BREAKING: CNN admit Paul Manafort was wiretapped

All you Putin lovers have no problem with him bugging every high-end hotel in Moscow, where American citizens are spied on 24/7. :auiqs.jpg:

That is a foriegn country that does not confiscate my earnings. I dont have to visit Russia. Not my business.
And Manafort didn’t have to conspire and make deals with enemies of the United States.
And this is a problem?

This criminal with connections to a hostile foreign power was wiretapped?

What a shocker huh?

From your link

Some of the intelligence collected includes communications that sparked concerns among investigators that Manafort had encouraged the Russians to help with the campaign, according to three sources familiar with the investigation.
Conductin espionage against American citizens is against the law, dumbass.

It's interesting how all you Trump hating scum practice the same moral code as the KGB.

When you're dealing with an international criminal like Manafort, getting a FISA Warrant through a federal court is not "conducting esponage against American citizens", it's investigating international criminal conduct in the electronic age.

Interesting how all of you Trump loving idiots have no moral code whatsoever when it comes to DJT, but are shocked, shocked I tell you when the Department of Justice conducts legal investigations which lead to charges and convictons against one of their own.


CArter Page was the target of the FISA surveillance warrant, you senile old dingbat, not Manafort. There was nothing legal about that warrant or any surveillance of the Trump campaign.

Manafort cheated on his taxes and lied on some applications for bank loans. That doesn't justify sentencing him to prison for the rest of his life or sending him to Riker's island while he's waiting trial. That is just pure vindictiveness on the part of leftwing hacks.

You shamelessly support any attack against the Trump administration, no matter how egregious or illegal.
"CArter Page was the target of the FISA surveillance warrant, you senile old dingbat, not Manafort."

Fucking moron... you once again show the forum just how big of a fucking moron you really are...

US government wiretapped former Trump campaign chairman - CNNPolitics

And a brief recap...Page had a long history of Russian intel contacts and Manafort is a straight up criminal so...
Let me get this're condemning Barr for talking about an investigation at the same time you're condemning him for refusing to talk about the same investigation? Did that make sense when you posted it, Care?
No Oldstyle. I guess I was not clear enough for you to understand.

The Mueller investigation is over, Barr can talk about and say whatever he wants about it, even the lies he left the country with, in his summary and then his pressers right afterwards. It is unbecoming and unprecedented of an AG to do what he has done, with all of his misleading and then, much like the Republican tactic with the Nunes #releasethememo campaign, selectively chose what they wanted released, make the Democrats wait 3 weeks to get the rest of the FISA released that showed Nunes was lying about what occurred through his editing of the FISA release.... 3 weeks later, getting the rest released that contradicted the republican narrative on it, allowed Nunes and all the other republican pundits time to spin their story of lies, that their constituents continued to believe....

same thing with the Barr summary of the Mueller report, taking a month to release it, after Trump used that month to spin a false narrative off of Barr's 4 page summary that was totally misleading, to say the least.

The complaint of Barr spinning on tv about an on going IG and justice dept investigations on the Page FISA and the origins on the Russia investigation, Barr was mouthing off in an interview that they have found nothing yet but something sure looks funny..... He SHOULD NOT HAVE SPOKEN with his innuendos on these investigations, until they are OVER. Once again, he is trying to spin with his thumb on the scale, what you want to hear... without any proof, and again while the investigation is on going.

He is a HORRIBLE AG.... shameful.
Let me get this're condemning Barr for talking about an investigation at the same time you're condemning him for refusing to talk about the same investigation? Did that make sense when you posted it, Care?
No Oldstyle. I guess I was not clear enough for you to understand.

The Mueller investigation is over, Barr can talk about and say whatever he wants about it, even the lies he left the country with, in his summary and then his pressers right afterwards. It is unbecoming and unprecedented of an AG to do what he has done, with all of his misleading and then, much like the Republican tactic with the Nunes #releasethememo campaign, selectively chose what they wanted released, make the Democrats wait 3 weeks to get the rest of the FISA released that showed Nunes was lying about what occurred through his editing of the FISA release.... 3 weeks later, getting the rest released that contradicted the republican narrative on it, allowed Nunes and all the other republican pundits time to spin their story of lies, that their constituents continued to believe....

same thing with the Barr summary of the Mueller report, taking a month to release it, after Trump used that month to spin a false narrative off of Barr's 4 page summary that was totally misleading, to say the least.

The complaint of Barr spinning on tv about an on going IG and justice dept investigations on the Page FISA and the origins on the Russia investigation, Barr was mouthing off in an interview that they have found nothing yet but something sure looks funny..... He SHOULD NOT HAVE SPOKEN with his innuendos on these investigations, until they are OVER. Once again, he is trying to spin with his thumb on the scale, what you want to hear... without any proof, and again while the investigation is on going.

He is a HORRIBLE AG.... shameful.

Oh, bullshit! Barr didn't have to release the report to Congress at all. He went out of his way to give Congressional Democrats access to as much of the report as he LEGALLY could! The person that's been spinning a false narrative about this all along is Nadler! He knows damn well that Barr would be going against long standing legal precedent if he released Grand Jury testimony to the public. He also knows that there is material in the report that is sensitive and shouldn't be released...not because it's damaging to Trump but because it would be damaging and even dangerous for the sources that provided it!

The truth of the matter is that the Trump Administration gave Mueller his investigation DESPITE it being based on lies and innuendo provided by Hillary Clinton's supporters...didn't invoke Executive Privilege despite that being Trump's right and waited two plus years for Mueller to finally admit that there was no collusion!

Now you on the left have decided that "obstruction" will be what you accuse Trump of...simply because he was consistently vocal about the entire investigation being a witch hunt right from the start! That's farce. You've got always HAD nothing...but you're too blinded by your hate for the man who shocked you by beating Hillary to admit it!

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