Breaking! Colin Powell dies

that sort of attempt to balance SHIT X against SHIT Y -----never works-----eventually
both SHITXY -----turns and tramples YOU. Remember--don't cast your pearls
before swine (a famous person said that)
Sometimes it does work. It was working to hold Iran in check.
The liar and mass murder of millions innocent Iraqis is death.

Colin Powell, the first Black US secretary of state , has died from complications from COVID-19, his family said on Facebook.
“General Colin L. Powell, former U.S. Secretary of State and Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, passed away this morning due to complications from COVID-19,” read a statement posted to his official Facebook page.

He was fully vaccinated. We want to thank the medical staff at Walter Reed National Medical Center for their caring treatment. We have lost a remarkable and loving husband, father, grandfather and a great American.”

Not perfect, no human is, but without any doubt, over all, he was a good man....
I am pretty much here with you, yet still in the process of learning more, on this one C4All. Hey, it’s nice to agree when we can:)

Powell’s military background weighs in as well as his politics. I allow politicians a few mistakes since they are, after all, flawed humans. I try to remember this when I get angry about some dumb decision they make. It’s a cumulative affect to weigh the pros and the cons and determine one’s political “worth” or value to the country. I can still respect (crucial element, respect) politicians who I support but hold a select number of different political views than I do, as long as their ideas are within RATIONAL margins. Not much rational thought currently from WH so zero respect from me.

TBH/ I had to think this one out regarding POWELL’s negative comments about Trump and his positive ones about Hillary. I will allow him to have a different opinion about Trump, but I will never allow any positivity about Hillary ever! Lol

I liked Trump on paper very much with the pros outnumbering the cons by far imo. I have recognized Hillary‘s “I’ll do ANYTHING to get it the WH!” It is very hard to respect any person who throws private tantrums, treats “the help” exactly in that way, like they are less-than, hypocritical as a rule, and her willingness to do anything- lie, cheat, slander, etc. to get in the White House.

Powell- I cannot think of his demeanor being anything like Hillary‘s nor that he would be willing to lie and cheat….there in lies the rub. This is debatable and I am still learning as I stated. I’m willing to change my mind if I learn I am wrong. It happens regardless of comparative reading time, and I’m glad to recognize when I need to catch up to speed.
I am pretty much here with you, yet still in the process of learning more, on this one C4All. Hey, it’s nice to agree when we can:)

Powell’s military background weighs in as well as his politics. I allow politicians a few mistakes since they are, after all, flawed humans. I try to remember this when I get angry about some dumb decision they make. It’s a cumulative affect to weigh the pros and the cons and determine one’s political “worth” or value to the country. I can still respect (crucial element, respect) politicians who I support but hold a select number of different political views than I do, as long as their ideas are within RATIONAL margins. Not much rational thought currently from WH so zero respect from me.

TBH/ I had to think this one out regarding POWELL’s negative comments about Trump and his positive ones about Hillary. I will allow him to have a different opinion about Trump, but I will never allow any positivity about Hillary ever! Lol

I liked Trump on paper very much with the pros outnumbering the cons by far imo. I have recognized Hillary‘s “I’ll do ANYTHING to get it the WH!” It is very hard to respect any person who throws private tantrums, treats “the help” exactly in that way, like they are less-than, hypocritical as a rule, and her willingness to do anything- lie, cheat, slander, etc. to get in the White House.

Powell- I cannot think of his demeanor being anything like Hillary‘s nor that he would be willing to lie and cheat….there in lies the rub. This is debatable and I am still learning as I stated. I’m willing to change my mind if I learn I am wrong. It happens regardless of comparative reading time, and I’m glad to recognize when I need to catch up to speed.
I don’t like to speak I’ll of the dead, but Powell was nothing more than a lackey for the oligarchy and MIC. He was instrumental in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
I don’t like to speak I’ll of the dead, but Powell was nothing more than a lackey for the oligarchy and MIC. He was instrumental in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
That is tragic if true Gipper, and I find you to be an informed poster so I plan to put in the time to possibly change my position. Admittedly, I’m a bit behind the curve because I stopped reading about Powell around the time of his public exit. There’s no question he gave a convincing speech and the decision was already made by congress (agree this didn’t legitimize Powell’s lying if he did so knowingly) and he sold it to the public as instructed. If he KNEW he was lying to the public there is no respect to be given. Without respect for a political figure, or for any person for that matter, there is nothing worth supporting. I’ll share later if I find anything substantial or worth posting, either for or against. I have no personal pony in the race, just an opinion based on limited knowledge.
I don’t like to speak I’ll of the dead, but Powell was nothing more than a lackey for the oligarchy and MIC. He was instrumental in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of innocent people.
Nonsense. For one thing, he was not in command of anything, nor did he make and decisions which impacted combat operations.
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True. Covid complication.

It's in the header posted in the link provided.

I was in a hurry when I posted the thread, I wanted to be first on the breaking news.

It was not meant to be propaganda.
The truth is that Mr. Powell could have died 'of' any number of pathogens. Apparently Mr. Powell had co-morbid conditions, he had myeloma (blood cancer). I remember reading that kids who died 'of COVID' mostly had leukemia. Also, it is possible to test positive for COVID if one has been vaccinated.

"SARS-CoV-2. A COVID-19 vaccination may also cause a positive antibody test result for some but not all antibody tests."

Your linked article explains this later on if one continues reading. You posted your opinion, my opinion is that Mr. Powell was pretty ill and could have died from any number of pathogens. Also, as I just posted, he could have had COVID antibodies from his vaccination.
Nonsense. For one thing, he was not in command of anything, nor did he make and decisions which impacted combat operations.
Yeah no big deal lying the nation to war, to benefit the MIC and ultra wealthy oligarchy. All those innocents murdered by the empire are no one’s responsibility.
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That is tragic if true Gipper, and I find you to be an informed poster so I plan to put in the time to possibly change my position. Admittedly, I’m a bit behind the curve because I stopped reading about Powell around the time of his public exit. There’s no question he gave a convincing speech and the decision was already made by congress (agree this didn’t legitimize Powell’s lying if he did so knowingly) and he sold it to the public as instructed. If he KNEW he was lying to the public there is no respect to be given. Without respect for a political figure, or for any person for that matter, there is nothing worth supporting. I’ll share later if I find anything substantial or worth posting, either for or against. I have no personal pony in the race, just an opinion based on limited knowledge.
He knew.
Yeah no big deal lying the nation to war, to benefit the MIC and ultra wealthy oligarchy. All those innocents murdered by the empire are no one’s responsibility.
He was briefed on the intelligence. He was skeptical. He double checked that intelligence through foreign sources and those sources did not refute anything.
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The truth is that Mr. Powell could have died 'of' any number of pathogens. Apparently Mr. Powell had co-morbid conditions, he had myeloma (blood cancer). I remember reading that kids who died 'of COVID' mostly had leukemia. Also, it is possible to test positive for COVID if one has been vaccinated.

"SARS-CoV-2. A COVID-19 vaccination may also cause a positive antibody test result for some but not all antibody tests."

Your linked article explains this later on if one continues reading. You posted your opinion, my opinion is that Mr. Powell was pretty ill and could have died from any number of pathogens. Also, as I just posted, he could have had COVID antibodies from his vaccination.
They gave him a covid test, not a covid antibody test. They are different. An antibody test can show if he previously has had covid and recovered as you said.

But the covid test, tells you, if you have covid now, in the present.

Those vaccinated do not test positive for a covid test, they should test positive with a covid antibody I mentioned, these are two different tests with different purposes.

The vaccines contain no, zip, zero amounts of the covid virus itself, that's what makes them unique and actually safer than a vaccine made from a live virus.

You will never test positive on a covid test, because of getting the vaccine....if you test positive on the covid test, you have the virus itself, a breakthrough case, if already fully vaccinated.

The vaccines trick our systems to make them think they are being attacked by the spike protein in covid, causing our system in to making antibodies to fight it off, but we are never actually using the virus in the vaccine... Truly it's an amazing medical advancement, for years to come...we've only touched the tip of the iceberg on what this mRNA technology can do.

Please don't be afraid of the vaccines...they are a good thing. I just wish they could make them to activate other antibodies, that prevent infection from occuring, and not just protection from severe illness.... In time, they should have that figured out too.
If Powell’s staff/aides have books out about that time those should be included for a complete analogy. Realizing there are private meetings without the presence of governmental aides, I’ll still bet most don’t miss much on their watch. Too bad for nondisclosure agreements requiring they remain mute for a certain period of time. Kind of like what happened with Hillary when some of her underlings depicted how she treated them. I learned a whole lot more about her ruthless personality just from those assessments.

I’m behind the curve with informative political books about Powell. As it stands, I’ve placed him outside the box of Tweedle Dee and Tweedle Dumb a.k.a. Rumsfield and Cheney. Those two corrupts figures will remain in the dirt for all time.

Books written after the fact still contain a definite, personal narrative. Personal biases always factor in for most every writer, as well as my own biases when reviewing the typically biased take. I also recognize loyalty I have to certain factions that blurs my vision at times. Admittedly, I sometimes make posts on here that reveal those biased loyalties.

The death of former, prominent figures surely stirs up a lot of dirt and should lead to factual accounts. The hard part is dissecting the truth from politically biased reports which run amok.

"Colin Powell, known as a “trailblazer” and “pathbreaker” in his military career, leaves behind a complicated legacy. The four-star general became a household name during the first Gulf War as the first Black chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and later the first Black secretary of state. Thirty years after his rise to national prominence, Powell’s death has prompted reflections on the Iraq War and his role in using false intelligence to justify the U.S. invasion."

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