Breaking! Colin Powell dies

Yep, pretty much. COVID is not very lethal for most healthy people. The efficacy of the vaccine is largely unknown because we haven't been using it long enough. Colin Powell apparently died of blood cancer which weakened his immune system so much that a relatively weak pathogen like COVID could kill him.

In addition, many of the VACCINATED teachers at my school are beginning to get Covid. Starting to look like the UK, where as the vaccines wear off, you seem to be MORE susceptible to getting it. Per 100K people, the case counts in the UK among the vaccinated is not higher than the unvaxxed and getting higher as the weeks go on.
I am dead sick of seeing 5 and 6 year olds at my school masked 7 hours a day to "protect" very old, very sick people like Colin Powell. I am sorry that he was very ill and am very sorry he passed away. But these babies have paid enough price.
Understood the hysteria is hard to deal with because it is been given normalcy by the MSM which is left-D.C. centric and reaches hundreds of millions. Perspective does not exist for the left in this country.
In addition, many of the VACCINATED teachers at my school are beginning to get Covid. Starting to look like the UK, where as the vaccines wear off, you seem to be MORE susceptible to getting it. Per 100K people, the case counts in the UK among the vaccinated is not higher than the unvaxxed and getting higher as the weeks go on.
Maybe the virus is morphing and going after kids like the yearly flu does. Normally healthy kids are not in danger of dying from COVID anyway. The D.C. reaction to COVID is 100% political and manipulative.
The UN is not a country nor a NATO member. Which is the only NATO member country to request military help?

Embarrassment got your typing fingers?
well the UN is made up of numerous countries

with that said a number of NATO countries have requested helped…most noteworthy, is well European members, in particular germany, as it was created to protect eastern europe from the socialist aggression from the east

it’s sad you know so little about modern world history
The Kurds would disagree
The loyal Kurds are always double crossed regardless of where the battle as we’ve seen. There was no regret in taking out Saddam Hussein. (CP stated as much in interview). Using chemical weapons on your “own people” takes one heartless bastard. He was not a swift one, bragging about having WMD when he had none. Did he really think others wouldn’t believe him?

It’s not “fair” to kill a mouthy dictator for being stupid, but it’s ethically understandable to kill a thuggish dictator who has distain for humans with intentions to continue to act on it.
Patton? Nah---Powell was more like Ike....a political General. Georgie Patton had not a political bone in his body.
Powell rose to great a military that was segregated just 3 generations ago.
He also lied and schemed with the best of them..his perceived integrity was his stock in trade--and he spent it on Iraq.
Thinking Powell equal to Patton is an example of pure unadulterated ignorance.

This from Caitlin Johnstone is most prescient….unfortunately Americans never learn.
[Colin Powell's] greatest lasting legacy will be his immortal reminder to future generations that there is never, ever a valid reason to trust anything US officials tell us about a government they wish to bring down.'
The Powell Doctine, one of the most important documents in US history in the last 30 years.
Lol. Yet none of the points outlined in his doctrine were ever honestly applied to any war since the Korean War.

The Powell Doctrine states that a list of questions all have to be answered affirmatively before military action is taken by the United States:

  1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
  2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
  3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
  4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
  5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
  6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
  7. Is the action supported by the American people?
  8. Do we have genuine broad international support?[2]
You break it, you fix it?? :lol: j/k

Or that if the United States goes to war, it has to have a clear military objective?

Mostly it's about preparing the country for war. Powell did his job. Other people took what he did and turned it into something else.

"National Security interest" has basically meant OIL in the last 30 years
"Clear and obtainable objective" has basically meant bullying weak countries.
"Is the action supported by the American people" has meant pumping the media with massive amounts of stories about how bad these people are.

I mean, straight out of Afghanistan and the media were at it. They couldn't stop. They even complained that the Taliban were bad for stopping Opium going to the US....
Lol. Yet none of the points outlined in his doctrine were ever honestly applied to any war since the Korean War.

The Powell Doctrine states that a list of questions all have to be answered affirmatively before military action is taken by the United States:

  1. Is a vital national security interest threatened?
  2. Do we have a clear attainable objective?
  3. Have the risks and costs been fully and frankly analyzed?
  4. Have all other non-violent policy means been fully exhausted?
  5. Is there a plausible exit strategy to avoid endless entanglement?
  6. Have the consequences of our action been fully considered?
  7. Is the action supported by the American people?
  8. Do we have genuine broad international support?[2]

Hence the reason why it was a really important document. It influenced the politicians in such a way that Bush lied out of his two back teeth so badly in order to go to war in Iraq.
Hence the reason why it was a really important document. It influenced the politicians in such a way that Bush lied out of his two back teeth so badly in order to go to war in Iraq.
W is hardly the only potus to lie us into war. Hell O did it too, with the expert help of Joe and Hillary.

In fact, nearly every war the US has started is based on lies.
What's your experience of living in the Muslim world?
as you know, my husband was born in the "muslim world". His community lived in the land invaded by
arab muslims for more than 1000 years before the rapist of mecca was born
This thread is another example of the “mass hysteria” going on in this country that Tucker Carlson talked about.

You Vax-Cultists are in complete denial of reality, and are blaming unvaccinated people for the death of a fully vaccinated person who died of WuFlu. It’s like you’d rather go on believing all the lies you’ve been fed than admit you’re wrong. But, that is the power of propaganda, they literally have you idiots believing males can get pregnant, so anything is possible.
Vax cultists? Mass hysteria? Most of the nonsense is coming from you horse paste eaters. In the past year, we have heard so many bizarre theories coming from the right, Some of them self contradictory. We are supposed to believe that the vaccine is some sort of magnetizing, 5G, psyops, nanotech, mind control, mark of the beast, gene therapy, fake vaccine that will kill or sterilize everyone who took it in 3 6 months 1 2 years. We still need to glorify Trump for expediting the vaccine though. The vaccine to be used against COVID 19, a fake virus, which is caused by 5G, is just the flu, and barely any casualties, is at the same time a deadly bio weapon created by the CCP to enable Biden to steal the election. All this so they can hide Hunter Biden's laptop, proving that everyone and their mother, except Trump, was on Epstein's Lolita list. And, of course, to distract us from the fact that the Earth that God gave us is flat and stationary.

I voted for Trump and he was a great President. He fast tracked the vaccine and set up distribution of it which Biden tried to take credit for when he did nothing. I myself am fully vaxxed but I do not accept the draconian mandatory vaccination that heir-Biden has imposed. If you ask me, Biden, the Democrats, MSM and lefties are the 'vax-cultists' because they want to impose a needle in everyone's arm despite our Constitutional rights. You post just reeks of "Orange Man Bad" you have nothing constructive to say and are in denial of the traitorous acts of Joe Biden and his son Hunter.
Vax cultists? Mass hysteria? Most of the nonsense is coming from you horse paste eaters. In the past year, we have heard so many bizarre theories coming from the right, Some of them self contradictory. We are supposed to believe that the vaccine is some sort of magnetizing, 5G, psyops, nanotech, mind control, mark of the beast, gene therapy, fake vaccine that will kill or sterilize everyone who took it in 3 6 months 1 2 years. We still need to glorify Trump for expediting the vaccine though. The vaccine to be used against COVID 19, a fake virus, which is caused by 5G, is just the flu, and barely any casualties, is at the same time a deadly bio weapon created by the CCP to enable Biden to steal the election. All this so they can hide Hunter Biden's laptop, proving that everyone and their mother, except Trump, was on Epstein's Lolita list. And, of course, to distract us from the fact that the Earth that God gave us is flat and stationary.

There, there, all out of your system now? :itsok:

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