BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

The 30K e-mails were personal & when they were ordered deleted, it was perfectly legal. Comey said there were no properly marked e-mails on her perfectly legal server. Name the favors that were outside her scope of S of S. The Clintons take no money from the Clinton Foundation.

Now, let's talk about your orange buddy. I guess you think it was OK to use the "One China" policy to get 4 copyrights in China? Or to use the PM of Japan to get people to join his club in Florida>?

What about that? Why don't you care that Trump is using his office to line his pockets. one knows what was in those emails....and no one gets to destroy emails that are under subpoena just because they say they are personal......the server was not legal.......Comey is lying...and should be in cuffs...

The crimes of the clinton's have been going on for decades....they need to finally be arrested and jailed....

Clinton ordered their deletion prior to the subpoena. Are you just stupid?

The server was legal. It was against policy. But that does not make it a crime.

For example, it might be against policy wherte you work to drink beer while at work. If you get caught, you might get fired but you won't get arrested.

She can't destroy those emails on her server......those are State Department emails no matter what she says.......there are laws that govern how you handel those emails and she destroyed them with a high tech program.........
She sent State related e-mails to State which was OK according to State policy.

You don't know that because she destroyed 30,000 emails.....and destroyed 13 black berries and 3 internet servers.........

So, how many e-mails did the FBI find that should have been transferred that weren't?
She destroyed 30,000 emails and Comey testified there were classified emails on her illegal server.......and we still haven't looked at the money give to the clinton foundation for favors given by hilary as Secretary of State.....another reason she destroyed those 30,000 emails...and smashed 13 blackberries and cell phones with hammers...
The 30K e-mails were personal & when they were ordered deleted, it was perfectly legal. Comey said there were no properly marked e-mails on her perfectly legal server. Name the favors that were outside her scope of S of S. The Clintons take no money from the Clinton Foundation.

Now, let's talk about your orange buddy. I guess you think it was OK to use the "One China" policy to get 4 copyrights in China? Or to use the PM of Japan to get people to join his club in Florida>?

What about that? Why don't you care that Trump is using his office to line his pockets. one knows what was in those emails....and no one gets to destroy emails that are under subpoena just because they say they are personal......the server was not legal.......Comey is lying...and should be in cuffs...

The crimes of the clinton's have been going on for decades....they need to finally be arrested and jailed....

Clinton ordered their deletion prior to the subpoena. Are you just stupid?

The server was legal. It was against policy. But that does not make it a crime.

For example, it might be against policy wherte you work to drink beer while at work. If you get caught, you might get fired but you won't get arrested.

It is a felony ..... it was an unsecured server that she put classified information on...that is illegal.....all by its lonesome.....
The private server was NOT illegal.

There were no properly marked classified e-mails found.

Donald Trump is an unsecured server yet you have no problem with him spewing secrets to Russians.
Hillary was trained and responsible to mark information as classified when she came into possession of it. Is the excuse that she was incompetent to do so?
The 30K e-mails were personal & when they were ordered deleted, it was perfectly legal. Comey said there were no properly marked e-mails on her perfectly legal server. Name the favors that were outside her scope of S of S. The Clintons take no money from the Clinton Foundation.

Now, let's talk about your orange buddy. I guess you think it was OK to use the "One China" policy to get 4 copyrights in China? Or to use the PM of Japan to get people to join his club in Florida>?

What about that? Why don't you care that Trump is using his office to line his pockets. one knows what was in those emails....and no one gets to destroy emails that are under subpoena just because they say they are personal......the server was not legal.......Comey is lying...and should be in cuffs...

The crimes of the clinton's have been going on for decades....they need to finally be arrested and jailed....

Clinton ordered their deletion prior to the subpoena. Are you just stupid?

The server was legal. It was against policy. But that does not make it a crime.

For example, it might be against policy wherte you work to drink beer while at work. If you get caught, you might get fired but you won't get arrested.

It is a felony ..... it was an unsecured server that she put classified information on...that is illegal.....all by its lonesome.....
The private server was NOT illegal.

There were no properly marked classified e-mails found.

Donald Trump is an unsecured server yet you have no problem with him spewing secrets to Russians.
Hillary was trained and responsible to mark information as classified when she came into possession of it. Is the excuse that she was incompetent to do so?
There are numerous agencies that can label info as classified. one knows what was in those emails....and no one gets to destroy emails that are under subpoena just because they say they are personal......the server was not legal.......Comey is lying...and should be in cuffs...

The crimes of the clinton's have been going on for decades....they need to finally be arrested and jailed....

Clinton ordered their deletion prior to the subpoena. Are you just stupid?

The server was legal. It was against policy. But that does not make it a crime.

For example, it might be against policy wherte you work to drink beer while at work. If you get caught, you might get fired but you won't get arrested.

It is a felony ..... it was an unsecured server that she put classified information on...that is illegal.....all by its lonesome.....
The private server was NOT illegal.

There were no properly marked classified e-mails found.

Donald Trump is an unsecured server yet you have no problem with him spewing secrets to Russians.
Hillary was trained and responsible to mark information as classified when she came into possession of it. Is the excuse that she was incompetent to do so?
There are numerous agencies that can label info as classified.
Of course, and the Secretary of State is so trained. Saying the info wasn't marked classified is not an excuse. The bottom line is, she was careless and the only consequence she suffered was losing the election to Trump.
Clinton ordered their deletion prior to the subpoena. Are you just stupid?

The server was legal. It was against policy. But that does not make it a crime.

For example, it might be against policy wherte you work to drink beer while at work. If you get caught, you might get fired but you won't get arrested.

It is a felony ..... it was an unsecured server that she put classified information on...that is illegal.....all by its lonesome.....
The private server was NOT illegal.

There were no properly marked classified e-mails found.

Donald Trump is an unsecured server yet you have no problem with him spewing secrets to Russians.
Hillary was trained and responsible to mark information as classified when she came into possession of it. Is the excuse that she was incompetent to do so?
There are numerous agencies that can label info as classified.
Of course, and the Secretary of State is so trained. Saying the info wasn't marked classified is not an excuse. The bottom line is, she was careless and the only consequence she suffered was losing the election to Trump.

If you believe that, then what do you think about Trump using is personal cell phone? Or Colin Powell using his personal e-mail? Or when Congress uses their personal e-mail?

It is a felony ..... it was an unsecured server that she put classified information on...that is illegal.....all by its lonesome.....
The private server was NOT illegal.

There were no properly marked classified e-mails found.

Donald Trump is an unsecured server yet you have no problem with him spewing secrets to Russians.
Hillary was trained and responsible to mark information as classified when she came into possession of it. Is the excuse that she was incompetent to do so?
There are numerous agencies that can label info as classified.
Of course, and the Secretary of State is so trained. Saying the info wasn't marked classified is not an excuse. The bottom line is, she was careless and the only consequence she suffered was losing the election to Trump.

If you believe that, then what do you think about Trump using is personal cell phone? Or Colin Powell using his personal e-mail? Or when Congress uses their personal e-mail?

If they mix private in with official business, I don't like it. Regardless, none of them have anything to do with Hillary's actions. Now, do you know for a fact that Trump is using a private phone or is he using one provided to him that is as secured as a phone can be?
The private server was NOT illegal.

There were no properly marked classified e-mails found.

Donald Trump is an unsecured server yet you have no problem with him spewing secrets to Russians.
Hillary was trained and responsible to mark information as classified when she came into possession of it. Is the excuse that she was incompetent to do so?
There are numerous agencies that can label info as classified.
Of course, and the Secretary of State is so trained. Saying the info wasn't marked classified is not an excuse. The bottom line is, she was careless and the only consequence she suffered was losing the election to Trump.

If you believe that, then what do you think about Trump using is personal cell phone? Or Colin Powell using his personal e-mail? Or when Congress uses their personal e-mail?

If they mix private in with official business, I don't like it. Regardless, none of them have anything to do with Hillary's actions. Now, do you know for a fact that Trump is using a private phone or is he using one provided to him that is as secured as a phone can be?
For not liking it, you remain awful silent. Hillary's actions were no different than others. That's called hypocrisy. We know of no instance where Hillary gave out classified information,. yet we know Trump has. The idea you remain silent about that proves what a hypocrite you are. As for Trump's personal cell phone. get better informed.
Hillary was trained and responsible to mark information as classified when she came into possession of it. Is the excuse that she was incompetent to do so?
There are numerous agencies that can label info as classified.
Of course, and the Secretary of State is so trained. Saying the info wasn't marked classified is not an excuse. The bottom line is, she was careless and the only consequence she suffered was losing the election to Trump.

If you believe that, then what do you think about Trump using is personal cell phone? Or Colin Powell using his personal e-mail? Or when Congress uses their personal e-mail?

If they mix private in with official business, I don't like it. Regardless, none of them have anything to do with Hillary's actions. Now, do you know for a fact that Trump is using a private phone or is he using one provided to him that is as secured as a phone can be?
For not liking it, you remain awful silent. Hillary's actions were no different than others. That's called hypocrisy.

Why is it incumbent on me to find instances of other people doing something similar to what she did? If Powell was running for president, his actions would be legitimately under scrutiny, and if he was careless like Hillary was, would rightly face criticism for doing so.

We know of no instance where Hillary gave out classified information,. yet we know Trump has. The idea you remain silent about that proves what a hypocrite you are.

We also know that the people who were in the room at the time said nothing improper happened, so the fact that I'm not jumping up and down demanding his head in an effort to please you is irrelevant.

As for Trump's personal cell phone. get better informed.

Since you are apparently so well informed, please do post a link identifying the phone that Trump is using.
Comey testified under oath Hillary broke laws.

And who is 'WE'? Does he have a mouse in his pocket, or is he speaking for himself and Barry? He sure as hell isn't speaking for the FBI because he no longer works there.
Comey testified under oath Hillary broke laws.

And who is 'WE'? Does he have a mouse in his pocket, or is he speaking for himself and Barry? He sure as hell isn't speaking for the FBI because he no longer works there.

What "laws" did she break? Please be specific and cite "credible" sources.
What "laws" did she break? Please be specific and cite "credible" sources.

1. Violation of both FOIA and Federal Records act, confirmed my the State Dept who declared official documents found on her searched hard drive had bever been turned over.

2. Mishandling / failure to protect classified

2.1. Classified documents and unclass documents on the same server while treating the server and documents as un-classified. (Once unclassified documents are placed on a secure server with classified they must he treated as classified.)

2.2. Classified documents stored on an un-authorized, UN-encrypted, UN-secured server.

2.3. Illegal storage of classified
Her classified server / documemts were illegally stored in the unsecured unprotected BATHROOM of an IT company whose employees did not have the LEGALLY required level of security clearance to have her server in their possession.

2.4. PROVIDING ILLEGAL ACCESS TO CLASSIFIED TO PERSONS WHO DON'T HAVE SECURITY CLEARNCES or lack the legally required level security clearances needed.
-- Her IT Tech
-- The IT company that stored her server in their bathroom.
-- Her Lawyers
-- Her MAID

3. interfering with an investigation
-- after her records were subpoenaed Hillary Clinton and her lawyers went through all of her emails deleting items they did not want to be seen and used bleachbit to permanently erase information from her server.

Here is only a SMALL sampling of the crimes Hillary committed.

People who have spent a lifetime around and working with classified information never had to be told by CNN or FBI Director James Comey that Hillary Clinton broke the these laws. It was obvious to us from the start. The fact is however that Comey testified under oath that Hillary broke laws.

ONE of the crimes she could have potentially been charged with was 'Espionage', but Comey testified that HE and he alone had decided Hillary was too stupid to know she was breaking that law and intentionally leaking information as a form of espionage.

He did not have the authority to declare she was innocent of that, and his decision on that one potential crime does not excuse Hillary from the rest of the laws she broke.
She destroyed 30,000 emails and Comey testified there were classified emails on her illegal server.......and we still haven't looked at the money give to the clinton foundation for favors given by hilary as Secretary of State.....another reason she destroyed those 30,000 emails...and smashed 13 blackberries and cell phones with hammers...
The 30K e-mails were personal & when they were ordered deleted, it was perfectly legal. Comey said there were no properly marked e-mails on her perfectly legal server. Name the favors that were outside her scope of S of S. The Clintons take no money from the Clinton Foundation.

Now, let's talk about your orange buddy. I guess you think it was OK to use the "One China" policy to get 4 copyrights in China? Or to use the PM of Japan to get people to join his club in Florida>?

What about that? Why don't you care that Trump is using his office to line his pockets. one knows what was in those emails....and no one gets to destroy emails that are under subpoena just because they say they are personal......the server was not legal.......Comey is lying...and should be in cuffs...

The crimes of the clinton's have been going on for decades....they need to finally be arrested and jailed....

Clinton ordered their deletion prior to the subpoena. Are you just stupid?

The server was legal. It was against policy. But that does not make it a crime.

For example, it might be against policy wherte you work to drink beer while at work. If you get caught, you might get fired but you won't get arrested.

She can't destroy those emails on her server......those are State Department emails no matter what she says.......there are laws that govern how you handel those emails and she destroyed them with a high tech program.........
She sent State related e-mails to State which was OK according to State policy.

She sent State related emails to State which was ok according to policy. That's true, but she also sent State related emails to others which is not ok, and she sent them from a private server located in her bathroom, which also is not ok. Now how about telling us she didn't wipe her server with a cloth, dumbass.
2aguy, post: 17403693
You don't know that because she destroyed 30,000 emails.....and destroyed 13 black berries and 3 internet servers.........

Deleting private emails not related to government business is not illegal either. You have no case. What do you need to know what a mother emailed to her daughter anyway?

Flynn is being connected to collusion with the Russian Government a month after he joined the Trump campaign to get Clinton's deleted emails.

The same right wing crackpot that spent $80,000 trying to locate Bill Clinton's black baby, has tied Flynn and the Russians together during the 2016 Russian election attack.

That's Treason.

You'd better start worrying about what Trump and Pence knew and when they knew it, instead of worrying about meaningless deleted emails by the former Secretary of State.

Remember when Trump told the Russians to publish Clinton's emails?

Your Great White Male Hope is an orange buffoon and perhaps a traitor.
2aguy, post: 17401993
It is a felony ..... it was an unsecured server that she put classified information on...that is illegal.....all by its lonesome.....

Classified emails have a trail. A few trains of emails were found on her server but it took FBI high technology to determine that they were marked as classified.

The State Dept got hacked when Hillary's server never was.

Can't defend Trump can you? Keep your eyes on Hillary and Obama. You'll be in the Trump ditch soon enough.
2aguy, post: 17403693
You don't know that because she destroyed 30,000 emails.....and destroyed 13 black berries and 3 internet servers.........

Deleting private emails not related to government business is not illegal either. You have no case. What do you need to know what a mother emailed to her daughter anyway?

Flynn is being connected to collusion with the Russian Government a month after he joined the Trump campaign to get Clinton's deleted emails.

The same right wing crackpot that spent $80,000 trying to locate Bill Clinton's black baby, has tied Flynn and the Russians together during the 2016 Russian election attack.

That's Treason.

You'd better start worrying about what Trump and Pence knew and when they knew it, instead of worrying about meaningless deleted emails by the former Secretary of State.

Remember when Trump told the Russians to publish Clinton's emails?

Your Great White Male Hope is an orange buffoon and perhaps a traitor.

The only one who says they weren't government emails is hilary. And she already lied repeatedly to congress, and the FBI. They were on a government server, a government server because she conducted Secretary of State business on therefore she had no legal way to delete anything on it....

Flynn is being persecuted by the FBI because he sided with a female FBI agent when she came out with charges against the Bureau....

What is it with you morons and Trump?......he tells a joke at a rally and you just have to lie about it to push your agenda....

And since everyone in government keeps telling us that Trump did not collude with Russia, you need to get on the same lie as all the other left wingers and start squawking about obstruction of justice...that is the new lie......catch up already...
2aguy, post: 17627318
The only one who says they weren't government emails is hilary.

Not true. You have no basis rooted in fact to make that claim. It's not true that personal emails on a private server are government property. She conducted government business on a private server which was not illegal. The government business was always captured at the State and other Departments end. Personal emails are exactly that. Personal and Private and deletable.

If deleting emails was a crime Comey would have had no choice but to indict her. Think about that inside your Trump slobbered cranium.
2aguy, post: 17627318
The only one who says they weren't government emails is hilary.

Not true. You have no basis rooted in fact to make that claim. It's not true that personal emails on a private server are government property. She conducted government business on a private server which was not illegal. The government business was always captured at the State and other Departments end. Personal emails are exactly that. Personal and Private and deletable.

If deleting emails was a crime Comey would have had no choice but to indict her. Think about that inside your Trump slobbered cranium.

You people are full of shit and lies. Nothing you post has any type of parallel with the TRUTH. YOUR POSTS ARE WORTHLESS as anything but a window into your completely deranged, twisted, illogical mental states.

The FACTS are completely contrary to everything you post. shitbitch did commit crimes, and the oscumass treasonous DOJ is the only reason she is not set up to be hung.

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