United States person only in accordance with the minimization procedures required by this subchapter. No otherwise privileged communication obtained in accordance with, or in violation of, the provisions of this subchapter shall lose its privileged character. No information acquired from an electronic surveillance pursuant to this subchapter may be used or disclosed by Federal officers or employees except for lawful purposes."
50 U.S. Code § 1806 - Use of information
The Obama administration did not adhere to the law.
Here's a pro tip:

If you don't want your voice recorded in a phone conversation, DON'T HIRE OR TALK TO CROOKS OR ENEMY FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. THEY MIGHT BE UNDER SURVEILLANCE.

I can't believe I gave that advice away for free!
Here's a pro tip:

If you don't want your voice recorded in a phone conversation, DON'T HIRE OR TALK TO CROOKS OR ENEMY FOREIGN GOVERNMENTS. THEY MIGHT BE UNDER SURVEILLANCE.

I can't believe I gave that advice away for free!

Here is a tip from me--------> don't want to look like you are doing Watergate number 2? Then don't LIE to congress, or try and mislead-)

Can't believe I gave the left good advice, but they are so out in left field, somebody has to remind them that we ARE A NATION OF LAWS, and just because you are a pointy head, doesn't mean you can break them-)

Here's your warrant to wiretap the suspected criminal.


You want me to come work for you? Really?


I only hire the best.


Extra! Trump caught in wiretap with criminal!


I can't bleev they were listening in on my conversations!
The guy is busted. Everything is backfiring on them as they're now having to eat crow. God blessed this nation with President Trump and now God Is blessing this nation by exposing the evil lies of the Deep State.

CNN Twitter

Former Spy Chief James Clapper on CNN: 'It's Possible' President Trump's Voice Recorded in Paul Manafort Wiretap (VIDEO)

BUSTED: Obama’s DNI Chief James Clapper Swore Trump Campaign Was Not Wiretapped
Saying Trump was not wiretapped, and then Trump calling someone who WAS wiretapped is not an about face, idiot.
Can't wait to hear what Crooked Donnie discussed with Manafort

Looks like Mueller will have his hands full
Can't wait to hear what Crooked Donnie discussed with Manafort

Looks like Mueller will have his hands full

Shall I put that in with your last prediction, prior to the election?


"The next Republican POTUS hasn't been born yet"

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