BREAKING: Comey Says We Haven't Changed Conclusions Since July - Clears Hillary

She told the FBI she used multiple email device during her term as secretary of state. She told the House she used one email device but the context of the question was about her normal usage of email, not the total number of device she used as Secretary of State over 4 years. You can bet if there was a clear inconsistency in her statement, she would be under arrest for contempt of congress and we would not be having this conversation.

...and the fact the IT department told her that she could not use a secure Blackberry like Obama... so she used an unsecure one anyway? How in the fuck can you try to defend her actions when they are as obvious as the back of your hand they were lies?
Two different accusations: First you said she lied about having one device. That is clearly not true because of the difference in context of the question.

You then divert to the issue of Clinton not being able to use her Blackberry so she continued to use her personal email server which did not meet security standards. That is clearly true but as Comey pointed out in their investigation they found nothing to indicate there was any intent to violate the law. Without intent the issue becomes one of an administration error, poor judgement, or mishandling of classified information, none of which warrant charges because there was no indication of intent making a successful prosecution very unlikely.

This issue is not likely to end up in court but rather is an issue for voters to consider in electing a president who is responsible for mishandled classified information.

Partisan Congressional investigations regardless of which party initiatives them are political in nature with a true goal of discrediting the target, not to uncover true. The House committee investigating Clinton is certainly such a committee.

...and as Gowdy clearly pointed out, criminals, even dumb ones, don't come out and say they are going to break the law in order to provide intent. However, lying about several parts of something clearly shows deception, and can be used as circumstantial evidence to prove intent.
Intend to do what? Intend to leak classified information? Intent to get herself in trouble? What did she intend to do? You and congress aren't capable of pointing to an email that hurt American interests, the only thing you have is a notion that she did something that was against the state department rules. Although careless and stupid, she didn't do it with any motive to leak information, saying different makes it the political witch hunt it is. That's why the FBI isn't recommending prosecution.

Oh for Christ Sakes this has been gone over ad nasuem. Experts in the legal field, FBI agents, and several others have said she is guilty of mishandling of classified information.
Yes this has been covered ad nauseum. It has been covered to such an extent that the mere existence of POSSIBLY other emails, prompts the FBI director to disrupt the election process to a point that it damages one of the candidates. And the really sick thing is, is that even after doing that, his findings are still questioned by the right. You can't have it both ways. One the one hand refer to the FBI investigation and on the other hand reject it's findings. Furthermore I find it peak hypocrisy saying one candidate is unfit for office because the FBI is investigating that candidate, while the other candidate is being taken to trial because of fraud ( Trump University) and is actually on tape bragging about sexual assault. Something that then is corroborated by a dozen woman stepping forwards alleging he did it to them. In your head mishandling classified information without any intent to actually leaking it, is worse than actually being on trial for fraud and confessing to sexual assault. Like a said, if their was ever a better example of hypocrisy I've never seen it.
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Congrats to President Donald Trump. These libs are on the wrong side of history.

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These libs are on the wrong side of history.

History isn't finished by a long shot. Trump has governed not one second yet. Stirring up hatred is not a historic achievement. It's been stirred many times before.

The only ones who hate are the ones who have fostered their anti-white rhetoric for the last 8 years. Trump saying he is going to protect our national sovereignty against the reconquista movement from south of the border isn't hate.

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They don’t want Donald Trump to win, They would rather keep the corruption going with Hillary Clinton as President

Bwahahaha....Trump has already shown in these few months of campaigning just how corrupt he really is. Not only is he corrupt when it comes to his business transactions, but, by his own admission, he is a sexual predator that should not be allowed anywhere near children. He wants to get rid of illegals, and yet his wife is found out to have worked here illegally. She gives a speech and wants to take on cyber bullies when her husband is the biggest cyber bully ever, but when it comes to real life machismo, he becomes a cowardly pussy.

You and your peers have not been able to provide one iota of evidence that Hillary is corrupt. She may not be perfect, but damn, a sexual predator that doesn't pay taxes, scams people with bogus universities, fleeces his employees, damns illegals but hires them to build his need to have your head examined if you think he is Presidential material. I wouldn't hire him to pick up my garbage.
Mertex you have not posted anything in a long time.

Why not ??

So in other words, she did all the illegal shit we thought she did, but we are still not going to recommend charges.

When someone isn't found guilty or even charged that usually means they didn't do any illegal shit not to mention all the illegal shit you think she did.
Definitely not true in Hillary's case however.

There is pay to play ... etc.

The use of the word definitely to push a bullshit story wont word. For example: I definitely have a dragon in a storage locker
Definitely not true in Hillary's case however.

There is pay to play ... etc.

I don't know who's supposed to be paying attention, but with the Chinese president and his delegation staying at mar-a-lago, who's picking up the tab?
When you talk about pay to play, are the Chinese paying Trump, via room and meals to play?
The use of the word definitely to push a bullshit story wont word. For example: I definitely have a dragon in a storage locker

Whether Hillary is found guilty, or even charged with a crime, she will always be guilty in the eyes of republicans. Same will Bill Clinton, and any other Clinton in politics, they are guilty until proven innocent.
Yes, Comey cleared Hillary - but when will he publicly apologize for costing Hillary the election? After all, he opened her email investigation based on a fake Russian document.
The use of the word definitely to push a bullshit story wont word. For example: I definitely have a dragon in a storage locker

Whether Hillary is found guilty, or even charged with a crime, she will always be guilty in the eyes of republicans. Same will Bill Clinton, and any other Clinton in politics, they are guilty until proven innocent.

Guilty though Bill may be, he would be welcome at my backyard BBQs. He's an entertaining guy.

Hillary I would feed raw to the yard puppies.
BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC. Comey remarks in new letter to Congress about Clinton investigation.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.

An FBI investigation into newly discovered emails potentially pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private email server will not result in any new charges, the bureau announced on Sunday.

In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey said that he was not going to revisit his prior conclusion that Clinton acted legally ― albeit carelessly ― in using a private account while she was secretary of state.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton. I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.

The announcement comes a bit more than a week after Comey upended the presidential campaign by announcing that the FBI had discovered additional emails that were potentially pertinent to Clinton’s server.

The letter Comey sent to Congress on Oct. 28 was vague. But subsequent reports revealed that the emails had been discovered on the computer of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Agents began poring through the newly discovered emails, which were believed to number roughly 650,000. Without knowing the results, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates have asserted that there would undoubtedly be confidential communications found among the emails. They have also argued that an indictment against Clinton was surely coming, and put out television advertisements based on the new discoveries

Sunday’s announcement suggests, quite strongly, that is not the case. It was met with muted celebration from the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post

It's over!!!!! Comey clears Clinton!!!!!
Don't play their game. Nobody with any sense cares about Clinton anymore. Save your energy for the real traitor, Trump. Reporting on Hillary helps feed the distraction.
BREAKING NEWS on MSNBC. Comey remarks in new letter to Congress about Clinton investigation.

Hillary Clinton Won’t Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress

A week after rocking the campaign, Comey cleared the Democratic nominee.

An FBI investigation into newly discovered emails potentially pertaining to Hillary Clinton’s private email server will not result in any new charges, the bureau announced on Sunday.

In a letter to Congress, FBI Director James Comey said that he was not going to revisit his prior conclusion that Clinton acted legally ― albeit carelessly ― in using a private account while she was secretary of state.

Since my letter, the FBI investigative team has been working around the clock to process and review a large volume of emails from a device obtained in connection with an unrelated criminal investigation. During that process we reviewed all of the communications that were to or from Hillary Clinton while she was Secretary of State. Based on our review, we have not changed our conclusions that we expressed in July with respect to Secretary Clinton. I am very grateful to the professionals at the FBI for doing an extraordinary amount of high-quality work in a short period of time.

The announcement comes a bit more than a week after Comey upended the presidential campaign by announcing that the FBI had discovered additional emails that were potentially pertinent to Clinton’s server.

The letter Comey sent to Congress on Oct. 28 was vague. But subsequent reports revealed that the emails had been discovered on the computer of former Rep. Anthony Weiner (D-N.Y.), the estranged husband of longtime Clinton aide Huma Abedin.

Agents began poring through the newly discovered emails, which were believed to number roughly 650,000. Without knowing the results, GOP presidential nominee Donald Trump and his surrogates have asserted that there would undoubtedly be confidential communications found among the emails. They have also argued that an indictment against Clinton was surely coming, and put out television advertisements based on the new discoveries

Sunday’s announcement suggests, quite strongly, that is not the case. It was met with muted celebration from the Clinton campaign.

Hillary Clinton Won't Face Charges For New Emails, FBI Director Tells Congress | Huffington Post

It's over!!!!! Comey clears Clinton!!!!!
Don't play their game. Nobody with any sense cares about Clinton anymore. Save your energy for the real traitor, Trump. Reporting on Hillary helps feed the distraction.
Yes, it was Trump who asked the Russians to hack into Clinton's e-mails after all.
Yes, Comey cleared Hillary - but when will he publicly apologize for costing Hillary the election? After all, he opened her email investigation based on a fake Russian document.

Comey can't clear hilary...that isn't and never was his job....and considering the actual evidence against her, he should be arrested for obstruction of justice and hindering an investigation.....
The use of the word definitely to push a bullshit story wont word. For example: I definitely have a dragon in a storage locker

Whether Hillary is found guilty, or even charged with a crime, she will always be guilty in the eyes of republicans. Same will Bill Clinton, and any other Clinton in politics, they are guilty until proven innocent.

Guilty though Bill may be, he would be welcome at my backyard BBQs. He's an entertaining guy.

Hillary I would feed raw to the yard puppies.

Unless he raped your daughter......but you might have some ice for her lip....
Yes, Comey cleared Hillary - but when will he publicly apologize for costing Hillary the election? After all, he opened her email investigation based on a fake Russian document.

Comey is definitely incompetent--glad he's gone--but there should be consequences for his actions at the same time. Embarrassment is not enough. The DOJ did start an investigation into his interference into the election, and that's where this news is probably coming from. He violated long standing protocol all the way down the line. Releasing information within 60 days of an election is strickly against DOJ protocol. Comey released it 11 days from an election, and there were millions that voted believing that charges were imminent against her. 7 days later he gave birth to his nothing burger. There's going to be a couple of frequent flyers on FOX News involved in this investigation also.
DOJ to Investigate James Comey and the FBI
Meet Donald Trump’s Top FBI Fanboy
Eric Holder and 100 other former Justice officials sign letter blasting Comey’s ‘breach of protocol’
Comey notified Congress of email probe despite DOJ concerns -
DOJ Complaint Filed Against FBI Director James Comey For Interfering In Presidential Election

Comey also violated DOJ protocol by giving a speech--when he cleared her of any criminal wrong doing in July. That started the arm chair legal team on FOX News. Then the chants of "lock her up were everywhere."

In this action he was apparently more worried about outing his sources--than just stating it was fake Russian news. In the end he just ended up protecting the Russians.
Sources: Comey acted on Russian intelligence he knew was fake -


It was nothing more than a right wing dog & pony show anyway.

Colin Powell & Condi Rice had the same emails issues.
State Department: Colin Powell, Condoleezza Rice staffers received classified info via personal email -

The bottom line: Democrats may try to turn the revelations about the email accounts used by Powell and Rice’s staff into a scandal. They may release press statements condemning the former secretaries of state; they may call for scores of unnecessary congressional hearings; they may go to the press and confidently proclaim that crimes were committed by these honorable Republicans. But it would all be lies. Powell and Rice did nothing wrong. This could be considered a scandal only by ignorant or lying partisans. So there is no Powell or Rice email scandal. And no doubt, that will infuriate the Republicans who are trying so hard to trick people into believing Clinton committed a crime by doing the exact same thing as her predecessors.
The shocking truth: Colin Powell’s emails don’t matter
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Yes, Comey cleared Hillary - but when will he publicly apologize for costing Hillary the election? After all, he opened her email investigation based on a fake Russian document.
Comey didn't clear Hillary.

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