BREAKING: CNN admit Paul Manafort was wiretapped


I always find it funny how snowflakes try to discredit the SOURCE of any reporting that shines a negative light on Democrats...because they can not debunk / disprove what it being reported. If they could, they would do so instead of always attacking the source for not being on the official Liberal Socialist Pre-Approved Faux News / Propaganda Distribution List.


Ya know what'a funny snowflake?

You funny.

I seem to remember you RWNJs "discrediting the SOURCE" whenever you don't like CNN ...Washington Post...NY Times...NBC....anything that isn't an approved RWNJ blog actually.

By the DO remember Breitbart pushing "Pizzagate" right?


You know traitor, we point out that the "sources" you pile of shit Stalinists cite are all fucking liars. Even as you pointed to one of the leftist cesspools to attack Breitbart, YOUR SOURCE was full of obvious and blatant lies - which is the nature of Politifraud.

Snopes, the grand-daddy of the fact-checking sites in America, was founded in the 1990s to counteract the spread of rumors on the Web. This raises the question, why did it post a hoax of its own?

Snopes' founders say it is to combat what they call False Authority Syndrome.}

Nah, it's because Snopes are fucking liars.
Manafort is where he belongs. That cannot be disputed. Nobody can defend what he did.
Manafort is where he belongs. That cannot be disputed. Nobody can defend what he did.

Cheated on taxes?

It's a crime. Not sure he deserves death - do you think tax cheats should be murdered by corrupt cops?
When you see these Trump hating douchebags drooling at the thought of putting Manafort in prison until he dies, you begin to understand the mentality that led to the Gulags under Stalin.
Remember those days when you called liberals a bunch of terrorist sympathizers because they did not like the shaky legal grounds that made the FISA courts the final say on the legality of any given surveillance? This is entirely legal because FISA said so. Don't like it? We told you so years ago when all you could do is kiss Bush ass.

So you're equating the Trump campaign with terrorists? If the Obama DOJ misled the FISA court to obtain those warrants for wire taps on a political candidate then this goes beyond what Nixon did with the "plumbers" at the Watergate hotel! It's a clear case of abuse of power. Your claim that it's entirely legal when high ranking FBI and DOJ officials misled the court is amusing.
i read your link....

it's a darn shame the the head of all heads of all prosecutors, our US Attorney General, decided to sell his soul to Satan... and take the ever so unethical positions, where he has not served the public trust...
-His made up lies on the Mueller report with his so called by him, 4 page summary

-His lie under oath before Congress, that he did not know what Mueller thought about his summary, when we later found out Mueller had written him two letters about how his report was being misrepresented before that congressional hearing.

-His using the term ''spying'' in another congressional hearing, knowing he was demeaning and undermining everyone in his own FBI people by using it, instead of using the term court approved surveillance, when he had no facts on hand to support his contention that anything was done illegally.

Just talking about a live investigation is a no no for prosecutors.

-His TV appearances on FOX regarding an on going investigation to spur innuendos.

-His never ending refusal to show up when subpoenaed, his never ending denial for subpoenaed records, etc etc etc....

the guys sucks, from here to high heaven, with his unethical actions and there is no one that can trust him, or the department he now runs for the whole entire Nation.
Remember those days when you called liberals a bunch of terrorist sympathizers because they did not like the shaky legal grounds that made the FISA courts the final say on the legality of any given surveillance? This is entirely legal because FISA said so. Don't like it? We told you so years ago when all you could do is kiss Bush ass.

So you're equating the Trump campaign with terrorists? If the Obama DOJ misled the FISA court to obtain those warrants for wire taps on a political candidate then this goes beyond what Nixon did with the "plumbers" at the Watergate hotel! It's a clear case of abuse of power. Your claim that it's entirely legal when high ranking FBI and DOJ officials misled the court is amusing.
i read your link....

it's a darn shame the the head of all heads of all prosecutors, our US Attorney General, decided to sell his soul to Satan... and take the ever so unethical positions, where he has not served the public trust...
-His made up lies on the Mueller report with his so called by him, 4 page summary

-His lie under oath before Congress, that he did not know what Mueller thought about his summary, when we later found out Mueller had written him two letters about how his report was being misrepresented before that congressional hearing.

-His using the term ''spying'' in another congressional hearing, knowing he was demeaning and undermining everyone in his own FBI people by using it, instead of using the term court approved surveillance, when he had no facts on hand to support his contention that anything was done illegally.

Just talking about a live investigation is a no no for prosecutors.

-His TV appearances on FOX regarding an on going investigation to spur innuendos.

-His never ending refusal to show up when subpoenaed, his never ending denial for subpoenaed records, etc etc etc....

the guys sucks, from here to high heaven, with his unethical actions and there is no one that can trust him, or the department he now runs for the whole entire Nation.

Let me get this're condemning Barr for talking about an investigation at the same time you're condemning him for refusing to talk about the same investigation? Did that make sense when you posted it, Care? Make up your mind. Barr isn't doing anything liberals are just annoyed because Mueller's investigation didn't give you what you thought it would! That's got nothing to do with Attorney General Barr.

As for him using the term "spying"? That doesn't demean or undermine the entire points a finger directly at high level FBI administrators who used their office in an attempt to keep someone they didn't like politically from winning office! What McCabe, Comey, Page and Strozk did demeaned and undermined the FBI! What Barr is doing is attempting to restore credibility to an FBI that had been corrupted.
i read your link....

it's a darn shame the the head of all heads of all prosecutors, our US Attorney General, decided to sell his soul to Satan... and take the ever so unethical positions, where he has not served the public trust...
-His made up lies on the Mueller report with his so called by him, 4 page summary

-His lie under oath before Congress, that he did not know what Mueller thought about his summary, when we later found out Mueller had written him two letters about how his report was being misrepresented before that congressional hearing.

-His using the term ''spying'' in another congressional hearing, knowing he was demeaning and undermining everyone in his own FBI people by using it, instead of using the term court approved surveillance, when he had no facts on hand to support his contention that anything was done illegally.

Just talking about a live investigation is a no no for prosecutors.

-His TV appearances on FOX regarding an on going investigation to spur innuendos.

-His never ending refusal to show up when subpoenaed, his never ending denial for subpoenaed records, etc etc etc....

the guys sucks, from here to high heaven, with his unethical actions and there is no one that can trust him, or the department he now runs for the whole entire Nation.

Barr is the biggest danger that you Communists have faced since Clinton ended the rule of law for democrats.

General Barr has signaled that the immunity democrats have enjoyed for 20 years is over.

These moronic lies you repeat from the hate sites are your desperate and flaccid attempt to discredit the AG before he throws scumbags like Brennan in prison, and those scumbags start singing about orders from Barry Obamugabe.

We all KNOW that Mugabe was behind the spying operation on the opposition candidate for the purpose of influencing the 2016 election. We know that the criminal acts, the espionage and treason that was committed all leads back to Mugabe - you know it too. You know that men like James Clapper and Andrew Weissman are utterly without honor - not that any of you dems have honor - and that they will turn on Obama in a flat second to save themselves.

Will democrats, for the first time in my 60 years of life, finally be subject to the laws that govern the rest of us? We will see. But regardless of whether Mugabe and his thugs spend the rest of their lives in prison as they should, the details of the treason your filthy party engaged in to rig our election and then to stage a coup, will be impossible for the fascist press to suppress.

Like the holocaust that the NY Times hid, some truths cannot be burred. I never wanted Obama to turn out to be corrupt, but he did. You always wanted Trump to have conspired with the Russians, but he didn't. I care about the country, you care ONLY about the criminal enterprise that is your filthy party.
i read your link....

it's a darn shame the the head of all heads of all prosecutors, our US Attorney General, decided to sell his soul to Satan... and take the ever so unethical positions, where he has not served the public trust...
-His made up lies on the Mueller report with his so called by him, 4 page summary

-His lie under oath before Congress, that he did not know what Mueller thought about his summary, when we later found out Mueller had written him two letters about how his report was being misrepresented before that congressional hearing.

-His using the term ''spying'' in another congressional hearing, knowing he was demeaning and undermining everyone in his own FBI people by using it, instead of using the term court approved surveillance, when he had no facts on hand to support his contention that anything was done illegally.

Just talking about a live investigation is a no no for prosecutors.

-His TV appearances on FOX regarding an on going investigation to spur innuendos.

-His never ending refusal to show up when subpoenaed, his never ending denial for subpoenaed records, etc etc etc....

the guys sucks, from here to high heaven, with his unethical actions and there is no one that can trust him, or the department he now runs for the whole entire Nation.

Barr is the biggest danger that you Communists have faced since Clinton ended the rule of law for democrats.

General Barr has signaled that the immunity democrats have enjoyed for 20 years is over.

These moronic lies you repeat from the hate sites are your desperate and flaccid attempt to discredit the AG before he throws scumbags like Brennan in prison, and those scumbags start singing about orders from Barry Obamugabe.

We all KNOW that Mugabe was behind the spying operation on the opposition candidate for the purpose of influencing the 2016 election. We know that the criminal acts, the espionage and treason that was committed all leads back to Mugabe - you know it too. You know that men like James Clapper and Andrew Weissman are utterly without honor - not that any of you dems have honor - and that they will turn on Obama in a flat second to save themselves.

Will democrats, for the first time in my 60 years of life, finally be subject to the laws that govern the rest of us? We will see. But regardless of whether Mugabe and his thugs spend the rest of their lives in prison as they should, the details of the treason your filthy party engaged in to rig our election and then to stage a coup, will be impossible for the fascist press to suppress.

Like the holocaust that the NY Times hid, some truths cannot be burred. I never wanted Obama to turn out to be corrupt, but he did. You always wanted Trump to have conspired with the Russians, but he didn't. I care about the country, you care ONLY about the criminal enterprise that is your filthy party.
And this is a problem?

This criminal with connections to a hostile foreign power was wiretapped?

What a shocker huh?

From your link

Some of the intelligence collected includes communications that sparked concerns among investigators that Manafort had encouraged the Russians to help with the campaign, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.
Conductin espionage against American citizens is against the law, dumbass.

It's interesting how all you Trump hating scum practice the same moral code as the KGB.

When you're dealing with an international criminal like Manafort, getting a FISA Warrant through a federal court is not "conducting esponage against American citizens", it's investigating international criminal conduct in the electronic age.

Interesting how all of you Trump loving idiots have no moral code whatsoever when it comes to DJT, but are shocked, shocked I tell you when the Department of Justice conducts legal investigations which lead to charges and convictons against one of their own.



This is old news. Manafort was the subject of a FISA surveillance warrant when Trump hired him. Because of the bank fraud and tax evasion investigation which lead to the charges he's currently in prison for. The FBI dropped the surveillance after he was hired, and picked it up again after he was fired because of his ties to Russia.
Manafort was never the subject of a FISA surveillance warrant, you senile old dingbat.

This is old news. Manafort was the subject of a FISA surveillance warrant when Trump hired him. Because of the bank fraud and tax evasion investigation which lead to the charges he's currently in prison for. The FBI dropped the surveillance after he was hired, and picked it up again after he was fired because of his ties to Russia.

A FISA warrant based on a perjured application. NOT a valid warrant.
And this is a problem?

This criminal with connections to a hostile foreign power was wiretapped?

What a shocker huh?

From your link

Some of the intelligence collected includes communications that sparked concerns among investigators that Manafort had encouraged the Russians to help with the campaign, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.
Conductin espionage against American citizens is against the law, dumbass.

It's interesting how all you Trump hating scum practice the same moral code as the KGB.

When you're dealing with an international criminal like Manafort, getting a FISA Warrant through a federal court is not "conducting esponage against American citizens", it's investigating international criminal conduct in the electronic age.

Interesting how all of you Trump loving idiots have no moral code whatsoever when it comes to DJT, but are shocked, shocked I tell you when the Department of Justice conducts legal investigations which lead to charges and convictons against one of their own.


CArter Page was the target of the FISA surveillance warrant, you senile old dingbat, not Manafort. There was nothing legal about that warrant or any surveillance of the Trump campaign.

Manafort cheated on his taxes and lied on some applications for bank loans. That doesn't justify sentencing him to prison for the rest of his life or sending him to Riker's island while he's waiting trial. That is just pure vindictiveness on the part of leftwing hacks.

You shamelessly support any attack against the Trump administration, no matter how egregious or illegal.
Manafort is where he belongs. That cannot be disputed. Nobody can defend what he did.

Cheated on taxes?

It's a crime. Not sure he deserves death - do you think tax cheats should be murdered by corrupt cops?

It's a crime. Not sure he deserves death - do you think tax cheats should be murdered by corrupt cops?

Mule team twisted these charges to seem like a really big deal, File under an Obammy judge to get them to issue gag order and play along hiding any truth? When is the appeal to a real judge? What is going on? This is not the years to go before anj judge from obammys' stable.

Not after they confiscate all your weath and harrass/humiliate/ruin yor life. Jail or fines, not both? Fine the IRS and Bank inspectors for allowing it over a decade?

Not compared to all the Politicians not getting same punishment for far worse Tax and fraud issues.
Of course they were wiretapping him. He was secretly communicating and dealing with people having hostile interests to the United States.

Right lol! Send a Fusion GPS phony Russian into Trump camp to justify spying. Get out of here before I add you to the list at #7 or #8.
Stop whining, snowflake.

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